Evolveum: data provenance workshop results

Data Provenance Workshop Results

Phase 1 of midPrivacy project is almost complete now. Even though it is ongoing for only half of a year, we managed to discover a lot about metadata processing. Some of it we have implemented into the midPoint code, but we have also realized the problem is more complex than we have thought at the Read more about Data Provenance Workshop Results[…]

Data Provenance and IDM solution midPoint

Plans for Data Provenance

Today is a Data Protection Day, which is a very symbolic day for midPoint. We are taking data protection and privacy very seriously. We believe that privacy in the cyberspace is necessary for the free society to flourish. Despite such belief, we acknowledge the implementation of privacy and data protection may not be easy. But we are not afraid of challanges. We are fully committed to implement privacy and data protection features in midPoint. […]