Interface RunningTaskStatisticsCollector

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
RunningLightweightTask, RunningTask

public interface RunningTaskStatisticsCollector extends ProgressCollector
"Statistics collection" aspect of a running task. Definition: Statistics are: 1. operational statistics (OperationStatsType), 2. higher-level information (residing in activity: progress and activity statistics), 3. legacy progress. BEWARE: Thread-local statistics (repo, caching, ...) need to be updated ONLY from the thread to which they are related. This is controlled by `updateThreadLocalStatistics` parameter. Be sure to set it to `true` only when running in appropriate thread. (There is a check for that, but we should not rely on it too much.) The process of updating statistics is multi-level: 1. From thread-local structures to task.statistics field. (This is the thread-critical part.) This has to be done for low-level statistics that are gathered for current thread: repo, cache, etc. See refreshThreadLocalStatistics(). 2. From task.statistics to task.prism. Here the subtask aggregation usually takes place. Can be done from any thread. See updateOperationStatsInTaskPrism(boolean). 3. From task.prism to the repository. This takes a lot of time, so it is driven by time interval. See updateAndStoreStatisticsIntoRepository(boolean, OperationResult) and storeStatisticsIntoRepositoryIfTimePassed(Runnable, OperationResult) methods. Statistics collection is always started by calling startCollectingStatistics(StatisticsCollectionStrategy) method.
  • Method Details

    • startCollectingStatistics

      void startCollectingStatistics(@NotNull @NotNull StatisticsCollectionStrategy strategy)
      Initializes the process of collecting statistics in Statistics object embedded in the task.
    • restartCollectingStatisticsFromZero

      void restartCollectingStatisticsFromZero()
      Re-initializes process of collecting statistics from zero values.
    • refreshThreadLocalStatistics

      void refreshThreadLocalStatistics()
      Refreshes thread-local statistics held in `task.statistics` from their respective thread-local stores. *Call from the thread that executes the task ONLY! Otherwise wrong data might be recorded.*
    • updateOperationStatsInTaskPrism

      void updateOperationStatsInTaskPrism(boolean updateThreadLocalStatistics)
      Updates operational statistics in prism object, based on existing values in Statistics objects for the current task and its lightweight subtasks. If `updateThreadLocalStatistics` is true, also updates this task Statistics using thread-local collectors. (*MUST* be called from the correct thread!)
    • storeStatisticsIntoRepositoryIfTimePassed

      boolean storeStatisticsIntoRepositoryIfTimePassed(Runnable additionalUpdater, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException
      Stores statistics from `task.prism` to the repository, if the specified time interval passed. The time interval is there to avoid excessive repository operations. (Writing a large task can take quite a long time.)
      additionalUpdater - A code that is called to update the task with other related data, for example activity-related statistics. The code should add its changes in the form of task pending modifications that will be written by the main method afterwards.
      true if the time passed and the update was carried out
    • storeStatisticsIntoRepository

      void storeStatisticsIntoRepository(OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException
      Stores statistics from `task.prism` to the repository. Costly operation.
    • updateAndStoreStatisticsIntoRepository

      void updateAndStoreStatisticsIntoRepository(boolean updateThreadLocalStatistics, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException
      Convenience method: Updates the statistics in `task.prism`, and stores them into the repository. Costly operation.
    • incrementLegacyProgressAndStoreStatisticsIfTimePassed

      void incrementLegacyProgressAndStoreStatisticsIfTimePassed(OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException
      Convenience method: Increments the legacy progress. Updates the statistics all the way through and stores them to repo if the time interval came. Beware: 1. If structured progress is enabled, there is no point in increasing legacy progress. This method is to be used only for handlers other than AbstractTaskHandler. 2. Because this encompasses thread-local stats update, *CALL ONLY FROM THE THREAD EXECUTING THE TASK!*
    • setStatisticsRepoStoreInterval

      void setStatisticsRepoStoreInterval(long interval)
      Sets the interval for storing statistics into the repository.