NIS2 Directive and Identity Governance

The NIS2 Directive of the European Union aims to increase level of cybersecurity in crucial sectors of industry and government. The directive introduces cybersecurity requirements that are expected to be applied consistently across the EU. The directive touches on many areas of cybersecurity, including identity governance and administration. Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament Read more about NIS2 Directive and Identity Governance[…]

EU Cybersecurity Landscape

The European Union is quite busy producing cybersecurity regulations. Several cybersecurity-related acts have passed during the last few years, and even more are on the way. The EU looks like it really means to improve cybersecurity. However, an avalanche of new legislation can be quite confusing. Let’s take a closer look at the EU cybersecurity initiative. […]

ISO 27001 Webinar Summary

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security. It is guidelines for cybersecurity best practices used all over the world. Identity governance and administration (IGA) plays a major part. It is quite natural that midPoint, being a leading open source IGA platform, can be an essential tool for ISO 27001 compliance. […]

Preparing for NIS2 Directive Webinar Summary

NIS2 is an upcoming directive of the European Union on the security of networks and information systems. It is a part of a broader European initiative to significantly improve cybersecurity across a wide variety of organizations and industries. NIS2 is coming into force this autumn, affecting thousands of organizations in each EU member country. We had a closer look at the NIS2 directive in a special webinar and explained how midPoint can help with compliance. […]