All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Definition of an access certification - a template for
a set of access certification campaigns.
AbstractActivityReportDefinitionType |
Common parts of definitions of activity-related reports.
AbstractActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
Implements (represents) a run of an activity.
AbstractActivityWorkStateType |
Supertype for all activity state types.
AbstractAuthenticationContext |
AbstractAuthenticationModuleType |
Common supertype for all authentication module definitions.
AbstractAuthenticationPolicyType |
Authentication management policy.
AbstractAutowiredExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
AbstractAxiomAntlrVisitor<T> |
AbstractAxiomItem<V> |
AbstractAxiomValue<V> |
AbstractBaseDefinition |
AbstractCachingScriptEvaluator<I,C> |
Expression evaluator that is using javax.script (JSR-223) engine.
AbstractChangeExecutionOpNode |
AbstractCompositeActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
Run of a set of child activities.
AbstractConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,ACT extends AbstractConstructionType,EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction<AH>> |
A superclass for both resource object constructions (ResourceObjectConstruction)
and persona object constructions (PersonaConstruction).
AbstractConstructionBuilder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,ACT extends AbstractConstructionType,EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction<AH>,RT extends AbstractConstructionBuilder<AH,ACT,EC,RT>> |
Builder for all the constructions (resource object and persona).
AbstractConstructionType |
Abstract supertype for constructions.
AbstractCredentialAuthenticationModuleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Common definition for all authentication modules that use password.
AbstractCredentialsResetPolicyType |
Authentication management policy.
AbstractCredentialType |
Java class for AbstractCredentialType complex type.
AbstractDelegatedPrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V extends PrismValue> |
AbstractDependency<V> |
AbstractExecutionActionExpressionType |
Supertype for "execution" actions, carrying some common properties.
AbstractExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,E> |
AbstractFileFormatType |
Supertype of report export types.
AbstractFormItemType |
Abstract supertype for all form items.
AbstractFreezable |
AbstractGlobalCache |
Superclass for global caches handling objects, versions, and queries.
AbstractLazy<T> |
AbstractLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
AbstractMappingBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,MBT extends AbstractMappingType,RT extends AbstractMappingBuilder<V,D,MBT,RT>> |
Builder is used to construct a configuration of Mapping object, which - after building - becomes
AbstractMappingEvaluationOpNode |
AbstractMappingImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,MBT extends AbstractMappingType> |
Evaluation of a mapping.
AbstractMappingType |
Defines how a value of a property (or attribute) should be
AbstractModuleSaml2KeyType |
Abstract SAML2 key.
AbstractObjectResolvableExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
This is NOT autowired evaluator.
AbstractObjectTypeConfigurationType |
Abstract supertype for all data types that specify configuration properties for
a specific object type (User, Role, Org, Resource, ...)
AbstractOptions |
AbstractPasswordAuthenticationModuleType |
Common definition for all authentication modules that use password.
AbstractPolicyConstraintType |
Basic data structure for all policy constraints.
AbstractPolyStringNormalizer |
AbstractReader |
Takes care of reading JSON/YAML to XNode.
AbstractRegistrationPolicyType |
AbstractReport |
AbstractReportEngineConfigurationType |
Abstract type for configuration of reports.
AbstractReportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for report-related activities.
AbstractRepositorySearchAction<O extends ExportOptions,R> |
Abstract action for all search-based operations, such as export and verify.
AbstractRoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract class that contains the "essence" of a role.
AbstractScriptEvaluator |
Expression evaluator that is using javax.script (JSR-223) engine.
AbstractSearchExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>,E extends SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType> |
AbstractSearchExpressionEvaluatorCache<V extends PrismValue,RV extends PrismObject,QK extends QueryKey,QR extends QueryResult> |
Cache for search expression-based evaluators.
AbstractSecurityQuestionsAuthenticationModuleType |
Common definition for all authentication modules that use security questions.
AbstractSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping or expression source during evaluation.
AbstractStatisticsPrinter<T> |
Prints statistics in selected format.
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.Format |
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.Options |
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.SortBy |
AbstractStreamAdapter<N,V> |
AbstractSummarizingResultHandler<T extends ObjectType> |
Class provides OperationResult summarizing functionality for result handler.
AbstractThreadLocalCache |
Common supertype for various thread-local caches (parts of RepositoryCache but also others).
AbstractValuePolicyOriginResolver<O extends ObjectType> |
AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,E extends TransformExpressionEvaluatorType> |
Evaluates transformational expression: one that transforms input values to output values.
AbstractWorkBucketContentType |
Abstract supertype for description of bucket contents.
AbstractWorkDefinition |
IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: The fields in sub-classes should be immutable! (TODO: why?)
AbstractWorkDefinitionType |
Marker type for an activity work definition.
AbstractWorkItemActionType |
AbstractWorkItemOutputType |
AbstractWorkItemType |
Common superclass for workflow (approval) work item, certification work item and case management work item.
AbstractWorkSegmentationType |
Describes how to segment the work into buckets and manage them.
AbstractWriteCapabilityType |
Base type for all write capabilities.
AbstractWriter |
Writes XNode into JSON/YAML.
AbstractWriterConsumerWorker<O extends BasicExportOptions,T> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
AccessAnnotationType |
Java class for AccessAnnotationType.
AccessCertificationApiConstants |
AccessCertificationAssignmentCaseType |
Java class for AccessCertificationAssignmentCaseType complex type.
AccessCertificationAssignmentReviewScopeType |
Scope for assignment-related reviews.
AccessCertificationCampaignStateType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCampaignStateType.
AccessCertificationCampaignType |
Definition of an access certification campaign.
AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType.
AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType complex type.
AccessCertificationCasesStatisticsType |
Statistics give a set of access certification cases.
AccessCertificationCaseStageOutcomeType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseStageOutcomeType complex type.
AccessCertificationCaseType |
An item that has to be certified, viewed in the scope of a given certification campaign.
AccessCertificationConfigurationType |
Configuration for access certification.
AccessCertificationDefinitionForReportType |
Access certification definition augmented with report-related information
AccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Access certification definition.
AccessCertificationEvent |
An event related to access certification.
AccessCertificationEventListener |
An interface through which external observers can be notified about certification related events.
AccessCertificationObjectBasedScopeType |
The most common way of specifying scope - providing type+search filter to select "base" objects
and then some means of deriving certification cases from them.
AccessCertificationReiterationDefinitionType |
AccessCertificationRemediationDefinitionType |
AccessCertificationRemediationStyleType |
Java class for AccessCertificationRemediationStyleType.
AccessCertificationResponseType |
Java class for AccessCertificationResponseType.
AccessCertificationReviewerSpecificationType |
Specifies how to select reviewers for a campaign stage.
AccessCertificationScopeType |
Specifies the scope of an access certification campaign.
AccessCertificationService |
Interface to access certification related functionality.
AccessCertificationStageDefinitionType |
Definition of an access certification campaign stage.
AccessCertificationStageType |
Information about a stage of a campaign.
AccessCertificationWorkItemType |
A work item for a certification case.
AccessDecision |
Decision about access to something.
AccountActivationNotifierType |
AccountPasswordNotifierType |
AccountPasswordPolicyProcessor |
AcknowledgementSink |
Denotes an object capable of receiving an acknowledge that an item was processed.
Action<E extends Exception> |
Action |
Action<O,R> |
Base implementation class for action, that is Ninja command.
ActionExecutor |
Executes an action of a given type.
ActionExpressionType |
Executes a given action (add, modify, delete, enable, disable, assign, ...)
ActionManager<T extends Action> |
ActionManagerImpl<T extends Action> |
ActionParameterValueType |
Value of a parameter for an action.
ActionResult<T> |
Class that allows to return result and expected exit code from action execution.
ActionsExecutedCollector |
Records information about actions on repository objects.
ActionsExecutedCollectorImpl |
Collects actions executed information from a single item processing.
ActionsExecutedInformationUtil |
ActionsExecutedInformationUtil.Part |
ActionState |
ActivationCapabilityType |
Describes capability to process activation data, which means
enable/disable of accounts, dates for scheduled enable/disable
and similar things related to make the account active.
ActivationComputer |
ActivationLockoutStatusCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide lockout status (e.g.
ActivationProcessor |
The processor that takes care of user activation mapping to an account (outbound direction).
ActivationStatusCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide activation status (e.g.
ActivationStatusType |
Java class for ActivationStatusType.
ActivationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Type that defines activation properties.
ActivationUtil |
ActivationValidityCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide activation validity dates (validFrom, validTo)
ActivitiesTailoringType |
Tailors the work specification by adding activity or activities before or after existing ones,
or by changing specification (execution mode, flow of control, distribution) of existing activities.
Activity<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
Binds together all the information about an activity and its run (if present).
ActivityActionsExecuted |
Must be thread-safe.
ActivityActionsExecutedType |
Shows what actions were executed.
ActivityAfterType |
ActivityAutoScalingWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the auto-scaling activity.
ActivityAutoScalingWorkStateType |
Work state for the auto scaling activity.
ActivityBasedTaskHandler |
Handler for tasks that are based on activity (activities) definition.
ActivityBasedTaskInformation |
ActivityBasedTaskRun |
A run of an activity-based task.
ActivityBeforeAfterType |
ActivityBeforeType |
ActivityBucketingStateType |
Information about the bucket processing within an activity.
ActivityBucketManagementStatistics |
ActivityBucketManagementStatisticsType |
Information about bucket management operations performance within an activity.
ActivityBucketManagementStatisticsUtil |
ActivityCompositionType |
ActivityControlFlowDefinition |
Defines control flow aspects of an activity: various preconditions, error handling, and so on.
ActivityControlFlowDefinitionTailoringType |
ActivityControlFlowDefinitionType |
Defines the features related to the flow of control within an activity (simple or composite).
ActivityCounterGroupsType |
Counters related to the execution of the activity, grouped into related categories.
ActivityCounterGroupType |
A group of related counters.
ActivityCounterType |
A single counter.
ActivityDefinition<WD extends WorkDefinition> |
Definition of an activity.
ActivityDefinitionType |
Describes an activity, i.e.
ActivityDefinitionUtil |
ActivityDistributionDefinition |
Defines the distribution aspects of an activity: buckets, worker tasks, worker threads, subtasks, and so on.
ActivityDistributionDefinitionTailoringType |
ActivityDistributionDefinitionType |
Describes how we are going to distribute the work that is to be done:
how to divide it into work buckets, and how to distribute these buckets to worker tasks.
ActivityErrorHandlingStrategyEntryType |
Specifies a reaction when a given error during activity execution occurs.
ActivityErrorHandlingStrategyType |
Specifies a strategy for handling errors during iterative activities.
ActivityEventLoggingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityEventLoggingOptionType.
ActivityHandler<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
Spring component that ensures handling activity invocations.
ActivityHandlerRegistry |
Registry of activity handlers for different work definition types (either standard or customer-provided).
ActivityItemCountingDefinitionType |
How should the activity deal with item counting, i.e.
ActivityItemCountingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityItemCountingOptionType.
ActivityItemProcessingStatistics |
This is "live" iteration information.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsPrinter |
Prints the item processing statistics.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsType |
Information about item processing in given activity.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsUtil |
ActivityLoggingOptionsType |
Controls logging aspects of an activity execution.
ActivityOverallItemCountingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityOverallItemCountingOptionType.
ActivityPath |
ActivityPathType |
Path from the root of the activity tree to the specified activity.
ActivityPerformanceInformation |
Extract of the most relevant performance information about an activity.
ActivityPreconditionOutputType |
Java class for ActivityPreconditionOutputType.
ActivityProfilingDefinitionType |
Java class for ActivityProfilingDefinitionType complex type.
ActivityProgress |
Takes care of reporting the activity progress.
ActivityProgress.Counters |
ActivityProgressAndStatisticsPrinter |
TODO better name
ActivityProgressInformation |
Summarized representation of a progress of an activity and its sub-activities.
ActivityProgressInformation.RealizationState |
ActivityProgressInformationBuilder |
ActivityProgressInformationBuilder.InformationSource |
ActivityProgressPrinter |
Prints activity progress information.
ActivityProgressType |
Progress of an activity.
ActivityProgressUtil |
ActivityRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivityRealizationStateType.
ActivityRepeatedExecutionStrategyType |
Java class for ActivityRepeatedExecutionStrategyType.
ActivityReportCollectionType |
A collection of related report data objects.
ActivityReportingCharacteristics |
Reporting characteristics of an activity.
ActivityReportingDefinition |
Defines reporting features of the activity, like logging, tracing, profiling, and reports.
ActivityReportingDefinitionDefaultValuesProvider |
ActivityReportingDefinitionType |
How should the task report its various aspects?
ActivityReportsDefinitionType |
Defines specific activity-related reports.
ActivityReportsType |
Reports related to activity execution.
ActivityReportUtil |
ActivityRunException |
Exception that carries supplementary information on how it should be treated
(with the respect to operation result and task run result status).
ActivityRunInstantiationContext<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
Context for instantiating activity run.
ActivityRunRecordType |
Information about individual activity run.
ActivityRunResult |
Result of an run of an activity.
ActivityRunSupplier<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
ActivitySimplifiedRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivitySimplifiedRealizationStateType.
ActivityState |
ActivityStateDefinition<WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
TODO better name
Defines basic facts about activity work state, like type of the work state, the persistence level, and so on.
ActivityStateOverviewMaintenanceDefinitionType |
Parameters related to the maintenance of activity tree state overview.
ActivityStateOverviewProgressInformationVisibilityType |
Java class for ActivityStateOverviewProgressInformationVisibilityType.
ActivityStateOverviewProgressUpdateModeType |
Java class for ActivityStateOverviewProgressUpdateModeType.
ActivityStateOverviewType |
Describes an overview of the state of an activity.
ActivityStateOverviewUtil |
Utilities related to the helper activity tree state overview structure (maintained in the root task).
ActivityStateOverviewUtil.StateOverviewVisitor |
ActivityStatePersistenceType |
Java class for ActivityStatePersistenceType.
ActivityStateType |
Describes the state of an activity.
ActivityStateUtil |
Utility methods related to activity state and activity work state.
ActivityStatistics |
ActivityStatisticsType |
Statistical information for individual activities.
ActivityStatisticsUtil |
ActivitySubtaskDefinitionType |
How the part is realized via subtask.
ActivitySynchronizationStatistics |
Must be thread-safe.
ActivitySynchronizationStatisticsType |
Information about synchronization situations of objects processed by synchronization-related tasks:
live sync, import, reconciliation.
ActivitySynchronizationStatisticsUtil |
ActivityTailoring |
ActivityTailoringType |
ActivityTaskExecutionStateType |
Java class for ActivityTaskExecutionStateType.
ActivityTaskStateOverviewType |
State of the local activity run in an individual task.
ActivityTokenStorageImpl |
ActivityTracingDefinitionType |
Definition for tracing execution of an iterative activity.
ActivityTracingProcessor |
ActivityTree |
Represents the tree of activities that comprise a logical task.
ActivityTreePurger |
Responsible for purging detailed state of the activities, including worker and delegator tasks.
ActivityTreeRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivityTreeRealizationStateType.
ActivityTreeStateOverview |
ActivityTreeStateType |
Describes the state of an activity tree.
ActivityTreeUtil |
Utility methods for navigating throughout activity trees, potentially distributed throughout a task tree.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateInContext |
Activity state with all the necessary context: the path, the task, and the partial states of coordinated workers.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateInLocalContext |
Activity state in local context: just the path and the state.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateProcessor |
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateTransformer<X> |
ActivityTreeUtil.LocalActivityStateProcessor |
ActivityTreeUtil.LocalActivityStateTransformer<X> |
ActivityVisitor |
ActivityWorkersInformation |
State of the worker tasks (in the broad sense - i.e.
AddActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "add" action.
AddDeleteReplace |
Denotes ADD, DELETE, REPLACE sets in item deltas.
AddExecutor |
AddFocusAction |
AdditionalPanelsProcessor |
AddObjectContext<S extends ObjectType,Q extends QObject<R>,R extends MObject> |
Add object operation context; used only for true add, not overwrite which is more like modify.
AddObjectResult<T extends ObjectType> |
Result of the addObject operation.
AddRemoveAttributeValuesCapabilityType |
Indication that ADD and REMOVE of attribute values is reliably supported.
AddRemoveAttributeValuesProcessor |
AdHocDataItem |
AdminGuiApprovalsConfigurationType |
Configuration related to approvals GUI.
AdminGuiConfigurationDisplayFormatsType |
Default display formats for various UI elements.
AdminGuiConfigurationMergeManager |
AdminGuiConfigurationMergeManagerImpl |
AdminGuiConfigurationRoleManagementType |
Role management features that are potentially user-specific i.e.
AdminGuiConfigurationType |
Administration GUI configuration.
AdministrativeAvailabilityStatusType |
Java class for AdministrativeAvailabilityStatusType.
AdministrativeOperationalStateType |
Structure containing metadata about administrative operational state of the resource.
AdvancedActivityRunSupport |
Advanced features needed for activity run, like
AdvancedActivityRunSupportImpl |
AdvancedLoggingConfigurationType |
Contains free form logging configuration.
AfterItemConditionType |
Condition controlling item report collection that is evaluated after the item is processed.
AllFilter |
AllFilterImpl |
Filter designed to explicitly match everything.
AlphanumericPolyStringNormalizer |
AlwaysTrueConstraintEvaluator |
AlwaysTruePolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This policy constraint always applies.
Amqp091MessageAttributesType |
Representation of AMQP 0-9-1 message attributes.
Amqp091MessageType |
Representation AMQP 0-9-1 message.
Amqp091SourceType |
AMQP client configuration
AndFilter |
AndFilterImpl |
AntlrDecoder<O> |
AntlrDecoderContext |
AntlrStreamToItemStream |
AnyArrayList<C extends Containerable> |
A list used for JAXB getAny() methods.
AnyDataAsyncUpdateMessageType |
Async update carrying any data.
AnyValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container).
AppenderConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
ApplicablePoliciesType |
Specification of policies that are applicable to this object type.
ApplyDefinitionActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "apply-definition" action.
ApplyDefinitionExecutor |
Applies definitions to relevant objects.
ApprovalCompositionStrategyType |
Prescribes how individual approval requirements should be composed into overall approval schema.
ApprovalContextType |
Describes the approval context, i.e.
ApprovalContextUtil |
TODO clean up these formatting methods
ApprovalLevelOutcomeType |
Java class for ApprovalLevelOutcomeType.
ApprovalPolicyActionType |
Approval action.
ApprovalProcessStartInstructionCreationTraceType |
Trace for operation(s) that create approval process start instruction(s).
ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType |
Information on actual or expected execution of an approval schema.
ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationUtil |
ApprovalSchemaType |
Rules for approving something (e.g.
ApprovalStageDefinitionType |
One "level" (or stage) in the approval process.
ApprovalStageExecutionInformationType |
Information of an actual or expected execution of an approval stage.
ApprovalStageExecutionPreviewType |
Preview of an execution of an approval stage.
ApprovalStageExecutionRecordType |
Record of an actual execution of an approval stage.
ApprovalUtils |
ApprovalWorkItemsProcessor |
ArchetypeAdminGuiConfigurationType |
Definition of GUI-related configuration for the archetyped objects.
ArchetypeManager |
Component that can efficiently determine archetypes for objects.
ArchetypePolicyType |
Definition of archetype policies, such as object template, lifecycle, type display properties and so on.
ArchetypeType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Archetype definition.
ArchetypeTypeType |
Java class for ArchetypeTypeType.
ArchetypeTypeUtil |
AreaCategoryType |
Java class for AreaCategoryType.
ArrayItemDeltaProcessor<V,E> |
Delta processor for multi-value property represented by single array column.
ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor<T,E> |
Filter processor for multi-value property represented by single array column.
ArtemisProvisioningTargetType |
ActiveMQ Artemis target.
Ascii7PolyStringNormalizer |
AsciiTableFormatting |
Formats data as "nice" ASCII table.
AsIsExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Returns value set triple of the default source.
AsIsExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
AsIsExpressionEvaluatorType |
Copy value as is, without any modification.
AssignActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "assign" action.
AssignedConstructionBuilder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
AssignedFocusMappingEvaluationRequest |
Request to evaluate a mapping held by an assignment (in focusMappings container).
AssignedResourceObjectConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Resource object construction that was assigned to the focus.
AssignExecutor |
AssignmentCandidatesSpecification |
Data structure that contains information about possible assignment targets or holders for a particular object.
AssignmentCollector |
AssignmentConstraintsType |
Specifies constraints on assignments that are placed in the same focus.
AssignmentEvaluationOpNode |
AssignmentEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for assignment evaluation operation.
AssignmentEvaluator<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
An engine that creates EvaluatedAssignment from an assignment IDI.
AssignmentEvaluator.Builder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
AssignmentHolderProcessor |
Handles everything about AssignmentHolder-typed focus:
inbounds (for FocusType),
activation before object template (for FocusType),
object template before assignments,
activation after object template (for FocusType),
assignments (including processing orgs, membership/delegate refs, conflicts),
focus lifecycle,
object template after assignments,
activation after second object template (for FocusType),
credentials (for FocusType),
focus policy rules.
All of this is executed with regard to iteration.
AssignmentHolderType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can have assignments.
AssignmentModificationConstraintEvaluator |
AssignmentModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is assigned.
AssignmentObjectRelation |
Assignment object relation specification.
AssignmentOrigin |
Describes assignment origin e.g.
AssignmentPath |
Path from the source object (focus) to the ultimate assignment that is being processed or referenced.
AssignmentPathImpl |
Path from focus object to a given assignment.
AssignmentPathSegment |
Single assignment in an assignment path.
AssignmentPathSegmentImpl |
Primary duty of this class is to be a part of assignment path.
AssignmentPathSegmentImpl.Builder |
AssignmentPathSegmentType |
Java class for AssignmentPathSegmentType complex type.
AssignmentPathType |
Java class for AssignmentPathType complex type.
AssignmentPathUtil |
AssignmentPathVariables |
AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType |
Java class for AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType.
AssignmentPolicyRuleEvaluationContext<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
AssignmentProcessor |
Assignment processor is recomputing user assignments.
AssignmentPropertiesSpecificationType |
Java class for AssignmentPropertiesSpecificationType complex type.
AssignmentRelationApproachType |
Java class for AssignmentRelationApproachType.
AssignmentRelationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specifies what types of assignments can be made to the focal object when it is a target of an assignment.
AssignmentSegmentEvaluationOpNode |
AssignmentSegmentEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for assignment evaluation operation.
AssignmentSelectorType |
Selects some assignments from all the assignments in the object.
AssignmentSpec |
A key for assignment:mode => modifications map (for policy state).
AssignmentTargetSearchExpressionEvaluator |
Creates an assignment (or assignments) based on specified conditions for the assignment target.
AssignmentTargetSearchExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
AssignmentTargetSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression that provides an assignment based on search results.
AssignmentTripleEvaluator<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluates all assignments and sorts them to triple: added, removed and "kept" assignments.
AssignmentTripleEvaluator.Builder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
AssignmentType |
Generic assignments of one object to another object.
AssignmentUtil |
AssociationAdditionType |
Container for association-to-be-added in the context: resource shadow discriminator.
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluator |
Creates an association (or associations) based on projections of given role.
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorType |
Definition of an expression that creates association from links (linkRefs)
AssociationSearchExpressionEvaluatorCache |
Search expression evaluator dealing with shadows - requires specific invalidation strategies.
AssociationSearchQueryKey |
AssociationSearchQueryResult |
AssociationTargetSearchExpressionEvaluator |
Creates an association (or associations) based on specified condition for the associated object.
AssociationTargetSearchExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
AsynchronousOperationQueryable |
Interface that provide ability to query status of asynchronous operation.
AsynchronousOperationResult |
Primary goal of this class is to support asynchronous operations.
AsynchronousOperationReturnValue<T> |
This may seems too simple and maybe pointless now.
AsynchronousScriptExecutionModeType |
Java class for AsynchronousScriptExecutionModeType.
AsynchronousScriptExecutionType |
Options for asynchronous script execution.
AsyncProvisioningAddOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Add class.
AsyncProvisioningDeleteOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Delete class.
AsyncProvisioningModifyOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Modify class.
AsyncProvisioningOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested class.
AsyncProvisioningTargetsType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning targets.
AsyncProvisioningTargetType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning target.
AsyncUpdateActivityHandler |
Activity handler for controlled processing of asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateActivityRun |
AsyncUpdateCapabilityType |
Describes capability to process asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateErrorHandlingActionType |
Java class for AsyncUpdateErrorHandlingActionType.
AsyncUpdateEvent |
AsyncUpdateEventHandler |
AsyncUpdateListeningActivityInformationType |
Information on async update listening activity.
AsyncUpdateListeningActivityStatusType |
Java class for AsyncUpdateListeningActivityStatusType.
AsyncUpdateMessageType |
Representation of an async update message.
AsyncUpdateSourcesType |
Sources of asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateSourceType |
Source of asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateWorkDefinition |
AsyncUpdateWorkDefinitionType |
Executes the asynchronous update from a resource.
AttributeContainerDefinitionDelegator |
AttributeContentRequirementType |
Java class for AttributeContentRequirementType.
AttributeDefinitionDelegator<T> |
AttributeFetchStrategyType |
Java class for AttributeFetchStrategyType.
AttributeStorageStrategyType |
Java class for AttributeStorageStrategyType.
AuditController |
AuditCustomColumnItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for an audit custom column attribute path (Prism item).
AuditedAuthenticationException |
AuditEventRecord |
Audit event record describes a single event (usually data change) in a format suitable for audit.
AuditEventRecordCustomColumnPropertyType |
Field of custom column for audit resord table.
AuditEventRecordItemType |
AuditEventRecordListType |
Java class for AuditEventRecordListType complex type.
AuditEventRecordPropertyType |
AuditEventRecordReferenceType |
AuditEventRecordReferenceValueType |
AuditEventRecordType |
Audit event record describes a single event (usually data change) in a format suitable for audit.
AuditEventStage |
AuditEventStageType |
Java class for AuditEventStageType.
AuditEventType |
AuditEventTypeType |
Java class for AuditEventTypeType.
AuditFactory |
Audit factory is a managed component that hides multiple actual AuditServiceFactory
components - and AuditService s they create - behind a single proxy implementation.
AuditHelper |
Uses cache repository service to resolve object names.
AuditInsertion |
Throw-away object realizing DB insertion of a single AuditEventRecordType
and all related subentities.
AuditPropertiesItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for audit properties stored in a single JSONB column.
AuditRecordValidator |
AuditReferenceValue |
Restricted version of ObjectReferenceType/PrismReferenceValue to be used for audit records.
AuditResultHandler |
AuditService |
Service contract for audit - this can actually represent multiple audit services.
AuditServiceFactory |
Interface representing a factor class providing concrete AuditService implementation.
AuditServiceFactoryException |
AuditServiceProxy |
AuditServiceRegistry |
AuthenticationBehavioralDataType |
Behavioral data about past authentications.
AuthenticationChannel |
AuthenticationEvaluator<T extends AbstractAuthenticationContext> |
AuthenticationEvaluatorImpl<C extends AbstractCredentialType,T extends AbstractAuthenticationContext> |
AuthenticationEvaluatorUtil |
AuthenticationModuleNameConstants |
AuthenticationModulesType |
Definition of authentication modules that midPoint is aware about.
AuthenticationSequenceChannelType |
Channel specification for authentication sequence.
AuthenticationSequenceModuleNecessityType |
Java class for AuthenticationSequenceModuleNecessityType.
AuthenticationSequenceModuleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of authentication module in the sequence.
AuthenticationSequenceType |
Authentication sequence.
AuthenticationsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of the use of authentication mechanisms.
AuthModule |
Authorization |
AuthorizationConstants |
AuthorizationDecisionType |
Java class for AuthorizationDecisionType.
AuthorizationEnforcementStrategyType |
Java class for AuthorizationEnforcementStrategyType.
AuthorizationException |
Exception indicating violation of authorization policies.
AuthorizationLimitationsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Limitations of this authorization when it is applied to other authorizations.
AuthorizationParameters<O extends ObjectType,T extends ObjectType> |
AuthorizationParameters.Builder<O extends ObjectType,T extends ObjectType> |
AuthorizationPhaseType |
Java class for AuthorizationPhaseType.
AuthorizationTransformer |
AuthorizationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Authorization define fine-grained access to midPoint objects and system functionality.
AutoAssignMappingCollector |
Collects auto-assignment mappings from auto-assignable roles.
AutoassignMappingType |
Java class for AutoassignMappingType complex type.
AutoassignRoleMappingEvaluationRequest |
AutoassignSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of role auto-assignment properties.
AutomatedCompletionReasonType |
Java class for AutomatedCompletionReasonType.
AutoScalingActivityHandler |
Activity handler for "auto-scaling" activity.
AutoScalingActivityRun |
AutoScalingDefinitionType |
Defines how auto-scaling should be carried out.
AutoScalingWorkDefinition |
AuxiliaryObjectClassesCapabilityType |
Describes capability to specify additional (auxiliary) object classes in addition to the
primary object class.
AvailabilityStatusType |
Java class for AvailabilityStatusType.
AxiomAntlrLiterals |
AxiomAntlrStatementSource |
AxiomAntlrVisitor2<T> |
AxiomBased |
AxiomBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of AxiomListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
AxiomBaseVisitor<T> |
This class provides an empty implementation of AxiomVisitor ,
which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
AxiomBuilderStreamTarget |
AxiomBuilderStreamTarget.ItemBuilder |
AxiomBuilderStreamTarget.ValueBuilder |
AxiomBuiltIn |
AxiomBuiltIn.Item |
AxiomBuiltIn.Type |
AxiomDecoderContext<I,V> |
AxiomEnabledSchemaRegistry |
AxiomErrorListener |
AxiomIdentifierDefinition |
AxiomIdentifierDefinition.Scope |
AxiomIdentifierDefinitionImpl |
AxiomInfraName |
AxiomInfraValue |
AxiomInfraValue.Factory<V extends AxiomInfraValue> |
AxiomItem<V> |
AxiomItemBuilder<V> |
AxiomItemContext<T> |
AxiomItemDefinition |
AxiomItemDefinition.Extended |
AxiomItemDefinition.Inherited |
AxiomItemDefinitionImpl |
AxiomItemFactory<V> |
AxiomItemName |
AxiomItemStream |
AxiomItemStream.Target |
AxiomItemStream.TargetWithContext |
AxiomItemStreamTreeBuilder |
AxiomItemStreamTreeBuilder.ItemBuilder |
AxiomItemStreamTreeBuilder.ValueBuilder |
AxiomItemTarget |
AxiomLexer |
AxiomListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
AxiomParser .
AxiomMapItem<V> |
AxiomModel |
AxiomModelStatementSource |
AxiomName |
AxiomNamedDefinition |
AxiomNameResolver |
AxiomParser |
AxiomParser.ArgumentContext |
AxiomParser.DataNameContext |
AxiomParser.DoubleQuoteStringContext |
AxiomParser.FileContext |
AxiomParser.InfraNameContext |
AxiomParser.ItemContext |
AxiomParser.ItemNameContext |
AxiomParser.ItemValueContext |
AxiomParser.LocalNameContext |
AxiomParser.MultilineStringContext |
AxiomParser.PathComponentContext |
AxiomParser.PathContext |
AxiomParser.PathDataItemContext |
AxiomParser.PathInfraItemContext |
AxiomParser.PathValueContext |
AxiomParser.PrefixContext |
AxiomParser.PrefixedNameContext |
AxiomParser.SingleQuoteStringContext |
AxiomParser.StringContext |
AxiomPath |
AxiomPath.Component<T extends AxiomPath.Component<T>> |
Marker interface for AxiomPath Arguments
AxiomPath.InfraItem |
AxiomPath.Item |
AxiomPath.Value |
AxiomPath.Variable |
AxiomPathValueDecoder<I> |
AxiomPrefixedName |
AxiomQueryBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of AxiomQueryListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
AxiomQueryBaseVisitor<T> |
This class provides an empty implementation of AxiomQueryVisitor ,
which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
AxiomQueryLexer |
AxiomQueryListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
AxiomQueryParser .
AxiomQueryParser |
AxiomQueryParser.AndFilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ArgumentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.AxiomPathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.BooleanLiteralContext |
AxiomQueryParser.BooleanValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.DataNameContext |
AxiomQueryParser.DereferenceComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.DescendantPathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.DoubleQuoteStringContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FilterNameAliasContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FilterNameContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FirstComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FloatLiteralContext |
AxiomQueryParser.FloatValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.GenFilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.IdentifierComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.InfraNameContext |
AxiomQueryParser.IntLiteralContext |
AxiomQueryParser.IntValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ItemComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ItemFilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ItemNameContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ItemPathComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.LiteralValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.MatchingRuleContext |
AxiomQueryParser.MultilineStringContext |
AxiomQueryParser.NegationContext |
AxiomQueryParser.NullLiteralContext |
AxiomQueryParser.NullValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.OrFilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ParentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ParentPathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.PathAxiomPathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.PathComponentContext |
AxiomQueryParser.PathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.PathValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.PrefixedNameContext |
AxiomQueryParser.RootContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SelfPathContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SingleQuoteStringContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SingleValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.StringLiteralContext |
AxiomQueryParser.StringValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SubFilterContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SubfilterOrValueContext |
AxiomQueryParser.SubfilterSpecContext |
AxiomQueryParser.ValueSetContext |
AxiomQueryParser.VariableContext |
AxiomQuerySource |
AxiomQueryVisitor<T> |
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
by AxiomQueryParser .
AxiomRootContext |
AxiomSchemaContext |
AxiomSchemaContextImpl |
AxiomSemanticException |
AxiomSimpleValue<V> |
AxiomStatementRule<V> |
AxiomStatementRule.Action<V> |
AxiomStatementRule.ActionBuilder<V> |
AxiomStatementRule.Lookup<V> |
AxiomStreamTarget<N,V> |
AxiomStreamTarget.WithContext<N,V> |
AxiomStrings |
AxiomStructured |
AxiomStructuredValue |
AxiomStructuredValue.Factory |
AxiomSyntaxException |
AxiomTypeContext |
AxiomTypeDefinition |
AxiomTypeDefinitionImpl |
AxiomValue<V> |
AxiomValue.Factory<V,T extends AxiomValue<V>> |
AxiomValueBuilder<V> |
AxiomValueContext<V> |
AxiomValueFactory<V> |
AxiomValueIdentifier |
AxiomValueReference<V> |
AxiomVariableName |
AxiomVisitor<T> |
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
by AxiomParser .
BackoffComputer |
BackoffComputer.NoMoreRetriesException |
BaseAction |
BaseActionExecutor |
Superclass for all action executors.
BaseActionExecutor.ConsoleFailureMessageWriter |
BaseActionExecutor.ItemProcessor |
BaseAuditImportExportOptions |
BaseBucketContentFactory<WSC extends AbstractWorkSegmentationType> |
Base class for bucket content factories.
BaseExpressionEvaluator |
BaseExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
BaseImportExportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BaseMiningOptions |
BaseOpHandler |
Base for all operation handlers.
BaseOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BaseProtector |
BaseReactorContext<E extends Exception,A extends Action<E>> |
BaseWorkBucketContentHandler |
BaseWorker<O,T> |
Base worker class that either produces or consumes BaseWorker object for/from queue.
BasicExportOptions |
BasicExpressionFunctions |
Library of standard midPoint functions.
BasicImportOptions |
BasicLightweightIdentifierGenerator |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BasicStatementRule |
BeanMarshaller |
BeanUnmarshaller |
Analogous to PrismUnmarshaller, this class unmarshals atomic values from XNode tree structures.
BeforeAfterType |
Java class for BeforeAfterType.
BeforeItemConditionType |
Condition controlling item report creation that is evaluated before the item is processed.
BehaviorType |
General-purpose behavioral data.
Bootstrap |
BoundaryProcessor |
BoundarySpecificationType |
Specification of how string-based segments are delineated.
BucketContentFactory |
Creates content for new buckets.
BucketContentFactoryGenerator |
Creates configured bucket content factories.
BucketContentFactorySupplier<ST extends AbstractWorkSegmentationType,CF extends BucketContentFactory> |
BucketContentFormatter |
Formats bucket content value into three columns (characterization, from, to).
BucketFactory |
Creates buckets when needed.
BucketingConfigurationOverrides |
BucketingConstants |
Generally useful constants related to bucketing.
BucketingManager |
Responsible for managing task work state:
BucketingUtil |
Methods related to bucketing part of an activity state and activity distribution definition.
BucketManagementOperationStatisticsType |
Information about specific kind of work bucket management operation performance.
BucketOperationStatisticsKeeper |
BucketProcessingRecordType |
Information about bucket completion or analysis to be recorded in buckets report.
BucketProgressOverviewType |
Information on buckets processing (for activity state overview).
BucketsDefinitionType |
Defines how buckets should be created.
BucketsProcessingReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on buckets processing.
BucketsProcessingRoleType |
Java class for BucketsProcessingRoleType.
BucketsProgressInformation |
Task progress counted in buckets.
BucketsReport |
Represents a report on individual buckets.
BucketsReport.Kind |
BucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Defines the sampling of buckets.
Builder<P> |
Builder.OrProduct<P,B extends Builder<P>> |
BuildInformationType |
BuiltinMetadataMapping |
BuiltinMetadataMappingsRegistry |
Registry for built-in metadata mappings.
Cache |
Defines basic contract for local caches (various caching components or services).
CacheConfiguration |
This is a "compiled" configuration for a cache.
CacheConfiguration.StatisticsLevel |
CacheConfigurationManager |
TODO consider better place for this component
CacheDispatcher |
Dispatches events to cache listeners (currently CacheRegistry and ClusterCacheListener).
CacheDispatcherImpl |
Dispatches cache-related events - mainly invalidation ones - to all relevant listeners:
CacheRegistry (grouping local caches) and ClusterCacheListener (for
inter-node distribution).
CachedResourceBundleMessageSource |
Looking for resource bundle in compressed war and compressed libraries inside war is pretty expensive.
CacheInvalidationApproximationType |
Java class for CacheInvalidationApproximationType.
CacheInvalidationConfigurationType |
How is the cache invalidated? Currently applicable only to global repo cache objects.
CacheInvalidationContext |
Provides additional information/hints for the particular cache to employ.
CacheInvalidationDetails |
Provides more specific information e.g.
CacheListener |
CacheObjectTypeSettingsType |
Settings for a given cache and object type(s).
CachePerformanceCollector |
Temporary implementation.
CachePerformanceCollector.CacheData |
CachePerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints cache performance information.
CachePerformanceInformationUtil |
CacheRegistry |
Registry of all local caches (various caching components/services).
CacheRegistryImpl |
Registry of all local caches (various caching components or services).
CacheSetAccessInfo<T extends ObjectType> |
CacheAccessInfo for all six caches.
CacheSetAccessInfoFactory |
Creates CacheSetAccessInfo objects.
CacheSettingsType |
Settings for a given cache.
CachesPerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of various caches present in midPoint.
CachesStateInformationType |
Report on the state of midPoint caches.
CacheStatisticsClassificationType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsClassificationType.
CacheStatisticsCollectionStyleType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsCollectionStyleType.
CacheStatisticsConfigurationType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsConfigurationType.
CacheStatisticsReportingConfigurationType |
How cache statistics are collected and reported.
CacheType |
CacheUseCategoryTraceType |
Java class for CacheUseCategoryTraceType.
CacheUseTraceType |
Java class for CacheUseTraceType complex type.
CacheUtil |
CachingConfigurationType |
Profiles for various kind of caching.
CachingMetadataType |
Metadata that record when a cache copy was retrieved, the identifiers (etags) of that
copy and possibly also other data.
CachingPolicyType |
Definition of object attribute caching policies.
CachingProfileType |
Specific caching profile that can be used system-wide or for individual threads.
CachingStategyType |
Java class for CachingStategyType.
CachingStatistics |
CancelCaseRequest |
CandidateIdentifierFormatter |
CanonicalItemPath |
CanonicalItemPathImpl |
CanonicalItemPathImpl.Segment |
CanonicalItemPathItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for an ItemPathType attribute path (Prism item)
with canonicalization of the path before using it as a value for condition.
CanRunSupplier |
CapabilitiesType |
Collection of resource capabilities.
CapabilityCollectionType |
Collection of resource capabilities.
CapabilityType |
Abstract supertype for all (static schema) capabilities.
CapabilityUtil |
TODO naming: effective vs.
CaseCompletionEventType |
Event describing the completion of a workflow process instance.
CaseCreationEventType |
Event describing the creation of a workflow process instance.
CaseEventDispatcher |
Dispatcher for case creation events.
CaseEventDispatcherAware |
CaseEventListener |
An interface through which external observers can be notified about case-related events.
CaseEventType |
Any event occurring during case lifetime that needs to be recorded, e.g.
CaseEventUtil |
CaseTaskRefProcessor |
CaseType |
CaseTypeUtil |
CaseWorkItemType |
A work item for a (generic) case.
CaseWorkItemUtil |
CatalogImpl |
CertCampaignEvent |
CertCampaignStageEvent |
CertCampaignTypeUtil |
CertificationManager |
BEWARE: CertificationManager is responsible for authorizing all actions carried out through it.
CertificationPolicyActionType |
CertReviewEvent |
Event for certification reviewers (reminding him/her of the need to do the work).
ChangeDescription |
Describes a change that was detected on a repository object:
- type
- additional information related object ADD/MODIFY/DELETE operation
ChangeExecutionDeltaOpNode |
ChangeExecutionVisualizer |
ChangeExecutor |
Executes precomputed changes.
ChangeHook |
This applies to all changes, therefore it will "hook" into addObject, modifyObject
and also deleteObject.
ChangesByState<F extends FocusType> |
ChangeType |
ChangeTypeType |
Java class for ChangeTypeType.
Channel |
Enumeration of built-in channels.
Channel.Migration |
Describes migration from (potentially) old channel URI to a current channel URI.
ChannelUtil |
CharacterClassType |
Definition of valid characters in class.
CheckedConsumer<T> |
Almost the same as Consumer but this one is Serializable and can throw CommonException.
CheckedFunction<I,O,E extends Exception> |
CheckedFunction<T,R> |
Almost the same as Function but this one is Serializable and can throw CommonException.
CheckedProcessor<T,E extends Exception> |
CheckedProducer<T> |
Almost the same as Producer but this one can throw CommonException.
CheckedRunnable |
Almost the same as Runnable but this one can throw CommonException and is serializable.
CheckedSupplier<O,E extends Exception> |
CheckExpressionType |
Expression used to check the data and report a user-friendly message in case
that the check fails.
Checks |
CipherDataType |
Loosely based on XML encryption standard.
ClaimWorkItemsRequest |
ClaimWorkItemsRequest.SingleClaim |
ClassicReportExportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a classic report export activity.
ClassicReportImportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a classic report import activity.
ClassLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
ClassLoggerLevelOverrideType |
Information how to override logging level for specified logger(s).
ClassPathUtil |
Various class path, class loading and class scanning utilities.
CleanupActivityHandler |
CleanupPartialActivityRun<CP> |
Activity execution for an elementary cleanup part.
CleanupPoliciesType |
Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for various midPoint subsystems.
CleanupPolicyProcessor |
CleanupPolicyType |
Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for a specific subsystem or feature.
CleanupWorkDefinition |
CleanupWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a cleanup activity.
Clock |
System-wide clock.
Clockwork |
The "clockwork" that drives the change processing.
ClockworkAuditHelper |
Audit-related responsibilities during clockwork processing.
ClockworkAuthorizationHelper |
Component that deals with authorization of requests in clockwork.
ClockworkClick<F extends ObjectType> |
Represents and executes a single clockwork click.
ClockworkClickOpNode |
ClockworkClickTraceType |
Trace for operation.
ClockworkClickVisualizer |
ClockworkConflictResolver |
Resolves conflicts occurring during clockwork processing (multiple threads modifying the same focus).
ClockworkExecutionVisualizer |
ClockworkHookHelper |
Responsible for invoking hooks (both Java and scripting ones).
ClockworkInspector |
Interface used to intercept the ModelContext as it passes through the computation.
ClockworkMedic |
ClockworkRunOpNode |
ClockworkRunTraceType |
Trace for operation.
ClockworkTraceType |
Abstract trace for clockwork events.
Cloner<T> |
CloneStrategy |
CloneUtil |
ClusterCacheListener |
ClusterExecutionHelper |
Helps with the intra-cluster remote code execution.
ClusterExecutionHelper.ClientCode |
ClusterExecutionOptions |
Options related to remote code execution in the cluster.
ClusterServiceConsts |
URL pattern constants shared by cluster client and REST service.
ClusterStateType |
State of the cluster for the purposes of auto-scaling.
ClusterwideUserSessionManager |
Takes care for clusterwide user session management.
ClusterwideUserSessionManagerImpl |
Takes care for clusterwide user session management.
CollectionProcessor |
CollectionRefSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection (including reference to the collection).
CollectionSpecificationDepthType |
Java class for CollectionSpecificationDepthType.
CollectionSpecificationInterpretationType |
Java class for CollectionSpecificationInterpretationType.
CollectionSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection, without reference to the collection.
CollectionStats |
Stats (summary information) about a specific collection.
CollectionStatsPolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Constraints for collection stats (statistics).
CollectionStatsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Stats (statistics) setting and entries.
Command |
Enumeration of Ninja commands (or actions).
CommandLineExecutionMethod |
Java class for CommandLineExecutionMethod.
CommandLineRunner |
CommandLineScriptExecutor |
CommandLineScriptType |
Specifies a command to be executed on an operating system command-line.
CommonException |
Superclass for all common midPoint exceptions.
CommonTaskBeans |
CommunicationException |
Generic communication exception.
CommunicationFaultType |
Generic communication error.
ComparativeFilter<T> |
ComparativeFilterImpl<T> |
CompareResultType |
CompiledDashboardType |
CompiledGuiProfile |
Compiled user profile.
CompiledObjectCollectionView |
CompiledShadowCollectionView |
CompiledTracingProfile |
CompleteBucketOperation |
CompletedTaskCleanupTriggerHandler |
CompleteQuery<T extends ObjectType> |
Wraps everything we need to count or look for objects.
CompleteWorkItemActionType |
CompleteWorkItemsRequest |
CompleteWorkItemsRequest.SingleCompletion |
ComplexConstructionConsumer<K,EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction> |
ComplexTypeDefinition |
Provides a definition for a complex type, i.e.
ComplexTypeDefinitionDelegator |
ComplexTypeDefinitionImpl |
Components |
Names of projector/clockwork components invoked by medic.partialExecute method calls.
ComponentSizeInformationType |
Report on structured object size.
CompositeActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
CompositeConstraintEvaluator |
CompositeRefinedObjectClassDefinition |
Used to represent combined definition of structural and auxiliary object classes.
CompositeRefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
Used to represent combined definition of structural and auxiliary object classes.
CompositeWorkDefinition |
Definition for pure composite activity.
ConcurrencyException |
Exceptional concurrency state or operation invocation.
ConcurrencyFaultType |
Exceptional concurrency state or operation invocation.
ConditionalSearchFilterType |
A filter with an expression that denotes a necessary condition for the filter to be applied.
ConditionState |
Describes the evaluation state of assignment / object condition.
ConfigurableNormalizer |
ConfigurablePrismContextFactory |
ConfigurableProtectorFactory |
ConfigurableUserDashboardType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget.
ConfigurableValuePolicySupplier |
Provides value policy when needed (e.g.
ConfigurableVisitor<T extends Visitable<T>> |
Visitor with configurable behavior.
ConfigurationException |
Configuration exception indicates that something is mis-configured.
ConfigurationFaultType |
Configuration exception indicates that something is mis-configured.
ConfigurationPropertiesType |
ConfirmationNotifierType |
ConflictDetectedException |
ConflictResolutionActionType |
Java class for ConflictResolutionActionType.
ConflictResolutionType |
How to resolve write-write conflicts on focal objects, i.e.
ConflictWatcher |
A bit experimental.
ConflictWatcherImpl |
ConnectionEnvironment |
ConnectionOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ConnectorConfigurationType |
Resource configuration (hostname, port, ...).
ConnectorFrameworkConfigurationType |
Java class for ConnectorFrameworkConfigurationType complex type.
ConnectorFrameworkType |
Java class for ConnectorFrameworkType complex type.
ConnectorHostType |
Host definition for remote connector, remote
connector framework or a remote "gateway".
ConnectorInstanceSpecificationType |
Complete specification of a connector instance with configuration and capabilities.
ConnectorOperationalStatus |
ConnectorPoolConfigurationType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF connector pools.
ConnectorSchema |
ConnectorSchemaImpl |
ConnectorTestOperation |
Enumeration of standardized test connection opration codes as they are presented in the OperationResult.
ConnectorType |
Description of a generic connector.
ConnectorTypeUtil |
ConnIdOperation |
ConnIdOperation.ConnIdOperationBuilder |
ConnIdOperationRecordType |
Information about a ConnId operation.
ConnIdOperationsListener |
Obtains information about ConnId operations executed.
ConnIdOperationsReport |
Represents a report on ConnId operations.
ConnIdOperationsReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on ConnId operations.
ConsistencyCheckScope |
Determines the scope of consistency checks.
ConsoleFormat |
ConsoleFormat.Color |
ConsoleProgressListener |
ConsolidationMetadataComputation |
ConsolidationProcessor |
ConsolidationValueMetadataComputer |
Computes value metadata during consolidation.
ConstantsManager |
ConstExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Returns zero set with a single value obtained by resolving given[constant].
ConstExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
ConstExpressionEvaluatorType |
ConstraintEvaluatorHelper |
ConstraintReferenceMatcher<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Throw-away helper for matching target reference in constraints.
ConstraintsCheckingResult |
ConstraintsCheckingStrategyType |
How constraints checking (for focus and projections) should be done.
ConstraintViolationConfirmer |
ConstructionCollector<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,K extends HumanReadableDescribable,ACT extends AbstractConstructionType,AC extends AbstractConstruction<AH,ACT,EC>,EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction<AH>> |
Collects evaluated constructions from evaluatedAssignmentTriple into a single-level triple.
ConstructionProcessor |
ConstructionStrengthType |
Java class for ConstructionStrengthType.
ConstructionType |
Projection construction.
Containerable |
ContainerableProcessingRequest<C extends Containerable> |
Request to process a containerable.
ContainerableResultHandler<C extends Containerable> |
Handles iterative processes that concern containerables.
ContainerDefinitionDelegator<C extends Containerable> |
ContainerDelta<V extends Containerable> |
ContainerDeltaFactoryImpl |
ContainerDeltaImpl<V extends Containerable> |
ContainerPanelConfigurationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition for the panel which will be used on details panel.
ContainerProcessor |
ContainerTableDeltaProcessor<T extends Containerable,Q extends QContainer<R,OR>,R extends MContainer,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR> |
Delta value processor for multi-value containers stored in separate tables.
ContainerTableRelationResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R,TS extends Containerable,TQ extends QContainer<TR,R> & QOwnedBy<R>,TR extends MContainer> |
Resolver that knows how to traverse to the specified container table.
ContainerTableUpdateContext<S extends Containerable,Q extends QContainer<R,OR>,R extends MContainer,OR> |
Update context for multi-value containers stored in separate table.
ContainerValueIdGenerator |
Generator assigning missing IDs to PCVs of multi-value containers.
ContextFactory |
ContextLoader |
Context loader loads the missing parts of the context.
ContextLoadOperation<F extends ObjectType> |
Represents the loading of the lens context: both focus and projections.
ConvenienceMethod |
Converter |
ConverterInterface |
Copyable<T extends Copyable<T>> |
Copyable<T extends Copyable<T>> |
Copyable.Strategy |
Copyable.StrategyAware<T extends Copyable.StrategyAware<T>> |
CopyStrategy |
CorrelatableProcessingRequest |
Countable |
TODO better place, better name
CountersIncrementOperation |
Represents/carries out an execution of a set of updates of a counter group in an activity.
CountItemDeltaProcessor<T> |
Delta processor for columns storing size of multi-value item.
CountMappingResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Resolver that maps the container item to the count column.
CountObjectsCapabilityType |
Ability to efficiently count objects.
CountObjectsSimulateType |
Java class for CountObjectsSimulateType.
CountOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
CountRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
CreateCapabilityType |
Describes create capability.
CreateTimestampBuiltinMapping |
Mapping that provides storage/createTimestamp.
CredentialPolicyEvaluator<R extends AbstractCredentialType,P extends CredentialPolicyType,F extends FocusType> |
Processor for evaluating credential policies.
CredentialPolicyEvaluator.Builder<F extends FocusType> |
CredentialPolicyType |
Structure that specifies common elements to all the credential policies.
