Class SqaleItemSqlMapper<S,​Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,​R>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - schema type owning the mapped item
    Q - entity path owning the mapped item
    R - row type with the mapped item
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    UpdatableItemSqlMapper<Q,​R>, ItemSqlMapper<Q,​R>

    public class SqaleItemSqlMapper<S,​Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,​R>
    extends DefaultItemSqlMapper<S,​Q,​R>
    implements UpdatableItemSqlMapper<Q,​R>
    Declarative information how an item (from schema/prism world) is to be processed when interpreting query or applying delta (delta application is addition to sqlbase superclass). Being extension of DefaultItemSqlMapper this uses processor factory functions (typically provided as lambdas), no logic is here, everything is delegated to the processors returned by these processor functions.