MidPoint Scalability Survey

Last year we have started midScale project. The goal of this project is to significantly improve midPoint scalability and performance. Which means that the project is about to bring substantial changes in midPoint. As some of those changes affect community in numerous ways, we would like to gather feedback of midPoint community to help make the best possible decisions. Enter midScale plans survey.

Essential part of the midScale project deals with midPoint repository – our main database. We are focusing primarily on PostgreSQL, but we are wondering how we should support other databases in the future. We would more than appreciate your opinions, that will help us make the best dicition for future midPoint development. There are also questions about auditing, as we feel we have to make improvements in this area as well. And then we are curious about platforms that you use to run midPoint. This survey is designed mostly for engineers and similar people dealing with technology.

Please take the survey by accessing the following URL:

The survey will take approx. 15-30 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, it will not track you in any way. All questions are optional. You are free to choose how much data you share with us.

Thank you in advance for participating in the survey. Opinions of midPoint community are very important for us. The results of the survey will guide the future development of midPoint.

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