CredentialsCapabilityType |
Describes capability to present credentials in a structured way.
CredentialSourceType |
Source of a new credential value.
CredentialsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Credentials management policy.
CredentialsProcessor |
Processor for focus credentials.
CredentialsPropagationUserControlType |
Java class for CredentialsPropagationUserControlType.
CredentialsResetMethodType |
Specifies the method of resetting the credential.
CredentialsResetPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Credentials reset management policy.
CredentialsResetTypeType |
Java class for CredentialsResetTypeType.
CredentialsStorageMethodType |
Specifies the method of storing the credential in midPoint.
CredentialsStorageTypeType |
Java class for CredentialsStorageTypeType.
CredentialsType |
This is a container type for various credentials types: passwords, public keys, one-time password
scheme identifiers, etc.
CriticalityType |
Java class for CriticalityType.
CryptoUtil |
CsvFileFormatType |
CSV export type for Report.
CsvFormatting |
Formats data as CSV file.
CurrentActivityState<WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
Activity state for the current activity run.
CustomAsyncUpdateSourceType |
Custom message source provided by a Java class.
CustomCompositeActivityHandler |
Handles custom composite activities, see
CustomCompositeWorkStateType |
Work state for a custom composite activity.
CustomEvent |
CustomEventFactory |
Factory for custom events.
CustomFunctions |
CustomNotifierType |
Java class for CustomNotifierType complex type.
CustomTransportConfigurationType |
DashboardLayoutType |
Specifies layout of a dashboard, such as the user dashboard (home screen)
or administration dashboard.
DashboardReportEngineConfigurationType |
Configuration of dashboard-based reports.
DashboardService |
DashboardServiceImpl |
DashboardType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Configuration Dasboard dashboard showing in GUI.
DashboardUtils |
DashboardWidget |
DashboardWidgetDataFieldType |
Properties of a specific widget data field.
DashboardWidgetDataFieldTypeType |
Java class for DashboardWidgetDataFieldTypeType.
DashboardWidgetDataType |
Specifies widget data source.
DashboardWidgetPresentationType |
Specifies widget presentation properties.
DashboardWidgetSourceTypeType |
Java class for DashboardWidgetSourceTypeType.
DashboardWidgetType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget.
DashboardWidgetVariationType |
Conditional variation in the way how the widget is displayed.
Data |
Data to be displayed.
DataItem |
DataModel |
DataModelUtil |
DataModelUtil.PathResolutionContext |
DataModelUtil.PathResolutionResult |
DataModelUtil.ResourceResolutionContext |
DataModelVisualizer |
DataModelVisualizer.Target |
DataModelVisualizerImpl |
DataProtectionType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Container which specify legal content for the role related to the GDPR.
DataSourceFactory |
DeadlineRoundingType |
Java class for DeadlineRoundingType.
DeadNodeCleanupPolicyType |
Cleanup policy for dead nodes.
DebugDumpable |
DebugReconciliationResultListener |
Debugging listener for reconciliation tasks.
DebugUtil |
DebugUtil.LazilyDumpable |
DefaultApprovalPolicyRulesUsageType |
Java class for DefaultApprovalPolicyRulesUsageType.
DefaultColumnUtils |
Column related utilities shared by reporting and GUI.
DefaultDuplicateShadowsResolver |
DefaultItemSqlMapper<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Declarative information how an item (from schema/prism world) is to be processed
when interpreting query.
DefaultMatchingRule<T> |
Default matching rule used as a fall-back if no explicit matching rule is specified.
DefaultObjectTypeProcessor |
DefaultReferencableImpl |
Used when PrismReferenceValue.getRealValue is called, and no referencable is present in the PRV.
DefaultScopeProcessor |
DefaultSearchExpressionEvaluatorCache |
Default search expression evaluator cache.
DefaultVisualizer |
Definition |
DefinitionDelegator |
DefinitionFactory |
Factory for prism definitions (Definition and all its subtypes in prism-api).
DefinitionFactoryImpl |
DefinitionImpl |
Abstract definition in the schema.
DefinitionProcessingOption |
How should be definitions processed when object is to be retrieved.
DefinitionProcessingOptionType |
Java class for DefinitionProcessingOptionType.
DefinitionResolver<PD extends ItemDefinition,ID extends ItemDefinition> |
Resolves a definition in a parent.
DefinitionSearchContext<D extends Definition> |
DefinitionSearchContextCtdImpl |
DefinitionSearchContextItemImpl<ID extends ItemDefinition> |
DefinitionSearchImplementation |
DefinitionsStore |
DefinitionStoreUtils |
DefinitionsToTransformable |
DefinitionSupplier |
DefinitionUtil |
DelegatedDependency<T> |
DelegatedItem<I> |
DelegateWorkItemActionType |
DelegateWorkItemsRequest |
DelegateWorkItemsRequest.SingleDelegation |
DelegatingActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
DelegatingItemDeltaProcessor |
This is default item delta processor that decides what to do with the modification.
DelegatingLexicalProcessor |
DelegationWorkStateType |
State for a delegation (delegating) activity run.
DelegatorWithOtherPrivilegesLimitations |
TODO better name ;)
DeleteActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "delete" action.
DeleteCapabilityType |
Describes delete capability.
DeleteExecutor |
Executes the "delete" action.
DeleteFocusAction |
DeleteObjectResult |
Contains information about object deletion result; primarily needed by repository caching algorithms.
DeleteOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DeleteRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DeleteShadowAction |
DeletionActivityHandler |
Deletes specified objects.
DeletionActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
DeletionWorkDefinitionType |
Deletes specified objects.
DeltaBuilder<T extends Containerable> |
DeltaConversionOptions |
Options used when serializing deltas to "bean" form (ObjectDeltaType).
DeltaConvertor |
Converts between "XML" (i.e.
DeltaFactory |
TODO clean up these interfaces!
DeltaFactory.Container |
Deprecated. |
DeltaFactory.Object |
DeltaFactory.Property |
Deprecated. |
DeltaFactory.Reference |
Deprecated. |
DeltaFactoryImpl |
DeltaMapTriple<K,V> |
DeltaMapTripleImpl<K,V> |
DeltaModifier<O extends Objectable> |
DeltaSetTriple<T> |
The triple of values (added, unchanged, deleted) that represents difference between two collections of values.
DeltaSetTripleImpl<T> |
The triple of values (added, unchanged, deleted) that represents difference between two collections of values.
DeltaSetTripleMapConsolidation<T extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Responsible for consolidation of delta set triple map (plus, minus, zero sets for individual items) to item deltas.
DeltaSetTripleType |
DeltaSetTripleUtil |
DeltaSourceSpecificationType |
DeltaTriple<T> |
Utility class for keeping things in three: plus, zero and minus.
DependantAction<E extends Exception> |
Dependency<T> |
Dependency.Immediate<V> |
Dependency.OptionalDep<T> |
Dependency.Search<T> |
Dependency.Suppliable<V> |
Dependency.Unsatified<V> |
DependencyProcessor |
DeploymentInformationType |
Information about midPoint deployment: subscription information, deployment name,
description, color and so on.
DeputyUtils |
DetailsPageSaveMethodType |
Java class for DetailsPageSaveMethodType.
DetailTableItemFilterProcessor<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<?>,DQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<DR>,DR> |
Filter processor for a an attribute path (Prism item) that is stored in detail table.
DiagnosticContext |
DiagnosticContextHolder |
DiagnosticContextManager |
DiagnosticInformationType |
A diagnostic information attached to an object.
DiagramElementFormType |
DiagramElementInclusionType |
DictionaryExpander |
Expands object references (from pointers to dictionary to full objects).
DiffUtil |
DigestMethodType |
JAXB representation of DigestMethodType.
DirectionElementsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specific elements for export/import.
DirectionTypeType |
Java class for DirectionTypeType.
DirectoryFileObjectResolver |
Object resolver that works on files in a directory.
DisableActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "disable" action.
DiscoverConnectorsExecutor |
Executes "discover-connectors" action.
DisplayableValue<T> |
DisplayableValueImpl<T> |
DisplayType |
Java class for DisplayType complex type.
DisplayValueType |
Java class for DisplayValueType.
DistinctSearchOptionType |
Java class for DistinctSearchOptionType.
DistinguishedNameMatchingRule |
Matching rule for LDAP distinguished name (DN).
DistributedReportExportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a distributed report export activity.
DistributingActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
An activity that distributes (usually bucketed) activity to a set of worker tasks.
DistributionManager |
URL format:
VERSION can be: 3.4.1, ..., 4.7, latest
VERSION_NUMBER can be: 3.4.1, ..., 4.7, SNAPSHOT
DomAsserts |
DomAwareEqualsStrategy |
Strategy for equals() methods used in JAXB generated code.
DomAwareHashCodeStrategy |
Strategy for hashCode() methods used in JAXB generated code.
DomElementSerializer |
DomElementVisitor |
DomLexicalProcessor |
DOMUtil |
DOMUtilSettings |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DomVisitorUtil |
DotAdHocDataItem |
DotDataItem |
DotMappingRelation |
DotModel |
DotOtherRelation |
DotRelation |
DotRepositoryDataItem |
DotResourceDataItem |
DownloadDistributionAction |
DownloadDistributionOptions |
DownloadDistributionResult |
DummyContainerImpl<C extends Containerable> |
DummyItem<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>,R extends Item<V,D>> |
DummyNotifierType |
DummyOperationImpl |
A no-op implementation of Operation used when there's nowhere to record the execution to.
DummyPrismObjectDefinition |
DummyPropertyImpl<T> |
DummyReferenceImpl |
DuplicateShadowsResolver |
DuplicateShadowsTreatmentInstruction |
DynamicNamespacePrefixMapper |
Maps namespaces to preferred prefixes.
EditTraceAction |
EditTraceOptions |
ElementState<O extends ObjectType> |
Encapsulates the maintenance of the state of an element (focus, projection).
EmbeddedActivity<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
EmbeddedContainerDeltaProcessor<T extends Containerable> |
Delta processor for whole embedded single-value containers.
EmbeddedReferenceResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Resolver supporting dereferencing of embedded references.
EmptyAction |
EmptyType |
Type that contains nothing.
EnableActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "enable" action.
EnableDisableExecutor |
Implements "enable" and "disable" actions.
EncryptedDataType |
Contains data protected by (reversible) encryption.
EncryptionException |
EncryptionMethodType |
Loosely based on XML encryption standard.
EnforcementPolicyActionType |
Enforcement action.
EntryType |
Java class for EntryType complex type.
EnumConverterValidator<T extends Enum> |
EnumItemDeltaProcessor<E extends Enum<E>> |
Delta processor for an attribute path (Prism item) of enum type that is mapped to matching
PostgreSQL enum type - this allows to use schema enums directly.
EnumItemFilterProcessor<E extends Enum<E>> |
Filter processor for an attribute path (Prism item) of enum type that is mapped
to matching PostgreSQL enum type - this allows to use schema enums directly.
EnumOrdinalItemFilterProcessor<E extends Enum<E>> |
Filter processor for a an attribute path (Prism item) of enum type that is mapped
to SQL as ordinal value.
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformation |
Thread safety: Instances of this class may be accessed from more than one thread at once.
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformationType |
Statistics related to performance and state of external environment, namely provisioning via connectors,
mappings (as these might contain code that invokes external systems), and notifications.
EqualFilter<T> |
EqualFilterImpl<T> |
EquivalenceStrategy |
A strategy used to determine equivalence of prism items and values.
ErrorCategoryType |
Java class for ErrorCategoryType.
ErrorHandlingStrategyExecutor |
Executes iterative task error handling strategy.
ErrorHandlingStrategyExecutor.FollowUpAction |
ErrorReactionType |
What should a task do when an error of given type is encountered?
Only some combinations of values are allowed: ignore (+ stopAfter),
retryLater (+ stopAfter), stop.
ErrorSelectorType |
Selects error categories, e.g.
ErrorSituationSelectorType |
Description of an error condition to act on.
ErrorState |
Describes the "error state" of the current activity run.
EscalateWorkItemActionType |
EvaluatedAbstractConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Facade interface for evaluated resource object and persona constructions.
EvaluatedAlwaysTrueTrigger |
EvaluatedAssignedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluated resource object construction that is assigned to the focus.
EvaluatedAssignment<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
EvaluatedAssignmentImpl<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluated assignment that contains all constructions and authorizations from the assignment
itself and all the applicable inducements from all the roles referenced from the assignment.
EvaluatedAssignmentTarget |
EvaluatedAssignmentTargetImpl |
EvaluatedCollectionStatsTrigger |
EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedCompositeTrigger |
EvaluatedConstructionMappingExtractor<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
EvaluatedConstructionPack<EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction> |
EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedExclusionTrigger |
EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedHasAssignmentTrigger |
EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedModificationTrigger |
EvaluatedModificationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedModificationTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedMultiplicityTrigger |
EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedOrphanedTrigger |
EvaluatedPersonaConstructionImpl<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
EvaluatedPlainResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluated resource object construction that is defined in the schemaHandling part of resource definition.
EvaluatedPolicyRule |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleImpl |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleTrigger<CT extends AbstractPolicyConstraintType> |
Description of a situation that caused a trigger of the policy rule.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleType complex type.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData |
Arranges externalized triggers into trees according to presentation instructions (hidden, final, displayOrder).
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalFilter<AD extends EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData> |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AugmentedTrigger<AD extends EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData> |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.MessageKind |
EvaluatedResourceObjectConstruction |
Facade interface that provides insight about construction that was evaluated by projector code.
EvaluatedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,ROC extends ResourceObjectConstruction<AH,?>> |
Evaluated construction of a resource object.
EvaluatedSituationTrigger |
EvaluatedSituationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedSituationTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedStateTrigger |
EvaluatedStateTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedStateTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedTimeValidityTrigger |
EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedTransitionTrigger |
EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType complex type.
EvaluationContext<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
This is to reduce the number of parameters passed between methods in this class.
EvaluationOrder |
EvaluationOrderImpl |
EvaluationTimeType |
Java class for EvaluationTimeType.
Event |
Notification event that should be propagated, filtered, externalized (typically to ascii or html), and send out.
EventCategoryType |
Java class for EventCategoryType.
EventDispatcher |
Dispatcher of change notifications.
EventHandler<T extends Containerable> |
Set of callback methods used to convey information from the validator to the "working" code.
EventHandler<E extends Event,C extends EventHandlerType> |
EventHandlerType |
An event handler.
EventOperationType |
Java class for EventOperationType.
EventResult |
EventResult.EventResultStatus |
EventStatusType |
Java class for EventStatusType.
ExceptionUtil |
ExchangeEmailAddressesMatchingRule |
A specific matching rule for Microsoft Exchange EmailAddresses attribute consisting of SMTP:/smtp: prefix and email address.
ExclusionConstraintEvaluator |
Evaluates exclusion policy constraints.
ExclusionPolicyConstraintType |
Container that defines exclusion of entities (e.g.
ExecuteChangesResponseType |
A response from executeChanges operation.
ExecuteChangesType |
A request for executeChanges operation.
ExecuteCredentialResetRequestType |
Java class for ExecuteCredentialResetRequestType complex type.
ExecuteCredentialResetResponseType |
Java class for ExecuteCredentialResetResponseType complex type.
ExecuteScriptActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "execute-script" action.
ExecuteScriptExecutor |
Executes "execute-script" (s:execute) actions.
ExecuteScriptOutputType |
Output of a single script execution.
ExecuteScriptResponseType |
Result of a single script execution.
ExecuteScriptsOptionsType |
Java class for ExecuteScriptsOptionsType complex type.
ExecuteScriptsResponseType |
A response from executeScripts operation.
ExecuteScriptsType |
A request for executeScripts operation.
ExecuteScriptType |
Java class for ExecuteScriptType complex type.
ExecuteScriptUtil |
ExecutionContext |
Context of a command execution.
ExecutionModeType |
Java class for ExecutionModeType.
ExecutionSupport |
Functionality that supports the activity execution that is going on within this task.
ExecutionSupport.CountersGroup |
Group of counters.
ExistsFilter |
ExistsFilterImpl |
TODO think about creating abstract ItemFilter (ItemRelatedFilter) for this filter and ValueFilter.
ExistsFilterProcessor<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
ExitHandlerException |
Used to signal that we have to exit handler processing with a given run result.
ExpectedTotalProcessor |
Experimental |
Marks experimental code.
ExplicitBucketContentFactory |
Segmentation strategy based on explicit enumeration of buckets.
ExplicitWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that explicitly enumerates the buckets.
ExponentialBackoffComputer |
ExportAuditConsumerWorker |
Consumer writing exported audit events to the writer (stdout or file).
ExportAuditOptions |
ExportAuditProducerWorker |
Producer worker for audit export operation.
ExportAuditRepositoryAction |
ExportConsumerWorker |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ExportMiningConsumerWorker |
ExportMiningOptions |
ExportMiningProducerWorker |
ExportMiningRepositoryAction |
ExportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ExportRepositoryAction |
Ninja action realizing "export" command.
Expression<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ExpressionConstants |
Constants for all names of the variables in the system.
ExpressionEnvironment<F extends ObjectType,V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ExpressionEvaluationContext |
Simple almost-DTO used to contain all the parameters of expression evaluation.
ExpressionEvaluationException |
Error during evaluation of expression.
ExpressionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for expression evaluation operation.
ExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue> |
Represents an expression evaluator (e.g.
ExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
Creates expression evaluators from their definitions (evaluator elements).
ExpressionEvaluatorProfile |
ExpressionEvaluatorProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of specific expression evaluators.
ExpressionEvaluatorWrapperType |
Wrapper for expression evaluator.
ExpressionFactory |
Factory for expressions and registry for expression evaluator factories.
ExpressionHandler |
ExpressionHelper |
ExpressionParameterType |
Describes input parameters to the expression.
ExpressionPermissionClassProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a specific class.
ExpressionPermissionMethodProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a specific method.
ExpressionPermissionPackageProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a package.
ExpressionPermissionProfile |
Compiled expression permission profile.
ExpressionPermissionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for various evaluators, especially for
scripting expressions.
ExpressionPipelineType |
Pipeline of expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the pipeline as a whole is sent to the first expression.
ExpressionProfile |
NOTE: This is pretty much throw-away implementation.
ExpressionProfileCompiler |
ExpressionProfiles |
ExpressionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of expressions and scripts.
ExpressionReturnMultiplicityType |
Java class for ExpressionReturnMultiplicityType.
ExpressionSequenceType |
Sequence of command expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the sequence as a whole is then sent individually
to each expression.
ExpressionSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping source during evaluation.
ExpressionSyntaxException |
ExpressionType |
ExpressionUtil |
ExpressionVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a variable.
ExpressionWrapper |
Contains the expression that can be part of e.g.
Extension |
Java class for extension complex type.
ExtensionContainerDeltaProcessor<T extends Containerable> |
Delta processor for extension container stored as a single JSONB column.
ExtensionItemDeltaProcessor |
ExtensionItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for extension items stored in JSONB.
ExtensionItemSqlMapper<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
ExtensionMapping<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
This acts like a container mapping for extension/attributes containers.
ExtensionMappingResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Resolver for indexed extension/attributes containers.
ExtensionProcessor |
ExtensionProcessor.ExtItemInfo |
Contains ext item from catalog and additional info needed for processing.
ExtensionType |
Place for non-standard object properties.
ExtensionUpdateContext<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Update context for extension/attributes JSONB column.
ExternalResourceEvent |
Externally-provided resource event.
ExternalResourceEventListener |
ExtItemCache |
ExtUtils |
Utilities and constants related to extension item processing, especially as JSONB.
ExtUtils.SupportedExtensionTypeInfo |
FailableConsumer<I,E extends Exception> |
FailableFunction<I,O,E extends Exception> |
FailableFunction<T,R> |
FailableLensFunction<T,R> |
FailableProcessor<T> |
FailableProducer<T> |
Almost the same as java.util.function.Supplier, but this one is Serializable.
FailableRunnable<E extends Exception> |
FailableRunnable |
Used mostly in tests to simplify error handling.
FailableSupplier<O,E extends Exception> |
FailedObjectsSelectionMethodType |
Java class for FailedObjectsSelectionMethodType.
FailedObjectsSelectorProvider |
Provides specification (selector) of failed objects that are to be re-processed by an activity.
FailedObjectsSelectorType |
Selects objects that were failed to be processed in previous activity run(s).
FailedOperationTypeType |
Java class for FailedOperationTypeType.
FaultMessage |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.10
Generated source version: 3.4.10
FaultType |
Java class for FaultType complex type.
FeedbackMessagesHookType |
Java class for FeedbackMessagesHookType complex type.
FetchErrorHandlingType |
How should be errors during object fetch process handled and reported.
FetchErrorReportingMethodType |
Java class for FetchErrorReportingMethodType.
FileAppenderConfigurationType |
Java class for FileAppenderConfigurationType complex type.
FileConfigurationType |
Where and how to store "file" notifications.
FileFormatConfigurationType |
Export configuration.
FileFormatTypeType |
Java class for FileFormatTypeType.
FileReference |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
FileReferenceConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
FilterClauseType |
Java class for FilterType complex type.
FilterContentEvaluator |
FilterContentExpressionType |
Keeps/removes selected items from the input value.
FilterCreationUtil |
TODO decide what to do with this
FilterExpressionType |
Filters input on a given condition.
FilterGizmo<F> |
Gizmo (device,gadget,thing) that handles search filters and other filter-like things during security processing of search filters.
FilterGizmoAssignableRoles |
FilterImplUtil |
FilterOperation |
This represents operation between the path (typically) and value(s).
FilterProcessor<O extends ObjectFilter> |
Filter processor is very abstract thing that takes the filter and returns the SQL predicate.
FilterSerializers |
FilterUtil |
FilterWorkBucketContentHandler |
FilterWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined explicitly by a filter.
FinalValueDeltaProcessor<T> |
Common delta processor logic for storing based on the final value of the property.
FindShadowOwnerResponseType |
A response from findShadowOwner operation.
FindShadowOwnerType |
A request for findShadowOwner operation.
FixedTargetSpecification<T extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Target object is a given (fixed) prism object: either the same as focus ODO (but with no updates!),
or a different one.
FlatMapDependency<I,O> |
FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R> |
Extension of RelationalPathBase that adapts the Q-class to midPoint
(mainly extension columns) while preserving all the features provided by Querydsl.
FocalAutoassignSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of role auto-assignment properties.
FocalMappingEvaluationRequest<MT extends MappingType,OO extends ObjectType> |
Contains some of the information necessary to evaluate a mapping.
FocusActivationProcessor |
FocusChangeExecution<O extends ObjectType> |
Executes changes in the focus context.
FocusChangeExecution.ChangeExecutionListener |
Receives notifications when focus object is modified (or added, or deleted).
FocusChangeExecutionOpNode |
FocusComputer |
FocusConstraintsChecker<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
FocusConstraintsChecker.Cache |
FocusLifecycleProcessor |
FocusLoadedTraceType |
Information about focus being loaded.
FocusLoadOperation<F extends ObjectType> |
Responsible for loading the focus context.
FocusLoadVisualizer |
FocusPolicyRulesOpNode |
FocusRepositoryLoadOpNode |
FocusType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of full midPoint computation.
FocusTypeUtil |
FocusValidityScanActivityHandler |
FocusValidityScanPartialRun |
Execution of a single focus validity scanner task part.
FocusValidityScanPartialRun.ScanScope |
FocusValidityScanWorkDefinition |
FocusValidityScanWorkDefinitionType |
Executes validity scan on focal objects.
FocusValuePolicyOriginResolver<F extends FocusType> |
Foreachable<T> |
ForeachExpressionType |
Executes a given command individually for each item arriving at the input.
Formatter |
FormatterRegistry |
Formatting |
Describes formatting at abstract level.
FormattingUtil |
FormAuthorizationType |
Setting that influence how authorizations are used to display
and evaluate the form.
FormDefinitionType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This part defines the actual form presentation and layout.
FormDisplayType |
Java class for FormDisplayType complex type.
FormFieldGroupType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A group of fields.
FormFieldType |
A single form field.
FormItemClientValidationType |
javascript stuff, we replace ${this} with proper input id, probably
some jQuery black magic
TODO: add event type attribute to client element for this validator
FormItemDisplayType |
Java class for FormItemDisplayType complex type.
FormItemServerValidationType |
Server-side validation rules.
FormItemsType |
Java class for FormItemsType complex type.
FormItemValidationType |
Validation rules for the item.
FormSpecificationType |
Specifies a form using several different methods, e.g.
FormType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Form definition.
FormTypeUtil |
Freezable |
Freezable |
Something that can be made immutable.
FullProjectionLoadOpNode |
FullProjectionLoadVisualizer |
FullShadowLoadedTraceType |
Information about full shadow being loaded.
FullTextFilter |
FullTextFilterImpl |
FullTextFilterProcessor |
FullTextSearchConfigurationType |
Configuration of the full text search feature.
FullTextSearchIndexedItemsConfigurationType |
What items to index.
FullTextSearchUtil |
FunctionExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Calls specified custom function expression.
FunctionExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
This is NOT autowired evaluator.
FunctionExpressionEvaluatorType |
Evaluates custom defined functions from Function Library
FunctionLibrary |
FunctionLibraryType |
Define reusable functions
FunctionLibraryUtil |
GeneralChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for GeneralChangeProcessor.
GeneralChangeProcessorScenarioType |
A scenario for GeneralChangeProcessor.
GeneralFormatter |
Formats any object value.
GeneralNotifierType |
Java class for GeneralNotifierType complex type.
GenerateExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Generates a string value based on given value policy.
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
This is NOT autowired evaluator.
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorModeType |
Java class for GenerateExpressionEvaluatorModeType.
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generate value according to a policy that is associated with the property/attribute.
GenerateValueActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "generate-values" action.
GenerateValueExecutor |
Executes "generate-value" action.
GenericConnectorException |
Generic indistinguishable error of a connector framework.
GenericObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Generic object for storing unknown (unexpected) object types.
GenericPcpAspectConfigurationType |
A generic configuration for a wf aspect.
GenericProcessingRequest<T> |
Request to process a generic data item.
GenericStatisticsData |
GenericTraceVisualizationType |
Java class for GenericTraceVisualizationType.
GetBucketOperation |
Implements "get bucket" operation.
GetBucketOperationOptions |
GetBucketOperationOptions.GetBucketOperationOptionsBuilder |
GetObjectOpHandler |
Handles getObject calls.
GetObjectResponseType |
A response from getObject operation.
GetObjectType |
A request for getObject operation.
