Interface ItemDelta<V extends PrismValue,​D extends ItemDefinition>

    • Method Detail

      • setElementName

        void setElementName​(QName elementName)
      • getParentPath

        ItemPath getParentPath()
      • setParentPath

        void setParentPath​(ItemPath parentPath)
      • setDefinition

        void setDefinition​(D definition)
      • accept

        void accept​(Visitor visitor,
                    boolean includeOldValues)
      • size

        int size()
      • hasCompleteDefinition

        boolean hasCompleteDefinition()
      • getItemClass

        Class<? extends Item> getItemClass()
      • getRealValuesToAdd

        default Collection<?> getRealValuesToAdd()
      • clearValuesToAdd

        void clearValuesToAdd()
      • getRealValuesToDelete

        default Collection<?> getRealValuesToDelete()
      • clearValuesToDelete

        void clearValuesToDelete()
      • getValuesToReplace

        Collection<V> getValuesToReplace()
      • getRealValuesToReplace

        default Collection<?> getRealValuesToReplace()
      • clearValuesToReplace

        void clearValuesToReplace()
      • addValuesToAdd

        void addValuesToAdd​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • addValuesToAdd

        void addValuesToAdd​(V... newValues)
      • addValueToAdd

        void addValueToAdd​(V newValue)
      • removeValueToAdd

        boolean removeValueToAdd​(PrismValue valueToRemove)
      • removeValueToDelete

        boolean removeValueToDelete​(PrismValue valueToRemove)
      • removeValueToReplace

        boolean removeValueToReplace​(PrismValue valueToRemove)
      • mergeValuesToAdd

        void mergeValuesToAdd​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • mergeValuesToAdd

        void mergeValuesToAdd​(V[] newValues)
      • mergeValueToAdd

        void mergeValueToAdd​(V newValue)
      • addValuesToDelete

        void addValuesToDelete​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • addValuesToDelete

        void addValuesToDelete​(V... newValues)
      • addValueToDelete

        void addValueToDelete​(V newValue)
      • mergeValuesToDelete

        void mergeValuesToDelete​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • mergeValuesToDelete

        void mergeValuesToDelete​(V[] newValues)
      • mergeValueToDelete

        void mergeValueToDelete​(V newValue)
      • resetValuesToAdd

        void resetValuesToAdd()
      • resetValuesToDelete

        void resetValuesToDelete()
      • resetValuesToReplace

        void resetValuesToReplace()
      • setValuesToReplace

        void setValuesToReplace​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • setValuesToReplace

        void setValuesToReplace​(V... newValues)
      • setValueToReplace

        void setValueToReplace()
        Sets empty value to replace. This efficiently means removing all values.
      • setValueToReplace

        void setValueToReplace​(V newValue)
      • addValueToReplace

        void addValueToReplace​(V newValue)
      • mergeValuesToReplace

        void mergeValuesToReplace​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • mergeValuesToReplace

        void mergeValuesToReplace​(V[] newValues)
      • mergeValueToReplace

        void mergeValueToReplace​(V newValue)
      • isValueToAdd

        boolean isValueToAdd​(V value)
      • isValueToDelete

        boolean isValueToDelete​(V value)
      • isValueToReplace

        boolean isValueToReplace​(V value)
      • getAnyValue

        V getAnyValue()
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
      • isEmpty

        static boolean isEmpty​(ItemDelta<?,​?> itemDelta)
      • isInFactEmpty

        boolean isInFactEmpty()
      • addsAnyValue

        boolean addsAnyValue()
      • foreach

        void foreach​(Processor<V> processor)
        Description copied from interface: Foreachable
        Will call processor for every element in the instance. This is NOT recursive. E.g. in case of collection of collections the processor will NOT be called for elements of the inner collections. If you need recursion please have a look at Visitor.
        Specified by:
        foreach in interface Foreachable<V extends PrismValue>
      • getEstimatedOldValues

        Collection<V> getEstimatedOldValues()
        Returns estimated state of the old value before the delta is applied. This information is not entirely reliable. The state might change between the value is read and the delta is applied. This is property is optional and even if provided it is only for for informational purposes.

