All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Definition of an access certification - a template for
a set of access certification campaigns.
AbstractActivityReportDefinitionType |
Common parts of definitions of activity-related reports.
AbstractActivityWorkStateType |
Supertype for all activity state types.
AbstractAuthenticationContext |
AbstractAuthenticationModuleType |
Common supertype for all authentication module definitions.
AbstractAuthenticationPolicyType |
Authentication management policy.
AbstractChangeExecutionOpNode |
AbstractConstructionType |
Abstract supertype for constructions.
AbstractCredentialAuthenticationModuleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Common definition for all authentication modules that use password.
AbstractCredentialsResetPolicyType |
Authentication management policy.
AbstractCredentialType |
Java class for AbstractCredentialType complex type.
AbstractDelegatedPrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V extends PrismValue> |
AbstractExecutionActionExpressionType |
Supertype for "execution" actions, carrying some common properties.
AbstractFileFormatType |
Supertype of report export types.
AbstractFormItemType |
Abstract supertype for all form items.
AbstractFreezable |
AbstractLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
AbstractMappingEvaluationOpNode |
AbstractMappingType |
Defines how a value of a property (or attribute) should be
AbstractModuleSaml2KeyType |
Abstract SAML2 key.
AbstractObjectTypeConfigurationType |
Abstract supertype for all data types that specify configuration properties for
a specific object type (User, Role, Org, Resource, ...)
AbstractOptions |
AbstractPasswordAuthenticationModuleType |
Common definition for all authentication modules that use password.
AbstractPolicyConstraintType |
Basic data structure for all policy constraints.
AbstractRegistrationPolicyType |
AbstractReportEngineConfigurationType |
Abstract type for configuration of reports.
AbstractReportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for report-related activities.
AbstractRepositorySearchAction<O extends ExportOptions> |
Abstract action for all search-based operations, such as export and verify.
AbstractRoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract class that contains the "essence" of a role.
AbstractSecurityQuestionsAuthenticationModuleType |
Common definition for all authentication modules that use security questions.
AbstractSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping or expression source during evaluation.
AbstractStatisticsPrinter<T> |
Prints statistics in selected format.
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.Format |
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.Options |
AbstractStatisticsPrinter.SortBy |
AbstractSummarizingResultHandler<T extends ObjectType> |
Class provides OperationResult summarizing functionality for result handler.
AbstractThreadLocalCache |
Common supertype for various thread-local caches (parts of RepositoryCache but also others).
AbstractWorkBucketContentType |
Abstract supertype for description of bucket contents.
AbstractWorkDefinitionType |
Marker type for an activity work definition.
AbstractWorkItemActionType |
AbstractWorkItemOutputType |
AbstractWorkItemType |
Common superclass for workflow (approval) work item, certification work item and case management work item.
AbstractWorkSegmentationType |
Describes how to segment the work into buckets and manage them.
AbstractWriteCapabilityType |
Base type for all write capabilities.
AbstractWriterConsumerWorker<O extends BasicExportOptions,T> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
AccessAnnotationType |
Java class for AccessAnnotationType.
AccessCertificationAssignmentCaseType |
Java class for AccessCertificationAssignmentCaseType complex type.
AccessCertificationAssignmentReviewScopeType |
Scope for assignment-related reviews.
AccessCertificationCampaignStateType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCampaignStateType.
AccessCertificationCampaignType |
Definition of an access certification campaign.
AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType.
AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType complex type.
AccessCertificationCasesStatisticsType |
Statistics give a set of access certification cases.
AccessCertificationCaseStageOutcomeType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseStageOutcomeType complex type.
AccessCertificationCaseType |
An item that has to be certified, viewed in the scope of a given certification campaign.
AccessCertificationConfigurationType |
Configuration for access certification.
AccessCertificationDefinitionForReportType |
Access certification definition augmented with report-related information
AccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Access certification definition.
AccessCertificationObjectBasedScopeType |
The most common way of specifying scope - providing type+search filter to select "base" objects
and then some means of deriving certification cases from them.
AccessCertificationReiterationDefinitionType |
AccessCertificationRemediationDefinitionType |
AccessCertificationRemediationStyleType |
Java class for AccessCertificationRemediationStyleType.
AccessCertificationResponseType |
Java class for AccessCertificationResponseType.
AccessCertificationReviewerSpecificationType |
Specifies how to select reviewers for a campaign stage.
AccessCertificationScopeType |
Specifies the scope of an access certification campaign.
AccessCertificationService |
Interface to access certification related functionality.
AccessCertificationStageDefinitionType |
Definition of an access certification campaign stage.
AccessCertificationStageType |
Information about a stage of a campaign.
AccessCertificationWorkItemType |
A work item for a certification case.
AccessDecision |
Decision about access to something.
AccountActivationNotifierType |
AccountPasswordNotifierType |
AcknowledgementSink |
Denotes an object capable of receiving an acknowledge that an item was processed.
Action<O> |
Base implementation class for action, that is Ninja command.
ActionExpressionType |
Executes a given action (add, modify, delete, enable, disable, assign, ...)
ActionParameterValueType |
Value of a parameter for an action.
ActionsExecutedCollector |
Records information about actions on repository objects.
ActionsExecutedInformationUtil |
ActionsExecutedInformationUtil.Part |
ActivationCapabilityType |
Describes capability to process activation data, which means
enable/disable of accounts, dates for scheduled enable/disable
and similar things related to make the account active.
ActivationComputer |
ActivationLockoutStatusCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide lockout status (e.g.
ActivationStatusCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide activation status (e.g.
ActivationStatusType |
Java class for ActivationStatusType.
ActivationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Type that defines activation properties.
ActivationUtil |
ActivationValidityCapabilityType |
Describes capability to provide activation validity dates (validFrom, validTo)
ActivitiesTailoringType |
Tailors the work specification by adding activity or activities before or after existing ones,
or by changing specification (execution mode, flow of control, distribution) of existing activities.
ActivityActionsExecutedType |
Shows what actions were executed.
ActivityAfterType |
ActivityAutoScalingWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the auto-scaling activity.
ActivityAutoScalingWorkStateType |
Work state for the auto scaling activity.
ActivityBasedTaskInformation |
ActivityBeforeAfterType |
ActivityBeforeType |
ActivityBucketingStateType |
Information about the bucket processing within an activity.