GetOperationOptions |
GetOperationOptionsBuilder |
GetOperationOptionsBuilder.Query |
GetOperationOptionsBuilderImpl |
GetOperationOptionsType |
See GetOperationOptions for a description.
GetOperationOptionsUtil |
Utilities related to GetOperationOptions and their externalized ("bean") representation.
GetVersionOpHandler |
Handler for getVersion operation.
GlobalCacheObjectValue<T extends ObjectType> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
GlobalCacheObjectVersionValue<T extends ObjectType> |
GlobalCacheQueryValue<T extends ObjectType> |
GlobalDefinitionSearchContext<D extends Definition> |
GlobalDefinitionsStore |
FIXME Creation of this interface was most probably a design mistake.
GlobalDynamicNamespacePrefixMapper |
Maps namespaces to preferred prefixes.
GlobalObjectCache |
Node-level cache for objects.
GlobalPolicyRuleType |
Policy rule for use in global configuration.
GlobalQueryCache |
GlobalVersionCache |
GreaterFilter<T> |
GreaterFilterImpl<T> |
GroovyScriptEvaluator |
Expression evaluator that is using Groovy scripting engine.
GroupExpansionType |
Java class for GroupExpansionType.
GuiActionType |
Actions are special things that can be done with particular object or list of objects.
GuiExportSettingsType |
Specifies the settings for GUI object export.
GuiFlexibleLabelType |
Flexible configurable label.
GuiListDataProviderType |
Base data Provider configuration
GuiObjectColumnType |
Configuration of the object list column.
GuiObjectDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
GuiObjectDetailsSetType |
Specifies the set of default forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, ...
GuiObjectListPanelConfigurationType |
Specifies the configuration of a generic table listing various things (usually objects).
GuiObjectListViewAdditionalPanelsType |
Configuration of additional panels that can be present in some view types.
GuiObjectListViewsType |
Specifies the set of pages that are used for displaying lists of objects
such as Users, Roles, Orgs, ...
GuiObjectListViewType |
Specifies the page used to list specific object type or object collection.
GuiProfileCompilable |
GuiProfileCompiler |
Compiles user interface profile for a particular user.
GuiProfileCompilerRegistry |
GuiProfileCompilerRegistryImpl |
GuiProfiledPrincipal |
Principal that extends simple MidPointPrincipal with user interface concepts (user profile).
GuiProfiledPrincipalManager |
GuiProfiledPrincipalManagerImpl |
GuiShadowDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
GuiShadowListViewType |
List pages for shadows.
Hacks |
HacksImpl |
Handler<T> |
HasAssignmentConstraintEvaluator |
HasAssignmentPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers when the focus has given assignment(s).
HashedDataType |
JAXB representation of HashedDataType.
HelpAction |
HelpOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
HeteroComparator<A,B> |
HierarchicalDefinitionsStore |
Histogram<T> |
HistogramEntry<T> |
Holder<T> |
Very simple object to hold a single value.
HookListType |
HookOperationMode |
HookRegistry |
HookRegistryImpl |
HookType |
HostnameLookup |
TODO consider moving this downwards to make it available for the rest of midPoint (not only to config.xml parsing).
HtmlFileFormatType |
HTML export type for Report.
HttpBasicAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of HTTP BASIC authentication module (RFC 7617).
HttpConnectionInformation |
Information about the HTTP connection.
HttpHeaderAuthenticationModuleType |
Pseudo-authentication for pre-authenticated users.
HttpMethodType |
Java class for HttpMethodType.
HttpSecQAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of HTTP SecQ module.
HumanReadableDescribable |
Object that can provide short, human-readable description.
IconType |
User interface icon specification.
IdempotenceType |
Java class for IdempotenceType.
Identifiable<I> |
IdentifierPathSegment |
Denotes identifier of the object or container (i.e.
IdentifierSpaceHolderImpl |
IdItemPathSegment |
IgnoreErrorReactionType |
Error should be ignored and the processing should continue.
IllegalArgumentFaultType |
Argument provided to the operation is illegal.
Immutable |
ImplicitSegmentationResolver |
Resolves `ImplicitWorkSegmentationType` in a specific context.
ImplicitWorkSegmentationType |
A segmentation strategy that is interpreted by the specific activity run.
ImportActivityHandler |
ImportActivityRun |
ImportAuditConsumerWorker |
Consumer importing audit events to the database.
ImportAuditOptions |
ImportAuditRepositoryAction |
Action for importing audit event records to the repository.
ImportFromResourceLauncher |
Responsible for launching "import from resource" activity task,
as well as for importing a single account on foreground.
ImportFromResourceResponseType |
A response from importFromResource operation.
ImportFromResourceType |
A request for importFromResource operation.
ImportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportOptionsType |
The options for import tasks.
ImportProducerWorker<T extends Containerable> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportRepositoryConsumerWorker |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportWorkDefinition |
ImportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for an import activity.
InactivateFocusAction |
InactivateShadowAction |
InapplicableOperationFaultType |
Operation cannot be applied to the object.
InboundProcessor |
Processor that takes changes from accounts and synchronization deltas and updates user attributes if necessary
(by creating secondary user object delta ObjectDelta ).
IncompleteMarkerXNode |
This is a marker that a given prism item is incomplete.
IncompleteMarkerXNodeImpl |
FIXME: This could be effective singleton
IndestructibilityViolationException |
IndirectSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for indirect search item.
InfoOptions |
InfoRepositoryAction |
Short information about the currently used environment, including repository diagnostics.
InformationPartType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually.
InformationType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually
InfrastructureConfigurationType |
Technical (infrastructure) configuration of midPoint deployment.
Inheritance |
Initializable |
InMemoryAssignmentDataProviderType |
In Memory Assignment Data Provider
InOidFilter |
TODO create a better name for this filter
InOidFilterImpl |
InOidFilterProcessor |
InputParameterException |
Exception that is thrown when action execution is in progress and input parameters combination is invalid,
IntegerStatType |
Integer stat (statistic) entry.
InternalCounters |
InternalInspector |
InternalMonitor |
Simple monitoring object.
InternalOperationClasses |
InternalOperationRecordFastFilterType |
"Fast filter" that can reject a raw operation result.
InternalOperationRecordType |
Information about a midPoint internal operation.
InternalOperationsReport |
Represents a report on internal operations.
InternalOperationsReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on internal operations.
InternalsConfig |
InternalsConfigController |
InternalsConfigurationType |
Various internals configuration elements.
IntervalWorkBucketContentHandler |
InvalidationEvent |
Wrapping invalidation event.
InvalidationEventListener |
Listens for invalidation events that are received by RepositoryCache/Invalidator.
Invalidator |
Contains functionality related to cache entry invalidation.
Issue |
Issue.Severity |
Item<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Item is a common abstraction of Property, Reference and Container.
Itemable |
Interface for objects that behave like an item: they have a name and may have a definition.
ItemCollectionsUtil |
ItemComparisonResult |
ItemConsolidationOpNode |
ItemConsolidationTraceType |
Trace for item consolidation.
ItemConstraintType |
Definition of a property constraints.
ItemContext<V> |
ItemDefinition<I extends Item> |
ItemDefinitionDelegator<I extends Item<?,?>> |
ItemDefinitionImpl<I extends Item> |
Abstract item definition in the schema.
ItemDefinitionProvider |
Provides definitions of an item (for bucketing purposes).
ItemDefinitionTestAccess |
Deprecated. |
ItemDefinitionTransformer |
ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableItem |
ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableValue |
ItemDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Item Delta describes a change of an item which is a property, container or a reference.
ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil |
ItemDeltaImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ItemDeltaItem<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
A class defining old item state (before change), delta (change) and new item state (after change).
ItemDeltaItemType |
ItemDeltaProcessor |
Essential contract for processing item delta modifications.
ItemDeltaSingleValueProcessor<T> |
Applies single item delta value to an item.
ItemDeltaType |
ItemDeltaUtil |
ItemDeltaValidator<V extends PrismValue> |
ItemDeltaValueProcessor<T> |
Applies item delta values to an item and arranges necessary SQL changes using update context.
ItemDiagramSpecification |
ItemFactory |
Factory for items (property, reference, container, object) and item values.
ItemFactoryImpl |
ItemFilter |
ItemImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Item is a common abstraction of Property and PropertyContainer.
ItemInfo<ID extends ItemDefinition> |
ItemLimitationsChecker |
Checks item limitations.
ItemMergeConfigurationType |
ItemName |
ItemNameQualificationStrategy |
ItemPath |
General interface to ItemPath objects.
ItemPath.CompareResult |
ItemPathCollectionsUtil |
Methods that operate on path collections.
ItemPathComparatorUtil |
ItemPathHolder |
Holds internal (parsed) form of midPoint-style XPath-like expressions.
ItemPathImpl |
ItemPathParser |
ItemPathParserImpl |
ItemPathParserTemp |
ItemPathSegment |
ItemPathSerialization |
Holds internal (parsed) form of midPoint-style XPath-like expressions.
ItemPathSerializerTemp |
ItemPathType |
Defines a type for XPath-like item pointer.
ItemPathTypeUtil |
ItemPersistenceType |
Java class for ItemPersistenceType.
ItemPreprocessor<C extends Containerable> |
ItemProcessing |
ItemProcessing |
Maintains information on processing of a given item: a resource object (for tasks like import or reconciliation),
a repository object (e.g.
ItemProcessingOutcomeType |
Java class for ItemProcessingOutcomeType.
ItemProcessingRecordType |
Information about item processing to be recorded in items report.
ItemProcessingRequest<I> |
Holds an item that is scheduled for processing.
ItemProcessingType |
Java class for ItemProcessingType.
ItemProcessor<I> |
ItemRefinedDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ItemRefMergeConfigurationType |
ItemRelatedRecordType |
Columns common to all specific item-related reports (like ConnId operations, internal operations, etc).
ItemRelationResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R,TQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<TR>,TR> |
Common contract for resolver that helps with navigating over complex (non-single) item paths
for query purposes.
ItemRelationResolver.ResolutionResult<TQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<TR>,TR> |
ItemReportingConditionType |
Condition controlling item report creation or collection that is evaluated before or after item is processed.
ItemSecurityConstraints |
ItemsProcessingReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on items processing.
ItemsProgressInformation |
Task progress counted in items.
ItemsProgressOverviewType |
Information on items processing (for activity state overview).
ItemSqlMapper<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Defines contract for mapping component holding information how an item (from schema/prism world)
is to be processed when interpreting query.
ItemsReport |
ItemType |
ItemUtil |
ItemValueFilterProcessor<O extends ValueFilter<?,?>> |
Type of FilterProcessor for a single Prism item (not necessarily one SQL column).
ItemValueMetadataProcessingSpec |
Specification of value metadata processing for a given data item: mappings that should be applied
and item definitions driving e.g.
ItemValueWithOrigin<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
IterationItemInformation |
TODO better name
IterationMethodType |
Java class for IterationMethodType.
IterationSpecificationType |
Definition of iteration properties for a resource account or other resource objects.
IterativeActivityRun<I,WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
Represents a run of an iterative activity: either plain iterative one or search-based one.
IterativeActivityRunSpecifics |
This interface summarizes what should an implementor of IterativeActivityRun
(either plain or search-based) provide.
IterativeChangeExecutionActivityHandler |
Executes specified deltas on specified set of objects.
IterativeChangeExecutionActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
IterativeChangeExecutionWorkDefinitionType |
Executes specified changes on specified objects.
IterativeOperationStartInfo |
Represents data about iterative operation that starts.
IterativeScriptingActivityHandler |
IterativeScriptingActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
IterativeScriptingWorkDefinitionType |
Executes a script (a.k.a.
IvwoConsolidator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,I extends ItemValueWithOrigin<V,D>> |
Consolidate the output of mappings for a single item to a delta.
IvwoConsolidatorBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,I extends ItemValueWithOrigin<V,D>> |
JavaTypeConverter |
Generic universal type converter.
JaxbDomHack |
JaxbDomHackImpl |
A set of ugly hacks that are needed for prism and "real" JAXB to coexist.
JaxbTypeConverter |
JAXBUtil |
JaxbVisitable |
Represents visitable JAXB bean.
JaxbVisitor |
Represents visitor of generated JAXB beans.
JdbcRepositoryConfiguration |
Common contract for SQL-based repository configuration.
JdbcSession |
Wrapper around JDBC Connection representing "session", typically a transactional one.
JmsMessageType |
Representation of JMS message.
JmsProvisioningTargetType |
JMS asynchronous provisioning target.
JmsSourceType |
JMS client configuration
JmsTextMessageType |
Representation of JMS text message.
JsonAsyncProvisioningRequest |
A simplified representation of a requested asynchronous provisioning operation.
JsonAsyncProvisioningRequest.DeltaValues |
Simple representation of an ItemDelta: contains collections of real values being
Jsonb |
Type representing JSONB columns in PostgreSQL database as a wrapped string.
JsonbException |
Technical exception capturing problems with reading or writing the JSONB value.
JsonbPath |
Path representing JSONB column.
JsonbPolysItemDeltaProcessor |
Delta processor for multi-value poly-strings represented as array in JSONB column.
JsonbPolysPathItemFilterProcessor<T> |
Filter processor for multi-value property stored as JSONB array.
JsonbUtils |
JsonInfraItems |
JsonNullValueParser<T> |
JsonReader |
JsonValueParser<T> |
TODO what about thread safety?
JsonWriter |
Jsr223ScriptEvaluator |
Expression evaluator that is using javax.script (JSR-223) engine.
KeyInfoType |
Loosely based on XML digital signature standard.
KeyStoreBasedProtector |
TODO add other relevant methods here
KeyStoreBasedProtectorBuilder |
Builder for KeyStoreBasedProtector implementation.
KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl |
Class that manages encrypted and hashed values.
KeyValueTreeNode<K,V> |
LabeledString |
A free-form string value with a label.
LayerRefinedAttributeDefinition<T> |
LayerRefinedAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
LayerRefinedObjectClassDefinition |
LayerRefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
LayerRefinedResourceSchema |
LayerRefinedResourceSchemaImpl |
LayerType |
Java class for LayerType.
Lazy<T> |
Lazy.Supplier<T> |
LazyDelegate<T> |
LdapAuthenticationModuleType |
LDAP authentication module supports authentication via LDAP server.
LdapSearchAuthenticationModuleType |
Search configuration which uses an Ldap filter to locate the user
LegacyApproversSpecificationUsageType |
Java class for LegacyApproversSpecificationUsageType.
LegacyProgressUpdater |
Responsible for updating the legacy progress for the current task.
LegacyTaskInformation |
LegacyValidationMessage |
LEGACY: This is all very old code.
LegacyValidationMessage.Type |
LegacyValidator<T extends Containerable> |
Class to validate (and possible transform) large sets of objects.
LegacyWorkDefinitionSource |
LensContext<F extends ObjectType> |
LensContext.AuthorizationState |
LensContext.ExportType |
LensContextPlaceholder<F extends ObjectType> |
This class does nothing.
LensContextSequencesType |
Values of sequences used in the computation.
LensContextSequenceValueType |
Value of a sequence used in the computation.
LensContextStatsType |
Java class for LensContextStatsType complex type.
LensContextType |
A serialization of model context, i.e.
LensElementContext<O extends ObjectType> |
Lens context for a computation element - a focus or a projection.
LensElementContextType |
LensFocusContext<O extends ObjectType> |
LensFocusContextType |
LensMetadataUtil |
Metadata-related utility methods.
LensObjectDeltaOperation<T extends ObjectType> |
LensObjectDeltaOperationType |
LensOwnerResolver<F extends ObjectType> |
LensProjectionContext |
LensProjectionContextType |
LensUtil |
LensUtil.GetOrCreateProjectionContextResult |
LessFilter<T> |
LessFilterImpl<T> |
LevelEvaluationStrategyType |
Java class for LevelEvaluationStrategyType.
LevelOverrideTurboFilter |
Overrides logging level for given loggers, based on thread-specific configuration.
LexicalParsingMode |
LexicalProcessor<T> |
Takes care of converting between XNode tree and specific lexical representation (XML, JSON, YAML).
LexicalProcessor.RootXNodeHandler |
Note that this interface does not contain handleError method.
LexicalProcessorRegistry |
LexicalUtils |
LifecycleStateActionDataReductionType |
Action that reduces (purges) object data.
LifecycleStateActionType |
LifecycleStateModelType |
Specification of lifecycle states and state transitions.
LifecycleStateTransitionType |
Specification of lifecycle state transition.
LifecycleStateType |
Specification of lifecycle state.
LifecycleUtil |
LightweightIdentifier |
Lightweight identifier is a "reasonable unique" identifier that is very cheap
to create.
LightweightIdentifierGenerator |
LightweightTaskHandler |
Handler for a lightweight task.
LimitationsType |
Definition of complexity and string policy
LinearBackoffComputer |
LinkAction |
LinkChangeSituationType |
Java class for LinkChangeSituationType.
LinkedObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among linked ones (for this object).
LinkedObjectsFunctions |
Functions related to "linked objects" functionality.
LinkedSelectorToFilterTranslator |
Translates a linked selector (LinkedObjectSelectorType) to appropriate ObjectFilter.
LinkManager |
Manages link definitions.
LinkSourceObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among linked sources (for this object).
LinkTargetObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among link targets (for this object).
LinkTypeDefinitionsType |
Definitions of link types for objects having this archetype.
LinkTypeDefinitionType |
Definitions of a link type.
LinkUnlinkShadowOpNode |
ListKeysOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ListKeysRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ListXNode |
ListXNodeImpl |
LiteralEqualsStrategy |
Equals strategy that takes namespace prefixes into account.
LiteralExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Always returns zero set with literal value (values) specified in the evaluator.
LiteralExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
LiveSyncActivityHandler |
Task handler for controlled processing of asynchronous updates.
LiveSyncActivityRun |
LiveSyncCapabilityType |
Describes capability to detect changes in almost real time (live synchronization).
LiveSyncErrorHandlingProcessor |
LiveSyncEvent |
LiveSyncEventHandler |
Handles changes retrieved by ProvisioningService#synchronize(ResourceShadowDiscriminator, Task, boolean, LiveSyncEventHandler, OperationResult) method.
LiveSyncOptions |
LiveSyncToken |
LiveSyncTokenStorage |
Manages the storage of a live sync token.
LiveSyncWorkDefinition |
LiveSyncWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a live sync activity.
LiveSyncWorkStateType |
State of the live sync activity.
LocalActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,BS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
The "real" run of an activity - i.e.
LocalDefinitionStore |
Used to retrieve definition from 'local definition store' - i.e.
LocalizableMessage |
LocalizableMessageArgumentType |
Argument that is to be used for localized message parameter.
LocalizableMessageBuilder |
LocalizableMessageList |
This class is final and must remain so, as it's not cloneable.
LocalizableMessageListBuilder |
LocalizableMessageListType |
List of localizable messages, to be presented as a single message.
LocalizableMessageTemplateType |
A template that produces a localizable message after argument expressions are evaluated into specific arguments.
LocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
LocalizationMessageSource |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LocalizationService |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LocalizationServiceImpl |
LocalizationTestUtil |
For use in tests ONLY.
LocalizationUtil |
LocalObjectCache |
Thread-local cache for storing objects.
LocalQueryCache |
Thread-local cache for storing query results.
LocalRepoCacheCollection |
Set of three thread-local repo caches (object, version, query).
LocalVersionCache |
Thread-local cache for object version.
LockoutStatusType |
Java class for LockoutStatusType.
Log |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LogActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "log" action.
LogbackPropertyDefiner |
It was simply not possible to provide an empty default value for logback property.
LogbackPropertyDefinerForTimezone |
LogExecutor |
Executes "log" scripting action.
LogExpressionFunctions |
LogFileContentType |
Java class for LogFileContentType complex type.
LoggedEvent |
LoggingAuditingConfigurationType |
Auditing configuration for auditing by using the logging subsystem.
LoggingComponentType |
Java class for LoggingComponentType.
LoggingConfigurationManager |
LoggingConfigurationType |
Configuration of logging levels, categories, log
files, etc.
LoggingEventSink |
LoggingLevelOverrideConfiguration |
LoggingLevelOverrideConfiguration.Entry |
LoggingLevelType |
Java class for LoggingLevelType.
LoggingOverrideType |
Information how to override logging configuration.
LoggingSchemaUtil |
LoggingUtils |
LogicalFilter |
LogicalFilterImpl |
LogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for LogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
LogicalSymbol |
LoginEventType |
Java class for LoginEventType complex type.
LogInfo |
LoginFormAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of "login form" module.
LogLevel |
LogSegmentType |
Segment of the logfile.
LogTarget |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LogVerbosity |
LookupTableRowType |
Data structure that represents entire content of the lookup table, organized into table rows.
LookupTableType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
An object that represents lookup table.
MAbstractRole |
MAccessCertificationCampaign |
MAccessCertificationCase |
MAccessCertificationDefinition |
MAccessCertificationWorkItem |
MAccessCertificationWorkItemReference |
MailAuthenticationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
MailConfigurationType |
Where and how to send mail notifications (or any other mail messages).
MailNonceAuthenticationModuleType |
Mail nonce authentication module.
MailResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
MailServerConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular mail server host.
MailTransportSecurityType |
Java class for MailTransportSecurityType.
Main |
MainResult<T> |
Class that allows to return result and expected exit code from ninja execution.
MaintenanceException |
May happen in case that resource is administratively set to maintenance mode.
ManagerSearchType |
ManualProvisioningContextType |
Describes the context of the manual provisioning request that is represented by a case.
MapDependency<I,O> |
MapItemContext<V> |
Mapping<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
MappingBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Builder for (traditional) data mappings.
MappingDiagEvaluator |
Executes mappings in diagnostic mode.
MappingEvaluationEnvironment |
To avoid passing contextDescription + now + task to many places let us aggregate this information
in this class.
MappingEvaluationOpNode |
MappingEvaluationOptionsType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationOptionsType complex type.
MappingEvaluationRequestType |
TODO ...
MappingEvaluationResponseType |
TODO ...
MappingEvaluationSourceContextType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationSourceContextType complex type.
MappingEvaluationState |
MappingEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for mapping evaluation operation.
MappingEvaluationVariableType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationVariableType complex type.
MappingEvaluationVisualizer |
MappingEvaluator |
MappingEvaluatorParams<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition,T extends ObjectType,F extends FocusType> |
MappingFactory |
MappingImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
(Traditional) data mapping.
MappingInitializer<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
MappingKindType |
Java class for MappingKindType.
MappingLoader<O extends ObjectType> |
MappingOutputProcessor<V extends PrismValue> |
MappingOutputStruct<V extends PrismValue> |
MappingPreExpression |
MappingRelation |
MappingSetEvaluationBuilder<F extends AssignmentHolderType,T extends AssignmentHolderType> |
MappingSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping source during evaluation.
MappingSourceType |
Java class for MappingSourceType complex type.
MappingSpecificationType |
See Axiom.
MappingsStatisticsEntryType |
MappingsStatisticsKey |
MappingsStatisticsType |
MappingStatePropertiesType |
Mapping state properties after evaluation.
MappingStatePropertyType |
Mapping state property.
MappingStatisticsCollector |
MappingStrengthType |
Java class for MappingStrengthType.
MappingsType |
Generic set of mappings.
MappingTimeDeclarationType |
Specification of time-based mapping constraints.
MappingTimeEval |
MappingTimeValidityEvaluationOpNode |
MappingTransformationType |
Informs that the value was provided by a mapping (and how exactly).
MappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for regular data mappings.
MappingUtil |
MapXNode |
Note we cannot use "extends Map" here, because in that case we would have to declare XNodeImpl as map value parameter.
MapXNodeImpl |
MArchetype |
MAssignment |
MAssignmentReference |
Matchable<T extends Matchable<T>> |
MatchingRule<T> |
Interface for generic matching rules.
MatchingRuleRegistry |
MatchingRuleRegistryFactory |
Creates MatchingRuleRegistry populated with standard matching rules.
MatchingRuleRegistryImpl |
MAuditDelta |
MAuditEventRecord |
MAuditRefValue |
MCase |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QCase .
MCaseWorkItem |
MCaseWorkItemReference |
MConnector |
MConnectorHost |
MContainer |
MContainerType |
MDCLevelTurboFilter |
This class allow output for given MDC value and given level
implments logback turbofilter feature
MemoryDiagnosticsConfigurationType |
Configuration of memory diagnostics features.
MergeConfigurationType |
Configuration that specifies automatic merging of two objects.
MergeDeltas<O extends ObjectType> |
MergeStrategyType |
Java class for MergeStrategyType.
Message |
MessageDeliveryMode |
Java class for MessageDeliveryMode.
MessagePropertyType |
Message property (key-value pair).
MessageWrapper |
Provides basic message-manipulation methods to be used in scripts (typically, async update transformation scripts).
MetadataAware |
Some XNodes can hold value metadata.
MetadataComputationInput |
Convenient data structure to provide input for metadata computation for custom transformational
metadata mappings.
MetadataComputationInput.InputDataValue |
MetadataHandlingType |
Defines handling of a metadata items.
MetadataItemDefinitionType |
Description of the metadata item handling details, such as (TODO)
MetadataItemProcessingSpec |
Provides information about processing of given metadata item (e.g.
MetadataItemProcessingSpecImpl |
Specification of processing of individual metadata items.
MetadataMappingBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
MetadataMappingEvaluator |
Evaluates metadata mappings.
MetadataMappingImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Evaluated or to-be-evaluated metadata mapping.
MetadataMappingScopeType |
Java class for MetadataMappingScopeType.
MetadataMappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for metadata mappings.
MetadataProcessingApplicabilitySpecificationType |
In what situations should be this mapping template applied?
MetadataProcessingItemApplicabilitySpecificationType |
Selection of items to include/exclude when applying given metadata processing.
MetadataRecordingStrategyType |
How object metadata should be recorded or updated.
MetadataType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Meta-data about data creation, modification, etc.
MethodUsageStatistics |
This class provides functionality as a holder for method performance statistics.
MExtItem |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QExtItem .
MExtItem.ItemNameKey |
MExtItem.Key |
MExtItemCardinality |
MExtItemHolderType |
The container holding the extension item.
MFocus |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QFocus .
MGlobalMetadata |
MidpointAbstractProvider<T> |
MidpointAuthentication |
MidpointConfiguration |
MidPointConstants |
MidpointDirContextAdapter |
MidpointFunctions |
MidpointFunctions.TriggerCustomizer |
MidpointFunctionsImpl |
MidpointInterceptor |
In this class, we define some Pointcuts in AOP meaning that will provide join points for most common
methods used in main midPoint subsystems.
