Interface PrismReference

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, DebugDumpable, Freezable, Item<PrismReferenceValue,PrismReferenceDefinition>, Itemable, ParentVisitable, PathVisitable, PrismVisitable, Revivable, Serializable, Visitable
All Known Implementing Classes:
com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.PrismReferenceImpl, ShadowReferenceAttribute

public interface PrismReference extends Item<PrismReferenceValue,PrismReferenceDefinition>
Object Reference is a property that describes reference to an object. It is used to represent association between objects. For example reference from User object to Account objects that belong to the user. The reference is a simple uni-directional link using an OID as an identifier. This type should be used for all object references so the implementations can detect them and automatically resolve them.