Interface MatchingRuleRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MatchingRuleRegistry
Registry for matching rules.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> @NotNull MatchingRule<T>
    getMatchingRule(@Nullable QName ruleName, @Nullable QName typeQName)
    Returns the matching rule by its name; checking its applicability to given data type (if type name is provided).
    default <T> @NotNull MatchingRule<T>
    getMatchingRuleSafe(@Nullable QName ruleName, @Nullable QName typeName)
    A variant of getMatchingRule(QName, QName) that expects that the validity of `ruleName`/`typeName` pair was already established.
  • Method Details

    • getMatchingRule

      @NotNull <T> @NotNull MatchingRule<T> getMatchingRule(@Nullable @Nullable QName ruleName, @Nullable @Nullable QName typeQName) throws SchemaException
      Returns the matching rule by its name; checking its applicability to given data type (if type name is provided). The `null` rule name means "default rule". The `null` type name means "no type checking".
    • getMatchingRuleSafe

      @NotNull default <T> @NotNull MatchingRule<T> getMatchingRuleSafe(@Nullable @Nullable QName ruleName, @Nullable @Nullable QName typeName)
      A variant of getMatchingRule(QName, QName) that expects that the validity of `ruleName`/`typeName` pair was already established.