EvenMoreAbstractMappingType (Complex Type)

Namespace: http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3

Defines how a value of a property (or attribute) should be constructed. The value may be static or constructed as an result of evaluating an expression. This structure also defines a method how to merge several value construction definitions, how to behave if a property already has a value, etc. This is reusable data structure, used in schemaHandling, roles and it may also be used in may other places. Motivation: We need to construct attribute or property values on many places in midPoint. E.g. we need that in roles to generate dynamic account attribute values, we need that to define "templates" for identifiers and default values for attributes when creating a new account. We also need that to specify values when creating a new user (user templates). Having the same data structure for all of these cases may simplify the code, as it all can be handled by a generic library reused in many places through the system.
Item Summary  
Name Type Multiplicity Description
name property
[0,1] Short name of the mapping. 
mappingAlias property
[0,-1] Short alias of the mapping. 
description property
documentation property
[0,1] Technical documentation for a particular object or construct. 
lifecycleState property
[0,1] Lifecycle state of the mapping. 
extension container
[0,1] Place for non-standard object properties. 
trace property
[0,1] Explicitly trace the execution of this mapping. 
authoritative property
[0,1] Authoritative flag controls the way how mapping is used to remove values. 
exclusive property
[0,1] Exclusive mapping may be applied only as a single mapping for a particular target property. 
strength property
[0,1] Strength of the mapping defines how aggressively will the mapping be applied. 
channel property
[0,-1] Limits application of this mapping only to specific channel. 
exceptChannel property
[0,-1] Limits application of this mapping except for channel specified. 
timeFrom property
timeTo property