EVOLVEUM and NOMURA RESEARCH INSTITUTE enter strategic Partnership Agreement to offer midPoint, OSS software for delivering Identity Administration and Governance in Japan

Evolveum s.r.o. with CEO Igor Farinic, with a head office in Slovakia, Central Europe, has developed an open source software midPoint. People of Evolveum realize the importance of security and governance in administrating user’s identities. MidPoint represents efficient and innovative solution for organizations all over the world combining identity management and identity governance. Its uniqueness Read more about EVOLVEUM and NOMURA RESEARCH INSTITUTE enter strategic Partnership Agreement to offer midPoint, OSS software for delivering Identity Administration and Governance in Japan[…]


Speed up the midPoint development. Catch the “Wanted”.

Why work alone when we can all work together? Our team is introducing to you Evolveum’s Wanted! We created this place so you could also be part of something big – influencing the way midPoint will evolve. Choose the project you wish to support and vote for it. Or you could also share your ideas and Read more about Speed up the midPoint development. Catch the “Wanted”.[…]

value eufossa

EUFOSSA contributes to the open source story

Have you ever thought about the things you get for free? Maybe you have this feeling when visiting the doctor, possibly when looking at the trees or flowers in the park or being at an event in the city center, where you didn’t have to buy a ticket. The feeling of receiving things for free Read more about EUFOSSA contributes to the open source story[…]