Class AbstractMappingImpl<V extends PrismValue,​D extends ItemDefinition<?>,​MBT extends AbstractMappingType>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - type of mapping output value
    D - type of mapping output value definition (property, container, ...)
    MBT - mapping bean type: MappingType or MetadataMappingType
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Mapping<V,​D>, PrismValueDeltaSetTripleProducer<V,​D>, DebugDumpable, HumanReadableDescribable, Serializable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    MappingImpl, MetadataMappingImpl

    public abstract class AbstractMappingImpl<V extends PrismValue,​D extends ItemDefinition<?>,​MBT extends AbstractMappingType>
    extends Object
    implements Mapping<V,​D>, DebugDumpable, PrismValueDeltaSetTripleProducer<V,​D>
    Evaluation of a mapping. It is non-recyclable single-use object. Once evaluated it should not be evaluated again. It will retain its original inputs and outputs that can be read again and again. But these should not be changed after evaluation. TODO document evaluation of time constraints ... Configuration properties are unmodifiable. They are to be set via Mapping.Builder. Serializability: The mapping is technically serializable. However, it is NOT expected to be evaluable after deserialization. Only already computed results are to be fetched from such mapping object.
    Radovan Semancik
    See Also:
    Serialized Form