Preparing for NIS2 Directive Webinar Summary

NIS2 is an upcoming directive of the European Union on the security of networks and information systems. It is a part of a broader European initiative to significantly improve cybersecurity across a wide variety of organizations and industries. NIS2 is coming into force this autumn, affecting thousands of organizations in each EU member country. We had a closer look at the NIS2 directive in a special webinar and explained how midPoint can help with compliance. […]

Katarína Bolemant: From Programming to Leadership

Beginning as a fresh graduate and working her way up to the position of Chief Product Officer at Evolveum, Katarína Bolemant, who leads the development team, shares her experience of working in a male-dominated field. Katarína, you have completed many successful projects and have a lot of product development experience in the IGA field. Have Read more about Katarína Bolemant: From Programming to Leadership[…]

Securing MidPoint Deployments Webinar Summary

The security of deployments and applications is becoming increasingly important, and many organizations need to increase the security of their applications. The webinar on April 04, 2024, was an overview and refresher on various configuration and deployment aspects regarding security – from the initial installation and configuration, expressions, scripting, various recommendations when using Self Registration, Read more about Securing MidPoint Deployments Webinar Summary[…]

Smart Correlation Webinar Summary

MidPoint 4.6 brought about a new feature called “Smart Correlation” that allowed us to correlate accounts flexibly and powerfully. In the webinar that took place on March 21, 2024, we described the basics of correlation in general and the Smart Correlation midPoint feature in particular. Composable correlation rules with set confidence levels, approximate matching, human Read more about Smart Correlation Webinar Summary[…]