MidPoint book source code is published on GitHub

MidPoint Book Source Code Is Published on GitHub

We have recently published source code of midPoint book on GitHub: https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint-book Please note that, unlike midPoint, the book is not open source. The finished book is published under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). However, this license does not apply to book’s source code. No explicit license is granted Read more about MidPoint Book Source Code Is Published on GitHub[…]

MidPoint Basic Use Survey

MidPoint Basic Use Survey

We are currently working on improvements to midPoint user experience, and we are planning even more of them in the future. However, to make good user experience improvements, we need to know how midPoint is used. MidPoint is a comprehensive open source platform, it can be used in a myriad of different ways and configurations. Read more about MidPoint Basic Use Survey[…]

MidPoint Book 2.2

MidPoint Book 2.2

The midPoint book Practical Identity Management with MidPoint was just updated. It has been updated to match with the midPoint 4.4 LTS release. There is also a comprehensive glossary of IAM terms. All the text, examples and pictures in the book were reviewed and updated to match midPoint 4.4. There have been significant improvements in Read more about MidPoint Book 2.2[…]

MidPoint Not Vulnerable to Spring4Shell

MidPoint Not Vulnerable to Spring4Shell

We interrupt your usual programming (again) to bring you this breaking news (again) about a dangerous and far-reaching vulnerability. This time it is CVE-2022-22965, a.k.a. “Spring4Shell”, a zero-day remote code execution vulnerability in Spring framework. Similarly to Log4Shell, midPoint is not vulnerable to Spring4Shell attack. However, there are some actions that you may need or want to take. […]

MidPoint Not Vulnerable to Log4Shell

MidPoint Not Vulnerable to Log4Shell

We interrupt your usual programming to bring you this breaking news about CVE-2021-44228, a.k.a “Log4Shell” vulnerability.
However, there is not much to talk about. MidPoint is not vulnerable to this attack, as midPoint is not using the Log4j logging implementation.
Despite that, there are some thoughts that we would like to share concerning this dangerous and far-reaching vulnerability. […]

Establishing Evolveum

Establishing Evolveum

We were starting up a new company in 2011. We had with very little money and limited business experience. However, we had a good team, a vision and a code. The experts would say that starting up a company based on engineering, with no sales, no marketing and no rich investors equals a suicide. Yet, a decade later, we are still here, more successful than ever. We have built up a sustainable business based on open source. […]