ActivityBucketManagementStatisticsType |
Information about bucket management operations performance within an activity.
ActivityBucketManagementStatisticsUtil |
ActivityCompositionType |
ActivityControlFlowDefinitionTailoringType |
ActivityControlFlowDefinitionType |
Defines the features related to the flow of control within an activity (simple or composite).
ActivityCounterGroupsType |
Counters related to the execution of the activity, grouped into related categories.
ActivityCounterGroupType |
A group of related counters.
ActivityCounterType |
A single counter.
ActivityDefinitionType |
Describes an activity, i.e.
ActivityDefinitionUtil |
ActivityDistributionDefinitionTailoringType |
ActivityDistributionDefinitionType |
Describes how we are going to distribute the work that is to be done:
how to divide it into work buckets, and how to distribute these buckets to worker tasks.
ActivityErrorHandlingStrategyEntryType |
Specifies a reaction when a given error during activity execution occurs.
ActivityErrorHandlingStrategyType |
Specifies a strategy for handling errors during iterative activities.
ActivityEventLoggingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityEventLoggingOptionType.
ActivityItemCountingDefinitionType |
How should the activity deal with item counting, i.e.
ActivityItemCountingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityItemCountingOptionType.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsPrinter |
Prints the item processing statistics.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsType |
Information about item processing in given activity.
ActivityItemProcessingStatisticsUtil |
ActivityLoggingOptionsType |
Controls logging aspects of an activity execution.
ActivityOverallItemCountingOptionType |
Java class for ActivityOverallItemCountingOptionType.
ActivityPath |
ActivityPathType |
Path from the root of the activity tree to the specified activity.
ActivityPerformanceInformation |
Extract of the most relevant performance information about an activity.
ActivityPreconditionOutputType |
Java class for ActivityPreconditionOutputType.
ActivityProfilingDefinitionType |
Java class for ActivityProfilingDefinitionType complex type.
ActivityProgressAndStatisticsPrinter |
TODO better name
ActivityProgressInformation |
Summarized representation of a progress of an activity and its sub-activities.
ActivityProgressInformation.RealizationState |
ActivityProgressInformationBuilder |
ActivityProgressInformationBuilder.InformationSource |
ActivityProgressPrinter |
Prints activity progress information.
ActivityProgressType |
Progress of an activity.
ActivityProgressUtil |
ActivityRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivityRealizationStateType.
ActivityRepeatedExecutionStrategyType |
Java class for ActivityRepeatedExecutionStrategyType.
ActivityReportCollectionType |
A collection of related report data objects.
ActivityReportingDefinitionType |
How should the task report its various aspects?
ActivityReportsDefinitionType |
Defines specific activity-related reports.
ActivityReportsType |
Reports related to activity execution.
ActivityRunRecordType |
Information about individual activity run.
ActivitySimplifiedRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivitySimplifiedRealizationStateType.
ActivityStateOverviewMaintenanceDefinitionType |
Parameters related to the maintenance of activity tree state overview.
ActivityStateOverviewProgressInformationVisibilityType |
Java class for ActivityStateOverviewProgressInformationVisibilityType.
ActivityStateOverviewProgressUpdateModeType |
Java class for ActivityStateOverviewProgressUpdateModeType.
ActivityStateOverviewType |
Describes an overview of the state of an activity.
ActivityStateOverviewUtil |
Utilities related to the helper activity tree state overview structure (maintained in the root task).
ActivityStateOverviewUtil.StateOverviewVisitor |
ActivityStatePersistenceType |
Java class for ActivityStatePersistenceType.
ActivityStateType |
Describes the state of an activity.
ActivityStateUtil |
Utility methods related to activity state and activity work state.
ActivityStatisticsType |
Statistical information for individual activities.
ActivityStatisticsUtil |
ActivitySubtaskDefinitionType |
How the part is realized via subtask.
ActivitySynchronizationStatisticsType |
Information about synchronization situations of objects processed by synchronization-related tasks:
live sync, import, reconciliation.
ActivitySynchronizationStatisticsUtil |
ActivityTailoringType |
ActivityTaskExecutionStateType |
Java class for ActivityTaskExecutionStateType.
ActivityTaskStateOverviewType |
State of the local activity run in an individual task.
ActivityTracingDefinitionType |
Definition for tracing execution of an iterative activity.
ActivityTreeRealizationStateType |
Java class for ActivityTreeRealizationStateType.
ActivityTreeStateType |
Describes the state of an activity tree.
ActivityTreeUtil |
Utility methods for navigating throughout activity trees, potentially distributed throughout a task tree.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateInContext |
Activity state with all the necessary context: the path, the task, and the partial states of coordinated workers.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateInLocalContext |
Activity state in local context: just the path and the state.
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateProcessor |
ActivityTreeUtil.ActivityStateTransformer<X> |
ActivityTreeUtil.LocalActivityStateProcessor |
ActivityTreeUtil.LocalActivityStateTransformer<X> |
ActivityWorkersInformation |
State of the worker tasks (in the broad sense - i.e.
AddActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "add" action.
AddDeleteReplace |
Denotes ADD, DELETE, REPLACE sets in item deltas.
AddRemoveAttributeValuesCapabilityType |
Indication that ADD and REMOVE of attribute values is reliably supported.
AdminGuiApprovalsConfigurationType |
Configuration related to approvals GUI.
AdminGuiConfigurationDisplayFormatsType |
Default display formats for various UI elements.
AdminGuiConfigurationMergeManager |
AdminGuiConfigurationRoleManagementType |
Role management features that are potentially user-specific i.e.
AdminGuiConfigurationType |
Administration GUI configuration.
AdministrativeAvailabilityStatusType |
Java class for AdministrativeAvailabilityStatusType.
AdministrativeOperationalStateType |
Structure containing metadata about administrative operational state of the resource.
AdvancedLoggingConfigurationType |
Contains free form logging configuration.
AfterItemConditionType |
Condition controlling item report collection that is evaluated after the item is processed.
AllFilter |
AlwaysTruePolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This policy constraint always applies.
Amqp091MessageAttributesType |
Representation of AMQP 0-9-1 message attributes.
Amqp091MessageType |
Representation AMQP 0-9-1 message.
Amqp091SourceType |
AMQP client configuration
AndFilter |
AnyDataAsyncUpdateMessageType |
Async update carrying any data.
AnyValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container).
AppenderConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
ApplicablePoliciesType |
Specification of policies that are applicable to this object type.
ApplyDefinitionActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "apply-definition" action.
ApprovalCompositionStrategyType |
Prescribes how individual approval requirements should be composed into overall approval schema.
ApprovalContextType |
Describes the approval context, i.e.
ApprovalContextUtil |
TODO clean up these formatting methods
ApprovalLevelOutcomeType |
Java class for ApprovalLevelOutcomeType.
ApprovalPolicyActionType |
Approval action.
ApprovalProcessStartInstructionCreationTraceType |
Trace for operation(s) that create approval process start instruction(s).
ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType |
Information on actual or expected execution of an approval schema.
ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationUtil |
ApprovalSchemaType |
Rules for approving something (e.g.
ApprovalStageDefinitionType |
One "level" (or stage) in the approval process.
ApprovalStageExecutionInformationType |
Information of an actual or expected execution of an approval stage.
ApprovalStageExecutionPreviewType |
Preview of an execution of an approval stage.
ApprovalStageExecutionRecordType |
Record of an actual execution of an approval stage.
ArchetypeAdminGuiConfigurationType |
Definition of GUI-related configuration for the archetyped objects.
ArchetypePolicyType |
Definition of archetype policies, such as object template, lifecycle, type display properties and so on.
ArchetypeType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Archetype definition.
ArchetypeTypeType |
Java class for ArchetypeTypeType.
ArchetypeTypeUtil |
AreaCategoryType |
Java class for AreaCategoryType.
ArtemisProvisioningTargetType |
ActiveMQ Artemis target.
AsciiTableFormatting |
Formats data as "nice" ASCII table.
AsIsExpressionEvaluatorType |
Copy value as is, without any modification.
AssignActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "assign" action.
AssignmentCandidatesSpecification |
Data structure that contains information about possible assignment targets or holders for a particular object.
AssignmentConstraintsType |
Specifies constraints on assignments that are placed in the same focus.
AssignmentEvaluationOpNode |
AssignmentEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for assignment evaluation operation.
AssignmentHolderType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can have assignments.
AssignmentModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is assigned.
AssignmentObjectRelation |
Assignment object relation specification.
AssignmentPath |
Path from the source object (focus) to the ultimate assignment that is being processed or referenced.
AssignmentPathSegment |
Single assignment in an assignment path.
AssignmentPathSegmentType |
Java class for AssignmentPathSegmentType complex type.
AssignmentPathType |
Java class for AssignmentPathType complex type.
AssignmentPathUtil |
AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType |
Java class for AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType.
AssignmentPropertiesSpecificationType |
Java class for AssignmentPropertiesSpecificationType complex type.
AssignmentRelationApproachType |
Java class for AssignmentRelationApproachType.
AssignmentRelationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specifies what types of assignments can be made to the focal object when it is a target of an assignment.
AssignmentSegmentEvaluationOpNode |
AssignmentSegmentEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for assignment evaluation operation.
AssignmentSelectorType |
Selects some assignments from all the assignments in the object.
AssignmentTargetSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression that provides an assignment based on search results.
AssignmentType |
Generic assignments of one object to another object.
AssignmentUtil |
AssociationAdditionType |
Container for association-to-be-added in the context: resource shadow discriminator.
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorType |
Definition of an expression that creates association from links (linkRefs)
AsynchronousOperationQueryable |
Interface that provide ability to query status of asynchronous operation.
AsynchronousOperationResult |
Primary goal of this class is to support asynchronous operations.
AsynchronousOperationReturnValue<T> |
This may seems too simple and maybe pointless now.
AsynchronousScriptExecutionModeType |
Java class for AsynchronousScriptExecutionModeType.
AsynchronousScriptExecutionType |
Options for asynchronous script execution.
AsyncProvisioningAddOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Add class.
AsyncProvisioningDeleteOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Delete class.
AsyncProvisioningModifyOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested.Modify class.
AsyncProvisioningOperationRequestedType |
JAXB version of OperationRequested class.
AsyncProvisioningTargetsType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning targets.
AsyncProvisioningTargetType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning target.
AsyncUpdateCapabilityType |
Describes capability to process asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateErrorHandlingActionType |
Java class for AsyncUpdateErrorHandlingActionType.
AsyncUpdateListeningActivityInformationType |
Information on async update listening activity.
AsyncUpdateListeningActivityStatusType |
Java class for AsyncUpdateListeningActivityStatusType.
AsyncUpdateMessageType |
Representation of an async update message.
AsyncUpdateSourcesType |
Sources of asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateSourceType |
Source of asynchronous updates.
AsyncUpdateWorkDefinitionType |
Executes the asynchronous update from a resource.
AttributeContainerDefinitionDelegator |
AttributeContentRequirementType |
Java class for AttributeContentRequirementType.
AttributeDefinitionDelegator<T> |
AttributeFetchStrategyType |
Java class for AttributeFetchStrategyType.
AttributeStorageStrategyType |
Java class for AttributeStorageStrategyType.
AuditEventRecordCustomColumnPropertyType |
Field of custom column for audit resord table.
AuditEventRecordItemType |
AuditEventRecordListType |
Java class for AuditEventRecordListType complex type.
AuditEventRecordPropertyType |
AuditEventRecordReferenceType |
AuditEventRecordReferenceValueType |
AuditEventRecordType |
Audit event record describes a single event (usually data change) in a format suitable for audit.
AuditEventStageType |
Java class for AuditEventStageType.
AuditEventTypeType |
Java class for AuditEventTypeType.
AuthenticationBehavioralDataType |
Behavioral data about past authentications.
AuthenticationChannel |
AuthenticationEvaluator<T extends AbstractAuthenticationContext> |
AuthenticationEvaluatorUtil |
AuthenticationModuleNameConstants |
AuthenticationModulesType |
Definition of authentication modules that midPoint is aware about.
AuthenticationSequenceChannelType |
Channel specification for authentication sequence.
AuthenticationSequenceModuleNecessityType |
Java class for AuthenticationSequenceModuleNecessityType.
AuthenticationSequenceModuleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of authentication module in the sequence.
AuthenticationSequenceType |
Authentication sequence.
AuthenticationsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of the use of authentication mechanisms.
AuthModule |
AuthorizationDecisionType |
Java class for AuthorizationDecisionType.
