Interface PartitionManager<M>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PartitionManager<M>
  • Method Details

    • isPartitionCreationOnAdd

      boolean isPartitionCreationOnAdd()
    • setPartitionCreationOnAdd

      void setPartitionCreationOnAdd(boolean value)
    • ensurePartitionExistsBeforeAdd

      default void ensurePartitionExistsBeforeAdd(M row, JdbcSession jdbcSession)
      If partitioning before add is enabled ensures that partition for particular row exists (creates partition if it missing)
      row - row object, which must at least contain all partitioning keys
      jdbcSession -
    • ensurePartitionExists

      void ensurePartitionExists(M row, JdbcSession jdbcSession)
      Ensures that partition for particular row exists (creates partition if it missing)
      row - row object, which must at least contain all partitioning keys
      jdbcSession -
    • createMissingPartitions

      void createMissingPartitions(OperationResult parentResult)
      Analyze existing records,creates partitions for them and migrates them from default partitions to specific partition.
      parentResult -
    • ensurePartitionExistsBeforeAdd

      static <R> void ensurePartitionExistsBeforeAdd(SqaleTableMapping<?,?,R> table, R row, JdbcSession jdbcSession)