OSS and CSS comparison

MidPoint versus closed source products

Open source and closed source are two worlds that contrast, especially when looked at side by side. See the benefits midPoint can bring when compared to typical closed source IGA software.

The leading OSS IGA platform

Open source code
No license fees
No vendor lock-in
More secure code thanks to full auditability
Open access – unlimited testing before adoption
Complete transparency
Community contributions available and encouraged
Possible to modify connectors thanks to their open code
Solutions can be built on top of midPoint
The opportunity to influence the product roadmap

A typical closed source IGA product*

Closed source code

License fees

Vendor lock-in

Security through obscurity

Barriers to testing before adoption

Trade secrets

Community contributions limited or not possible with CSS

Impossible to modify connectors due to closed source code

Limited integrations

Minimum influence on the product roadmap

* Applicable to most closed source IGA products

What else can you expect?

Engage qualified Evolveum support team who resolve the product bugs, product failures, and new features development, consulting services, and midPoint training.

To Evolveum's services

the leading open source IGA platform

See why organizations choose midPoint

Open source code

Experience the true meaning of open source. Evolveum believes in a full transparency it provides: midPoint has the entire source code completely open without any proprietary parts.

Complete transparency

Evolveum guides the midPoint project in a genuine definition of the open source philosophy. Everything is visible to the public – whether it’s the source code, issues reported in the issue tracking system, technical documentation, or design documents.

No license fees

Use midPoint freely without the need to purchase licenses, as it is released under the Apache 2.0 and the EUPL license. The budget to maintain and develop midPoint comes from the support services.

MidPoint community

Take advantage of community’s effort and download midPoint in one of the 20 languages it has been translated to. The community also publishes connectors’ code, writes tests for bugs and features, answers questions on the mailing lists, and others.

No vendor lock-in

Avoid vendor lock-in by using an open source software. MidPoint gives its users the freedom to work with a variety of systems and the possibility to change them anytime.

Modifying connectors

Benefit from having access to open code of connectors as well. Skilled practitioners value the opportunity to fix the bugs found in the connectors themselves, and having the option of leveraging support from Evolveum and their official partners.

More secure code

Encounter the full auditability thanks to the visibility of each line of midPoint’s code. Moreover, since everyone can see the source code, it is more secure and security issues can be identified and escalated to Evolveum quickly.

Solutions on top of midPoint

The open core code is a gift that keeps on giving. Many of Evolveum’s partners are taking advantage of this fact and have built IAM solutions based on midPoint.

Unlimited testing before adoption

Download and test midPoint without any restrictions or barriers such as providing email address to start. Similarly, the demo is available to anyone who is curious to see what midPoint looks like.

Influence the product roadmap

Become Evolveum’s active subscriber* and use the privilege to influence the product roadmap by requesting a missing feature to be developed and become a part of midPoint.

*only certain subscription models, contact Evolveum sales team for more information

time is of the essence

Don’t wait any longer. Try midPoint now!

See for yourself why midPoint is tried and trusted open source IGA platform. Choose one of the ways how to get familiar with midPoint or check the IGA capabilities summary on our docs!