AuthorizationEnforcementStrategyType |
Java class for AuthorizationEnforcementStrategyType.
AuthorizationException |
Exception indicating violation of authorization policies.
AuthorizationLimitationsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Limitations of this authorization when it is applied to other authorizations.
AuthorizationPhaseType |
Java class for AuthorizationPhaseType.
AuthorizationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Authorization define fine-grained access to midPoint objects and system functionality.
AutoassignMappingType |
Java class for AutoassignMappingType complex type.
AutoassignSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of role auto-assignment properties.
AutomatedCompletionReasonType |
Java class for AutomatedCompletionReasonType.
AutoScalingDefinitionType |
Defines how auto-scaling should be carried out.
AuxiliaryObjectClassesCapabilityType |
Describes capability to specify additional (auxiliary) object classes in addition to the
primary object class.
AvailabilityStatusType |
Java class for AvailabilityStatusType.
BackoffComputer |
BackoffComputer.NoMoreRetriesException |
BaseAuditImportExportOptions |
BaseImportExportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BaseOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BaseWorker<O,T> |
Base worker class that either produces or consumes BaseWorker object for/from queue.
BasicAuthenticationInterceptor |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BasicExportOptions |
BasicImportOptions |
BasicLightweightIdentifierGenerator |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
BeforeAfterType |
Java class for BeforeAfterType.
BeforeItemConditionType |
Condition controlling item report creation that is evaluated before the item is processed.
BehaviorType |
General-purpose behavioral data.
BoundarySpecificationType |
Specification of how string-based segments are delineated.
BucketingConstants |
Generally useful constants related to bucketing.
BucketingUtil |
Methods related to bucketing part of an activity state and activity distribution definition.
BucketManagementOperationStatisticsType |
Information about specific kind of work bucket management operation performance.
BucketProcessingRecordType |
Information about bucket completion or analysis to be recorded in buckets report.
BucketProgressOverviewType |
Information on buckets processing (for activity state overview).
BucketsDefinitionType |
Defines how buckets should be created.
BucketsProcessingReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on buckets processing.
BucketsProcessingRoleType |
Java class for BucketsProcessingRoleType.
BucketsProgressInformation |
Task progress counted in buckets.
BucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Defines the sampling of buckets.
BuildInformationType |
CacheConfiguration |
This is a "compiled" configuration for a cache.
CacheConfiguration.StatisticsLevel |
CacheConfigurationManager |
TODO consider better place for this component
CachedResourceBundleMessageSource |
Looking for resource bundle in compressed war and compressed libraries inside war is pretty expensive.
CacheInvalidationApproximationType |
Java class for CacheInvalidationApproximationType.
CacheInvalidationConfigurationType |
How is the cache invalidated? Currently applicable only to global repo cache objects.
CacheObjectTypeSettingsType |
Settings for a given cache and object type(s).
CachePerformanceCollector |
Temporary implementation.
CachePerformanceCollector.CacheData |
CachePerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints cache performance information.
CachePerformanceInformationUtil |
CacheSettingsType |
Settings for a given cache.
CachesPerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of various caches present in midPoint.
CachesStateInformationType |
Report on the state of midPoint caches.
CacheStatisticsClassificationType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsClassificationType.
CacheStatisticsCollectionStyleType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsCollectionStyleType.
CacheStatisticsConfigurationType |
Java class for CacheStatisticsConfigurationType.
CacheStatisticsReportingConfigurationType |
How cache statistics are collected and reported.
CacheType |
CacheUseCategoryTraceType |
Java class for CacheUseCategoryTraceType.
CacheUseTraceType |
Java class for CacheUseTraceType complex type.
CacheUtil |
CachingConfigurationType |
Profiles for various kind of caching.
CachingMetadataType |
Metadata that record when a cache copy was retrieved, the identifiers (etags) of that
copy and possibly also other data.
CachingPolicyType |
Definition of object attribute caching policies.
CachingProfileType |
Specific caching profile that can be used system-wide or for individual threads.
CachingStategyType |
Java class for CachingStategyType.
CachingStatistics |
CanonicalItemPath |
CapabilitiesType |
Collection of resource capabilities.
CapabilityCollectionType |
Collection of resource capabilities.
CapabilityType |
Abstract supertype for all (static schema) capabilities.
CapabilityUtil |
TODO naming: effective vs.
CaseCompletionEventType |
Event describing the completion of a workflow process instance.
CaseCreationEventType |
Event describing the creation of a workflow process instance.
CaseEventType |
Any event occurring during case lifetime that needs to be recorded, e.g.
CaseEventUtil |
CaseType |
CaseTypeUtil |
CaseWorkItemType |
A work item for a (generic) case.
CaseWorkItemUtil |
CertCampaignTypeUtil |
CertificationPolicyActionType |
ChangeExecutionDeltaOpNode |
ChangeExecutionVisualizer |
ChangeHook |
This applies to all changes, therefore it will "hook" into addObject, modifyObject
and also deleteObject.
ChangeType |
ChangeTypeType |
Java class for ChangeTypeType.
Channel |
Enumeration of built-in channels.
Channel.Migration |
Describes migration from (potentially) old channel URI to a current channel URI.
ChannelUtil |
CharacterClassType |
Definition of valid characters in class.
CheckedConsumer<T> |
Almost the same as Consumer but this one is Serializable and can throw CommonException.
CheckedFunction<T,R> |
Almost the same as Function but this one is Serializable and can throw CommonException.
CheckedProcessor<T,E extends Exception> |
CheckedProducer<T> |
Almost the same as Producer but this one can throw CommonException.
CheckedRunnable |
Almost the same as Runnable but this one can throw CommonException and is serializable.
CheckExpressionType |
Expression used to check the data and report a user-friendly message in case
that the check fails.
Checks |
CipherDataType |
Loosely based on XML encryption standard.
ClassicReportExportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a classic report export activity.
ClassicReportImportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a classic report import activity.
ClassLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from the code.
ClassLoggerLevelOverrideType |
Information how to override logging level for specified logger(s).
ClassPathUtil |
Various class path, class loading and class scanning utilities.
CleanupPoliciesType |
Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for various midPoint subsystems.
CleanupPolicyType |
Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for a specific subsystem or feature.
CleanupWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a cleanup activity.
Clock |
System-wide clock.
ClockworkClickOpNode |
ClockworkClickTraceType |
Trace for operation.
