Uses of Interface
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.common
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.common that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static <X> PrismProperty<X>
StaticExpressionUtil. getPropertyStatic(ExpressionType expressionType, PrismPropertyDefinition outputDefinition, String contextDescription, PrismContext prismContext)
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.correlator.idmatch
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.correlator.idmatch that return types with arguments of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<? extends PrismProperty<?>>
IdMatchObject. getProperties()
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description PrismProperty<T>
PrismProperty. clone()
PrismProperty. cloneComplex(CloneStrategy strategy)
PrismProperty. createImmutableClone()
<T> PrismProperty<T>
ItemFactory. createProperty(QName itemName)
<T> PrismProperty<T>
ItemFactory. createProperty(QName itemName, PrismPropertyDefinition<T> definition)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. createProperty(PrismPropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. createProperty(QName propertyName)
static <T> PrismProperty<T>
PrismValueUtil. createRaw(@NotNull XNode node, @NotNull QName itemName, PrismContext prismContext)
<T> PrismProperty<T>
PrismContainer. findOrCreateProperty(ItemPath propertyPath)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. findOrCreateProperty(ItemPath propertyPath)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. findOrCreateProperty(PrismPropertyDefinition propertyDef)
<T> PrismProperty<T>
PrismContainer. findProperty(ItemPath path)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. findProperty(ItemPath propertyPath)
<X> PrismProperty<X>
PrismContainerValue. findProperty(PrismPropertyDefinition<X> propertyDefinition)
Finds a specific property in the container by definition.@NotNull PrismProperty<T>
PrismPropertyDefinition. instantiate()
@NotNull PrismProperty<T>
PrismPropertyDefinition. instantiate(QName name)
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism that return types with arguments of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull Set<PrismProperty<?>>
PrismContainerValue. getProperties()
Returns a set of properties that the property container contains.Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static <T> PropertyDelta<T>
ItemUtil. diff(PrismProperty<T> a, PrismProperty<T> b)
PrismProperty. diff(PrismProperty<T> other)
PrismProperty. diff(PrismProperty<T> other, ParameterizedEquivalenceStrategy strategy)
static <T> T
ItemUtil. getRealValue(PrismProperty<T> property)
static <T> T
PrismProperty. getRealValue(PrismProperty<T> property)
Method parameters in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism with type arguments of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
ItemCollectionsUtil. compareCollectionRealValues(Collection<? extends PrismProperty> col1, Collection<? extends PrismProperty> col2)
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.deleg
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.deleg that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description default @NotNull PrismProperty<T>
PropertyDefinitionDelegator. instantiate()
default @NotNull PrismProperty<T>
PropertyDefinitionDelegator. instantiate(QName name)
Uses of PrismProperty in
Methods in with type parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description <P extends PrismProperty>
PPropertyDelta. instantiateEmptyProperty()
Methods in that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description PrismProperty<T>
PropertyDelta. getPropertyNewMatchingPath()
Returns the "new" state of the property - the state that would be after the delta is applied.PrismProperty<T>
PropertyDelta. getPropertyNewMatchingPath(PrismProperty<T> propertyOld)
Returns the "new" state of the property - the state that would be after the delta is applied.Methods in that return types with arguments of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description Class<PrismProperty>
PropertyDelta. getItemClass()
Methods in with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description PrismProperty<T>
PropertyDelta. getPropertyNewMatchingPath(PrismProperty<T> propertyOld)
Returns the "new" state of the property - the state that would be after the delta is applied. -
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl
Classes in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl with annotations of type with type parameters of type that implement declared as with annotations of type with type parameters of type with annotations of type with annotations of type with type parameters of type that return that return types with arguments of type with parameters of type with type arguments of type that throw with annotations of type with annotations of type with parameters of type with type arguments of type that throw PrismProperty Modifier and Type Class Description class
com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.PrismPropertyImpl<T extends Object>
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.builder
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.builder with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description <T> S_MatchingRuleEntry
S_ConditionEntry. eq(PrismProperty<T> property)
S_AtomicFilterEntry. itemAs(PrismProperty<?> property)
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.util
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.util that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static <T,X>
PrismProperty<X>PrismUtil. convertProperty(PrismProperty<T> srcProp, PrismPropertyDefinition<X> targetDef)
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.util with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static void
PrismAsserts. assertPropertyDefinition(PrismProperty<?> property, QName type, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, Boolean indexed)
static <T> void
PrismAsserts. assertPropertyValue(PrismProperty<T> property, T... expectedPropValues)
static <T> void
PrismAsserts. assertPropertyValueDesc(PrismProperty<T> property, MatchingRule<T> matchingRule, String contextDescrition, T... expectedPropValues)
static <T> void
PrismAsserts. assertPropertyValueDesc(PrismProperty<T> property, String contextDescrition, T... expectedPropValues)
static <T,X>
PrismProperty<X>PrismUtil. convertProperty(PrismProperty<T> srcProp, PrismPropertyDefinition<X> targetDef)
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor
Subinterfaces of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
/** Resource Object Attribute is a Property of Resource Object.Classes in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor that implement PrismProperty Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description PrismProperty<?>
ResourceAttributeContainer. getPrimaryIdentifier()
Returns a (single) primary identifier.PrismProperty<?>
ResourceAttributeContainerImpl. getPrimaryIdentifier()
<T> PrismProperty<T>
ResourceAttributeContainer. getSecondaryIdentifier()
TODO review docs Returns a (single) secondary identifier.<T> PrismProperty<T>
ResourceAttributeContainerImpl. getSecondaryIdentifier()
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ResourceAttributeDefinitionImpl. canBeDefinitionOf(PrismProperty<T> item)
Uses of PrismProperty in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util
Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util that return PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static @Nullable PrismProperty<?>
MatchingUtil. findProperty(ObjectType object, ItemPath path)
Finds a property even if the path was reduced by removing all container IDs.Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util that return types with arguments of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static List<PrismProperty<?>>
MatchingUtil. getSingleValuedProperties(@NotNull ObjectType object)
Extracts properties suitable for matching (single-valued).Methods in com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util with parameters of type PrismProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static void
ObjectTypeUtil. setXsdSchemaDefinition(PrismProperty<SchemaDefinitionType> definitionProperty, Element xsdElement)