Data Provenance and IDM solution midPoint

Plans for Data Provenance

Today is a Data Protection Day, which is a very symbolic day for midPoint. We are taking data protection and privacy very seriously. We believe that privacy in the cyberspace is necessary for the free society to flourish. Despite such belief, we acknowledge the implementation of privacy and data protection may not be easy. But we are not afraid of challanges. We are fully committed to implement privacy and data protection features in midPoint. […]

IDM without integrated workflow engine


MidPoint ditched workflow engine. Scandal! How dare they? IDM without a workflow engine? Blasphemy! Abomination! Workflow was a holly cow of provisioning for almost 20 years. Hordes of IDM systems were born (and died) with integrated workflow engine. From the cumbersome proprietary workflow engine of Waveset Lighthouse to the open source BPMN engine of Apache Syncope, workflow was a natural part of identity management. Except one pesky little detail: it does not make sense.

Merry Christmas 2019

Another year is almost over. Year 2019 was a very demanding year, but it was a year full of great achievements. We have released midPoint 4.0, bootstrapped long-term support (LTS) program, global midPoint community met for the first time – and much more.

MidPoint Survey Results

MidPoint survey results are in. MidPoint users had the chance to express their opinions about midPoint development and thus influence the future of midPoint. And many users did that – and by doing so, they managed to change the course of midPoint development.

Collections And Views

There are many new features in midPoint 4.0, code-named “Gutenberg”. Archetype functionality is one of the big new things. Archetypes allow to divide objects to a very fine types with customized look and behavior. However, there is almost infinite ways how to sort and present objects. Archetypes would not be enough on their own. Therefore there is a companion feature that is focused on customized grouping and presentation of objects: collections and view.

MidPoint on TIIME 2019 – Reserve the dates

If you are interested in meeting the midPoint people and you are in reach of Vienna, you probably want to reserve few days in February 2020 to attend the TIIME Workshop and Unconference. We will be there with a whole one day of midPoint-related discussions.

MidPoint Went Through EU FOSSA2 Bug Bounty

MidPoint was a part of EU-Free and Open Source Software Auditing (EU-FOSSA2) bug bounty program. This was an unique experience in many ways. There were many surprises along the way and it was far from being easy. But we have gone through that and in the end it was extremely useful. It has made midPoint stronger and more secure.