ObjectModificationType |
Describes a change of attributes of a specific object. |
PolicyItemsDefinitionType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values
UserSessionManagementType |
Describe session - user, active sessions, nodes where the user is active
FocusType |
Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of full midPoint computation. |
ExtensionType |
Place for non-standard object properties. |
TriggerType |
Defines triggers for an object. |
MetadataType |
Meta-data about data creation, modification, etc. |
OperationExecutionType |
Information about an operation executed on an object. |
OperationExecutionRecordRealOwnerType |
Information about operation execution record real owner. |
LensContextType |
A serialization of model context, i. |
LensFocusContextType |
LensProjectionContextType |
ShadowDiscriminatorType |
Shadow discriminator uniquely identifies a projection among other projections linked to the
same focus. |
ModelExecuteOptionsType |
Options for execution of Model operations. |
PartialProcessingOptionsType |
Options that allows to select only some of the projector/clockwork parts to process. |
ConflictResolutionType |
How to resolve write-write conflicts on focal objects, i. |
LensContextSequencesType |
Values of sequences used in the computation. |
LensContextSequenceValueType |
Value of a sequence used in the computation. |
PolicyExceptionType |
Recorded exception from a policy rule. |
AssignmentType |
Generic assignments of one object to another object. |
ConstructionType |
Projection construction. |
ResourceAttributeDefinitionType |
Description of the attribute handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions. |
MappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for regular data mappings. |
MetadataMappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for metadata mappings. |
InboundMappingType |
InboundMappingEvaluationPhasesType |
Phase or phases in which the mapping should be evaluated. |
ResourceObjectAssociationType |
Describes how entitlement is associated to the subject (e. |
PersonaConstructionType |
Persona construction. |
MappingsType |
Generic set of mappings. |
PolicyRuleType |
These rules specify compliance and governance constraints. |
PolicyConstraintsType |
Set of governance, risk management, compliance (GRC) and similar policy constraints
that influence the identity model. |
PolicyConstraintPresentationType |
How should be triggering of this constraint presented, e. |
StatePolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when a object or assignment is in a given state. |
HasAssignmentPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers when the focus has given assignment(s). |
ExclusionPolicyConstraintType |
Container that defines exclusion of entities (e. |
OrderConstraintsType |
MultiplicityPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint on multiplicity of assigned objects. |
ModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule on object modification, addition or deletion. |
AssignmentModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is assigned. |
TimeValidityPolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when validity of an object, assignment, or basically any time-sensitive
item (e. |
PolicySituationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is in a given policy situation(s). |
CollectionStatsPolicyConstraintType |
Constraints for collection stats (statistics). |
CollectionSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection, without reference to the collection. |
AlwaysTruePolicyConstraintType |
This policy constraint always applies. |
OrphanedPolicyConstraintType |
The object (currently supported are tasks) is orphaned i. |
TransitionPolicyConstraintType |
Specifies how the inner constraints are to be evaluated with regards to operation start and end state. |
PolicyConstraintReferenceType |
References another policy constraint. |
PolicyThresholdType |
Specifies limits when is the action executed. |
WaterMarkType |
Water mark (bound). |
TimeIntervalType |
Water mark (bound). |
PolicyActionsType |
Actions that are executed as reactions to triggered policy rules. |
EnforcementPolicyActionType |
Enforcement action. |
ApprovalPolicyActionType |
Approval action. |
WfProcessSpecificationType |
Specification of a process that is to be started. |
DeltaSourceSpecificationType |
ApprovalCompositionStrategyType |
Prescribes how individual approval requirements should be composed into overall approval schema. |
ApprovalSchemaType |
Rules for approving something (e. |
ApprovalStageDefinitionType |
One "level" (or stage) in the approval process. |
WorkItemTimedActionsType |
Actions that should be applied to a work item in given moments (relative to work item creation
or work item deadline). |
WorkItemActionsType |
Actions to execute. |
CompleteWorkItemActionType |
WorkItemNotificationActionType |
EventHandlerType |
An event handler type - extends common handler with filter/info
and additionally can contain one or more notifiers of various kinds. |
SimpleUserNotifierType |
TimeValidityNotifierType |
SimpleFocalObjectNotifierType |
SimpleResourceObjectNotifierType |
SimpleWorkflowNotifierType |
SimpleCaseManagementNotifierType |
UserPasswordNotifierType |
RegistrationConfirmationNotifierType |
PasswordResetNotifierType |
AccountActivationNotifierType |
AccountPasswordNotifierType |
SimpleCampaignNotifierType |
SimpleCampaignStageNotifierType |
SimpleReviewerNotifierType |
SimpleTaskNotifierType |
SimpleReportNotifierType |
SimplePolicyRuleNotifierType |
GeneralNotifierType |
General notifier that can handle any type of event. |
CustomNotifierType |
Custom notifier which uses expression to produce the message object. |
DelegateWorkItemActionType |
EscalateWorkItemActionType |
RemediationPolicyActionType |
PrunePolicyActionType |
CertificationPolicyActionType |
NotificationPolicyActionType |
RecordPolicyActionType |
ScriptExecutionPolicyActionType |
ScriptExecutionObjectType |
Object(s) on which the script should be executed. |
ObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint. |
LinkTargetObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among link targets (for this object). |
LinkSourceObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among linked sources (for this object). |
AsynchronousScriptExecutionType |
Options for asynchronous script execution. |
SuspendTaskPolicyActionType |
Stop action. |