        If this method returns null then it should be interpreted as "I do not know". In that case the delta has no information about the old values. If this method returns empty collection then it should be interpreted that we know that there were no values in this item before the delta was applied.

        estimated state of the old value before the delta is applied (may be null).
      • setEstimatedOldValues

        void setEstimatedOldValues​(Collection<V> estimatedOldValues)
      • addEstimatedOldValues

        void addEstimatedOldValues​(Collection<V> newValues)
      • addEstimatedOldValues

        void addEstimatedOldValues​(V... newValues)
      • addEstimatedOldValue

        void addEstimatedOldValue​(V newValue)
      • normalize

        void normalize()
      • isReplace

        boolean isReplace()
      • isAdd

        boolean isAdd()
      • isDelete

        boolean isDelete()
      • clear

        void clear()
      • narrow

        ItemDelta<V,​D> narrow​(PrismObject<? extends Objectable> object,
                                    @NotNull Comparator<V> plusComparator,
                                    @NotNull Comparator<V> minusComparator,
                                    boolean assumeMissingItems)
        Returns the narrowed delta that will have the same effect on the object as the current one.

        We can skip deletion of vDel if there is no vEx ~ vDel (under minusComparator).

        We can skip addition of vAdd if there is existing vEx ~ vAdd (under plusComparator). But if we do that we must be sure to skip deletion of all vDel ~ vAdd (under minusComparator). Otherwise we would delete vDel but fail to add equivalent vAdd.

        We can skip replacing of a set of values if and only if existing item has equivalent values under plusComparator.

        This reasoning is bound to the actual application algorithm in ItemDeltaImpl. But we should be aware that there are deltas that are applied by other code, e.g. those than are applied on a resource.

        plusComparator - Comparator we want to use when determining skippability of values being added.
        minusComparator - Comparator we want to use when determining skippability of values being deleted.
      • isRedundant

        boolean isRedundant​(PrismObject<? extends Objectable> object,
                            ParameterizedEquivalenceStrategy strategy,
                            boolean assumeMissingItems)
        Checks if the delta is redundant w.r.t. current state of the object. I.e. if it changes the current object state.
        assumeMissingItems - Assumes that some items in the object may be missing. So delta that replaces them by null
      • checkConsistence

        void checkConsistence()
      • checkConsistence

        void checkConsistence​(boolean requireDefinition,
                              boolean prohibitRaw,
                              ConsistencyCheckScope scope)
      • distributeReplace

        void distributeReplace​(Collection<V> existingValues)
        Distributes the replace values of this delta to add and delete with respect to provided existing values.
      • merge

        void merge​(ItemDelta<V,​D> deltaToMerge)
        Merge specified delta to this delta. This delta is assumed to be chronologically earlier, delta provided in the parameter is chronologically later.

        TODO do we expect that the paths of "this" delta and deltaToMerge are the same? From the code it seems so.

      • simplify

        void simplify()
        Transforms the delta to the simplest (and safest) form. E.g. it will transform add delta for single-value properties to replace delta.
      • applyToMatchingPath

        void applyToMatchingPath​(Item item)
                          throws SchemaException
        Applies delta to item. Assumes that path of the delta and path of the item matches (does not do path checks).
      • isApplicableTo

        boolean isApplicableTo​(Item item)
      • getItemNew

        Item<V,​D> getItemNew()
                            throws SchemaException
        Returns the "new" state of the property - the state that would be after the delta is applied.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(ItemDelta<V,​D> other)
        Returns true if the other delta is a complete subset of this delta. I.e. if all the statements of the other delta are already contained in this delta. As a consequence it also returns true if the two deltas are equal.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(ItemDelta<V,​D> other,
                         EquivalenceStrategy strategy)
        Returns true if the other delta is a complete subset of this delta. I.e. if all the statements of the other delta are already contained in this delta. As a consequence it also returns true if the two deltas are equal.
      • cloneWithChangedParentPath

        ItemDelta<V,​D> cloneWithChangedParentPath​(ItemPath newParentPath)
      • isRaw

        boolean isRaw()
      • equivalent

        boolean equivalent​(ItemDelta other)
        Deltas are equivalent if they have the same result when applied to an object. I.e. meta-data and other "decorations" such as old values are not considered in this comparison.
      • addToReplaceDelta

        void addToReplaceDelta()
      • createReverseDelta

        ItemDelta<V,​D> createReverseDelta()
      • findValueToAddOrReplace

        V findValueToAddOrReplace​(V value)
      • setOriginTypeRecursive

        void setOriginTypeRecursive​(OriginType originType)
        Set origin type to all values and subvalues