MidpointJsonProvider<T> |
MidpointOracleTemplates |
MidpointOriginMetadata |
MidpointParsingMigrator |
MidpointPointcut |
MidPointPrincipal |
Simple midPoint principal.
MidPointPrincipalManager |
Service that exposes security functions for internal use inside midPoint and for other
spring-security-enabled purposes.
MidPointPrismContextFactory |
MidpointProvenanceEquivalenceStrategy |
Used to compare metadata from the provenance point of view.
MidPointSchemaDefinitionFactory |
MidpointSQLServerTemplates |
MidpointValueMetadataFactory |
MidpointXmlProvider<T> |
MidpointYAMLFactory |
MidpointYAMLGenerator |
MidpointYAMLParser |
MidpointYamlProvider<T> |
Migrator |
MiscSchemaUtil |
MiscUtil |
MiscUtil.ExceptionSupplier<E> |
MisfireActionType |
Java class for MisfireActionType.
MissingShadowContextRefresher<F extends ObjectType> |
Refreshes a projection context after the shadow was found to be missing.
MLookupTable |
MLookupTableRow |
MNode |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QNode .
MObject |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QObject .
MObjectType |
ModelActivityHandler<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ModelActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
ModelAuditItemSource |
Provides access to audit events at the model level.
ModelAuditRecorder |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ModelAuditService |
ModelAuthorizationAction |
Represents a model-level action (method) that can be authorized.
ModelBeans |
Commonly-used beans for model-impl module.
ModelCommonBeans |
Commonly-used beans for model-common module.
ModelCompareOptions |
Options to be used for compareObject calls.
ModelCompareOptionsType |
ModelContainerableItemSource |
Searches for container values at the model level.
ModelContext<F extends ObjectType> |
ModelContextUtil |
ModelController |
This used to be an interface, but it was switched to class for simplicity.
ModelCrudService |
Simple version of model service exposing CRUD-like operations.
ModelDiagController |
ModelDiagnosticService |
A service provided by the IDM Model focused on system diagnostic.
ModelElementContext<O extends ObjectType> |
ModelEvent |
Event about model operation (TODO)
ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType |
Trace for model's delta execution.
ModelExecuteOptions |
Options for execution of Model operations.
ModelExecuteOptionsType |
Options for execution of Model operations.
ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder |
ModelHooksType |
ModelImplUtils |
ModelInteractionService |
A service provided by the IDM Model that allows to improve the (user) interaction with the model.
ModelInteractionService.SearchSpec<C extends Containerable> |
ModelInteractionServiceImpl |
ModelObjectResolver |
ModelObjectSource |
Provides access to objects at the model level.
ModelOperationContextProcessor |
ModelPortImpl |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.10
Generated source version: 3.4.10
ModelPortType |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.10
Generated source version: 3.4.10
ModelProjectionContext |
ModelPublicConstants |
Model constants referenced from the outside.
ModelReactorContext |
ModelService |
IDM Model Interface
ModelService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.10
Generated source version: 3.4.10
ModelState |
ModelStateType |
Java class for ModelStateType.
ModificationConstraintEvaluator<T extends ModificationPolicyConstraintType> |
ModificationOpHandler |
Handles modification operations: add, modify, delete, and a couple of others.
ModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule on object modification, addition or deletion.
ModificationPrecondition<T extends ObjectType> |
ModificationType |
ModificationTypeType |
Java class for ModificationTypeType.
ModifyActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "modify" action.
ModifyExecutor |
Executor for 'modify' actions.
ModifyObjectResult<T extends ObjectType> |
Contains information about object modification result; primarily needed by repository caching algorithms.
ModuleAuthentication |
ModuleSaml2KeyStoreKeyType |
SAML2 simple key.
ModuleSaml2KeyTypeType |
Java class for ModuleSaml2KeyTypeType.
ModuleSaml2SimpleKeyType |
SAML2 key from key store.
ModuleType |
ModuleWebSecurityConfiguration |
MonitoredOperationsStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operations.
MonitoredOperationStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operation.
MonitoredOperationType |
Java class for MonitoredOperationType.
MonitoringUtil |
Utility methods related to operations and cache performance monitoring.
MOperationExecution |
MOrg |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QOrg .
MOrgClosure |
MReference |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QReference and its subtypes.
MReferenceType |
Enumeration of various types of reference entities (subtypes of QReference ).
MReportData |
MResource |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QResource .
MRole |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QRole .
MService |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QService .
MShadow |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QShadow .
MTask |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QTask .
MTrigger |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QTrigger .
MultipleTriggersHandler |
This handler can take a collection of triggers that have the same timestamp.
MultiplicityConstraintEvaluator |
MultiplicityPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint on multiplicity of assigned objects.
MultiPropagationWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the multi-propagation activity.
MUri |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QUri .
MUser |
Querydsl "row bean" type related to QUser .
Mutable |
MutableComplexTypeDefinition |
MutableDefinition |
MutableItemDefinition<I extends Item> |
MutableObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition |
MutablePrismContainerDefinition<C extends Containerable> |
MutablePrismObjectDefinition<O extends Objectable> |
MutablePrismPropertyDefinition<T> |
MutablePrismReferenceDefinition |
MutablePrismSchema |
MutableResourceAttributeDefinition<T> |
MutableResourceSchema |
MutableTypeDefinition |
MutationBehaviourAware<M extends MutationBehaviourAware<M>> |
Name |
Name of a scene or a scene item.
NamedValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container) along with its name.
NameImpl |
NameItemPathSegment |
NamespaceContext |
NaryLogicalFilter |
NaryLogicalFilterImpl |
NaryLogicalFilterProcessor |
NAryLogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for NAryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
Navigable<K,N extends Navigable<K,N>> |
NestedContainerUpdateContext<S extends Containerable,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Update context for nested containers stored in the same table used by the parent context.
NestedMappingResolver<S extends Containerable,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Resolver that maps the nested items (next component of the path) to the same table (query type).
NetworkUtil |
NextRecompute |
Next planned recompute event.
NinjaApplicationContextLevel |
Represents different levels of Spring application context initialization for midpoint.
NinjaContext |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NinjaException |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NinjaUsageFormatter |
NinjaUtils |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NodeAuthenticationEvaluator |
NodeAuthenticationEvaluatorImpl |
NodeAuthenticationToken |
NodeErrorStateType |
Java class for NodeErrorStateType.
NodeExecutionStateType |
Java class for NodeExecutionStateType.
NodeOperationalStateType |
Java class for NodeOperationalStateType.
NodeType |
Node describes a single installation of midPoint.
NoFocusNameSchemaException |
Specific kind of SchemaException.
NonBlankValidator |
NonceAuthenticationContext |
NonceAuthenticationEvaluatorImpl |
NonceCredentialsPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for nonce management.
NoncePolicyEvaluator<F extends FocusType> |
NoncePolicyEvaluator.Builder<F extends FocusType> |
NonceType |
Java class for NonceType complex type.
NoneFilter |
NoneFilterImpl |
Filter designed to explicitly match nothing.
NonIterativeChangeExecutionActivityHandler |
Executes a set of deltas bound to specific objects.
NonIterativeChangeExecutionActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
NonIterativeChangeExecutionWorkDefinitionType |
Executes specified changes.
NonIterativeScriptingActivityHandler |
This is a handler for "old", non-iterative (single) bulk actions.
NonIterativeScriptingActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
NonIterativeScriptingWorkDefinitionType |
Executes a script (a.k.a.
NoOpActivityHandler |
Just a dummy activity to be used for demonstration and testing purposes.
NoOpActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
NoOpActivityStepInterruptibilityType |
Java class for NoOpActivityStepInterruptibilityType.
NoOpWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for a no-op activity.
NotFilter |
NotFilterImpl |
NotFilterProcessor |
NotificationConfigurationType |
A configuration for user notifications.
NotificationFunctions |
Useful functions to be used in notifications scripts (including velocity templates).
NotificationManager |
Handles notification events.
NotificationMessageAttachmentType |
Message attachment for notifications.
NotificationMessageType |
XML version of Message (in notifications module).
NotificationPolicyActionType |
NotificationsStatisticsEntryType |
NotificationsStatisticsKey |
NotificationsStatisticsType |
NotificationStatisticsCollector |
NotificationTransportConfigurationType |
Configuration that is common to all notification transports.
NotifyActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "notify" action.
NotifyChangeResponseType |
A response from notifyChange operation.
NotifyChangeType |
A request for notifyChange operation.
NotifyExecutor |
Executes "notify" actions.
NullBucketContentFactory |
Implements work state "segmentation" into single null work bucket.
NullLexicalProcessor |
"Null" processor that reads XNodes into XNodes and writes XNodes as XNodes.
NullSynchronizationObjectFilterImpl |
Object filter that passes all shadows.
NullTaskImpl |
DO NOT USE in production code.
NullWorkBucketContentHandler |
NullWorkBucketContentType |
"Null" work bucket content: does not restrict the query in any way.
NumericBucketContentFactory |
Implements work state management strategy based on numeric identifier intervals.
NumericIntervalBucketUtil |
NumericIntervalBucketUtil.Interval |
Represents an integer interval.
NumericIntervalWorkBucketContentHandler |
Interprets numeric interval segmentation.
NumericIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as a interval of numeric values of discriminator item.
NumericWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space (represented by an interval of numeric
values) into a number of work buckets.
Objectable |
ObjectAccessFaultType |
ObjectActionsExecutedEntryType |
Actions executed on a given object type, with given operation (change type) and via given channel.
ObjectAlreadyExistsException |
Object already exists.
ObjectAlreadyExistsFaultType |
Object with specified criteria (OID) already exists in the
ObjectBasedValuePolicyOriginResolver<O extends ObjectType> |
ValuePolicyOriginResolver that resolves origin based on some context object (that can be retrieved).
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition |
Describes a resource object class.
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinitionImpl |
ObjectClassTypeDefinitionDelegator |
ObjectCollectionReportEngineConfigurationType |
Configuration of object collection-based reports.
ObjectCollectionsUseType |
Specifies a set of object collections ("views") to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
ObjectCollectionType |
Object collection specification.
ObjectCollectionUseType |
Specifies how a specific collection ("view") is to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
ObjectDefinitionDelegator<O extends Objectable> |
ObjectDelta<O extends Objectable> |
Relative difference (delta) of the object.
ObjectDelta.FactorOutResultMulti<T extends Objectable> |
ObjectDelta.FactorOutResultSingle<T extends Objectable> |
ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil |
ObjectDeltaFactoryImpl |
ObjectDeltaImpl<O extends Objectable> |
ObjectDeltaListType |
List of object deltas.
ObjectDeltaObject<O extends Objectable> |
A class defining old object state (before change), delta (change) and new object state (after change).
ObjectDeltaObjectType |
ObjectDeltaOperation<O extends ObjectType> |
ObjectDeltaOperationListType |
List of object delta operations (deltas + operation results).
ObjectDeltaOperationType |
ObjectDeltaSchemaLevelUtil |
The name is a bit ridiculous but we need to distinguish it from ObjectDeltaUtil in prism module.
ObjectDeltaSchemaLevelUtil.NameResolver |
ObjectDeltaType |
Describes a change of a specific object.
ObjectDeltaType.ObjectToAdd |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectDeltaUtil |
ObjectDeltaWaves<O extends ObjectType> |
Secondary deltas from already completed waves.
ObjectDeltaWaves.WaveDelta<O extends ObjectType> |
Delta for a specific execution wave.
ObjectDeltaWavesType |
Java class for ObjectDeltaWavesType complex type.
ObjectDeltaWaveType |
ObjectFactory |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.api_types_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.audit_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.fault_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.connector.icf_1.connector_schema_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.connector.icf_1.resource_schema_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.model_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.scripting_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.resource.capabilities_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.annotation_2 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.query_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3 package.
ObjectFilter |
ObjectFilterExpressionEvaluator |
Functional interface to inject filter evaluation code.
ObjectFilterImpl |
ObjectFormatter |
ObjectFormsProcessor |
ObjectFormsType |
Specifies the set of forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, ...
ObjectFormType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
ObjectGrouping |
ObjectGroupingImpl |
ObjectHandler<T> |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle arbitrary objects (not always PrismObject instances),
typically - but not necessarily - coming from iterative search operation.
ObjectImporter |
Extension of validator used to import objects to the repository.
ObjectInfo |
TODO better name?
ObjectIntegrityCheckActivityHandler |
Task handler for "Object integrity check" task.
ObjectIntegrityCheckWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for object integrity check activity.
ObjectListType |
Java class for ObjectListType complex type.
ObjectMerger |
Class responsible for object merging.
ObjectModificationConstraintEvaluator |
ObjectModificationType |
Describes a change of attributes of a specific object.
ObjectNotFoundException |
Object with specified criteria (OID) has not been found in the repository.
ObjectNotFoundFaultType |
Object with specified criteria (OID) has not been found in the
ObjectOperationOption |
ObjectOrdering |
ObjectOrderingImpl |
ObjectPaging |
ObjectPagingImpl |
ObjectPolicyConfigurationType |
Definition of policy for a specific object type.
ObjectPolicyRuleEvaluationContext<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluation context for object-based policy rule.
ObjectProcessingRequest<O extends ObjectType> |
Request to process an object.
ObjectQuery |
ObjectQueryImpl |
ObjectQueryUtil |
ObjectReferenceFormatter |
Formats object reference value into two columns (oid, name).
ObjectReferencePathSegment |
Denotes referenced object, like "assignment/targetRef/@/name" (name of assignment's target object)
ObjectReferenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Reference to an object.
ObjectReferenceType |
TODO update this class by adding missing features (targetName, oid, type, relation).
ObjectReferenceType.Filter |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectResolver |
The callback from some of the object utilities to resolve objects.
ObjectResolver.Session |
ObjectResultHandler |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle iterative results.
Objects |
Object list, to be used in import files and
ObjectSearchStrategyType |
Java class for ObjectSearchStrategyType.
ObjectSecurityConstraints |
ObjectSelector |
ObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
ObjectSetBasedWorkDefinitionType |
A definition that applies to a set of repository objects.
ObjectSetSpecification |
This is a specification of objects to be processed in more-or-less raw form.
ObjectSetSpecificationProvider |
Work definition that can provide object set specification.
ObjectSetType |
Specifies a set of repository objects to be processed.
ObjectSetUtil |
ObjectState |
ObjectStatistics |
ObjectSynchronizationDiscriminatorType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
ObjectSynchronizationSorterType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
ObjectSynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
specific type of object, e.g.
ObjectTemplateIncludeProcessor |
ObjectTemplateIncludeProcessor.TemplateProcessor |
Internal interface used for handling includeRef references.
ObjectTemplateItemDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ObjectTemplateMappingEvaluationPhaseType |
Java class for ObjectTemplateMappingEvaluationPhaseType.
ObjectTemplateMappingType |
Java class for ObjectTemplateMappingType complex type.
ObjectTemplateProcessor |
Processor to handle object template.
ObjectTemplateType |
TODO: update
The user template used to create new users.
ObjectTreeDeltas<T extends ObjectType> |
Structure that contains all primary changes requested: from focus as well as from projections.
ObjectTreeDeltasType |
Container for ChangesRequested (focus primary delta and/or projection primary deltas).
ObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Common supertype for all identity objects.
ObjectType |
ObjectTypes |
ObjectTypes.ObjectManager |
ObjectTypesConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ObjectTypeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for default object type.
ObjectTypeStatistics |
ObjectTypeUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ObjectType class but cannot go there because
of JAXB.
ObjectUpgradeValidator |
Enhanced validator that also produces more information about how validation item should be updated.
ObjectValidator |
Validator that can process objects, validate them, check for errors and warning
and possibly even transform object during upgrades.
ObjectValuePolicyEvaluator |
Evaluator that validates the value of any object property.
ObjectValuePolicyEvaluator.Builder |
ObjectVariableModeType |
Java class for ObjectVariableModeType.
OidBoundProcessor |
OidcAuthenticationModuleType |
OpenId Connect authentication module.
OidUtil |
OidWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space into a number of buckets based on OID values.
OpenCaseRequest |
Operation |
Operation being recorded: represents an object to which the client reports the end of the operation.
OperationalDataManager |
OperationalStateType |
Structure containing metadata about operational state of the resource.
OperationBusinessContextType |
The business context of an operation.
OperationConstants |
OperationExecutionLogger |
OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks |
Prepares complex OperationExecutionType records for search-iterative and live-sync/async-update tasks.
OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks.Target |
Specification of where to write operation execution record.
OperationExecutionRecordingStrategyType |
How operationExecution records should be updated.
OperationExecutionRecordRealOwnerType |
Information about operation execution record real owner.
OperationExecutionRecordTypeType |
Java class for OperationExecutionRecordTypeType.
OperationExecutionType |
Information about an operation executed on an object.
OperationExecutionWriter |
Writes provided OperationExecutionType records into objects.
OperationExecutionWriter.Request<O extends ObjectType> |
A request to write an operation execution record.
OperationInvocationRecord |
This class provides basically the functionality of MidpointInterceptor.
OperationKindType |
Java class for OperationKindType.
OperationLogger |
OperationMonitoringConfiguration |
OperationMonitoringLevelType |
Java class for OperationMonitoringLevelType.
OperationMonitoringType |
What monitored operations to trace.
OperationPerformanceInformation |
OperationProvisioningScriptsType |
Collection of scripts to be executed for various provisioning operations.
OperationProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies how and when a script is executed during provisioning.
OperationRecord |
OperationResult |
Nested Operation Result.
OperationResult.PreviewResult |
OperationResultBuilder |
Used to postpone initialization of OperationResult until parameters and context items are set - in order to log
operation entry correctly.
OperationResultDetailLevel |
Java class for OperationResultDetailLevel.
OperationResultFactory |
OperationResultHandlingStrategyType |
Strategy for operation result aggregation.
OperationResultImportanceType |
Java class for OperationResultImportanceType.
OperationResultRunner |
OperationResultStatus |
OperationResultStatusType |
Java class for OperationResultStatusType.
OperationResultType |
OperationResultUtil |
OperationsHelper |
OperationsPerformanceInformation |
OperationsPerformanceInformationImpl |
OperationsPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints operations performance information.
OperationsPerformanceInformationType |
Information about methods performance.
OperationsPerformanceInformationUtil |
OperationsPerformanceMonitor |
OperationsPerformanceMonitorImpl |
OperationStatsType |
Operation execution statistics/state.
OperationStatus |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
OperationStatus |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
OperationStatus.State |
OperationTypeType |
Java class for OperationTypeType.
OpNode |
OpNodeFactory |
OpNodePresentation |
OpNodeTreeBuilder |
OpNodeTreeBuilder.NameResolver |
OpResultInfo |
OptimisticLockingRunner<O extends ObjectType,R> |
OptimisticLockingRunner.Builder<O extends ObjectType,R> |
OptimizingTriggerCreator |
Adds recompute triggers to objects in an optimized way:
- The triggers are set to a given time in future (e.g.
OptimizingTriggerCreatorImpl |
This is a preliminary implementation.
Optionals |
OptionObjectSelectorType |
Options |
OpType |
OrderConstraintsType |
OrderDirection |
OrderDirectionType |
Java class for OrderDirectionType.
OrFilter |
OrFilterImpl |
OrgFilter |
OrgFilter.Scope |
OrgFilterImpl |
OrgFilterProcessor |
OrgRelationObjectSpecificationType |
Definition of object with respect to subject membership in organizational hierarchy.
OrgScopeType |
Java class for OrgScopeType.
OrgStructFunctions |
OrgStructFunctionsImpl |
OrgType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Organizational unit, division, section, object group, team, project or any other form of
organizing things and/or people.
OriginType |
This enum defines source from where a change in property value occurred.
OrphanedConstraintEvaluator |
OrphanedPolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
The object (currently supported are tasks) is orphaned i.e.
OtherActivityState |
State of activity not connected to the current activity run.
OtherAuthenticationModuleParameterType |
Java class for OtherAuthenticationModuleParameterType complex type.
OtherAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for OtherAuthenticationModuleType complex type.
OtherPrivilegesLimitationType |
Limitations related to other privileges, like the ability to complete work items.
OutboundProcessor |
Processor that evaluates values of the outbound mappings.
OutcomeKeyedCounterType |
Counter keyed by a qualified outcome.
OutcomeKeyedCounterTypeUtil |
OutcomeUtils |
OutputFormatType |
Java class for OutputFormatType.
OutputOptions |
OwnedByFilter |
OwnedByFilterImpl |
OwnedObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
OwnerResolver |
This would be more appropriate in the security-impl.
PagedSearchCapabilityType |
How to handle paged searches.
PageOf<T> |
Result object for potentially paginated content.
PagingConvertor |
PagingType |
Parameters limiting the number of returned
entries, offset, etc.
ParameterizedEquivalenceStrategy |
Implementation of EquivalenceStrategy that uses a parametrization of built-in equals/hashCode/diff methods.
ParameterType |
Describes input parameters.
ParamsFormatter |
Formatter for `ParamsType` objects.
ParamsType |
Java class for ParamsType complex type.
ParamsTypeUtil |
ParentAndRoot |
A container for task parent and root.
ParentPathSegment |
Denotes parent object or container.
ParentVisitable |
Allows a visitor to follow the path along the "parent" relationship.
ParsedFullName |
ParserElementSource |
ParserFileSource |
ParserInputStreamSource |
ParserSource |
Source for prism parser (file, input stream, string, DOM tree, ...).
ParserStringSource |
ParserXNodeSource |
ParsingContext |
ParsingContextImpl |
ParsingMigrator |
Migrator that comes into play when content is parsed.
PartiallyMutableItemDefinition<I extends Item<?,?>> |
PartiallyMutableItemDefinition.Attribute<T> |
PartiallyMutableItemDefinition.Container<C extends Containerable> |
PartiallyMutableItemDefinition.Property<T> |
PartiallyMutableItemDefinition.Reference |
PartiallyResolvedDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
PartiallyResolvedItem<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
TODO description
PartialProcessingOptionsType |
Options that allows to select only some of the projector/clockwork parts to process.
PartialProcessingTypeType |
Java class for PartialProcessingTypeType.
PartialReconciliationActivityRun |
Code common to all three reconciliation sub-activities: operation completion, resource reconciliation,
and remaining shadows reconciliation.
PassingHolder<T> |
Accepts (maybe repeatedly) a value and - on request - passes it to specified Consumer .
PassThroughPolyStringNormalizer |
PasswordAuthenticationContext |
PasswordAuthenticationEvaluatorImpl |
PasswordCallback |
PasswordCallbackException |
Hack to correctly process exceptions from a password callback;
If this exception is thrown then the event was already audited.
PasswordCapabilityType |
Describes capability to present password in a structured way.
PasswordChangeSecurityType |
Java class for PasswordChangeSecurityType.
PasswordCompareStrategyType |
Java class for PasswordCompareStrategyType.
PasswordCredentialsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
PasswordHistoryEntryType |
Contains a single entry of the password history.
PasswordLifeTimeType |
Java class for PasswordLifeTimeType complex type.
PasswordPolicyEvaluator<F extends FocusType> |
PasswordPolicyEvaluator.Builder<F extends FocusType> |
PasswordResetNotifierType |
PasswordType |
Java class for PasswordType complex type.
Path<P> |
PathExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Returns value set triple derived from specified (or default) source by resolving specified path.
PathExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
This is NOT autowired evaluator.
PathHolderSegment |
PathKeyedMap<T> |
Special case of a map that has ItemPath as a key.
PathNavigable<V,K,P extends Path<K>> |
PathSegmentEvaluation<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Carries out and holds assignment evaluation:
PathSet |
PathVisitable |
Visits only objects that are on the specified path or below.
PatternMatcher |
Matches a string against a set of patterns that can be either in "naive" format, using "*" as a wildcard,
or in regex format.
PcpAspectConfigurationType |
Configuration for a primary change processor aspect.
PendingOperationExecutionStatusType |
Java class for PendingOperationExecutionStatusType.
PendingOperationType |
Description of an operation that is pending (in progress) or that was
recently completed.
PendingOperationTypeType |
Java class for PendingOperationTypeType.
PerformanceCategory |
PerformanceCategoryInfo |
PerformanceInformation |
PerformanceInformationImpl |
PerformanceMonitor |
PerformanceStatistics |
This class simply collects basic information about midPoint performance, specifically basic
CPU, memory usage and current thread state.
PerformerCommentsFormatter |
Ensures formatting of performers (approvers, reviewers) comments before storing them into metadata.
PerformerCommentsFormattingType |
Instructions how to format approvers/reviewers comments before storing them into metadata.
PersonaConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
PersonaConstructionBuilder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
PersonaConstructionType |
Persona construction.
PersonaProcessor |
Runs persona-related changes after the primary operation is all done.
PersonaTargetSubtypeProcessor |
PipelineData |
Data that are passed between individual scripting actions.
PipelineDataType |
Java class for PipelineDataType complex type.
PipelineItem |
PipelineItemType |
Java class for PipelineItemType complex type.
PlainIterativeActivityRun<I,WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
Run of a plain iterative activity.
PlainIterativeActivityRunSpecifics<I> |
Provides execution logic and/or execution state related to a plain iterative activity run.
PlainResourceObjectConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Special construction subclass that represents resource object constructions as defined in the schemaHandling
section of the resource definition.
PlainResourceObjectConstructionBuilder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
PlannedOperationAttemptType |
Describes an attempt that is to be made.
PlusMinusZero |
Simple enumeration that refers to the plus, minus or zero concepts
used in delta set triples.
PlusMinusZeroType |
PointInTimeType |
Specifies the point in time for the returned data.
PointInTimeTypeType |
Java class for PointInTimeTypeType.
PolicyActionsType |
Actions that are executed as reactions to triggered policy rules.
PolicyActionType |
Common supertype for policy actions.
PolicyConstraintEvaluationOpNode |
PolicyConstraintEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for policy constraint evaluation operation.
PolicyConstraintEvaluator<T extends AbstractPolicyConstraintType> |
Evaluates given policy constraint within specific context.
PolicyConstraintKindType |
Java class for PolicyConstraintKindType.
PolicyConstraintPresentationType |
How should be triggering of this constraint presented, e.g.
PolicyConstraintReferenceType |
References another policy constraint.
PolicyConstraintsType |
Set of governance, risk management, compliance (GRC) and similar policy constraints
that influence the identity model.
PolicyDecision |
Describes what the policy "decides" about a specific account.
PolicyExceptionType |
Recorded exception from a policy rule.
