All Superinterfaces:
, DebugDumpable
, Definition
, DefinitionDelegator
, Freezable
, PrismContextSensitive
, Revivable
, Serializable
, SmartVisitable <Definition >
, TypeDefinition
, Visitable <Definition >
All Known Subinterfaces:
, CompositeObjectDefinitionDelegator
, ResourceObjectClassDefinitionDelegator
, ResourceObjectDefinitionDelegator
, ResourceObjectTypeDefinitionDelegator
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods
default boolean
default @Nullable Class <?>
Returns compile-time class, if this type has any.
Subtypes - but only these that are a part of the static schema.
Name of super type of this complex type definition.
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.deleg.DefinitionDelegator
accept , accept , debugDump , debugDump , debugDump , debugDumpLazily , debugDumpLazily , getAnnotation , getAnnotations , getDeprecatedSince , getDisplayName , getDisplayOrder , getDocumentation , getDocumentationPreview , getHelp , getMutabilityFlag , getPlannedRemoval , getPrismContext , getProcessing , getRemovedSince , getSchemaMigrations , getSchemaRegistry , getTypeClass , getTypeName , isAbstract , isDeprecated , isElaborate , isEmphasized , isExperimental , isIgnored , isRemoved , isRuntimeSchema , setAnnotation
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Revivable
Method Details
default @Nullable Class <?> getCompileTimeClass ()
Returns compile-time class, if this type has any. For example, UserType.class, ObjectType.class, ExtensionType.class.
Specified by:
in interface TypeDefinition
default @Nullable QName getSuperType ()
Name of super type of this complex type definition. E.g. c:ObjectType is a super type for
c:FocusType which is a super type for c:UserType. Or (more complex example) ri:ShadowAttributesType
is a super type of ri:AccountObjectClass. (TODO is this really true?)
Specified by:
in interface TypeDefinition
Subtypes - but only these that are a part of the static schema. A little bit experimental. :)
Specified by:
in interface TypeDefinition