DAASI International: MidPoint and SCIM Webinar Summary

DAASI International: MidPoint and SCIM Webinar Summary

DAASI International specializes in identity and access management systems while using open source solutions. As strong advocates for open standards, they prioritize standard-based approaches in their projects to integrate systems effectively. The modern and widely adopted SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) standard is particularly beneficial for cloud system integration. To facilitate the integration of Read more about DAASI International: MidPoint and SCIM Webinar Summary[…]

Real life story of SCIMv1 and ConnId, Part 2

When our interconnection of various services by using midPoint, SCIMv1 protocol and Connid framework was ready, we proceeded to testing. While looking around for services supporting the SCIM protocol we stumbled upon two quite popular ones. Salesforce and Slack which both support the SCIM 1.1 specification but both on their own way with a couple of Read more about Real life story of SCIMv1 and ConnId, Part 2[…]

Real life story of SCIMv1 and ConnId, Part 1

When implementing a connector for the Midpoint identity management solution, there is a potential to interconnect a broad spectrum of services. Using the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol seems as a road to take. We are also working with the connId framework. It provides a means for building identity connectors in a more Read more about Real life story of SCIMv1 and ConnId, Part 1[…]