ClockworkClickVisualizer |
ClockworkExecutionVisualizer |
ClockworkInspector |
Interface used to intercept the ModelContext as it passes through the computation.
ClockworkRunOpNode |
ClockworkRunTraceType |
Trace for operation.
ClockworkTraceType |
Abstract trace for clockwork events.
Cloner<T> |
CloneStrategy |
CloneUtil |
ClusterStateType |
State of the cluster for the purposes of auto-scaling.
ClusterwideUserSessionManager |
Takes care for clusterwide user session management.
CollectionRefSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection (including reference to the collection).
CollectionSpecificationDepthType |
Java class for CollectionSpecificationDepthType.
CollectionSpecificationInterpretationType |
Java class for CollectionSpecificationInterpretationType.
CollectionSpecificationType |
Specification of an explicit or implicit object collection, without reference to the collection.
CollectionStats |
Stats (summary information) about a specific collection.
CollectionStatsPolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Constraints for collection stats (statistics).
CollectionStatsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Stats (statistics) setting and entries.
Command |
CommandLineExecutionMethod |
Java class for CommandLineExecutionMethod.
CommandLineScriptType |
Specifies a command to be executed on an operating system command-line.
CommonException |
Superclass for all common midPoint exceptions.
CommunicationException |
Generic communication exception.
CommunicationFaultType |
Generic communication error.
ComparativeFilter<T> |
CompareResultType |
CompiledDashboardType |
CompiledGuiProfile |
Compiled user profile.
CompiledObjectCollectionView |
CompiledShadowCollectionView |
CompiledTracingProfile |
CompleteWorkItemActionType |
ComplexTypeDefinition |
Provides a definition for a complex type, i.e.
ComplexTypeDefinitionDelegator |
ComponentSizeInformationType |
Report on structured object size.
CompositeRefinedObjectClassDefinition |
Used to represent combined definition of structural and auxiliary object classes.
CompositeRefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
Used to represent combined definition of structural and auxiliary object classes.
ConcurrencyException |
Exceptional concurrency state or operation invocation.
ConcurrencyFaultType |
Exceptional concurrency state or operation invocation.
ConditionalSearchFilterType |
A filter with an expression that denotes a necessary condition for the filter to be applied.
ConfigurableUserDashboardType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget.
ConfigurableVisitor<T extends Visitable<T>> |
Visitor with configurable behavior.
ConfigurationException |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ConfigurationException |
Configuration exception indicates that something is mis-configured.
ConfigurationFaultType |
Configuration exception indicates that something is mis-configured.
ConfigurationPropertiesType |
ConfirmationNotifierType |
ConflictResolutionActionType |
Java class for ConflictResolutionActionType.
ConflictResolutionType |
How to resolve write-write conflicts on focal objects, i.e.
ConnectionOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ConnectorConfigurationType |
Resource configuration (hostname, port, ...).
ConnectorFrameworkConfigurationType |
Java class for ConnectorFrameworkConfigurationType complex type.
ConnectorFrameworkType |
Java class for ConnectorFrameworkType complex type.
ConnectorHostType |
Host definition for remote connector, remote
connector framework or a remote "gateway".
ConnectorInstanceSpecificationType |
Complete specification of a connector instance with configuration and capabilities.
ConnectorOperationalStatus |
ConnectorPoolConfigurationType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF connector pools.
ConnectorSchema |
ConnectorSchemaImpl |
ConnectorTestOperation |
Enumeration of standardized test connection opration codes as they are presented in the OperationResult.
ConnectorType |
Description of a generic connector.
ConnectorTypeUtil |
ConnIdOperation |
ConnIdOperation.ConnIdOperationBuilder |
ConnIdOperationRecordType |
Information about a ConnId operation.
ConnIdOperationsReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on ConnId operations.
ConsistencyCheckScope |
Determines the scope of consistency checks.
ConstExpressionEvaluatorType |
ConstraintsCheckingStrategyType |
How constraints checking (for focus and projections) should be done.
ConstructionStrengthType |
Java class for ConstructionStrengthType.
ConstructionType |
Projection construction.
Containerable |
ContainerableResultHandler<C extends Containerable> |
Handles iterative processes that concern containerables.
ContainerDefinitionDelegator<C extends Containerable> |
ContainerDelta<V extends Containerable> |
ContainerPanelConfigurationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition for the panel which will be used on details panel.
ConvenienceMethod |
Converter |
ConverterInterface |
Copyable<T extends Copyable<T>> |
CountObjectsCapabilityType |
Ability to efficiently count objects.
CountObjectsSimulateType |
Java class for CountObjectsSimulateType.
CountOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
CountRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
CreateCapabilityType |
Describes create capability.
CredentialPolicyType |
Structure that specifies common elements to all the credential policies.
CredentialsCapabilityType |
Describes capability to present credentials in a structured way.
CredentialSourceType |
Source of a new credential value.
CredentialsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Credentials management policy.
CredentialsPropagationUserControlType |
Java class for CredentialsPropagationUserControlType.
CredentialsResetMethodType |
Specifies the method of resetting the credential.
CredentialsResetPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Credentials reset management policy.
CredentialsResetTypeType |
Java class for CredentialsResetTypeType.
CredentialsStorageMethodType |
Specifies the method of storing the credential in midPoint.
CredentialsStorageTypeType |
Java class for CredentialsStorageTypeType.
CredentialsType |
This is a container type for various credentials types: passwords, public keys, one-time password
scheme identifiers, etc.
CriticalityType |
Java class for CriticalityType.
CryptoUtil |
CsvFileFormatType |
CSV export type for Report.
CsvFormatting |
Formats data as CSV file.
CustomAsyncUpdateSourceType |
Custom message source provided by a Java class.
CustomNotifierType |
Java class for CustomNotifierType complex type.
CustomTransportConfigurationType |
DashboardLayoutType |
Specifies layout of a dashboard, such as the user dashboard (home screen)
or administration dashboard.
DashboardReportEngineConfigurationType |
Configuration of dashboard-based reports.
DashboardService |
DashboardType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Configuration Dasboard dashboard showing in GUI.
DashboardUtils |
DashboardWidget |
DashboardWidgetDataFieldType |
Properties of a specific widget data field.
DashboardWidgetDataFieldTypeType |
Java class for DashboardWidgetDataFieldTypeType.
