Package com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api
package com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api
ClassDescriptionGenerally, execute(..) methods prepare a configured WebClient (URL, authentication, ...) and execute specified client code on it.Options related to remote code execution in the cluster.Obtains information about ConnId operations executed.Functionality that supports the activity execution that is going on within this task.Group of counters.Used to signal that we have to exit handler processing with a given run result.Describes an environment in which an
is evaluated.Lightweight identifier is a "reasonable unique" identifier that is very cheap to create.Handler for a lightweight task.A container for task parent and root.Running lightweight asynchronous task.A task that is directly used to execute the handler code."Statistics collection" aspect of a running task.Represents the data passed from the clockwork to the simulation manager viaTask
interface, namelySimulationDataConsumer
facet.Accepts simulation data.Live representation of a simulation result.Live representation of a simulation transaction.Describes how task statistics (including progress and structured progress) are to be collected.Task instance - a logical unit of work.Exception that carries supplementary information on how it should be treated (with the respect to operation result and task run result status).Notifies external observers about task-related events.Task Manager Interface.Provides an information whether we can allow to run the system in clustered mode.Task persistence status.Single-purpose class to return task run results.Utility methods related to theTask