Evolveum’s partner


Unicon, Inc. is a leading provider of IT consulting, services, and support for education technology and works with institutions and organizations to find solutions to meet business challenges. Unicon specializes in using open source technologies to deliver flexible and cost-effective systems for identity and access management (IAM). The company provides services for open source projects including midPoint, Central Authentication Service (CAS), Shibboleth, Grouper, and SimpleSAMLphp on-prem or in the cloud.

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Unicon's profile

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Higher Education and EdTech

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Company representative

Get in touch

Paul Spaude

Senior Software Engineer

Unicon Inc. is an education-focused technology consulting company that specializes in the learner journey. Unicon takes a holistic approach to work with clients on their customized Identity and Access Management strategies using midPoint and other systems. Unicon strives to create a well-oiled machine with midPoint at the center that provides for the client needs and builds customer confidence with knowledge transfer and support. Unicon has been assisting clients with midPoint since 2017.

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Partner resources

Partner spotlight

Identity connectors

Project spotlight

Authenticating Into MidPoint With SSO Webinar

you are in good hands

Customers that trust Unicon's midPoint experience

Unicon's expertise has helped organizations of various sizes and shapes get the most of their midPoint IGA exerience.