PolicyItemDefinitionType |
Java class for PolicyItemDefinitionType complex type.
PolicyItemsDefinitionType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values
PolicyItemTargetType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values
PolicyRuleCounterUpdater |
Updates counters for policy rules, with the goal of determining if rules' thresholds have been reached.
PolicyRuleEnforcer |
Code used to enforce the policy rules that have the enforce action.
PolicyRuleEnforcerPreviewOutputType |
PolicyRuleEvaluationContext<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluation context for a policy rule.
PolicyRuleEvaluationOpNode |
PolicyRuleEvaluationTargetType |
Java class for PolicyRuleEvaluationTargetType.
PolicyRuleEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for policy rule evaluation operation.
PolicyRuleEvent |
Any event that is triggered by the 'notify' policy rule action.
PolicyRuleExternalizationOptions |
PolicyRuleProcessor |
PolicyRulesContext |
Context related to evaluation and processing of policy rules.
PolicyRuleScriptExecutor |
Executes scripts defined in scriptExecution policy action.
PolicyRuleSuspendTaskExecutor |
PolicyRuleType |
These rules specify compliance and governance constraints.
PolicyRuleTypeUtil |
PolicyRuleTypeUtil.LazyMapConstraintsResolver |
PolicySituationConstraintEvaluator |
PolicySituationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is in a given policy situation(s).
PolicyStateRecorder |
Takes care of updating policySituation and triggered rules for focus and assignments.
PolicyThresholdType |
Specifies limits when is the action executed.
PolicyViolationException |
PolicyViolationFaultType |
Provided object does not conform to the policies (such as password policy).
PolyString |
Polymorphic string.
PolyStringDeserializer |
PolyStringItemDeltaProcessor |
PolyStringItemFilterProcessor<T> |
Filter processor for a polystring attribute path (Prism item).
PolyStringLangType |
This is NOT a generated class.
PolyStringNormalizer |
Normalizer for PolyStrings.
PolyStringNormalizerConfigurationType |
PolyStringNormalizerOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
PolyStringNormalizerRegistry |
PolyStringNormalizerRegistryFactory |
PolyStringNormalizerRegistryImpl |
PolyStringNormMatchingRule |
PolyStringOrigMatchingRule |
PolyStringSerializer |
PolyStringStrictMatchingRule |
PolyStringTranslationArgumentType |
WARNING: this is NOT a generated code.
PolyStringTranslationType |
WARNING: this is NOT a generated code.
PolyStringType |
Polymorphic string.
PolyStringUtils |
PopulateItemType |
PopulateType |
PopulatorUtil |
Populates prism value with values as defined in PopulateType
PositiveNegativeItemPaths |
PreAuthenticationContext |
PreconditionViolationException |
PredefinedOperationRequestTransformationType |
Java class for PredefinedOperationRequestTransformationType.
PredefinedPolicySituation |
PrefixedToQNameTarget |
PreRunnable<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
A code that executes before local or distributing activity run takes place.
PrettyPrinter |
PreUpgradeCheckAction |
PreUpgradeCheckOptions |
PrimaryChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for PrimaryChangeProcessor.
PrimitiveType |
PrimitiveXNode<T> |
PrimitiveXNodeImpl<T> |
PrismAsserts |
Set of prism-related asserts.
PrismBeanInspector |
PrismConfigurationType |
Prism specific configuration, mainly for performance optimizations and tunning
PrismConfigurationUpdater |
PrismConstants |
PrismContainer<C extends Containerable> |
Prism container groups items into logical blocks.
PrismContainerable<T extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerArrayList<T extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerDefinition<C extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerDefinitionImpl<C extends Containerable> |
Definition of a property container.
PrismContainerImpl<C extends Containerable> |
Property container groups properties into logical blocks.The reason for
grouping may be as simple as better understandability of data structure.
PrismContainerValue<C extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerValue.RemovedItemDefinitionException |
Used when accessing an item whose definition was removed.
PrismContainerValueImpl<C extends Containerable> |
PrismContext |
PrismContextFactory |
PrismContextImpl |
PrismContextSensitive |
PrismForJAXBUtil |
PrismItemAccessDefinition |
PrismItemAccessDefinition.Mutable |
PrismList |
Marker interface to distinguish property/reference/container/any lists in prism containers.
PrismMarshaller |
PrismMonitor |
Interface to plug in a monitoring code to prism.
PrismNamespaceContext |
PrismNamespaceContext.Builder |
PrismNamespaceContext.PrefixPreference |
PrismObject<O extends Objectable> |
Common supertype for all identity objects.
PrismObjectDefinition<O extends Objectable> |
PrismObjectDefinitionImpl<O extends Objectable> |
MidPoint Object Definition.
PrismObjectImpl<O extends Objectable> |
Common supertype for all identity objects.
PrismObjectValue<O extends Objectable> |
Extension of PrismContainerValue that holds object-specific data (OID and version).
PrismObjectValueImpl<O extends Objectable> |
Extension of PrismContainerValue that holds object-specific data (OID and version).
PrismParser |
Parses a given input into prism or POJO objects.
PrismParser.ObjectHandler |
PrismParserImplIO |
PrismParserImplNoIO |
PrismParserNoIO |
The same as PrismParser but has no IOException on parseXYZ methods.
PrismPrettyPrinter |
PrismProperty<T> |
Property is a specific characteristic of an object.
PrismPropertyDefinition<T> |
PrismPropertyDefinitionImpl<T> |
Property Definition.
PrismPropertyImpl<T> |
Property is a specific characteristic of an object.
PrismPropertyValue<T> |
PrismPropertyValueImpl<T> |
PrismQueryLanguageParser |
PrismQueryLanguageParserImpl |
PrismQueryLanguageParserImpl.ItemFilterFactory |
PrismQuerySerialization |
PrismQuerySerialization.NotSupportedException |
PrismQuerySerializer |
PrismQuerySerializerImpl |
PrismReference |
Object Reference is a property that describes reference to an object.
PrismReferenceArrayList<T> |
PrismReferenceDefinition |
PrismReferenceDefinitionImpl |
Object Reference Schema Definition.
PrismReferenceImpl |
Object Reference is a property that describes reference to an object.
PrismReferenceValue |
PrismReferenceValueImpl |
PrismSchema |
Schema as a collection of definitions.
PrismSchemaImpl |
PrismSerializer<T> |
Takes care of serializing prism objects and other beans, i.e.
PrismSerializerImpl<T> |
PrismService |
Statically holds an instance of PrismContext (and maybe other beans later).
PrismStaticConfiguration |
PrismTestUtil |
Class that statically instantiates the prism contexts and provides convenient static version of the PrismContext
and processor classes.
PrismUnmarshaller |
PrismUtil |
TODO clean this up as it is part of prism-api!
PrismUtilInternal |
PrismValue |
PrismValueCollectionsUtil |
PrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V extends PrismValue> |
DeltaSetTriple that is limited to hold prism values.
PrismValueDeltaSetTripleImpl<V extends PrismValue> |
DeltaSetTriple that is limited to hold prism values.
PrismValueDeltaSetTripleProducer<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
PrismValueImpl |
PrismValueUtil |
ProcessedItemSetType |
Describes set of items that are or have been processed.
ProcessedItemType |
Describes an item (typically an object) that is or has been processed.
ProcessingCoordinator<I> |
ProcessMetadataType |
Java class for ProcessMetadataType complex type.
Processor<T> |
ProcessorExecution |
Specifies requirements on execution of processor methods through ClockworkMedic.partialExecute
and related methods.
ProcessorMethod |
Marker annotation for medic-invocable projection processor method.
ProcessorMethodRef<X extends ObjectType> |
Typical processor "component-level" method that performs a well defined part of the computation.
ProcessorMixin |
Producer<T> |
Almost the same as java.util.function.Supplier, but this one is Serializable.
ProfilingConfigurationManager |
ProfilingConfigurationType |
A configuration for profiling features of midPoint.
ProfilingDataLog |
This is a blueprint for single method call, or ProfilingEvent as we call it.
ProfilingDataManager |
ProfilingDataManager.Subsystem |
ProfilingLogbackFilter |
This filter provides functionality to profiling loggers to act as they don't inherit
rootAppender, thus forwarding profiling and performance logs only into MIDPOINT_PROFILE_LOG.
ProfilingMode |
ProfilingModelInspector |
ProgressCollector |
Object capable of receiving updates on progress.
ProgressInformation |
Describes a state of the operation.
ProgressInformation.ActivityType |
There are some basic kinds of activities relevant for progress reporting.
ProgressInformation.StateType |
We usually report on entering and exiting a particular activity.
ProgressListener |
An interface that model uses to report operation progress to any interested party (e.g.
ProgressListener |
ProgressReporterWorker<T> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ProgressResponseBody |
ProhibitedValueItemType |
Java class for ProhibitedValueItemType complex type.
ProhibitedValuesType |
Java class for ProhibitedValuesType complex type.
ProjectionActivationOpNode |
ProjectionAwareProcessorMethodRef<X extends ObjectType> |
Typical processor "component-level" method that performs a well defined part of the computation.
ProjectionChangeExecution<O extends ObjectType> |
Represents execution of a change on given projection.
ProjectionChangeExecutionOpNode |
ProjectionCredentialsProcessor |
Processor for projection credentials.
ProjectionFullLoadOperation<F extends ObjectType> |
Loads the full resource object for a projection context.
ProjectionLinkUpdater |
Updates focus -> shadow links (linkRef, to be renamed to projectionRef)
based on ShadowDeathEvent emitted by provisioning.
ProjectionMappingLoader<F extends ObjectType> |
ProjectionMergeConfigurationType |
ProjectionMergeSituationType |
Java class for ProjectionMergeSituationType.
ProjectionObjectDeltaType |
ProjectionPolicyType |
Specification of the way how projections are handled on the resource.
ProjectionsLoadOperation<F extends FocusType> |
Responsible for the acquisition of all projections for a focus.
ProjectionUpdateOperation<F extends ObjectType> |
Updates the projection context:
ProjectionValueMetadataCreator |
Creates value metadata for source projections: resource objects that are to be fed into inbound
ProjectionValuesProcessor |
Processor that determines values of account attributes.
Projector |
Projector recomputes the context.
ProjectorComponentOpNode |
ProjectorComponentRunnable |
Runnable with proper set of exceptions that fit running of projector components.
ProjectorComponentTraceType |
Trace for Projector component operation.
ProjectorProcessor |
Marker interface for processors in Projector.
ProjectorProjectionOpNode |
ProjectorRunTraceType |
Trace for Projector.project operation.
PropagationWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the propagation activity.
PropertyAccessType |
Java class for PropertyAccessType complex type.
PropertyArrayList<T> |
This class is used to wrap PrismProperty values for JAXB objects with
List properties.
PropertyComplexValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertyComplexValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyConstraintProcessor |
PropertyDefinitionDelegator<T> |
PropertyDelta<T> |
Relative difference (delta) of a property values.
PropertyDeltaCollectionsUtil |
PropertyDeltaFactoryImpl |
PropertyDeltaImpl<T> |
Relative difference (delta) of a property values.
PropertyLimitations |
PropertyLimitationsType |
PropertyModificationOperationType |
JAXB version of PropertyModificationOperation class.
PropertyNoValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertyNoValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyReferenceListType |
PropertySimpleValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertySimpleValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyValueFilter<T> |
PropertyValueFilterImpl<T> |
ProportionalExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ProportionalExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
ProportionalExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression gets IntegerStatType as an input, IntegerStatType is derived from collection.
ProportionalStyleType |
Java class for ProportionalStyleType.
ProtectedByteArrayType |
Specific subtype for protected binary byte array data.
ProtectedData<T> |
ProtectedDataType<T> |
This class was originally generated.
ProtectedStringType |
This class was originally generated.
Protector |
ProtectorConfiguration |
ProtectorCreator |
Creates protectors based on corresponding builder objects.
ProvenanceAcquisitionType |
Ultimate origin of the data.
ProvenanceBuiltinMapping |
Mapping that manages provenance metadata.
ProvenanceFeedDefinitionType |
Specifies data provenance properties for a particular data feed (source), such as resource.
ProvenanceMetadataType |
Provenance metadata provide high-level information about origin of the value.
ProvenanceMetadataUtil |
ProvidedServiceConfigurationType |
Configuration of a service provided by midPoint.
ProvisioningDiag |
DTO that contains provisioning run-time configuration and diagnostic information.
ProvisioningEvent |
ProvisioningListener |
ProvisioningMetadataType |
Java class for ProvisioningMetadataType complex type.
ProvisioningOperation |
TODO reconsider usefulness of this class
ProvisioningOperationOptions |
ProvisioningOperationTraceType |
Trace for provisioning operation.
ProvisioningOperationTypeType |
Java class for ProvisioningOperationTypeType.
ProvisioningScriptArgumentType |
Script argument.
ProvisioningScriptHostType |
Java class for ProvisioningScriptHostType.
ProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies a script to be executed during provisioning.
ProvisioningService |
Provisioning Service Interface.
ProvisioningStatistics |
This is "live" provisioning statistics.
ProvisioningStatisticsEntryType |
Statistical information on operations executed on a specified resource, dealing with given object class.
ProvisioningStatisticsOperationEntryType |
Information on operations of given type and result status.
ProvisioningStatisticsPrinter |
Prints provisioning statistics.
ProvisioningStatisticsType |
Statistical information on operations executed on resources.
ProvisioningStatisticsTypeUtil |
ProvisioningStatusType |
PrunePolicyActionType |
PruningOperation<F extends AssignmentHolderType> |
PureCompositeWorkStateType |
Work state for a pure composite activity.
PurgeSchemaActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "purge-schema" action.
PurgeSchemaExecutor |
Executes "purge-schema" action.
QAbstractRole<R extends MAbstractRole> |
QAbstractRoleMapping<S extends AbstractRoleType,Q extends QAbstractRole<R>,R extends MAbstractRole> |
QAccessCertificationCampaign |
QAccessCertificationCampaignMapping |
QAccessCertificationCase |
QAccessCertificationCaseMapping |
QAccessCertificationDefinition |
QAccessCertificationDefinitionMapping |
QAccessCertificationWorkItem |
QAccessCertificationWorkItemMapping |
QAccessCertificationWorkItemReference |
Querydsl query type for case work item reference tables.
QAccessCertificationWorkItemReferenceMapping |
QArchetype |
QArchetypeMapping |
QAssignment<OR extends MObject> |
QAssignmentHolder<R extends MObject> |
QAssignmentHolderMapping<S extends AssignmentHolderType,Q extends QAssignmentHolder<R>,R extends MObject> |
QAssignmentMapping<OR extends MObject> |
QAssignmentReference |
Querydsl query type for assignment reference tables (for assignment metadata references).
QAssignmentReferenceMapping<AOR extends MObject> |
QAuditDelta |
Querydsl query type for `MA_AUDIT_DELTA` table.
QAuditDeltaMapping |
QAuditEventRecord |
Querydsl query type for `MA_AUDIT_EVENT` table.
QAuditEventRecordMapping |
QAuditRefValue |
Querydsl query type for `MA_AUDIT_REF` table.
QAuditRefValueMapping |
QCase |
QCaseMapping |
QCaseWorkItem |
QCaseWorkItemMapping |
QCaseWorkItemReference |
Querydsl query type for case work item reference tables.
QCaseWorkItemReferenceMapping |
QConnector |
QConnectorHost |
QConnectorHostMapping |
QConnectorMapping |
QContainer<R extends MContainer,OR> |
QContainerMapping<S extends Containerable,Q extends QContainer<R,OR>,R extends MContainer,OR> |
QDashboard |
QDashboardMapping |
QExtItem |
Querydsl query type for "m_ext_item" table with the catalog of indexed extension items.
QFocus<R extends MFocus> |
QFocusMapping<S extends FocusType,Q extends QFocus<R>,R extends MFocus> |
QForm |
QFormMapping |
QFunctionLibrary |
QFunctionLibraryMapping |
QGenericObject |
QGenericObjectMapping |
QGlobalMetadata |
QLookupTable |
QLookupTableMapping |
QLookupTableRow |
QLookupTableRowMapping |
QNameDeserializer |
QNameSerializer |
QNameUtil |
QName <-> URI conversion.
QNameUtil.PrefixedName |
QNameUtil.QNameInfo |
QNode |
QNodeMapping |
QObject<R extends MObject> |
QObjectCollection |
QObjectCollectionMapping |
QObjectMapping<S extends ObjectType,Q extends QObject<R>,R extends MObject> |
QObjectReference<OR extends MObject> |
Querydsl query type for object owned references.
QObjectReferenceMapping<OQ extends QObject<OR>,OR extends MObject> |
QObjectTemplate |
QObjectTemplateMapping |
QOperationExecution<OR extends MObject> |
QOperationExecutionMapping<OR extends MObject> |
QOrg |
Querydsl query type for "m_org" table.
QOrgClosure |
Querydsl query type for org closure table.
QOrgMapping |
QOwnedBy<OR> |
Behavior common for child tables owned by other table, either directly by object
or another container.
QOwnedByMapping<S,R,OR> |
QReference<R extends MReference,OR> |
Querydsl query type for "m_reference" table that contains all persisted object references.
QReferenceMapping<Q extends QReference<R,OR>,R extends MReference,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR> |
QReport |
QReportData |
QReportDataMapping |
QReportMapping |
QResource |
QResourceMapping |
QRole |
QRoleMapping |
QSecurityPolicy |
QSecurityPolicyMapping |
QSequence |
QSequenceMapping |
QService |
QServiceMapping |
QShadow |
QShadowMapping |
QSystemConfiguration |
QSystemConfigurationMapping |
QTask |
QTaskMapping |
QTaskMapping.FullResultDeltaProcessor |
QTrigger<OR extends MObject> |
QTriggerMapping<OR extends MObject> |
QualifiedItemProcessingOutcomeType |
Item processing outcome plus optional qualification.
QualifiedOutcomeFormatter |
Formats bucket content value into three columns (characterization, from, to).
QueryBuilder |
Here is the language structure:
Query ::= Filter? ('ASC(path)' | 'DESC(path)')*
Filter ::= 'NOT'? SimpleFilter ( ('AND'|'OR') 'NOT'? SimpleFilter )*
SimpleFilter ::= PrimitiveFilter |
'BLOCK' Filter 'END-BLOCK' |
'TYPE(type)' Filter |
'EXISTS(path)' Filter
PrimitiveFilter ::= 'ALL' | 'NONE' | 'UNDEFINED' |
('ITEM(path)' ( ValueComparisonCondition | 'IS-NULL' | ( ItemComparisonCondition 'ITEM(path)') ) ) |
('ID(values)') | ('OWNER-ID(values)')
ValueComparisonCondition ::= 'EQ(value)' | 'GT(value)' | 'GE(value)' | 'LT(value)' | 'LE(value)' | 'STARTSWITH(value)' | 'ENDSWITH(value)' | 'CONTAINS(value)' | 'REF(value)' | 'ORG(value)'
ItemComparisonCondition ::= 'EQ' | 'GT' | 'GE' | 'LT' | 'LE'
It can be visualized e.g.
QueryConverter |
TODO cleanup this interface
QueryConverterImpl |
Note that expressions are not serialized yet.
QuerydslInstantType |
Instant converter for Querydsl.
QuerydslJsonbType |
String to JSONB converter for Querydsl.
QuerydslUtils |
QueryException |
Query related repository exception.
QueryFactory |
TODO it is still unclear if this interface will be officially supported.
QueryFactoryImpl |
TODO remove prism context parameter from the methods + set it in all filters created
QueryInterpretationOfNoValueType |
Java class for QueryInterpretationOfNoValueType.
QueryKey |
QueryKey<T extends ObjectType> |
Key for repository query cache.
QueryModelMapping<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Common mapping functionality that covers the need for mapping from item paths
to table columns, but also to nested embedded mappings (e.g.
QueryModelMappingRegistry |
QueryResult<V extends PrismValue> |
QueryTableMapping<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Common supertype for mapping items/attributes between schema (prism) classes and tables.
QueryType |
QueryUtils |
TODO move to more appropriate place (common for both wf and certifications)
QueryWriter |
QuoteModeType |
Java class for QuoteModeType.
QUri |
Querydsl query type for "m_uri" table that contains repetitive URIs (e.g.
QUser |
QUserMapping |
QValuePolicy |
QValuePolicyMapping |
R_AtomicFilter |
R_Filter |
RandomBucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Sampling using random distribution of samples.
RandomLookup |
Variable is in the form
- (empty)
- number
- number:Y or
- number:X:Y
Returns a random number between X and Y (inclusive), with the default values of X = 0, Y = 999999999.
RandomString |
Raw |
RawFormatting |
Formatting that - in fact - does nothing.
RawObjectType |
RawType |
A class used to hold raw XNodes until the definition for such an object is known.
ReadCapabilityType |
Describes read capability.
ReadHook |
This applies to all read operations, therefore it will add "hook" into:
ModelService.getObject(Class, String, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
ModelService.searchObjects(Class, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
ModelService.searchObjectsIterative(Class, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery, ResultHandler, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
TODO: this is just super simple, not stable, not finished yet.
Recomputable |
RecomputationActivityHandler |
Recomputes specified objects.
RecomputationActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
RecomputationWorkDefinitionType |
Recomputes specified objects.
RecomputeActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "recompute" action.
RecomputeExecutor |
Executes "recompute" action.
RecomputeTriggerHandler |
ReconcileAffectedProcessor |
ReconciliationActivityHandler |
ReconciliationLauncher |
Launches reconciliation activity tasks.
ReconciliationProcessor |
Processor that reconciles the computed account and the real account.
ReconciliationResult |
ReconciliationResultListener |
Testability interface.
ReconciliationWorkDefinition |
ReconciliationWorkDefinitionType |
Executes the reconciliation.
ReconciliationWorkStateType |
State of the reconciliation activity.
RecordPendingOperationsType |
Java class for RecordPendingOperationsType.
RecordPolicyActionType |
RecurrenceProcessor |
ReencryptExecutor |
Executes "reencrypt" action.
Referencable |
ReferenceDefinitionDelegator |
ReferenceDelta |
ReferenceDeltaFactoryImpl |
ReferenceDeltaImpl |
ReferenceNameResolver |
ReferencePathSegment |
Denotes reference path segment: either ".." meaning owner, or "@" meaning referenced object.
ReferenceResolver |
Resolves references in intelligent way: taking filters (and embedded expressions) into account.
ReferenceResolver.FilterEvaluator |
ReferenceResolver.Source |
ReferenceResolverImpl |
ReferenceSearchExpressionEvaluator |
Creates a generic reference (or references) based on specified condition for the referenced object.
ReferenceSearchExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
ReferenceSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
Create an expression that provides a reference based on search results.
ReferentialIntegrityFaultType |
Operation on an object would cause inconsistencies in referential
ReferentialIntegrityType |
RefFilter |
RefFilterImpl |
RefinedAssociationDefinition |
RefinedAttributeDefinition<T> |
RefinedAttributeDefinitionDelegator<T> |
RefinedAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
RefinedConnectorSchema |
RefinedConnectorSchemaImpl |
TODO Think about the purpose and future of this class.
RefinedDefinitionUtil |
RefinedObjectClassDefinition |
RefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
RefinedResourceSchema |
RefinedResourceSchemaImpl |
TODO: this whole class would benefit from more refactoring.
RefineryObjectFactory |
RefItemDeltaProcessor |
RefItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for reference item paths embedded in table as three columns.
ReflectionUtil |
RefreshShadowOperation |
RefTableItemDeltaProcessor<Q extends QReference<?,OR>,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR> |
Delta value processor for multi-value references stored in separate tables.
RefTableItemFilterProcessor<Q extends QReference<R,OR>,R extends MReference,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR> |
Filter processor for reference item paths resolved via QReference tables.
RefTableTargetResolver<Q extends QReference<R,?>,R extends MReference,TQ extends QObject<TR>,TR extends MObject> |
Resolver that knows how to traverse from reference table to the reference target.
RegistrationConfirmationMethodType |
Java class for RegistrationConfirmationMethodType.
RegistrationConfirmationNotifierType |
RegistrationsPolicyType |
RegularBucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Sampling using regular distribution of samples.
ReindexActivityHandler |
Activity handler for reindexing activity.
ReindexActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
ReindexingWorkDefinitionType |
Re-indexes specified repository objects.
Relation |
RelationalValueSearchQuery |
RelationalValueSearchType |
RelationDefinitionType |
Definition of a single (custom) relation.
RelationKindType |
Java class for RelationKindType.
RelationRegistry |
A component that holds current definition of object relations.
RelationRegistryImpl |
RelationsDefinitionType |
Definition of (custom) relations.
RelationSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for relation search item.
RelationTypes |
Built-in (hardcoded) relations.
ReleaseBucketsOperation |
ReleaseWorkItemsRequest |
ReleaseWorkItemsRequest.SingleRelease |
RemediationPolicyActionType |
RememberedElementState<O extends ObjectType> |
Element state that we can return to e.g.
RepoAddOptions |
RepoAuditItemSource |
Provides access to audit events at the repository ( AuditService ) level.
RepoCommonUtils |
RepoModifyOptions |
RepoObjectResolver |
This is only used in tests.
RepoObjectSource |
Provides access to objects at the repository level.
ReportBehaviorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Behavior for report.
ReportConfigurationType |
Report configuration based on report configuration schema.
ReportConstants |
ReportDataProcessor |
ReportDataType |
Reports outputs.
ReportEngineSelectionType |
Java class for ReportEngineSelectionType.
ReportExportWorkStateType |
State of the report export activity.
ReportManager |
ReportOutputOidProcessor |
ReportParameterType |
Java class for ReportParameterType complex type.
ReportService |
ReportSupportUtil |
General utilities to support report creation.
ReportType |
Specification of midPoint report.
RepositoryAction<O,R> |
Base implementation class for action (Ninja command) running against the repository.
RepositoryAddTraceType |
Trace for repository ADD operation.
RepositoryAssignmentDataProviderType |
Repository Assignment Data Provider
RepositoryAware |
Interface for beans that are repository-ware, i.e.
RepositoryCache |
Read-through write-through repository cache.
RepositoryCacheInvalidationDetails |
RepositoryCacheOpNode |
RepositoryConfigurationType |
Configuring various aspects of the repository - in addition to those that are configured statically
using config.xml file.
RepositoryDataItem |
RepositoryDeleteTraceType |
Trace for repository DELETE operation.
RepositoryDiag |
DTO that contains repository run-time configuration and diagnostic information.
RepositoryException |
Base repository exception.
