Interface QOwnedBy<OR>

Type Parameters:
OR - type of the owner row
All Known Implementing Classes:
QAccessCertificationCase, QAccessCertificationWorkItem, QAccessCertificationWorkItemReference, QAffectedObjects, QAssignment, QAssignmentReference, QCaseWorkItem, QCaseWorkItemReference, QContainer, QFocusIdentity, QLookupTableRow, QObjectReference, QOperationExecution, QProcessedObject, QProcessedObjectEventMarkReference, QReference, QTrigger

public interface QOwnedBy<OR>
Behavior common for child tables owned by other table, either directly by object or another container.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    isOwnedBy(OR ownerRow)
    Returns predicate for where clause that matches only rows owned by the provided owner.
  • Method Details

    • isOwnedBy

      com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.BooleanExpression isOwnedBy(OR ownerRow)
      Returns predicate for where clause that matches only rows owned by the provided owner. Owner row is immediate owner, so if the containers are nested, it is the owning container, not the top-level owning object.