DashboardWidgetDataType |
Specifies widget data source.
DashboardWidgetPresentationType |
Specifies widget presentation properties.
DashboardWidgetSourceTypeType |
Java class for DashboardWidgetSourceTypeType.
DashboardWidgetType |
Defines properties of a specific dashboard widget.
DashboardWidgetVariationType |
Conditional variation in the way how the widget is displayed.
Data |
Data to be displayed.
DataModelVisualizer |
DataModelVisualizer.Target |
DataProtectionType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Container which specify legal content for the role related to the GDPR.
DeadlineRoundingType |
Java class for DeadlineRoundingType.
DeadNodeCleanupPolicyType |
Cleanup policy for dead nodes.
DebugDumpable |
DebugUtil |
DebugUtil.LazilyDumpable |
DefaultApprovalPolicyRulesUsageType |
Java class for DefaultApprovalPolicyRulesUsageType.
DefaultVisualizer |
Definition |
DefinitionDelegator |
DefinitionFactory |
Factory for prism definitions (Definition and all its subtypes in prism-api).
DefinitionProcessingOption |
How should be definitions processed when object is to be retrieved.
DefinitionProcessingOptionType |
Java class for DefinitionProcessingOptionType.
DefinitionResolver<PD extends ItemDefinition,ID extends ItemDefinition> |
Resolves a definition in a parent.
DefinitionSearchContext<D extends Definition> |
DefinitionSearchImplementation |
DefinitionsStore |
DefinitionStoreUtils |
DefinitionSupplier |
DefinitionUtil |
DelegateWorkItemActionType |
DelegationWorkStateType |
State for a delegation (delegating) activity run.
DeleteActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "delete" action.
DeleteCapabilityType |
Describes delete capability.
DeleteOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DeleteRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DeleteRestAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DeletionWorkDefinitionType |
Deletes specified objects.
DeltaConversionOptions |
Options used when serializing deltas to "bean" form (ObjectDeltaType).
DeltaConvertor |
Converts between "XML" (i.e.
DeltaFactory |
TODO clean up these interfaces!
DeltaFactory.Container |
Deprecated. |
DeltaFactory.Object |
DeltaFactory.Property |
Deprecated. |
DeltaFactory.Reference |
Deprecated. |
DeltaMapTriple<K,V> |
DeltaSetTriple<T> |
The triple of values (added, unchanged, deleted) that represents difference between two collections of values.
DeltaSetTripleType |
DeltaSetTripleUtil |
DeltaSourceSpecificationType |
DeltaTriple<T> |
Utility class for keeping things in three: plus, zero and minus.
DeploymentInformationType |
Information about midPoint deployment: subscription information, deployment name,
description, color and so on.
DeputyUtils |
DetailsPageSaveMethodType |
Java class for DetailsPageSaveMethodType.
DiagnosticContext |
DiagnosticContextHolder |
DiagnosticContextManager |
DiagnosticInformationType |
A diagnostic information attached to an object.
DiagramElementFormType |
DiagramElementInclusionType |
DictionaryExpander |
Expands object references (from pointers to dictionary to full objects).
DiffUtil |
DigestMethodType |
JAXB representation of DigestMethodType.
DirectionElementsType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specific elements for export/import.
DirectionTypeType |
Java class for DirectionTypeType.
DisableActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "disable" action.
DisplayableValue<T> |
DisplayType |
Java class for DisplayType complex type.
DisplayValueType |
Java class for DisplayValueType.
DistinctSearchOptionType |
Java class for DistinctSearchOptionType.
DistributedReportExportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a distributed report export activity.
DomAsserts |
DomAwareEqualsStrategy |
Strategy for equals() methods used in JAXB generated code.
DomAwareHashCodeStrategy |
Strategy for hashCode() methods used in JAXB generated code.
DomElementVisitor |
DOMUtil |
DOMUtilSettings |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
DomVisitorUtil |
DummyNotifierType |
DummyOperationImpl |
A no-op implementation of Operation used when there's nowhere to record the execution to.
DynamicNamespacePrefixMapper |
Maps namespaces to preferred prefixes.
EditTraceAction |
EditTraceOptions |
EmptyType |
Type that contains nothing.
EnableActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "enable" action.
EncryptedDataType |
Contains data protected by (reversible) encryption.
EncryptionException |
EncryptionMethodType |
Loosely based on XML encryption standard.
EnforcementPolicyActionType |
Enforcement action.
EntryType |
Java class for EntryType complex type.
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformation |
Thread safety: Instances of this class may be accessed from more than one thread at once.
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformationType |
Statistics related to performance and state of external environment, namely provisioning via connectors,
mappings (as these might contain code that invokes external systems), and notifications.
EqualFilter<T> |
EquivalenceStrategy |
A strategy used to determine equivalence of prism items and values.
ErrorCategoryType |
Java class for ErrorCategoryType.
ErrorReactionType |
What should a task do when an error of given type is encountered?
Only some combinations of values are allowed: ignore (+ stopAfter),
retryLater (+ stopAfter), stop.
ErrorSelectorType |
Selects error categories, e.g.
ErrorSituationSelectorType |
Description of an error condition to act on.
EscalateWorkItemActionType |
EvaluatedAlwaysTrueTrigger |
EvaluatedAssignment<AH extends AssignmentHolderType> |
EvaluatedAssignmentTarget |
EvaluatedCollectionStatsTrigger |
EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedCompositeTrigger |
EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedExclusionTrigger |
EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedHasAssignmentTrigger |
EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedModificationTrigger |
EvaluatedModificationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedModificationTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedMultiplicityTrigger |
EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedOrphanedTrigger |
EvaluatedPolicyRule |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleTrigger<CT extends AbstractPolicyConstraintType> |
Description of a situation that caused a trigger of the policy rule.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleType complex type.
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData |
Arranges externalized triggers into trees according to presentation instructions (hidden, final, displayOrder).
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalFilter<AD extends EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData> |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AugmentedTrigger<AD extends EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.AdditionalData> |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleUtil.MessageKind |
EvaluatedResourceObjectConstruction |
Facade interface that provides insight about construction that was evaluated by projector code.
EvaluatedSituationTrigger |
EvaluatedSituationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedSituationTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedStateTrigger |
EvaluatedStateTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedStateTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedTimeValidityTrigger |
EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType complex type.
EvaluatedTransitionTrigger |
EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType complex type.
