We are Evolveum.

We’re a values-driven team of remote workers dedicated to developing and maintaining the leading open source identity governance and administration platform that is used and loved by organizations of various types and sizes all around the world!

Get to know us better through our story, values, and by meeting the leadership team!

Our story

From a small company to a globally recognized open source identity leader

Since its establishment in 2011, Evolveum has been a place where exceptional people come together to create something unique the whole world can benefit from. Trusting their team and vision, co-founders Radovan Semancik and Igor Farinic set a goal to achieve this by creating midPoint, a major enabler that empowers organizations to gain from IGA in a way not possible before.

Going all in, they faced many challenges for years. However, anything is possible with the right people, and after a decade, midPoint is now the leading open source identity management and governance platform.

Today, thanks to the joint effort of the Evolveum team, a global community of open source enthusiasts, partners, and customers, midPoint is a globally recognized game changer that shapes identity security and makes it available to everyone, everywhere.

walk in time with us

Iconic moments in Evolveum’s history

  1. March

    The first prototype of midPoint with some code from the OpenIDM project is released.


    We publish midPoint 1.7 “Prometheus”, the first official release.


    We have the vision, the code, and a great team. We take a brave step and found Evolveum.

  2. September

    We release midPoint 2.2 “Crius”, which is the first release with 100% Evolveum’s code.

  3. June

    We introduce midPoint 3.0 “Newton”, the first release driven by the customers that subscribe to Evolveum’s services in the following months.


    We gain the first subscriber: the University of Illinois. This confirms Evolveum’s strong connection to the higher education field.

  4. February

    We are ready to broaden the team with a marketing position and bring the business to a new level in its evolution.

  5. January

    Our global partner network keeps growing and thriving. The hard work of our partners pays off and we announce the first gold partners.


    We are proud to be noticed by experienced analysts, as midPoint is recognized by Gartner for the very first time.


    We give the community a Christmas present for boosting their knowledge: the “Practical Identity Management with MidPoint” book.

  6. January

    We take another big step by opening a sales position that helps us grow and bring in more funds for developing midPoint even more intensively.


    We introduce midPoint 3.6 “Comenius” that brings identity governance features for the very first time.


    We become a proud member of Internet2’s InCommon Community, which is another step towards our close cooperation with higher education institutions.

  7. January

    We make the first deployment attempt with tens of millions of identities that looks promising in the question of midPoint’s scalability possibilities.


    The European Commission, the executive of the European Union, becomes our customer.

  8. January

    MidPoint is selected for the EU DIGIT FOSSA2 Bug Bounty program, where hackers from all around the world test midPoint’s security and integrity, making it more secure than ever as a result.


    We release midPoint 4.0 “Gutenberg”, the first LTS release that brings new revolutionary functionality: Archetypes, Multi Accounts, and workflowless approach.

  9. February

    There is the first official global midPoint meeting at TIIME in Vienna. We love the atmosphere of cooperation and friendliness we experience here.


    MidPrivacy, Evolveum’s privacy-enhancing identity management solution built on top of midPoint, is funded by the European Union’s NGI Trust.


    MidScale, Evolveum’s project to significantly improve midPoint’s scalability, is funded by the European Union’s NGI Trust.

  10. February

    We are ready to take another big step and open two more sales and partner care positions. This move allows more activities to be carried out that focus on the global partner network.


    Internet2 launches the InCommon Catalyst Program with Evolveum as one of the 8 inaugural Catalysts.


    We introduce the midPoint 4.4 “Tesla” LTS release that brings major performance and scalability improvements.

  11. March

    We launch the Learning Portal for partners to help them accelerate their midPoint knowledge.


    We organize the first global partner webinar where partners from 16 time zones meet together for the very first time in this format.


    MidPoint is recognized as the only complete open source IGA suite by Gartner.

  12. May

    We attend KuppingerColes’ European Identity and Cloud Conference (EIC), the biggest identity conference in Europe, as a silver sponsor.


    MidPoint appears on the Gartner Market Guide as the only complete open source IGA platform again.


    Evolveum introduces the midPoint 4.8 “Currie” LTS release that brings Simulations and Role Mining.

vision, mission, and goals

We dream big


We want to redefine open source as a preferred, stereotype-free choice, and democratize IGA for everyone.


With a focus on open source principles, we’re on a mission to provide organizations with the best IGA platform.


We aspire to bring value in small iterations with midPoint’s open source aspect and continuous improvement.

4 fundamentals of Evolveum

Our core values

Technological excellence

We enjoy the process of creating technological marvels, evolving the things we have created, and improving the work of others. We always strive to do our best and focus on delivering practical results.

Sustainable business

Evolveum runs a completely self-funded business. To ensure continuous product development and sustainability, we offer paid support services on top of midPoint.

Enjoyable work environment

People are the most valuable asset at Evolveum. We deeply care about our team and believe that great things can be achieved only if people enjoy what they are doing.

Social responsibility

We avoid corruption, discrimination, and exploitation in any form. We believe in software liberty. We support research and development, and freely publish all the results of our activities.

working together towards the future

Meet our leadership

Radovan Semančík

Co-Founder & Software Architect

Igor Farinič

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Katarína Bolemant

Chief Product Officer

Anna Ogureková

Head of Business Development

Slávek Licehammer

Head of Engineering

nothing to hide

100% open source. Forever and always.

We believe that open source is a crucial aspect in the development of a quality, secure, and innovative software. That is why open source has always been and will always be the fundamental philosophy of Evolveum and midPoint. You can expect:

Full transparency

Everything we do is in the public domain. All the midPoint development results, the source code, and the documentation are freely available and accessible to everyone.


The efforts of Evolveum’s community play a significant role in making midPoint a technology of tomorrow. We guide the midPoint project by the “sharing is caring” principle.


Evolveum’s community is a welcoming place where people help and get help. Evolveum also shares knowledge via our docs, the book, blog posts, videos, working groups, and other ways.

the way we think

Principles that make our company culture great

Individuality is welcomed

It’s people that make Evolveum unique. We recognize the value each of us brings and empower each other to achieve big things together as a result.

One team, one vision

Whether individual or people oriented, there’s room for everyone on Evolveum’s team. It’s the individual commitment to the group effort that makes the team work.

Power to the employees

At Evolveum, everyone is encouraged to work on what they’re passionate about. Our employees enjoy the autonomy being one of us brings and know that their ideas matter.

Integrity and transparency

We treat our community, customers, partners, and each other with honesty and respect to build genuine relationships. Everything we do is transparent and publicly available.

Striving for excellence

When developing midPoint or providing support services, we hold ourselves to the highest possible standards and constantly look for ways to improve. We are driven to confront problems and solve them.

Moving forward with steady steps

We consistently work on making midPoint a feature-rich and stable product, which is reflected in its regular releases. We advance steadily, choosing evolution over revolution.

don’t wait any longer

Continue exploring the world of midPoint and Evolveum