Unlocking Accessibility in MidPoint Webinar Summary

Accessibility is gaining increased attention worldwide, and we appreciate the growing awareness. We’re determined not to lag behind, aiming to propel midPoint to new heights. The beauty lies in our differences, underscoring the paramount importance of inclusivity in environmental development. Starting from version 4.8, our focus has intensified on dismantling barriers within midPoint, making it Read more about Unlocking Accessibility in MidPoint Webinar Summary[…]

MidPoint with Ninja Webinar Summary

Upgrading midPoint deployment is quite complex and tedious task that requires a lot of preparation, planning and manual work. Even before the upgrade itself started. Analysis of existing configuration, data and customizations is necessary to understand the impact of the upgrade. With midPoint 4.8 we have introduced a new set of features to our tool Read more about MidPoint with Ninja Webinar Summary[…]

Resource Wizard in MidPoint 4.8

In mid-October we released midPoint 4.8 “Curie”. In this version we threw out the old unusable Resource Wizard that contained multiple configurations in one panel, multiple pop-ups, and kept opening a new configuration panel in the open configuration panel. We implemented a new Resource Wizard that emphasized simplicity, usability, and interactivity. In the webinar that Read more about Resource Wizard in MidPoint 4.8[…]