RepositoryGetObjectTraceType |
Trace for repository getObject operation.
RepositoryGetTraceType |
RepositoryGetVersionTraceType |
Trace for repository getVersion operation.
RepositoryItemSourceFactory |
RepositoryMappingException |
Runtime exception wrapping other exception that occurred during object transformation
inside mapping (e.g.
RepositoryModifyTraceType |
Trace for repository MODIFY operation.
RepositoryObjectDiagnosticData |
RepositoryObjectParseResult<T> |
Result for deserialization of prism values stored in the repository.
RepositoryObjectSetSpecificationImpl |
RepositoryOperation<O extends ObjectType,R> |
RepositoryOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single repository operation kind (e.g.
RepositoryOperationTraceType |
Trace for repository operation.
RepositoryOpNode |
General repository op (raw/cached, read/update, ...).
RepositoryPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Formats sql (repo/audit) performance information.
RepositoryPerformanceInformationType |
Information about repository performance.
RepositoryPerformanceInformationUtil |
RepositoryPerformanceMonitor |
RepositoryQueryDiagRequest |
Query diagnostics request: contains query to be executed (or at least translated) and some options.
RepositoryQueryDiagResponse |
Response from the "diagnose query" operation.
RepositoryQueryDiagResponse.ParameterValue |
RepositorySearchObjectsTraceType |
Trace for repository searchObjects/searchObjectsIterative operation.
RepositorySearchTraceType |
RepositoryService |
Identity Repository Interface.
RepositoryService.ModificationsSupplier<T extends ObjectType> |
RepositoryServiceFactoryException |
RepositoryStatisticsClassificationType |
Java class for RepositoryStatisticsClassificationType.
RepositoryStatisticsCollectionStyleType |
Java class for RepositoryStatisticsCollectionStyleType.
RepositoryStatisticsReportingConfigurationType |
How repository statistics are collected and reported.
Request |
ResolutionUtil |
ResolvedConstructionResource |
Information on the resource referenced by particular ResourceObjectConstruction - the object
as well as information what to do in case it couldn't be resolved.
ResolveExecutor |
Resolves a reference, e.g.
Resolver |
Resolves definitions and old values.
ResolveReferenceActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "resolve" action.
ResourceActivationDefinitionType |
Defines how the mapping of the activation section is handled for the resource.
ResourceAdministrativeStateType |
Java class for ResourceAdministrativeStateType.
ResourceAttribute<T> |
ResourceAttributeContainer |
ResourceAttributeContainerDefinition |
ResourceAttributeContainerDefinitionImpl |
Resource Object Definition (Object Class).
ResourceAttributeContainerImpl |
Resource Object.
ResourceAttributeDefinition<T> |
ResourceAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
Resource Object Attribute Definition.
ResourceAttributeDefinitionType |
Description of the attribute handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ResourceAttributeImpl<T> |
Resource Object Attribute is a Property of Resource Object.
ResourceBidirectionalMappingAndDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourceBidirectionalMappingAndDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceBidirectionalMappingType |
Java class for ResourceBidirectionalMappingType complex type.
ResourceBusinessConfigurationType |
Configuration of resource "business" aspects such as workflow parameters, notifications,
approvers, owners, etc.
ResourceConsistencyType |
Configuration of consistency mechanisms.
ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceDataItem |
ResourceItemDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ResourceObjectAssociationDirectionType |
Java class for ResourceObjectAssociationDirectionType.
ResourceObjectAssociationType |
Describes how entitlement is associated to the subject (e.g.
ResourceObjectChangeListener |
ResourceObjectClassifier |
Classifies resource objects, i.e.
ResourceObjectClassifier.Classification |
Result of the object classification.
ResourceObjectClassifierImpl |
ResourceObjectClassSpecification |
TODO better name
ResourceObjectConstruction<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,EC extends EvaluatedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH,?>> |
Contains "construction bean" (ConstructionType) - a definition how to construct a resource object.
ResourceObjectConstructionBuilder<AH extends AssignmentHolderType,EC extends EvaluatedResourceObjectConstructionImpl<AH,?>,RT extends ResourceObjectConstructionBuilder<AH,EC,RT>> |
Builder for resource object constructions.
ResourceObjectConstructionEvaluationOpNode |
ResourceObjectConstructionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for evaluation resource object construction.
ResourceObjectEvent |
Event about resource object (account) creation, modification, or deletion.
ResourceObjectIdentification |
ResourceObjectIdentificationType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentificationType complex type.
ResourceObjectIdentifiersType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentifiersType complex type.
ResourceObjectIdentityType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentityType complex type.
ResourceObjectLifecycleDefinitionType |
Definition of resource object lifecycle handling.
ResourceObjectMultiplicityType |
ResourceObjectPattern |
ResourceObjectPatternType |
Resource object pattern.
ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionFrequencyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionFrequencyType.
ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionStrategyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionStrategyType.
ResourceObjectReferenceType |
Reference to a resource object.
ResourceObjectSetQueryApplicationModeType |
Java class for ResourceObjectSetQueryApplicationModeType.
ResourceObjectSetSpecificationImpl |
ResourceObjectSetSpecificationProvider |
Work definition that can provide object set specification.
ResourceObjectSetType |
Specifies a set of resource objects to be processed.
ResourceObjectSetUtil |
ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescription |
Describes a change of a specific resource object together with definitions of the source and possibly
also other information.
ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescriptionType |
Description of the change in the external resource.
ResourceObjectShadowListType |
Java class for ResourceObjectShadowListType complex type.
ResourceObjectsReconciliationActivityRun |
Execution of resource objects reconciliation (the main part of reconciliation).
ResourceObjectType |
Java class for ResourceObjectType complex type.
ResourceObjectTypeDefinitionType |
Defines a type from the resource schema (object class)
that can be used for creating accounts, entitlements and possible other concepts.
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType |
Java class for ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType complex type.
ResourceObjectVolatilityType |
Java class for ResourceObjectVolatilityType.
ResourceOperationDescription |
Describes an attempt to apply a change to a specific resource object.
ResourceOperationListener |
This is an additional processing of the
ResourcePasswordDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourcePasswordDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceSchema |
ResourceSchemaImpl |
ResourceSearchSpecification |
ResourceShadowDiscriminator |
Aggregate bean containing resource OID, intent and tombstone flag.
ResourceType |
Resource represents a system or component external to the IDM
system which we manage.
ResourceTypeUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ResourceType class but cannot go there
because of JAXB.
ResourceUtils |
TODO find appropriate place for this class
ResourceValidator |
TODO make interface generic and integrate it into model API
ResourceValidatorImpl |
- existence of dependent kind/intent/resource (in thorough scope)
- checking references (thorough)
- mapping: unknown channel / except-channel
- empty mapping (?)
- iteration tokens
- invalid objectclass in synchronization
- invalid focus type in synchronization
- empty correlation, correlation condition?
- empty confirmation condition?
- empty synchronization condition?
RestAuthenticationMethod |
RestAuthorizationAction |
Represents a REST action (method) that can be authorized.
RestHandlerMethod |
MidPoint-specific information about a REST handler method.
ResultHandler<T extends ObjectType> |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle iterative results.
ResultListRowTransformer<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Helps with row transformation of result lists, possibly in stateful context.
ResultsHandlerConfigurationType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF results handlers.
ResumeTaskActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "resume" action.
ResumeTaskExecutor |
Executes "resume" action.
RetriableDependency<T> |
RetrieveOption |
RetrieveOptionType |
Java class for RetrieveOptionType.
RetryLaterReactionType |
Processing of the specified account should be retried later.
RetryLimitedBackoffComputer |
Revivable |
RichHyperlinkType |
Hyperlink with a label, menu and other data that control a rich presentation of the link.
RightHandProcessor |
RoleManagementConfigurationType |
A configuration for role management: role catalog, role assignments, etc.
RoleMiningExportUtils |
RoleMiningExportUtils.NameMode |
RoleMiningExportUtils.SecurityMode |
RoleRelationObjectSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of object with respect to subject relation to a role.
RoleSelectionSpecEntry |
RoleSelectionSpecification |
RoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A role in the extended Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) sense.
RootUpdateContext<S extends ObjectType,Q extends QObject<R>,R extends MObject> |
RootXNode |
RootXNodeImpl |
Rule<C,A extends Action<?>> |
RuleContextImpl |
RuleErrorMessage |
RuleReactorContext<E extends Exception,C,A extends Action<E>,R extends Rule<C,A>> |
RulesEvaluationContext |
Context of the evaluation of all policy rules related to either single evaluated assignment, or the object as a whole.
RunAsCapabilityType |
Describes capability to execute operations with specified identity.
RunAsRunner |
Takes care of optimized "run as" operations.
RunAsRunnerFactory |
Factory for RunAsRunner instances.
RunModeConverterValidator |
RunningLightweightTask |
Running lightweight asynchronous task.
RunningTask |
A task that is directly used to execute the handler code.
RunningTaskStatisticsCollector |
"Statistics collection" aspect of a running task.
RunSqlAction |
RunSqlOptions |
RunSqlOptions.Mode |
RuntimeConfiguration |
S_AtomicFilterEntry |
S_AtomicFilterExit |
S_BlockContentEntry |
S_ConditionEntry |
S_FilterEntry |
S_FilterEntryOrEmpty |
S_FilterExit |
S_ItemEntry |
S_MatchingRuleEntry |
S_MaybeAdd |
S_MaybeDelete |
Using DELETE after ADD in fluent builder goes against the actual semantics that first
executes DELETE and then ADD - use the correct order to avoid deprecated methods.
S_QueryExit |
S_RightHandItemEntry |
S_ValuesEntry |
Note: When dealing with PolyStrings, the real values should be of PolyString, not of PolyStringType type.
Saml2AuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module support authentication via Identity provider with SAML2.
Saml2DeprecatedProcessor |
Saml2DigestAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2DigestAuthenticationModuleType.
Saml2KeyAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 key.
Saml2NameIdAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2NameIdAuthenticationModuleType.
Saml2NetworkAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module, network configuration.
Saml2ProviderAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 provider.
Saml2ProviderMetadataAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 provider metadata.
Saml2ServiceProviderAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module, service provider configuration.
Saml2SigningAlgorithmAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2SigningAlgorithmAuthenticationModuleType.
SandboxTypeCheckingExtension |
Inspired by work of Cédric Champeau (
ScanActivityRun<O extends ObjectType,WD extends WorkDefinition,MAH extends ModelActivityHandler<WD,MAH>> |
Things that we want to remember for all task scanners, like scanning timestamps.
ScanWorkStateType |
Work state for scanning activities (validity scanner, trigger scanner, shadow refresher).
Scene |
SceneDeltaItem |
SceneDeltaItemImpl |
SceneImpl |
SceneItem |
SceneItemImpl |
SceneItemValue |
SceneItemValueImpl |
SchedulerInformationType |
Describes the state of the (local) scheduler.
ScheduleType |
Task schedule.
SchemaAttachedPolicyRulesType |
Why was this process started? For processes based on policy rules we define it via relevant policy rules.
SchemaAttachedPolicyRuleType |
Note that the rule should be triggered.
SchemaCapabilityType |
Describes capability to discover resource schema.
SchemaConstants |
SchemaConstantsGenerated |
SchemaDebugUtil |
SchemaDefinitionFactory |
SchemaDefinitionType |
Type for prism schema definition.
SchemaDeputyUtil |
SchemaDescription |
Schema (prism or non-prism) with additional information.
SchemaDescriptionImpl |
Schema (prism or non-prism) with additional information.
SchemaException |
Error regarding schema.
SchemaFactory |
SchemaFactoryImpl |
SchemaFailableProcessor<T> |
SchemaFilesType |
Java class for SchemaFilesType complex type.
SchemaFileType |
Java class for SchemaFileType complex type.
SchemaGenerationConstraintsType |
SchemaHandler |
SchemaHandlingType |
Specification of handling details for resource
SchemaMigration |
SchemaMigrationOperation |
SchemaProcessorUtil |
Class to be used by schema processor but also by SchemaDefinitionFactory subclasses.
SchemaRegistry |
Maintains system-wide schemas.
SchemaRegistry.ComparisonResult |
SchemaRegistry.InvalidationListener |
SchemaRegistry.IsList |
SchemaRegistryImpl |
Registry and resolver of schema files and resources.
SchemaService |
Aggregation of various schema and prism managed components for convenience.
SchemaTestConstants |
Constants for use in tests.
SchemaToDomProcessor |
Takes a midPoint Schema definition and produces a XSD schema (in a DOM form).
SchemaTransformer |
Transforms the schema and objects by applying security constraints,
object template schema refinements, etc.
SchemaViolationFaultType |
Provided object does not conform to the internal schema.
SchemaXNode |
SchemaXNodeImpl |
Scope |
ScopeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for scope search item.
ScriptCache<I,C> |
Cache for compiled scripts and interpreters, aware of expression profiles.
ScriptCapabilityType |
Describes capability to execute scripts (short pieces of program) on the connector or resource.
ScriptCapabilityType.Host |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ScriptEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for script evaluation operation.
ScriptEvaluator |
ScriptExecutionException |
Wraps any exceptions that occur during execution of expressions.
ScriptExecutionObjectType |
Object(s) on which the script should be executed.
ScriptExecutionPolicyActionType |
ScriptExecutionResult |
Result of a script execution.
ScriptExpression |
The expressions should be created by ExpressionFactory.
ScriptExpressionEvaluationContext |
ScriptExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Executes specified script written e.g.
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorConfigurationType |
Data structure that contains all the configuration details for script execution,
except for code itself.
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generic script expression.
ScriptExpressionFactory |
ScriptExpressionProfile |
ScriptExpressionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of script expressions.
ScriptExpressionReturnTypeType |
Java class for ScriptExpressionReturnTypeType.
ScriptingActionExecutorRegistry |
ScriptingBeansUtil |
Utility methods related to ScriptingExpressionType beans.
ScriptingDataUtil |
Utility methods related to processing data objects.
ScriptingExpressionEvaluationOptionsType |
Options related to evaluation of scripting expression.
ScriptingExpressionEvaluator |
Main entry point for evaluating scripting expressions.
ScriptingExpressionType |
Root of the expression type inheritance hierarchy.
ScriptingService |
Interface of the Model subsystem that provides scripting (bulk actions) operations.
ScriptingVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a scripting variable.
ScriptingVariablesDefinitionType |
Definition of scripting variables.
ScriptOutputsType |
Java class for ScriptOutputsType complex type.
ScriptRunner |
Tool to run database scripts.
ScriptVariableEvaluationTraceType |
Information about script variable during evaluation.
SearchableItemSource |
Provides access to items (and their count) based on the search specification.
SearchBasedActivityRun<C extends Containerable,WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> |
A run of a given search-iterative activity.
SearchBoxConfigurationType |
Configuration of the search box (the set of input fields that control definition of search query).
SearchBoxModeType |
Java class for SearchBoxModeType.
SearchBoxScopeType |
Java class for SearchBoxScopeType.
SearchEvaluator |
Evaluates "search" scripting expression.
SearchExpressionType |
Queries the model for objects of a given type, optionally fulfilling given condition.
SearchFilterParameterType |
Describes input parameters for the search filter.
SearchFilterType |
SearchHierarchyConstraints |
SearchHierarchyScope |
SearchHierarchyScopeType |
Java class for SearchHierarchyScopeType.
SearchItemDisplayNameProcessor |
SearchItemsType |
The list of the search properties to be configured for the search panel.
SearchItemType |
Search item
SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression based on search results.
SearchObjectsResponseType |
A response from searchObjects operation.
SearchObjectsType |
A request for searchObjects operation.
SearchOpHandler |
Handler for searchObjects/searchObjectsIterative operations.
SearchOptions |
SearchProducerWorker |
Producer worker for all search-based operations, such as export and verify.
SearchResultList<T> |
SearchResultMetadata |
Objects of this type are considered READ ONLY.
SearchSpecification<C extends Containerable> |
SecurityContextManager |
Manager of security context.
SecurityContextManagerAware |
Needs to know about the SecurityContextManager implementation.
SecurityEnforcer |
SecurityEnforcerUtil |
SecurityHelper |
SecurityPolicyType |
Object that contains definitions of overall security policy.
SecurityPolicyUtil |
SecurityQuestionAnswerType |
Answer to the security question.
SecurityQuestionAuthenticationEvaluatorImpl |
SecurityQuestionDefinitionType |
Definition of a single security question.
SecurityQuestionsAuthenticationContext |
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for security questions.
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsType |
Java class for SecurityQuestionsCredentialsType complex type.
SecurityQuestionsFormAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of "security questions form" module.
SecurityQuestionsPolicyEvaluator<F extends FocusType> |
SecurityQuestionsPolicyEvaluator.Builder<F extends FocusType> |
SecurityQuestionsResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SecurityUtil |
SecurityViolationException |
Exception indicating violation of security policies.
SelectEvaluator |
SelectExpressionType |
Select given item.
SelectorOptions<T> |
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType |
Selector-qualified options for a get-like operation.
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsUtil |
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionType |
SelectorToFilterTranslator |
Translates a selector (ObjectSelectorType) to appropriate ObjectFilter.
SelfRegistrationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SelfTestData |
There are som ugly data and long strings.
SequenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values.
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Returns current value of a given sequence object.
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluatorType |
Get a sequential value from a named sequence.
SerializationContext |
Everything we want to maintain during the serialization process.
SerializationOptions |
SerializationProxy |
SerializationUtil |
Collection of serialization utilities.
SerializerDomTarget |
SerializerStringTarget |
SerializerTarget<T> |
SerializerXNodeTarget |
ServiceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This object type represents any kind of abstract or concrete services or devices such as servers, virtual machines,
printers, mobile devices, network nodes, application servers, applications or anything similar.
ShadowAssociationType |
ShadowAttributesType |
Attribute values from the resource.
ShadowCheckResult |
Result of checking a particular shadow.
ShadowCheckType |
Java class for ShadowCheckType.
ShadowCleanupActivityHandler |
ShadowCleanupActivityHandler.MyRun |
ShadowCleanupActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
ShadowCleanupWorkDefinitionType |
Deletes all shadows that have not been updated for given time.
ShadowConstraintsChecker<F extends FocusType> |
ShadowDeathEvent |
Emitted when a shadow is converted from live to dead and then eventually to deleted.
ShadowDeathListener |
Listens for notifications about shadow death events i.e.
ShadowDiscriminatorExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression based on selecting a specific projection.
ShadowDiscriminatorObjectDelta<T extends Objectable> |
ShadowDiscriminatorObjectDeltaImpl<T extends Objectable> |
ShadowDiscriminatorType |
Shadow discriminator uniquely identifies a projection among other projections linked to the
same focus.
ShadowFetchingPreprocessor |
A preprocessor that fetched incoming object (presumably resolved using noFetch option)
in order to obtain full attributes.
ShadowIdentifiersType |
ShadowIntegrityAspectType |
Java class for ShadowIntegrityAspectType.
ShadowIntegrityCheckActivityHandler |
Task handler for "Shadow integrity check" task.
ShadowIntegrityCheckActivityRun |
ShadowIntegrityCheckItemProcessor |
ShadowIntegrityCheckWorkDefinition |
ShadowIntegrityCheckWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for shadow integrity check activity.
ShadowKindType |
Java class for ShadowKindType.
ShadowLifecycleStateType |
Java class for ShadowLifecycleStateType.
ShadowLivenessState |
Describes shadow liveness (or death) state.
ShadowReconcileTriggerHandler |
"Synchronizes" resource object shadow: retrieves the resource objects and calls change notification dispatcher.
ShadowRefreshActivityHandler |
Scanner that looks for pending operations in the shadows and updates the status.
ShadowRefreshActivityHandler.MyActivityRun |
ShadowRefreshActivityHandler.MyWorkDefinition |
ShadowRefreshWorkDefinitionType |
Looks for pending operations in shadows and updates their status.
ShadowStatistics |
Summary report from shadow checking task run.
ShadowStatistics.Counts |
ShadowTagSpecificationType |
ShadowType |
Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning.
ShadowUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ResourceObjectShadowType class but cannot go there
because of JAXB.
ShadowValuePolicyOriginResolver |
ShortDumpable |
SimpleActivityHandler<O extends ObjectType,WD extends WorkDefinition,SAH extends SimpleActivityHandler<O,WD,SAH>> |
Implementing class for simple model-level search-based activity handlers.
SimpleActivityHandler.ExecutionSupplier<O extends ObjectType,WD extends WorkDefinition,SAH extends SimpleActivityHandler<O,WD,SAH>> |
SimpleCampaignNotifierType |
SimpleCampaignStageNotifierType |
SimpleCaseManagementNotifierType |
SimpleExpressionUtil |
Very simple expression utils.
SimpleFocalObjectNotifierType |
SimpleItemFilterProcessor<T,P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<T>> |
Filter processor for a single path with straightforward type mapping and no conversions.
SimpleObjectRef |
SimpleObjectResolver |
Object resolver for simple cases.
SimpleOperationName |
SimplePolicyRuleNotifierType |
SimpleReportNotifierType |
SimpleReportReader |
Very simple report reader, to be used for tests or for displaying parts of reports created.
SimpleResourceObjectNotifierType |
SimpleReviewerNotifierType |
SimpleTaskNotifierType |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
Primarily for enums.
SimpleTypeDefinition.DerivationMethod |
SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl |
SimpleUserNotifierType |
SimpleValue<T> |
SimpleVisitable<T> |
SimpleVisitor<T> |
SimpleWorkflowNotifierType |
SimplifiedProcessorMethodRef<X extends ObjectType> |
Typical processor "component-level" method that performs a well defined part of the computation.
SimulatedSqlQuery<T> |
SingleCachePerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of a given (single) cache.
SingleCacheStateInformationType |
Report on the cache state.
SingleLocalizableMessage |
This class is final and must remain so, as it's not cloneable.
SingleLocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
SingleOperationPerformanceInformation |
SingleOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single method performance.
SinglePathItemDeltaProcessor<T,P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<T>> |
Processor for items represented by a single column (query path).
SinglePathItemFilterProcessor<T,P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<?>> |
SingleScriptOutputType |
Java class for SingleScriptOutputType complex type.
SingleTriggerHandler |
SkipUpgradeItem |
SkipWhenFocusDeleted |
Should we skip the processing if the focus is going to be deleted?
SmartAssignmentCollection<F extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Smart set of assignment values that keep track whether the assignment is new, old or changed.
SmartAssignmentElement |
SmartAssignmentKey |
SmartVisitable<T extends SmartVisitable<T>> |
Visitable element that is smart enough to avoid being visited twice during one visitation.
SmartVisitation<T extends SmartVisitable<T>> |
Keeps the state of the visitation in order to avoid visiting one object multiple times.
SmartVisitationImpl<T extends SmartVisitable<T>> |
A visitation of a structure of SmartVisitables.
SmsAuthenticationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SmsAuthenticationProcessor |
SmsConfigurationType |
Where and how to send SMS notifications (or any other SMS).
SmsGatewayConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular SMS gateway.
SmsNonceAuthenticationModuleType |
SMS (mobile text message) nonce authentication module.
SmsResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
Source<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Expression evaluation source.
SourceLocation |
SourceLocation.Aware |
SourceTriple<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
PrismValueDeltaSetTriple that also remembers the source from which it has originated.
SpecialObjectSpecificationType |
Java class for SpecialObjectSpecificationType.
SpecificAttributesDefinition<RAD extends ResourceAttributeDefinition<?>> |
SpecificWorkDefinitionUtil |
Utils for managing work definition for specific activities.
SqaleAuditService |
SqaleAuditServiceFactory |
SqaleItemRelationResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R,TQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<TR>,TR> |
Extension of ItemRelationResolver , this is a common contract for resolver
that helps with navigating over complex (non-single) item paths for both query
and application of delta modification.
SqaleItemSqlMapper<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Declarative information how an item (from schema/prism world) is to be processed
when interpreting query or applying delta (delta application is addition to sqlbase superclass).
SqaleMappingMixin<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Mix of common mapping support methods that is needed on both SqaleNestedMapping
and SqaleTableMapping which are in separate branches of the hierarchy starting in
repo-sqlbase - which is out of reach and sqale-specific functionality can't go there.
SqaleNestedMapping<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Sqale implementation for nested mapping with support for sqale specific types.
SqaleObjectLoader |
Description of internal read-by-OID operation in the context of existing JDBC session.
SqaleQueryContext<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
SqaleRepoContext |
SQL repository context adding support for QName cache.
SqaleRepositoryBeanConfig |
New SQL repository related configuration.
SqaleRepositoryConfiguration |
Common part of the SQL-based repository configuration.
SqaleRepositoryService |
Repository implementation based on SQL, JDBC and Querydsl without any ORM.
SqaleServiceBase |
SqaleTableMapping<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Mapping superclass with common functions for QObject and non-objects (e.g.
SqaleUpdateContext<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Update context manages state information related to the currently executed modify operation.
SqaleUtils |
SqlDetailFetchMapper<R,I,DQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<DR>,DR> |
Mapper/fetcher of many detail records for one master record.
SqlLogger |
Logger for Querydsl executed queries, set to DEBUG to log queries or to TRACE
to log parameter values as well (this causes additional formatting overhead).
SqlPerformanceMonitorImpl |
SqlPerformanceMonitorsCollection |
Used to access performance monitors.
SqlPerformanceMonitorsCollectionImpl |
Maintains a collection of SQL performance monitors, typically one for the repository and one for SQL audit service.
SqlQueryContext<S,Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Execution context of the SQL query.
SqlQueryExecutor |
Component just under the service that orchestrates query transformation and execution.
SqlRecorder |
Extension of SqlLogger that includes buffer for queries which can be inspected later.
SqlRecorder.QueryEntry |
SqlRepoContext |
Encapsulates Querydsl Configuration , our QueryModelMappingRegistry
and other parts of SQL repository config and implements methods that need these.
SqlTableMetadata |
StageCompletionEventType |
Event describing the completion of a workflow process instance stage.
StandaloneActivity<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>> |
This is an activity that can be instantiated in standalone way (i.e.
StartupConfiguration |
StateConstraintEvaluator |
StateOfModule |
StatePolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when a object or assignment is in a given state.
StateReporter |
TODO better name (ProgressReporter ? StatisticsReporter ? ...)
Used to report state, progress and performance statistics to upper layers.
StaticExpressionUtil |
Utility class for manipulation of static values in expressions.
StatisticsCollectionStrategy |
Describes how task statistics (including progress and structured progress) are to be collected.
StatisticsCollector |
An object that receives various statistics and state information, processes them and provides
them back to appropriate clients.
