Class ResourceObjectConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,EC extends EvaluatedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH,?>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssignedResourceObjectConstruction, PlainResourceObjectConstruction

public abstract class ResourceObjectConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,EC extends EvaluatedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH,?>> extends AbstractConstruction<AH,ConstructionType,EC>
Contains "construction bean" (ConstructionType) - a definition how to construct a resource object. Besides this definition it also contains auxiliary objects that are needed to evaluate the construction. An instance of this class produces one or more "evaluated" constructions: more of them in case that multiaccounts (tags) are used. Evaluated constructions are represented by evaluatedConstructionTriple.
Radovan Semancik
See Also: