Package com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.statistics
package com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.statistics
ClassDescriptionPrints statistics in selected format.Records information about actions on repository objects.Prints the item processing statistics.TODO better namePrints activity progress information.Formats data as "nice" ASCII table.Prints cache performance information.Formats data as CSV file.Data to be displayed.A no-op implementation of
used when there's nowhere to record the execution to.Thread safety: Instances of this class may be accessed from more than one thread at once.Describes formatting at abstract level.Maintains information on processing of a given item: a resource object (for tasks like import or reconciliation), a repository object (e.g.TODO better nameRepresents data about iterative operation that starts.Operation being recorded: represents an object to which the client reports the end of the operation.Prints operations performance information.Object capable of receiving updates on progress.TODO reconsider usefulness of this classThis is "live" provisioning statistics.Prints provisioning statistics.Formatting that - in fact - does nothing.Formats sql (repo/audit) performance information.An object that receives various statistics and state information, processes them and provides them back to appropriate clients.Prints synchronization information (new, i.e.TODOSupport for recording iterative operations directly on tasks - where activities are not available.Collects synchronization statistics related to processing of an activity within a task.Prints work buckets management performance information.