Class SqlDetailFetchMapper<R,​I,​DQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<DR>,​DR>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - type of master row
    I - type of row-PK/detail-FK
    DQ - detail Q-type, this will be the base of the select
    DR - detail row type (from result)

    public class SqlDetailFetchMapper<R,​I,​DQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<DR>,​DR>
    extends Object
    Mapper/fetcher of many detail records for one master record. Detail fetch/mapper know hows to fetch to-many details related to a master entity.

    To load the details for the provided list of data use execute(Supplier, List). To load the details for one master entity use #execute(Supplier, R).

    It is easier (and perhaps nicer) to contain all the parametrized types in a single class, that is why execution methods are here.