Evolveum’s partner

AMI Praha

AMI Praha is a system integrator operating in the ICT security segment that specializes in authentication / authorization processes and access control to information, regardless of the place of storage. AMI Praha has been integrating midPoint into their customers’ IAM infrastructures since 2015.

partner details

AMI Praha's profile

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All industries

Operates in

Czech Republic, Slovakia; and can deliver services across all European countries


English, Czech, Slovak, German

Company representative

Get in touch

Petr Šimek

Chief Executive Officer

We have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to migrating existing IdM systems to midPoint. When working with midPoint, what we appreciate the most is the openness of the system, the licensing policy, and the favorable price terms of the product support.

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Partner resources

Partner spotlight

Project spotlight

Vodafone Czech Republic: From Waveset to MidPoint

Identity connectors

Bugfixing and testing


Blog posts

you are in good hands

Customers that trust AMI Praha's midPoint experience

AMI Praha’s expertise has helped organizations of various sizes and shapes get the most of their midPoint IGA exerience.