LookupTableRowType (Complex Type)

Namespace: http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3

Data structure that represents entire content of the lookup table, organized into table rows. The delta semantics has a slightly different meaning for the lookup tables. Each key must be unique and the key functions as an implicit identifier. E.g. adding a new row with a key that does not exist yet will insert a new row. Adding a new row with key that already exists will overwrite existing row. Replace operation on this property will efficiently clear the entire table and replace it with a new data. We do not recommend using this operation as it may be very inefficient. Add and delete operations are expected during normal operation.
Item Summary  
Name Type Multiplicity Description
key property
[1,1] Lookup table key column. 
value property
[0,1] Lookup table value column. 
label property
[0,1] Column that contains a user-friendly label for corresponding to the key. 
lastChangeTimestamp property
[0,1] Timestamp of the last change of the row.