EvaluationOrder |
EvaluationTimeType |
Java class for EvaluationTimeType.
EventCategoryType |
Java class for EventCategoryType.
EventHandler<T extends Containerable> |
Set of callback methods used to convey information from the validator to the "working" code.
EventHandlerType |
An event handler.
EventOperationType |
Java class for EventOperationType.
EventResult |
EventResult.EventResultStatus |
EventStatusType |
Java class for EventStatusType.
ExceptionUtil |
ExclusionPolicyConstraintType |
Container that defines exclusion of entities (e.g.
ExecuteChangesResponseType |
A response from executeChanges operation.
ExecuteChangesType |
A request for executeChanges operation.
ExecuteCredentialResetRequestType |
Java class for ExecuteCredentialResetRequestType complex type.
ExecuteCredentialResetResponseType |
Java class for ExecuteCredentialResetResponseType complex type.
ExecuteScriptActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "execute-script" action.
ExecuteScriptOutputType |
Output of a single script execution.
ExecuteScriptResponseType |
Result of a single script execution.
ExecuteScriptsOptionsType |
Java class for ExecuteScriptsOptionsType complex type.
ExecuteScriptsResponseType |
A response from executeScripts operation.
ExecuteScriptsType |
A request for executeScripts operation.
ExecuteScriptType |
Java class for ExecuteScriptType complex type.
ExecuteScriptUtil |
ExecutionModeType |
Java class for ExecutionModeType.
ExistsFilter |
Experimental |
Marks experimental code.
ExplicitWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that explicitly enumerates the buckets.
ExponentialBackoffComputer |
ExportAuditConsumerWorker |
Consumer writing exported audit events to the writer (stdout or file).
ExportAuditOptions |
ExportAuditProducerWorker |
Producer worker for audit export operation.
ExportAuditRepositoryAction |
ExportConsumerWorker |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ExportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ExportRepositoryAction |
Ninja action realizing "export" command.
ExportRestAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ExpressionConstants |
Constants for all names of the variables in the system.
ExpressionEvaluationException |
Error during evaluation of expression.
ExpressionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for expression evaluation operation.
ExpressionEvaluatorProfile |
ExpressionEvaluatorProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of specific expression evaluators.
ExpressionEvaluatorWrapperType |
Wrapper for expression evaluator.
ExpressionParameterType |
Describes input parameters to the expression.
ExpressionPermissionClassProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a specific class.
ExpressionPermissionMethodProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a specific method.
ExpressionPermissionPackageProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for a package.
ExpressionPermissionProfile |
Compiled expression permission profile.
ExpressionPermissionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions and permissions for various evaluators, especially for
scripting expressions.
ExpressionPipelineType |
Pipeline of expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the pipeline as a whole is sent to the first expression.
ExpressionProfile |
NOTE: This is pretty much throw-away implementation.
ExpressionProfiles |
ExpressionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of expressions and scripts.
ExpressionReturnMultiplicityType |
Java class for ExpressionReturnMultiplicityType.
ExpressionSequenceType |
Sequence of command expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the sequence as a whole is then sent individually
to each expression.
ExpressionSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping source during evaluation.
ExpressionType |
ExpressionVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a variable.
ExpressionWrapper |
Contains the expression that can be part of e.g.
Extension |
Java class for extension complex type.
ExtensionType |
Place for non-standard object properties.
FailableFunction<T,R> |
FailableProcessor<T> |
FailableProducer<T> |
Almost the same as java.util.function.Supplier, but this one is Serializable.
FailableRunnable |
Used mostly in tests to simplify error handling.
FailedObjectsSelectionMethodType |
Java class for FailedObjectsSelectionMethodType.
FailedObjectsSelectorType |
Selects objects that were failed to be processed in previous activity run(s).
FailedOperationTypeType |
Java class for FailedOperationTypeType.
FaultMessage |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.4
Generated source version: 3.4.4
FaultType |
Java class for FaultType complex type.
FeedbackMessagesHookType |
Java class for FeedbackMessagesHookType complex type.
FetchErrorHandlingType |
How should be errors during object fetch process handled and reported.
FetchErrorReportingMethodType |
Java class for FetchErrorReportingMethodType.
FileAppenderConfigurationType |
Java class for FileAppenderConfigurationType complex type.
FileConfigurationType |
Where and how to store "file" notifications.
FileFormatConfigurationType |
Export configuration.
FileFormatTypeType |
Java class for FileFormatTypeType.
FileReference |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
FileReferenceConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
FilterClauseType |
Java class for FilterType complex type.
FilterContentExpressionType |
Keeps/removes selected items from the input value.
FilterCreationUtil |
TODO decide what to do with this
FilterExpressionType |
Filters input on a given condition.
FilterUtil |
FilterWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined explicitly by a filter.
FindShadowOwnerResponseType |
A response from findShadowOwner operation.
FindShadowOwnerType |
A request for findShadowOwner operation.
FocalAutoassignSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Specification of role auto-assignment properties.
FocusChangeExecutionOpNode |
FocusLoadedTraceType |
Information about focus being loaded.
FocusLoadVisualizer |
FocusPolicyRulesOpNode |
FocusRepositoryLoadOpNode |
FocusType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of full midPoint computation.
FocusTypeUtil |
FocusValidityScanWorkDefinitionType |
Executes validity scan on focal objects.
Foreachable<T> |
ForeachExpressionType |
Executes a given command individually for each item arriving at the input.
Formatting |
Describes formatting at abstract level.
FormattingUtil |
FormAuthorizationType |
Setting that influence how authorizations are used to display
and evaluate the form.
FormDefinitionType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This part defines the actual form presentation and layout.
FormDisplayType |
Java class for FormDisplayType complex type.
FormFieldGroupType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A group of fields.
FormFieldType |
A single form field.
FormItemClientValidationType |
javascript stuff, we replace ${this} with proper input id, probably
some jQuery black magic
TODO: add event type attribute to client element for this validator
FormItemDisplayType |
Java class for FormItemDisplayType complex type.
FormItemServerValidationType |
Server-side validation rules.
FormItemsType |
Java class for FormItemsType complex type.
FormItemValidationType |
Validation rules for the item.
FormSpecificationType |
Specifies a form using several different methods, e.g.
FormType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Form definition.
FormTypeUtil |
Freezable |
Something that can be made immutable.
