It's Evolveum's 10th Birthday

It’s Evolveum’s 10th Birthday

Ten years ago, a small team with a courageous vision, right skills and motivation came together to start an open source project. Right on this day, such effort was followed by establishing an open source company with a resonant name: Evolveum. Being on our own and starting from the bottom, we have experienced good times Read more about It’s Evolveum’s 10th Birthday[…]

Establishing Evolveum

Establishing Evolveum

We were starting up a new company in 2011. We had with very little money and limited business experience. However, we had a good team, a vision and a code. The experts would say that starting up a company based on engineering, with no sales, no marketing and no rich investors equals a suicide. Yet, a decade later, we are still here, more successful than ever. We have built up a sustainable business based on open source. […]