Class AuditCustomColumnItemFilterProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
FilterProcessor<PropertyValueFilter<AuditEventRecordCustomColumnPropertyType>>, RightHandProcessor

public class AuditCustomColumnItemFilterProcessor extends ItemValueFilterProcessor<PropertyValueFilter<AuditEventRecordCustomColumnPropertyType>>
Filter processor for an audit custom column attribute path (Prism item). While it is a single-path processor, it does NOT support ordering, because "what to order by" is part of the filter value ({link AuditEventRecordItemType.getName()}).

Design note: While it is technically possible to change the primary item mapping function of ItemSqlMapper to be a function of both entity path and value, the value is simply not available in order specification anyway. So this is a limitation of current design of audit custom columns (not much of Query API). If custom column was a proper extension column with its own item Q-name, it would be possible with the same item filter processors used for non-extension columns (only the mapping registration would be dynamic, which is not a big deal).