Time to let JDK 11 go... eventually

Time to Let JDK 11 Go… Eventually

tl;dr: We’d like to drop JDK 11, preferably in our next feature release (midPoint 4.6). Current LTS (4.4.x) will not be affected. If you think it is not a good idea, let us know why. And now the whole story: It feels just like yesterday when we were stuck with JDK 8, but since then, Read more about Time to Let JDK 11 Go… Eventually[…]

Replacing WAR With JAR

Replacing WAR With JAR

For many versions, it has been possible to deploy midPoint as a standalone application. After all, this is the preferred way how to do it. Simply run the WAR, using one of the provided scripts or as a service. There was another way – the legacy way – how to do it. You could take Read more about Replacing WAR With JAR[…]

Internet2 Membership and InCommon Catalysts Participation Propels Evolveum’s Engagement with Higher Education Community

Internet2 Membership and InCommon Catalysts Participation Propels Evolveum’s Engagement with Higher Education Community

As the creator and maintainer of midPoint, the leading open-source identity governance, and administration platform, Evolveum has felt close to the higher education vertical since its beginning. It’s not only midPoint’s feature set, a considerable amount of connectors, and tailor-made subscription models that meet the higher education organizations’ needs. It’s also the approach aimed at Read more about Internet2 Membership and InCommon Catalysts Participation Propels Evolveum’s Engagement with Higher Education Community[…]