Native Reports Webinar Summary

Native Reports Webinar Summary

From version 4.4 midPoint supports only new Native Reports. In the webinar, we talked about two kinds of Native reports, the collection and dashboard reports. Afterwards, we saw basic configuration attributes for new reports like query, columns, parameters and subreport. We looked at what we can do with new Native reports. The creating of new Read more about Native Reports Webinar Summary[…]

Customizing GUI Webinar Summary

Customizing GUI Webinar Summary

MidPoint 4.4 called Tesla has been released in late November. Tesla includes a lot of different improvements, mainly regarding scalability, such as the new repository implementation or tasks improvements. During the Tesla development, we also invested time to re-design the graphical user interface. We wanted to bring better UX and more customization options. During the Read more about Customizing GUI Webinar Summary[…]

Tasks In MidPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary

Tasks In MidPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary

By the end of November we have released midPoint 4.4 “Tesla”. This release arrives with significant performance and scalability improvements, among other interesting things. In the Tasks webinar, we talked about new activity-based conceptual model for tasks and described the simplified task definition language. Afterwards, we went on to show the improvements (mainly in the area Read more about Tasks In MidPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary[…]

Midpoint 4.4 Upgrade and Migration Webinar Summary

Midpoint 4.4 Upgrade and Migration Webinar Summary

By the end of November we have released MidPoint 4.4 “Tesla”, which brings not only major performance and scalability improvements, but also significant user experience and reporting improvements. In the Upgrade and Migration webinar, we talked about upgrade process from midPoint 4.0.x and 4.3.x to the latest midPoint 4.4 and then we focused on the migration Read more about Midpoint 4.4 Upgrade and Migration Webinar Summary[…]

Native PostgreSQL Repository Webinar Summary

Native PostgreSQL Repository Webinar Summary

By the end of November we have released MidPoint 4.4 “Tesla”. This LTS release brings major performance and scalability improvements as well as significant user experience and reporting improvements. Talking about scalability and performance, the newly developed midPoint repository – called Native repository – is a major component that should help midPoint to scale further. Read more about Native PostgreSQL Repository Webinar Summary[…]

midPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary

MidPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary

By the end of November we have released MidPoint 4.4 “Tesla”. This LTS release brings major performance and scalability improvements as well as significant user experience and reporting improvements. Our development team leader Katarina Bolemant led an online webinar on December 16, 2021 where she talked about midScale results, introduced midPoint 4.4 and went through Read more about MidPoint 4.4 Webinar Summary[…]

It's Evolveum's 10th Birthday

It’s Evolveum’s 10th Birthday

Ten years ago, a small team with a courageous vision, right skills and motivation came together to start an open source project. Right on this day, such effort was followed by establishing an open source company with a resonant name: Evolveum. Being on our own and starting from the bottom, we have experienced good times Read more about It’s Evolveum’s 10th Birthday[…]

MidPoint in Higher Education: Provisioning, Deprovisioning and Synchronization, Part II

MidPoint in Higher Education: Provisioning, Deprovisioning and Synchronization, Part II

This is the second part of the blog about provisioning. In the first part we were talking about just-in-time provisioning, authorization and just in case provisioning. Let’s have a look at some other types of provisioning and related topics. Provisioning performance The importance of provisioning speed is often overrated. Most of the operations are done Read more about MidPoint in Higher Education: Provisioning, Deprovisioning and Synchronization, Part II[…]