StatisticsLogger |
Logs reasonable information on item and bucket completion, with a level of detail driven by logging option set.
StatusMessage |
StopProcessingReactionType |
The processing should be stopped.
StorageMetadataType |
Java class for StorageMetadataType complex type.
StoreExportedWidgetDataType |
Java class for StoreExportedWidgetDataType.
StreamContext |
StrengthSelector |
StringBucketContentFactory |
StringFilterType |
StringIgnoreCaseMatchingRule |
String matching rule that ignores the case.
StringIntervalWorkBucketContentHandler |
StringIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as interval of string values.
StringLimitationResult |
StringLimitType |
Definition of valid single string limitation
StringPolicyType |
Java class for StringPolicyType complex type.
StringPolicyUtils |
StringPrefixWorkBucketContentHandler |
StringPrefixWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value prefix.
StringSubstitutorUtil |
Utility methods for string substitution needs in midPoint.
StringToQNameTarget |
StringValueWorkBucketContentHandler |
StringValueWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value.
StringWorkBucketsBoundaryMarkingType |
Java class for StringWorkBucketsBoundaryMarkingType.
StringWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space (represented by a set of string
values) into a number of work buckets; either based on intervals, prefixes or exact value matching.
Structured |
Interface for properties that have inner structur, such as PolyString.
StructuredValueImpl |
SubjectedObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
SubreportParameterType |
Subreport with expression.
SubstringFilter<T> |
SubstringFilterImpl<T> |
SubSystemLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from subsystem code.
SubtypeProcessor |
SummaryPanelSpecificationType |
Specifies the look and feel of the summary panel.
SupportedDatabase |
Enumeration of supported SQL/databases (RDBMS).
SuspendTaskPolicyActionType |
Stop action.
SynchronizationActionType |
Defines an action to take when a synchronization situation is encountered.
SynchronizationActionType.Parameters |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SynchronizationContext<F extends FocusType> |
SynchronizationEvent |
It is comparable on the sequential number.
SynchronizationEventHandler<E extends SynchronizationEvent> |
SynchronizationExclusionReasonType |
Java class for SynchronizationExclusionReasonType.
SynchronizationExpressionsEvaluator |
SynchronizationInformationPrinter |
Prints synchronization information (new, i.e.
SynchronizationIntent |
SynchronizationIntentType |
Java class for SynchronizationIntentType.
SynchronizationObjectsFilter |
An additional filter used to match objects (returned by the iterative search) with the objectclass/kind/intent
specification, which is typically given in the synchronization task.
SynchronizationObjectsFilterImpl |
Specifies which objects are to be synchronized.
SynchronizationPolicyDecision |
Describes what the policy "decides" about a specific account.
SynchronizationPolicyDecisionType |
Java class for SynchronizationPolicyDecisionType.
SynchronizationProcessManager |
SynchronizationReactionType |
Reaction to a synchronization situation.
SynchronizationResult |
TODO include SynchronizationOperationResult?
SynchronizationService |
SynchronizationServiceImpl |
Synchronization service receives change notifications from provisioning.
SynchronizationServiceRegisterAgent |
Helper class that registers SynchronizationService as a provisioning change notification listener.
SynchronizationServiceUtils |
SynchronizationSituation<F extends FocusType> |
SynchronizationSituationDescriptionType |
Complex description of a synchronization situation.
SynchronizationSituationTransitionType |
Describes how many times given synchronization situation transition has occurred.
SynchronizationSituationType |
Java class for SynchronizationSituationType.
SynchronizationSituationUpdatingStrategyType |
How synchronization situation in shadows should be updated.
SynchronizationStatisticsCollector |
SynchronizationStatisticsCollectorImpl |
Tracks synchronization situation changes during a single item processing.
SynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
SynchronizationUtils |
Synchronizer |
Synchronizes a single resource object.
SyncItemProcessingRequest<SE extends SynchronizationEvent> |
It is comparable on the sequence number.
SyncSituationUtil |
SyncTaskHelper |
Auxiliary methods for synchronization tasks (Live Sync, Async Update, and maybe others).
SyslogAppenderConfigurationType |
Java class for SyslogAppenderConfigurationType complex type.
SystemConfigurationAuditEventRecordingPropertyType |
Specifies details how an audit event record property is created.
SystemConfigurationAuditEventRecordingType |
Details about creation and recording of audit events.
SystemConfigurationAuditType |
Specifies details regarding creation and recording of audit events.
SystemConfigurationAuditUtil |
Utility methods for audit-related system configuration options.
SystemConfigurationCacheAdapter |
Adapter from SystemConfigurationChangeDispatcher to Cache .
SystemConfigurationChangeDispatcher |
Central point of dispatching notifications about changes to the system configuration object.
SystemConfigurationChangeDispatcherImpl |
Dispatches "system configuration changed" events to relevant objects.
SystemConfigurationChangeListener |
Listener that needs to receive notifications related to system configuration object changes.
SystemConfigurationExpressionsType |
Specifies profile for expression evaluations, execution, restrictions, etc.
SystemConfigurationSection |
This is an attempt to provide more typed access to config.xml file content.
SystemConfigurationSectionImpl |
SystemConfigurationType |
System configuration object.
SystemConfigurationTypeUtil |
SystemException |
SystemFaultType |
All system (non-business) error condition should be derived
from this type.
SystemObjectCache |
Cache for system object such as SystemConfigurationType.
SystemObjectsType |
Java class for SystemObjectsType.
SystemUtil |
TableRelationResolver<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R,TS,TQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<TR>,TR> |
Resolver that knows how to traverse to the specified target query type.
TailoringModeType |
Java class for TailoringModeType.
TargetEvaluation<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluates resolved assignment target: its payload (authorizations, GUI config) and assignments/inducements.
TargetObjectSpecification<T extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Tells MappingSetEvaluator how to find target object.
Task |
Task instance - a logical unit of work.
TaskActionsExecutedCollector |
TaskActivityManager |
Provides common functionality related to activities (something like TaskManager does for tasks).
TaskActivityStateType |
Describes the state of the activity or activities embedded in the task (and its subtasks - in the
case of a root task).
TaskAutoScalingModeType |
Java class for TaskAutoScalingModeType.
TaskAutoScalingType |
Auto-scaling configuration for the task.
TaskBindingType |
Java class for TaskBindingType.
TaskCategory |
Deprecated. |
TaskCategoryProcessor |
TaskConstants |
TaskDebugUtil |
TaskDeletionListener |
TaskEvent |
TaskException |
Exception that carries supplementary information on how it should be treated
(with the respect to operation result and task run result status).
TaskExecutionConstraintsType |
Constraints on task execution, e.g.
TaskExecutionEnvironmentType |
Specification of the environment in which the task should execute.
TaskExecutionGroupConstraintType |
TaskExecutionLimitationsType |
Limitations for execution of tasks on a given node.
TaskExecutionStateType |
Java class for TaskExecutionStateType.
TaskGroupExecutionLimitationType |
Limitations for execution of a task group on a given node.
TaskHandler |
TaskInformation |
Contains all non-trivial task information (progress, workers, overall status, and so on) needed for the use
of GUI and reporting.
TaskIterativeOperationCollector |
Support for recording iterative operations directly on tasks - where activities are not available.
TaskListener |
Notifies external observers about task-related events.
TaskManager |
Task Manager Interface.
TaskManagerAware |
TaskManagerConfigurationException |
Signals a
TaskManagerException |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
TaskManagerInitializationException |
TaskManagerUtil |
TaskOperationStatsUtil |
Utility methods related to task operation statistics.
TaskPersistenceStatus |
Task persistence status.
TaskPolicyProcessor |
TaskRecurrenceType |
Java class for TaskRecurrenceType.
TaskResolver |
Used to resolve tasks (mainly subtasks) in various utility methods in this package.
TaskRoleType |
Java class for TaskRoleType.
TaskRun |
Represents a run of a task.
TaskRunResult |
Single-purpose class to return task run results.
TaskRunResult.TaskRunResultStatus |
TaskSchedulingStateType |
Java class for TaskSchedulingStateType.
TaskService |
Interface of the Model subsystem that provides task-specific operations.
TaskSynchronizationStatisticsCollector |
Collects synchronization statistics related to processing of an activity within a task.
TaskTreeUtil |
Utilities related to task trees.
TaskType |
TaskType contains information about a task (either transient or persistent).
TaskTypeUtil |
TaskUnpauseActionType |
Java class for TaskUnpauseActionType.
TaskUpdatedListener |
TaskUtil |
Utility methods related to the Task objects.
TaskWaitingReasonType |
Java class for TaskWaitingReasonType.
TaskWorkBucketManagementPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints work buckets management performance information.
TemplateExpander |
TemplateMappingEvaluationRequest |
TemplateMappingsEvaluation<F extends AssignmentHolderType,T extends AssignmentHolderType> |
Evaluation of object template mappings.
TempUtil |
TenantSelectorType |
Selects an object by comparing tenant information.
TerminateSessionEvent |
TerminateSessionEventType |
Describe terminate session event cluster-wide.
TestConnectionCapabilityType |
Describes capability to test connection to the resource once the connector is configured.
TestingPaths |
TestResourceActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "test-resource" action.
TestResourceExecutor |
Executes "test-resource" action.
TestResourceResponseType |
A response from testResource operation.
TestResourceType |
A request for testResource operation.
ThreadLocalOperationsMonitor |
Monitors operations for the current thread.
ThreadLocalOperationsMonitor.ExecutedOperations |
ThreadStopActionType |
Java class for ThreadStopActionType.
ThresholdPolicyViolationException |
ThrowableSupplier<T> |
TimedActionTimeSpecificationType |
By default (when the base is not specified), positive time intervals are meant "after work item start".
TimeIntervalStatusType |
Java class for TimeIntervalStatusType.
TimeIntervalType |
Water mark (bound).
TimeoutsType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF operation timeouts.
TimestampItemDeltaProcessor<T extends Comparable<T>> |
TimestampItemFilterProcessor<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Filter processor for an attribute path (Prism item) of a timestamp type.
TimeValidityNotifierType |
TimeValidityPolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when validity of an object, assignment, or basically any time-sensitive
item (e.g.
Trace |
Just am empty extension of SLF4J logger.
TraceDataFlowVisualizationInstructionType |
Specification of the data flow(s) to be visualized.
TraceDataSelectionType |
Java class for TraceDataSelectionType.
TraceDictionaryEntryType |
One object.
TraceDictionaryType |
Object dictionary.
TraceImpl |
Wrapper for logging library.
TraceInfo |
TraceManager |
Factory for trace instances.
TraceParser |
Tracer |
TraceSelectorType |
Selects an operation trace.
TraceStatistics |
TraceStatistics.SortBy |
TraceTreeVisualizer |
TraceType |
Root type for tracing information that is embedded in OperationResult objects.
TraceUtil |
TraceUtil |
Utility methods related to tracing.
TraceVisualizationColumnsType |
What columns to visualize?
Volatile - will be changed soon.
TraceVisualizationInstructionsType |
How to visualize trace file.
TraceVisualizationInstructionType |
How to visualize trace file.
TraceVisualizationType |
How a traced operation is to be visualized.
TraceVisualizerRegistry |
TODO rework
TraceWriter |
TracingAppender<E> |
Collects log entries e.g.
TracingConfigurationType |
Tracing configuration, including profiles to be selected from.
TracingEnvironmentType |
Description of the environment where the trace was captured.
TracingLevelType |
Java class for TracingLevelType.
TracingOutputMetadataType |
Metadata e.g.
TracingOutputType |
Output of the tracing.
TracingProfileType |
Describes how the tracing is to be done.
TracingRootType |
Java class for TracingRootType.
TracingTypeProfileType |
Describes how the tracing of specific type is to be done.
TransactionIsolation |
TransformableComplexTypeDefinition |
TransformableComplexTypeDefinition.ObjectClass |
TransformableContainerDefinition<C extends Containerable> |
TransformableContainerDefinition.AttributeContainer |
TransformableDefinition |
TransformableItemDefinition<I extends Item<?,?>,D extends ItemDefinition<I>> |
TransformableObjectDefinition<O extends Objectable> |
TransformablePropertyDefinition<T> |
TransformablePropertyDefinition.RefinedAttribute<T> |
TransformablePropertyDefinition.ResourceAttribute<T> |
TransformableReferenceDefinition |
TransformationalMetadataComputation |
TransformationBuiltinMapping |
Mapping that manages transformation metadata.
TransformationExpressionEvaluationOpNode |
TransformationMetadataType |
Java class for TransformationMetadataType complex type.
TransformationValueMetadataComputer |
Computes value metadata during expression evaluation or during consolidation.
Transformer<T,X> |
TransformExpressionEvaluatorType |
TransformExpressionRelativityModeType |
Java class for TransformExpressionRelativityModeType.
TransientActivityRunStatistics |
Maintains selected statistical information related to processing items in a current activity run.
TransientCache<K,V> |
Cache that is transient but can be declared final in serializable objects.
TransitionConstraintEvaluator |
TransitionPolicyConstraintType |
Specifies how the inner constraints are to be evaluated with regards to operation start and end state.
Transport |
TreeNode<T> |
TreeNodeVisitor<T> |
TriggerCreationType |
Deals with creation of recompute triggers for selected objects.
TriggerCreatorGlobalState |
Global state for optimizing trigger creators for the given midPoint node.
TriggeredPolicyRulesStorageStrategyType |
Java class for TriggeredPolicyRulesStorageStrategyType.
TriggerHandler |
TriggerHandlerRegistry |
TriggerScanActivityHandler |
Task handler for the trigger scanner.
TriggerScanItemProcessor |
Fires triggers on objects found by the search operation.
TriggerScanWorkDefinition |
TriggerScanWorkDefinitionType |
Executes trigger scan on repository objects.
TriggerType |
Defines triggers for an object.
TrivialItemPathParser |
TODO: This should do more parsing in the future.
TunnelException |
Exception used for tunneling checked exceptions through places where checked exceptipons are not allowed (e.g.
TypeDefinition |
TypeDefinitionDelegator |
TypeDefinitionImpl |
TypedObjectQuery<T extends ObjectType> |
TypedValue<T> |
Value and definition pair.
TypeFilter |
TypeFilterImpl |
TypeFilterProcessor<Q extends QObject<R>,R extends MObject,TQ extends QObject<TR>,TR extends MObject> |
UcfChangeType |
Description of the change in the external resource at the UCF level i.e.
UcfChangeUtil |
UnaryLogicalFilter |
UnaryLogicalFilterImpl |
UnaryLogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for UnaryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
UnassignActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "unassign" action.
UnassignExecutor |
Executor for "unassign" actions.
UndefinedEvaluationOrderImpl |
UndefinedFilter |
UndefinedFilterImpl |
UniformItemPath |
UnknownJavaObjectType |
Type used to represent Java objects that are otherwise unknown to the system and cannot be
represented in "canonical" XML form.
UnlinkAction |
UnlockTriggerHandler |
Unlocks the focus object (if the time has come).
UnsupportedObjectTypeFaultType |
Object type passed to the operation is not supported by the
UnsupportedOperationFaultType |
The invoked operation is not supported.
UpdatableItemSqlMapper<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Extension of ItemSqlMapper adding update capability (delta processing).
UpdateCapabilityType |
Describes update capability.
UpdateShadowSituationOpNode |
UpgradeAction |
UpgradeBaseAction<O,R> |
UpgradeCommonOptions |
UpgradeConstants |
UpgradeDistributionAction |
UpgradeDistributionAction.Scripts48AndLater |
UpgradeDistributionOptions |
UpgradeInstallationAction |
UpgradeInstallationOptions |
UpgradeObjectHandler |
Handles upgrade of single object, filters out items that are not applicable for upgrade based on options selected by user.
UpgradeObjectProcessor<T extends Objectable> |
UpgradeObjectResult |
UpgradeObjectsAction |
UpgradeObjectsConsumerWorker<T extends ObjectType> |
UpgradeObjectsItemsSummary |
Keeps summary of validation items processed during upgrade, grouped by priority and status (processed/skipped).
UpgradeObjectsItemsSummary.ItemStatus |
UpgradeObjectsOptions |
todo cleanup options, use OutputOptions, SearchOptions etc.
UpgradeOptions |
UpgradePhase |
UpgradePriority |
UpgradeProcessor |
UpgradeType |
UpgradeValidationItem |
UpgradeValidationResult |
UriCache |
Component hiding details of how QNames are stored in QUri .
URIConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
UriFilterType |
Java class for UriFilterType complex type.
UriItemDeltaProcessor |
UriItemFilterProcessor |
Filter processor for URI item paths - represented by string/QName in schema and by int ID in DB.
UserDashboardProcessor |
UserEntryCredentialSourceType |
Specifies the details of a new credential entered manually by a user.
UserInterfaceElementVisibilityType |
Java class for UserInterfaceElementVisibilityType.
UserInterfaceFeatureType |
Defines properties of a specific user interface feature (e.g.
UserListType |
Java class for UserListType complex type.
UserPasswordNotifierType |
UserSessionManagementListType |
Describe list of sessions.
UserSessionManagementType |
Describe session - user, active sessions, nodes where the user is active
UserType |
User object represents a physical user of the system.
UseThreadInterrupt |
Utils |
UuidItemFilterProcessor |
Similar to SimpleItemFilterProcessor but String value can be just UUID prefixes
and must be smartly converted based on the actual operation.
UuidMatchingRule |
Matching rule for universally unique identifier (UUID).
UuidPath |
ValidateExecutor |
Executes "validate" action.
ValidationIssueSeverityType |
Java class for ValidationIssueSeverityType.
ValidationIssueType |
ValidationItem |
ValidationResult |
ValidationResult |
ValidationResultType |
Validator<T> |
Interface for object validation (mostly to be used in tests).
ValidityScanQueryStyleType |
Java class for ValidityScanQueryStyleType.
ValueActionImpl<V> |
ValueBuilder<P extends AxiomValue<?>> |
ValueBuilder.BuilderOrValue<P extends AxiomValue<?>> |
ValueContext<V> |
ValueDecoder<I,O> |
ValueDecoder.ExceptionFactory<I> |
ValueDecoder.Factory<D extends ValueDecoder<?,?>> |
ValueDecoder.NamespaceIngoring<I,O> |
ValueDisplayUtil |
TODO unify with PrettyPrinter somehow
ValueFilter<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ValueFilterImpl<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ValueFilterProcessor<Q extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<R>,R> |
Filter processor that resolves item path and then constructs an SQL condition for it.
ValueFilterValues<T,V> |
Object wraps zero, one or multiple values and makes their processing easier.
ValueListType |
Java class for ValueListType complex type.
ValueMatcher<T> |
ValueMetadata |
ValueMetadataAdapter |
ValueMetadataComputation |
Computation of value metadata.
ValueMetadataFactory |
Provides empty value metadata.
ValueMetadataType |
The value metadata.
ValueParser<T> |
Objects of type ValueParser should be immutable.
ValuePolicyOriginResolver |
Resolves "origin object" during value policy evaluation.
ValuePolicyOriginType |
Java class for ValuePolicyOriginType.
ValuePolicyProcessor |
Processor for values that match value policies (mostly passwords).
ValuePolicySupplier |
Supplies value policy when needed (e.g.
ValuePolicyType |
Java class for ValuePolicyType complex type.
ValueSelector<V extends PrismValue> |
Selects a value from multivalued item (property, container, reference).
ValueSetDefinition<IV extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ValueSetDefinitionPredefinedType |
Java class for ValueSetDefinitionPredefinedType.
ValueSetDefinitionType |
Definition of value set.
ValueTransformationEvaluationModeType |
Java class for ValueTransformationEvaluationModeType.
ValueTransformationExpressionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for expression evaluation operation in AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator.
ValueTransformationTraceType |
Trace for transformation of a tuple of values.
ValueTupleTransformationOpNode |
ValueType |
Java class for ValueType complex type.
ValueVariableModeType |
Java class for ValueVariableModeType.
VariableBindingDefinitionType |
Definition of variable which is bound to the property.
VariableItemPathSegment |
VariableProducer |
Produces extra variables from values of existing sources.
VariablesMap |
VariablesUtil |
VelocityScriptEvaluator |
Expression evaluator that is using Apache Velocity engine.
VerificationReporter |
VerifyAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
VerifyAuditConsumerWorker |
Consumer writing exported audit events to the writer (stdout or file).
VerifyAuditOptions |
VerifyAuditOptions.ReportStyle |
VerifyAuditOptions.ReportStyleConverter |
VerifyAuditRepositoryAction |
VerifyConsumerWorker |
TODO from design point of view handling of main writer and deltaWriter is just nasty.
VerifyOptions |
// todo fix these options, extending Export options is messing up help messages (it's using export.* keys)
VerifyOptions.ReportStyle |
VerifyOptions.ReportStyleConverter |
VerifyOptions.VerificationCategory |
VerifyOptions.VerificationCategoryConverter |
VerifyResult |
VersionPrecondition<T extends ObjectType> |
ViewedObject |
ViewOptions |
VirtualAssignmenetSpecification<R extends AbstractRoleType> |
VirtualAssignmentSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
There are cases when you need to force midpoint thinks that user has assigned some
VirtualContainerItemSpecificationType |
Item specification to display in container
VirtualContainersSpecificationType |
Used to specify "virtual" containers for displaying details page in GUI.
VirtualRootType |
Visitable<T extends Visitable<T>> |
Visitor |
Visitor<T extends Visitable<T>> |
VisualizationContext |
Visualizer |
Visualizer |
WallClockTimeComputer |
Computes real wall clock time from a set of execution records ("from - to").
WaterMarkType |
Water mark (bound).
WfChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for workflow change processor.
WfConfigurationType |
Configuration for workflows - for those parts not stored in the system config file.
WfExecutionTasksConfigurationType |
Configuration related to tasks in which model operations are executed.
WfExecutionTasksSerializationScopeType |
Java class for WfExecutionTasksSerializationScopeType.
WfExecutionTasksSerializationType |
Whether and how to serialize execution tasks (if "execute after all approvals" is set to false).
WfGeneralChangeProcessorStateType |
We need to decide what to do with this.
WfProcessSpecificationType |
Specification of a process that is to be started.
WfTimeBaseType |
Java class for WfTimeBaseType.
WorkAllocationDefinitionType |
Parameters related to buckets allocation process.
WorkBucketContentHandler |
Handles various aspects of work bucket content e.g.
WorkBucketContentHandlerRegistry |
Responsible for creation of configured work bucket content handlers.
WorkBucketStateType |
Java class for WorkBucketStateType.
WorkBucketType |
Description of a state and content of a work bucket.
WorkDefinition |
Defines the work that is to be done within an activity.
WorkDefinitionFactory |
Creates WorkDefinition instances from their serialized form,
either "new" (activity definition bean) or "legacy" (task extension).
WorkDefinitionFactory.WorkDefinitionSupplier |
WorkDefinitionSource |
WorkDefinitionsType |
Definition of the work that has to be done within an activity.
WorkDefinitionUtil |
WorkDefinitionWrapper |
Wraps work definition information.
WorkDefinitionWrapper.TypedWorkDefinitionWrapper |
WorkDefinitionWrapper.UntypedWorkDefinitionWrapper |
WorkersDefinitionType |
How to create and manage worker tasks.
WorkersPerNodeDefinitionType |
How to create worker tasks per node.
WorkersReconciliation |
Executes the workers reconciliation.
WorkersReconciliationOptions |
WorkersReconciliationResultType |
Result of the workers reconciliation process.
WorkflowConstants |
WorkflowEvent |
WorkflowListener |
An interface through which external observers can be notified about workflow related events.
WorkflowManager |
TODO specify and clean-up error handling
WorkflowProcessEvent |
WorkflowService |
WorkItemActionsType |
Actions to execute.
WorkItemAllocationChangeOperationInfo |
Primarily used to simplify passing parameters to WorkflowListener.
WorkItemAllocationEvent |
WorkItemCompletionEventType |
Event describing the work item completion.
WorkItemCustomEvent |
WorkItemDelegationEventType |
Event describing the fact of delegation.
WorkItemDelegationMethodType |
Java class for WorkItemDelegationMethodType.
WorkItemDelegationRequestType |
A request to delegate work item - analogous to AbstractWorkItemOutputType.
WorkItemEscalationEventType |
Event describing the fact of escalation.
WorkItemEscalationLevelType |
Description of an escalation level the processing is at.
WorkItemEvent |
WorkItemEventCauseInformationType |
Java class for WorkItemEventCauseInformationType complex type.
WorkItemEventCauseTypeType |
Java class for WorkItemEventCauseTypeType.
WorkItemEventType |
Process event related to a specific work item.
WorkItemId |
Uniquely identifies a work item.
WorkItemLifecycleEvent |
WorkItemNotificationActionType |
WorkItemOperationInfo |
Primarily used to simplify passing parameters to WorkflowListener.
WorkItemOperationKindType |
Java class for WorkItemOperationKindType.
WorkItemOperationSourceInfo |
What caused the operation.
WorkItemOutcomeType |
Java class for WorkItemOutcomeType.
WorkItemResultType |
Overall output from a work item: outcome (approve/reject/...), comment, additional delta,
and probably other things in the future.
WorkItemSelectorType |
Selects some work items from all the items (perhaps of a given type, like approval work items).
WorkItemTimedActionsType |
Actions that should be applied to a work item in given moments (relative to work item creation
or work item deadline).
WorkItemTypeUtil |
XmlAsStringType |
A class used to hold string represented either as plain string or as XML markup.
XmlEntityResolver |
Combined resolver used when parsing schemas.
XmlEntityResolverImpl |
XMLGregorianCalendarFormatter |
XmlGregorianCalendarSerializer |
XmlMatchingRule |
String matching rule that compares strings as XML snippets.
XmlSchemaType |
This element contains the XSD-formatted definition of schema.
XmlScriptsType |
Java class for XmlScriptsType complex type.
XmlTypeConverter |
Simple implementation that converts XSD primitive types to Java (and vice
XmlTypeConverterInternal |
This is to be cleaned up later.
XNode |
XNodeDefinition |
XNodeDefinition.Root |
XNodeFactory |
Temporary, experimental API.
XNodeFactoryImpl |
Temporary, experimental piece of code.
XNodeImpl |
XNodeMutator |
Temporary interface to allow modifying XNode representation.
XNodeProcessorEvaluationMode |
XNodeProcessorUtil |
XsdTypeMapper |
Maintains mapping of XSD types (qnames) and Java types (classes)
YamlReader |
YamlWriter |
YamlWritingContext |
ZoneOfControlType |
Java class for ZoneOfControlType.