GDPR – Ready or not, here I come

G-D-P-R, these four letters might be causing you a headache, if you run a conscious business. GDPR brings some difficult obligations on scene and it is about time to start with preparations.

If you care about the data protection, you surely dealt with it already or at least considered the processes improving privacy in your organization. Despite of your effort, you shall probably need to rebuild the structure of these processes to be in compliance with GDPR, as it is of a great-scope and a real game changer. GDPR concerns and affects every single subject and all types of organisations. It protects the personal data of natural persons including all sectors in all organisations.

EU data protection law aims to govern processing of personal data and ensure such processing is fair and lawful. GDPR is intended to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of people and enable free movement of personal data within the EU. It also contributes to economic and social progress as well as trade in the light of technological progress. Undeniable asset of GDPR is a harmonization of data protection laws across the EU. The law protects the personal data and applies to processing the data by automatic means and by other means that form part of a relevant filing system.

Evolveum GDPR

A key aim of GDPR is to protect and strengthen the rights of people. The evolution of these rights is likely to be accompanied by a stricter enforcement. If the organisations are to be prepared by the day of GDPR’s enforceability, today is the best day to begin the planning and implement consistent steps to give effect to the improved rights of people. We recommend:

Review of data processing systems. Organisations should consider the compliance with GDPR of every single process regarding personal data. If not, the process must be rebuilt to provide desired functionality.

Update privacy policy Organisations should evaluate their existing privacy policy and consider the need of updates reflecting the additional rights granted to the data subjects under GDPR.

Employee training Organisations should ensure that their personnel processing data are appropriately trained, so that they can promptly recognize and adequately respond to requests from data subjects to exercise their rights.

The Essence of the data privacy is to acquire the trust of customers and other data subjects. Taking into account the privacy by design and by default GDPR’s requirements, we cannot think about better solution for data controllers and DPO’s than Identity management and Identity governance. IAM seems like an efficient tool to achieve compliance with GDPR in controlling, managing, and auditing access to data. The protection of sensitive data, maintenance and documentation of the data processing in compliance with GDPR shall be smooth with Identity management and Identity governance.

We will try to present short guide throughout the most important provisions of GDPR, especially those with a huge influence. In the end, we intend to bring easy-to-use solutions based on deep analyse of midPoint’ s functionalities enabling automated processes compliant with GDPR. Continue reading about the essential principle of GDPR!

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