Class DefinitionImpl

    • Field Detail

      • typeName

        protected @NotNull QName typeName
      • isAbstract

        protected boolean isAbstract
      • displayName

        protected String displayName
      • displayOrder

        protected Integer displayOrder
      • documentation

        protected String documentation
      • deprecated

        protected boolean deprecated
      • deprecatedSince

        protected String deprecatedSince
      • plannedRemoval

        protected String plannedRemoval
      • experimental

        protected boolean experimental
      • elaborate

        protected boolean elaborate
      • inherited

        protected boolean inherited
        whether an item is inherited from a supertype (experimental feature)
      • isRuntimeSchema

        protected boolean isRuntimeSchema
        This means that this particular definition (of an item or of a type) is part of the runtime schema, e.g. extension schema, resource schema or connector schema or something like that. I.e. it is not defined statically.
      • emphasized

        protected boolean emphasized
        Set true for definitions that are more important than others and that should be emphasized during presentation. E.g. the emphasized definitions will always be displayed in the user interfaces (even if they are empty), they will always be included in the dumps, etc.
    • Method Detail

      • getTypeName

        public @NotNull QName getTypeName()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Returns a name of the type for this definition. The type can be part of the compile-time schema or it can be defined at run time. Examples of the former case are types like c:UserType, xsd:string, or even flexible ones like c:ExtensionType or c:ShadowAttributesType. Examples of the latter case are types used in - custom extensions, like ext:LocationsType (where ext = e.g., - resource schema, like ri:inetOrgPerson (ri = http://.../resource/instance-3), - connector schema, like TODO In XML representation that corresponds to the name of the XSD type. Although beware, the run-time types do not have statically defined structure. And the resource and connector-related types may even represent different kinds of objects within different contexts (e.g. two distinct resources both with ri:AccountObjectClass types). Also note that for complex type definitions, the type name serves as a unique identifier. On the other hand, for item definitions, it is just one of its attributes; primary key is item name in that case. The type name should be fully qualified. (TODO reconsider this)
        Specified by:
        getTypeName in interface Definition
        the type name
      • isIgnored

        public boolean isIgnored()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Item definition that has this flag set should be ignored by any processing. The ignored item is still part of the schema. Item instances may appear in the serialized data formats (e.g. XML) or data store and the parser should not raise an error if it encounters them. But any high-level processing code should ignore presence of this item. E.g. it should not be displayed to the user, should not be present in transformed data structures, etc. Note that the same item can be ignored at higher layer (e.g. presentation) but not ignored at lower layer (e.g. model). This works by presenting different item definitions for these layers (see LayerRefinedAttributeDefinition). Semantics of this flag for complex type definitions is to be defined yet.
        Specified by:
        isIgnored in interface Definition
      • setAbstract

        public void setAbstract​(boolean isAbstract)
      • setDeprecatedSince

        public void setDeprecatedSince​(String deprecatedSince)
      • isExperimental

        public boolean isExperimental()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Experimental functionality is not stable and it may be changed in any future release without any warning. Use at your own risk.
        Specified by:
        isExperimental in interface Definition
      • getPlannedRemoval

        public String getPlannedRemoval()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Version of data model in which the item is likely to be removed. This annotation is used for deprecated item to indicate imminent incompatibility in future versions of data model.
        Specified by:
        getPlannedRemoval in interface Definition
      • setPlannedRemoval

        public void setPlannedRemoval​(String plannedRemoval)
      • isElaborate

        public boolean isElaborate()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Elaborate items are complicated data structure that may deviate from normal principles of the system. For example elaborate items may not be supported in user interface and may only be manageable by raw edits or a special-purpose tools. Elaborate items may be not fully supported by authorizations, schema tools and so on.
        Specified by:
        isElaborate in interface Definition
      • setElaborate

        public void setElaborate​(boolean elaborate)
      • setInherited

        public void setInherited​(boolean inherited)
      • isEmphasized

        public boolean isEmphasized()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        True for definitions that are more important than others and that should be emphasized during presentation. E.g. the emphasized definitions will always be displayed in the user interfaces (even if they are empty), they will always be included in the dumps, etc.
        Specified by:
        isEmphasized in interface Definition
      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Returns display name. Specifies the printable name of the object class or attribute. It must contain a printable string. It may also contain a key to catalog file. Returns null if no display name is set. Corresponds to "displayName" XSD annotation.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface Definition
        display name string or catalog key
      • getDisplayOrder

        public Integer getDisplayOrder()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Specifies an order in which the item should be displayed relative to other items at the same level. The items will be displayed by sorting them by the values of displayOrder annotation (ascending). Items that do not have any displayOrder annotation will be displayed last. The ordering of values with the same displayOrder is undefined and it may be arbitrary.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayOrder in interface Definition
      • getHelp

        public String getHelp()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Returns help string. Specifies the help text or a key to catalog file for a help text. The help text may be displayed in any suitable way by the GUI. It should explain the meaning of an attribute or object class. Returns null if no help string is set. Corresponds to "help" XSD annotation.
        Specified by:
        getHelp in interface Definition
        help string or catalog key
      • isRuntimeSchema

        public boolean isRuntimeSchema()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        This means that this particular definition (of an item or of a type) is part of the runtime schema, e.g. extension schema, resource schema or connector schema or something like that. I.e. it is not defined statically.
        Specified by:
        isRuntimeSchema in interface Definition
      • getTypeClass

        public Class getTypeClass()
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Returns a compile-time class that is used to represent items. E.g. returns String, Integer, sublcasses of Objectable and Containerable and so on.
        Specified by:
        getTypeClass in interface Definition
      • getAnnotation

        public <A> A getAnnotation​(QName qname)
        Description copied from interface: Definition
        Returns generic definition annotation. Annotations are a method to extend schema definitions. This may be annotation stored in the schema definition file (e.g. XSD) or it may be a dynamic annotation determined at run-time. Annotation value should be a prism-supported object. E.g. a prims "bean" (JAXB annotated class), prism item, prism value or something like that. EXPERIMENTAL. Hic sunt leones. This may change at any moment. Note: annotations are only partially supported now (3.8). They are somehow transient. E.g. they are not serialized to XSD schema definitions (yet).
        Specified by:
        getAnnotation in interface Definition
      • copyDefinitionData

        protected void copyDefinitionData​(DefinitionImpl clone)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • extendDumpHeader

        protected void extendDumpHeader​(StringBuilder sb)
      • getDebugDumpClassName

        protected abstract String getDebugDumpClassName()
        Return a human readable name of this class suitable for logs. (e.g. "PPD")
      • getDocClassName

        public abstract String getDocClassName()
        Returns human-readable name of this class suitable for documentation. (e.g. "property")
      • checkMutableOnExposing

        protected void checkMutableOnExposing()