Project Provisioning with MidPoint

Evolveum midPoint is a very unique Identity Management (IDM) system. MidPoint is a robust open source provisioning solution. Being an open source the midPoint is developed in a fairly rapid, incremental and iterative fashion. And the recent version introduced a capability that allows midPoint to reach beyond the traditional realm of identity management. Of course, Read more about Project Provisioning with MidPoint[…]

The Old IDM Kings Are Dead. Long Live the New Kings.

It can be said that Identity Management (IDM) was born in early 2000s. That was the time when many people realized that a single big directory just won’t do it. They realized that something different was needed to bring order into the identity chaos. That was the dawn of a user provisioning system. Early market Read more about The Old IDM Kings Are Dead. Long Live the New Kings.[…]

Five Practical Ways to Ruin Your IAM Project

Identity and Access Management projects are very common nowadays. The interesting fact is that too many of them either vastly under-deliver or totally fail. I have been fighting in the IAM trenches for many long years and I have seen both successful and failed projects. It looks like to me that the IAM projects are Read more about Five Practical Ways to Ruin Your IAM Project[…]

Why do I prefer IntelliJ IDEA?

Before using IntelliJ IDEA, I used to work with another IDE, Eclipse. After some issues with tomcat configuration, my colleagues suggested using IDEA as a development tool for our project, MidPoint. Of course, the process of transformation from one IDE to another is always a little painful, but after some help from my colleagues and Read more about Why do I prefer IntelliJ IDEA?[…]

Sun IdM to midPoint migration (case study)

We would like to announce that one of several ongoing migrations from Sun IdM to midPoint has successfully finished. It was done by our partner AMI Praha. They published interesting article describing their deployment, unfortunately only in Czech language, available at nasazeni-idm-midpoint-v-ami-praha. We would like to highlight that it is a typical deployment for a Read more about Sun IdM to midPoint migration (case study)[…]

IDM Antipatterns and Best Practice

All of us know it: ideas that sounds great but they fail miserably. It is a common sight almost everywhere. But during last few months I’ve heard an unusual number of such ideas related to the Identity and Access Management solutions. I know that veteran IAM practitioners are probably already well aware of them, but Read more about IDM Antipatterns and Best Practice[…]

Expression Evolution In Real Life

When customizing midPoint for deployment, you will need expressions sooner or later. In this post, I would like to present one possible way of the email expression evolution. Let’s suppose that our target system has an account attribute “InternetAddress” to store user’s e-mail address. Goal generate e-mail address based on user’s givenName and familyName attributes. Read more about Expression Evolution In Real Life[…]