Evolveum’s references


GWDG is a shared corporate facility of the Georg August Universität Göttingen and the Max Planck Society. It fulfils the function of a joint computing and IT competence centre. The GWDG is also a research centre to advance scientific research infrastructures. Moreover, the GWDG promotes the training of professional staff for information technology.

Its main tasks include the operation of basic IT services, data management solutions and computing facilities, as well as the provision of special systems and the supervision of the data network GÖNET which connects the institutes in Göttingen. Via GWDG GÖNET is connected to the national scientific network X-WIN and the internet. Being an IT competence centre GWDG advises and supports all institutes in all questions related to scientific data processing.

The GWDG operates several data centres in Göttingen which are at different locations with common security mechanisms. The typical data protection requirements are fulfilled. The GWDG is ISO 9001 certified.