Class RoleAnalysisAlgorithmUtils


public class RoleAnalysisAlgorithmUtils extends Object
The `RoleAnalysisAlgorithmUtils` class provides utility methods for processing and analyzing data clusters and outliers in role analysis. These utilities are used to generate statistics, prepare cluster objects, and detect patterns during role analysis.
  • Constructor Details

    • RoleAnalysisAlgorithmUtils

      public RoleAnalysisAlgorithmUtils()
  • Method Details

    • processClusters

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType>> processClusters(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull List<DataPoint> dataPoints, @NotNull @NotNull List<Cluster<DataPoint>> clusters, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Processes the clusters and generates cluster statistics, including the detection of patterns and outliers. This method is used in role analysis to analyze clusters of data points.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service for performing role analysis operations.
      dataPoints - The data points representing cluster data.
      clusters - The clusters to process.
      session - The role analysis session.
      handler - A progress handler to report processing status.
      task - The current task.
      result - The operation result.
      A list of PrismObjects representing the processed clusters.
    • processOutliersAnalysis

      public static void processOutliersAnalysis(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @Nullable @Nullable RoleAnalysisSessionType session, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisOptionType analysisOption, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Processes the outliers analysis for the specified role analysis session cluster. This method is used to analyze and import outliers in the role analysis session cluster.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service for performing role analysis operations.
      cluster - The role analysis cluster to process.
      session - The role analysis session.
      analysisOption - The role analysis option.
      task - The current task.
      result - The operation result.