Package com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl
package com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl
ClassDescriptionDirect implementation of
.Used when PrismReferenceValue.getRealValue is called, and no referencable is present in the PRV.Abstract definition in the schema.EXPERIMENTALTEMPORARYAbstract item definition in the schema.Item is a common abstraction of Property and PropertyContainer.PrismContainerDefinitionImpl<C extends Containerable>Definition of a property container.PrismContainerImpl<C extends Containerable>Property container groups properties into logical blocks.The reason for grouping may be as simple as better understandability of data structure.PrismContainerValueImpl<C extends Containerable>PrismObjectDefinitionImpl<O extends Objectable>MidPoint Object Definition.PrismObjectImpl<O extends Objectable>Common supertype for all identity objects.PrismObjectValueImpl<O extends Objectable>Extension of PrismContainerValue that holds object-specific data (OID and version).Property Definition.Property is a specific characteristic of an object.Object Reference Schema Definition.Object Reference is a property that describes reference to an object.TODO documentSmartVisitationImpl<T extends SmartVisitable<T>>A visitation of a structure of SmartVisitables.Combined resolver used when parsing schemas.