Evolveum midPoint 4.2 Maxwell

midPoint 4.2 “Maxwell”

MidPoint 4.2 “Maxwell” has been released. It brings major improvements for data provenance, reports or auditing. Last but not least, it brings also many improvements for user interface, archetypes, autoassignments and repository. Considerable part of development cycle of midPoint 4.2 was dedicated for the project called midPrivacy. Its main goal was to look closer on Read more about midPoint 4.2 “Maxwell”[…]

MidPoint in Higher Education: Orgs, Roles and Relations

MidPoint in Higher Education: Orgs, Roles and Relations

Disclaimer: This particular blog post contains advanced configuration options for midPoint. It might be difficult to understand all the details for those without experience with midPoint. The first MidPoint in Higher Education blog post gave us a brief overview of the possible complexity of identity management in the higher education environment. Therefore today we can Read more about MidPoint in Higher Education: Orgs, Roles and Relations[…]

Evolveum: data provenance workshop results

Data Provenance Workshop Results

Phase 1 of midPrivacy project is almost complete now. Even though it is ongoing for only half of a year, we managed to discover a lot about metadata processing. Some of it we have implemented into the midPoint code, but we have also realized the problem is more complex than we have thought at the Read more about Data Provenance Workshop Results[…]

MidPoint in Higher Education: Archetypes

MidPoint in Higher Education: Archetypes

In the introductory blog about midPoint in higher education I promised that the next blog post would be about relations and organizational units. It is taking a bit longer to finalize, but hopefully it will be worth it. In the meantime, let us examine the possible uses of archetypes in midPoint. Primary purpose of archetypes Read more about MidPoint in Higher Education: Archetypes[…]