MidPoint 1.7 “Prometheus” was released exactly ten years ago. It was the very first midPoint release, yet the code had an interesting history behind it. This is a story of the first release, going back a decade. […]
MidPoint 1.7 “Prometheus” was released exactly ten years ago. It was the very first midPoint release, yet the code had an interesting history behind it. This is a story of the first release, going back a decade. […]
MidPoint project started exactly 10 years ago. Ten years! Let’s get back in time to that moment of inception. This is how the story of midPoint began.
MidPoint 4.3 was introduced last week during webinar held online. Improvements and new features were briefly described. Features we’re currently working on such as a native, high-performance, scalable repository implementation for PostgreSQL were also touched. Overall attendance was around 50 people. Thanks everyone for coming and I hope you enjoyed it! Those who couldn’t attend, Read more about MidPoint 4.3 Webinar Summary[…]
MidPoint Studio 4.3 has been released. It is the first officially-supported version of MidPoint Studio, an integrated development environment (IDE) for MidPoint. […]
We are getting really close to midPoint 4.3 “Faraday” release, which also marks start of development of midPoint 4.4 LTS “Tesla” release. This is perhaps the right time to talk about our plans, as there are several important changes in both 4.3 and 4.4. […]
Humanity has been exploring Mars since 1960. With its 38% gravity of the Earth’s, thin yet protective atmosphere and day-night rhythm very similar to ours, it is believed that Mars is one of Earth’s closest habitable neighbors in our solar system. Next logical step after Mars exploration is a permanent settlement and building new society. Read more about Per Identitam Ad Astra: We Are Going Multiplanetary[…]
MidScale project is running full speed ahead. The goal of midScale is to significantly improve midPoint scalability and performance. The project is about to bring substantial changes in midPoint. As some of those changes will affect community in numerous ways, we have gathered feedback from midPoint community in a survey. The survey is completed and the results are in. […]
Another of our video from our tutorial series is out. This time it is devoted to chapter VIII from the Book: Object Template. Data coming to midPoint are often incomplete and not very precise. Sometimes several sources may not even agree on the values for a particular data item. To deal with these issues, midPoint Read more about New Midpoint Video Tutorial: Chapter VIII[…]
Automating Zoom access via midPoint has never been easier. If you are interested in knowing how to automate provisioning and deprovisioning of Zoom licenses through midPoint, we would like to invite you to a live webinar organized by our US partner Exclamation Labs. The webinar takes place on March 18, 2021 at 2 pm ET Read more about How to Automate Zoom Account Provisioning Webinar[…]
Last year we have started midScale project with the goal to significantly improve scalability and performance of midPoint. MidScale is about to bring substantial changes in midPoint. We would like to gather feedback of midPoint community in a midScale Plans survey. We will be closing the survey soon, therefore this is the last chance to Read more about Last Chance To Participate in MidPoint Scalability Survey[…]