Development of midPoint 3.9 - Galileo

Development of Galileo

Development of midPoint 3.9 has started a couple of weeks ago. MidPoint 3.9 release is code-named Galileo. Galileo Galilei was a polymath who helped to advance several fields of science. And it is such a broad scope of improvements that is planned for midPoint 3.9. Therefore, Galileo is really appropriate name for this release. First Read more about Development of Galileo[…]

Evolveum: midPoint release 3.8 called Watt

MidPoint 3.8 “Watt”

MidPoint 3.8 “Watt” was released. Release nickname once again suggests the main focus of the release: performance and scalability. Significant part of development effort of midPoint 3.8 was aimed at scaling. MidPoint is now able to support deployments that go well over millions of identities. While earlier midPoint versions were also able to reach this Read more about MidPoint 3.8 “Watt”[…]

Open source: the future of innovations

Open source: the future of innovations

Innovations play a crucial part in the companies’ approach to the market. With the competition around the globe, asking right questions such as “How can we do this better?” can help the companies to keep innovation rate high and to lead instead of follow. Aside from products, innovation can be involved in new services, business Read more about Open source: the future of innovations[…]

Evolveum’s new product: will it completely change the game?

After dominating open source identity governance market we realized that we are open to new exciting challenges. Today we would like to announce a brand new product that we have been developing during last few months. This product will undoubtedly change the very nature of your day-to-day interactions. No matter where you are, no matter Read more about Evolveum’s new product: will it completely change the game?[…]

New LDAP and CSV identity connectors

New LDAP and CSV identity connectors

Identity connectors are important part of any identity management (IDM) project. For an IDM solution the connector provide interface to the outer world. And there are few connectors that almost any IDM solution needs: LDAP, Active Directory and CSV. New versions of those connectors were released recently. And there is an interesting story behind those connectors. […]

MidPoint and semi-Manual Resources

Semi-Manual Resources

Recently released MidPoint 3.6 “Comenius” brings a lot of new intersting features. But there is one feature that is almost invisible and it could be easily missed. That would be an enormous shame because this particular feature is quite unique and it is very interesting indeed. We like to call it “semi-manual resources”. But let’s start at the beginning … […]

MidPoint 3.6 “Comenius”

MidPoint 3.6 “Comenius” is finally released. The Comenius release is huge in all aspects. It is a feature-packed release. It has so many features that Comenius is most likely the richest release in the entire midPoint history. But the number of features is not the only thing that matters. MidPoint 3.6 brings features with a significant effect on almost any identity management and governance deployment. […]


Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has been around for decades. It is both loved and hated. Over the years many newer access control models tried to improve on RBAC. Many of these developments focus on making the model more flexible. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is perhaps the most prominent model in this category. Quite recently there Read more about RBAC and ABAC[…]