ActivationType |
Type that defines activation properties. |
AssignmentSelectorType |
Selects some assignments from all the assignments in the object. |
OtherPrivilegesLimitationType |
Limitations related to other privileges, like the ability to complete work items. |
WorkItemSelectorType |
Selects some work items from all the items (perhaps of a given type, like approval work items). |
AssignmentRelationType |
Specifies what types of assignments can be made to the focal object when it is a target of an assignment. |
CredentialsType |
This is a container type for various credentials types: passwords, public keys, one-time password
scheme identifiers, etc. |
PasswordType |
PasswordHistoryEntryType |
Contains a single entry of the password history. |
NonceType |
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsType |
SecurityQuestionAnswerType |
Answer to the security question. |
BehaviorType |
General-purpose behavioral data. |
AuthenticationBehavioralDataType |
Behavioral data about past authentications. |
PropertyReferenceListType |
PolicyItemDefinitionType |
XmlScriptsType |
ExecuteCredentialResetRequestType |
ResourceObjectIdentificationType |
SingleScriptOutputType |
ObjectListType |
ObjectType |
Common supertype for all identity objects. |
ResourceObjectShadowListType |
ShadowType |
Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning. |
PendingOperationType |
Description of an operation that is pending (in progress) or that was
recently completed. |
ShadowCorrelationStateType |
Current state of the correlation process. |
ResourceObjectOwnerOptionsType |
Describes the options for an owner of a resource object. |
ResourceObjectOwnerOptionType |
An option when choosing an owner for a resource object. |
AbstractCorrelatorStateType |
Current state of a correlator being used. |
ShadowAttributesType |
Attribute values from the resource. |
ShadowAssociationType |
ShadowIdentifiersType |
UserSessionManagementListType |
Describe list of sessions. |
ScriptOutputsType |
TerminateSessionEventType |
Describe terminate session event cluster-wide. |
ExecuteScriptResponseType |
Result of a single script execution. |
ResourceObjectType |
ExecuteCredentialResetResponseType |
UserListType |
UserType |
User object represents a physical user of the system. |
AdminGuiConfigurationType |
Administration GUI configuration. |
RichHyperlinkType |
Hyperlink with a label, menu and other data that control a rich presentation of the link. |
IconType |
User interface icon specification. |
GuiObjectListViewsType |
Specifies the set of pages that are used for displaying lists of objects
such as Users, Roles, Orgs, . |
GuiObjectListViewType |
Specifies the page used to list specific object type or object collection. |
DisplayType |
SearchBoxConfigurationType |
Configuration of the search box (the set of input fields that control definition of search query). |
ScopeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for scope search item. |
ObjectTypeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for default object type. |
RelationSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for relation search item. |
IndirectSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for indirect search item. |
UserInterfaceFeatureType |
Defines properties of a specific user interface feature (e. |
SearchItemsType |
The list of the search properties to be configured for the search panel. |
SearchItemType |
Search item
SearchFilterParameterType |
Describes input parameters for the search filter. |
GuiObjectColumnType |
Configuration of the object list column. |
DirectionElementsType |
Specific elements for export/import. |
CollectionRefSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection (including reference to the collection). |
GuiActionType |
Actions are special things that can be done with particular object or list of objects. |
GuiObjectListViewAdditionalPanelsType |
Configuration of additional panels that can be present in some view types. |
GuiObjectListPanelConfigurationType |
Specifies the configuration of a generic table listing various things (usually objects). |
GuiShadowListViewType |
List pages for shadows. |
ObjectFormsType |
Specifies the set of forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, . |
ObjectFormType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
RoleRelationObjectSpecificationType |
Definition of object with respect to subject relation to a role. |
FormSpecificationType |
Specifies a form using several different methods, e. |
GuiObjectDetailsSetType |
Specifies the set of default forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, . |
GuiObjectDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
SummaryPanelSpecificationType |
Specifies the look and feel of the summary panel. |
GuiFlexibleLabelType |
Flexible configurable label. |
VirtualContainersSpecificationType |
Used to specify "virtual" containers for displaying details page in GUI. |
VirtualContainerItemSpecificationType |
Item specification to display in container
ContainerPanelConfigurationType |
Definition for the panel which will be used on details panel. |
GuiShadowDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
DashboardLayoutType |
Specifies layout of a dashboard, such as the user dashboard (home screen)
or administration dashboard. |
DashboardWidgetType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget. |
DashboardWidgetDataType |
Specifies widget data source. |
DashboardWidgetPresentationType |
Specifies widget presentation properties. |
DashboardWidgetDataFieldType |
Properties of a specific widget data field. |
DashboardWidgetVariationType |
Conditional variation in the way how the widget is displayed. |
ConfigurableUserDashboardType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget. |
GuiExportSettingsType |
Specifies the settings for GUI object export. |
FeedbackMessagesHookType |
AdminGuiConfigurationRoleManagementType |
Role management features that are potentially user-specific i. |
AdminGuiApprovalsConfigurationType |
Configuration related to approvals GUI. |
AdminGuiConfigurationDisplayFormatsType |
Default display formats for various UI elements. |
ObjectDeltaOperationListType |
List of object delta operations (deltas + operation results). |
CompareResultType |
ObjectDeltaListType |
List of object deltas. |
ExecuteScriptsOptionsType |
PolicyItemTargetType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values