Class ItemImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Freezable, Item<V,D>, Itemable, ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableItem, ParentVisitable, PathVisitable, PrismContextSensitive, Revivable, Visitable, DebugDumpable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
PrismContainerImpl, PrismPropertyImpl, PrismReferenceImpl

public abstract class ItemImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>> extends AbstractFreezable implements Item<V,D>, ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableItem
Item is a common abstraction of Property and PropertyContainer.

This is supposed to be a superclass for all items. Items are things that can appear in property containers, which generally means only a property and property container itself. Therefore this is in fact superclass for those two definitions.

Radovan Semancik
See Also: