Class SequenceType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Containerable, Freezable, ContainerablePrismBinding, JaxbVisitable, Objectable, DebugDumpable, Serializable

    public class SequenceType
    extends AssignmentHolderType
    implements Objectable
    Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values. The sequence state is persistently stored in the repository, therefore it can efficiently produce unique identifiers in a controlled and predictable manner. The sequence is atomic. If two threads or even two nodes request a value from the same sequence at the same time then different values will be returned. Therefore the use of the sequence has some inherent cost (e.g. database locking overhead). The sequence produces only values of type "long". If any other type or format is needed then an expression must be used to transform the value.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form