Package com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api
Interface Summary Interface Description ClusterExecutionHelper Helps with the intra-cluster remote code execution.LightweightIdentifierGenerator LightweightTaskHandler Handler for a lightweight task.RunningTask A task that is directly used to execute the handler code.Task Task instance - a logical unit of work that is either done synchronously, asynchronously, it is deferred, scheduled, etc.TaskDeletionListener TaskHandler TaskListener Notifies external observers about task-related events.TaskManager Task Manager Interface.TaskManagerAware TaskPartitionsDefinition Configuration for PartitioningTaskHandler: describes how to create subtasks (partitions) for the given master task.TaskPartitionsDefinition.TaskPartitionDefinition Description of a given partition.Tracer WorkBucketAwareTaskHandler -
Class Summary Class Description ClusterExecutionOptions Options related to remote code execution in the cluster.LightweightIdentifier Lightweight identifier is a "reasonable unique" identifier that is very cheap to create.StateReporter TODO better name (ProgressReporter ? StatisticsReporter ? ...) Used to report state, progress and performance statistics to upper layers.StaticTaskPartitionsDefinition Task partitions definition based on statically configured values.StatisticsCollectionStrategy TaskCategory TaskConstants TaskDebugUtil TaskManagerUtil TaskRunResult Single-purpose class to return task run results.TaskUtil TaskWorkBucketProcessingResult EXPERIMENTALWorkersReconciliationOptions -
Enum Summary Enum Description TaskBinding Binding tells about task "affinity" to a particular node.TaskExecutionStatus Task execution status.TaskPersistenceStatus Task persistence status.TaskRecurrence TODOTaskRunResult.TaskRunResultStatus TaskWaitingReason Task waiting reason.UseThreadInterrupt -
Exception Summary Exception Description ExitHandlerException Used to signal that we have to exit handler processing with a given run result.ExitWorkBucketHandlerException Used to signal that we have to exit handler processing with a given run result.TaskManagerConfigurationException Signals aTaskManagerException Created with IntelliJ IDEA.TaskManagerInitializationException