FullProjectionLoadOpNode |
FullProjectionLoadVisualizer |
FullShadowLoadedTraceType |
Information about full shadow being loaded.
FullTextFilter |
FullTextSearchConfigurationType |
Configuration of the full text search feature.
FullTextSearchIndexedItemsConfigurationType |
What items to index.
FullTextSearchUtil |
FunctionExpressionEvaluatorType |
Evaluates custom defined functions from Function Library
FunctionLibraryType |
Define reusable functions
GeneralChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for GeneralChangeProcessor.
GeneralChangeProcessorScenarioType |
A scenario for GeneralChangeProcessor.
GeneralNotifierType |
Java class for GeneralNotifierType complex type.
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorModeType |
Java class for GenerateExpressionEvaluatorModeType.
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generate value according to a policy that is associated with the property/attribute.
GenerateValueActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "generate-values" action.
GenericObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Generic object for storing unknown (unexpected) object types.
GenericPcpAspectConfigurationType |
A generic configuration for a wf aspect.
GenericStatisticsData |
GenericTraceVisualizationType |
Java class for GenericTraceVisualizationType.
GetObjectResponseType |
A response from getObject operation.
GetObjectType |
A request for getObject operation.
GetOperationOptions |
GetOperationOptionsBuilder |
GetOperationOptionsBuilder.Query |
GetOperationOptionsBuilderImpl |
GetOperationOptionsType |
See GetOperationOptions for a description.
GetOperationOptionsUtil |
Utilities related to GetOperationOptions and their externalized ("bean") representation.
GlobalDefinitionSearchContext<D extends Definition> |
GlobalDefinitionsStore |
FIXME Creation of this interface was most probably a design mistake.
GlobalPolicyRuleType |
Policy rule for use in global configuration.
GreaterFilter<T> |
GroupExpansionType |
Java class for GroupExpansionType.
GuiActionType |
Actions are special things that can be done with particular object or list of objects.
GuiExportSettingsType |
Specifies the settings for GUI object export.
GuiFlexibleLabelType |
Flexible configurable label.
GuiObjectColumnType |
Configuration of the object list column.
GuiObjectDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
GuiObjectDetailsSetType |
Specifies the set of default forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, ...
GuiObjectListPanelConfigurationType |
Specifies the configuration of a generic table listing various things (usually objects).
GuiObjectListViewAdditionalPanelsType |
Configuration of additional panels that can be present in some view types.
GuiObjectListViewsType |
Specifies the set of pages that are used for displaying lists of objects
such as Users, Roles, Orgs, ...
GuiObjectListViewType |
Specifies the page used to list specific object type or object collection.
GuiProfileCompilable |
GuiProfileCompilerRegistry |
GuiProfiledPrincipal |
Principal that extends simple MidPointPrincipal with user interface concepts (user profile).
GuiProfiledPrincipalManager |
GuiShadowDetailsPageType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
GuiShadowListViewType |
List pages for shadows.
Hacks |
Handler<T> |
HasAssignmentPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers when the focus has given assignment(s).
HashedDataType |
JAXB representation of HashedDataType.
HeteroComparator<A,B> |
HierarchicalDefinitionsStore |
Histogram<T> |
HistogramEntry<T> |
Holder<T> |
Very simple object to hold a single value.
HookListType |
HookOperationMode |
HookRegistry |
HookType |
HtmlFileFormatType |
HTML export type for Report.
HttpBasicAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of HTTP BASIC authentication module (RFC 7617).
HttpHeaderAuthenticationModuleType |
Pseudo-authentication for pre-authenticated users.
HttpMethodType |
Java class for HttpMethodType.
HttpSecQAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of HTTP SecQ module.
HumanReadableDescribable |
Object that can provide short, human-readable description.
IconType |
User interface icon specification.
IdempotenceType |
Java class for IdempotenceType.
IdentifierPathSegment |
Denotes identifier of the object or container (i.e.
IdItemPathSegment |
IgnoreErrorReactionType |
Error should be ignored and the processing should continue.
IllegalArgumentFaultType |
Argument provided to the operation is illegal.
ImplicitWorkSegmentationType |
A segmentation strategy that is interpreted by the specific activity run.
ImportAuditConsumerWorker |
Consumer importing audit events to the database.
ImportAuditOptions |
ImportAuditRepositoryAction |
Action for importing audit event records to the repository.
ImportFromResourceResponseType |
A response from importFromResource operation.
ImportFromResourceType |
A request for importFromResource operation.
ImportOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportOptionsType |
The options for import tasks.
ImportProducerWorker<T extends Containerable> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportRepositoryConsumerWorker |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportRestAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ImportWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for an import activity.
InapplicableOperationFaultType |
Operation cannot be applied to the object.
IncompleteMarkerXNode |
This is a marker that a given prism item is incomplete.
IndestructibilityViolationException |
IndirectSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for indirect search item.
InformationPartType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually.
InformationType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually
InfrastructureConfigurationType |
Technical (infrastructure) configuration of midPoint deployment.
InOidFilter |
TODO create a better name for this filter
IntegerStatType |
Integer stat (statistic) entry.
InternalCounters |
InternalInspector |
InternalMonitor |
Simple monitoring object.
InternalOperationClasses |
InternalOperationRecordFastFilterType |
"Fast filter" that can reject a raw operation result.
InternalOperationRecordType |
Information about a midPoint internal operation.
InternalOperationsReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on internal operations.
InternalsConfig |
InternalsConfigController |
InternalsConfigurationType |
Various internals configuration elements.
Issue |
Issue.Severity |
Item<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Item is a common abstraction of Property, Reference and Container.
Itemable |
Interface for objects that behave like an item: they have a name and may have a definition.
ItemCollectionsUtil |
ItemConsolidationOpNode |
ItemConsolidationTraceType |
Trace for item consolidation.
ItemConstraintType |
Definition of a property constraints.
ItemDefinition<I extends Item> |
ItemDefinitionDelegator<I extends Item<?,?>> |
ItemDefinitionTestAccess |
Deprecated. |
ItemDefinitionTransformer |
ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableItem |
ItemDefinitionTransformer.TransformableValue |
ItemDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
Item Delta describes a change of an item which is a property, container or a reference.
ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil |
ItemDeltaItem<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
A class defining old item state (before change), delta (change) and new item state (after change).
ItemDeltaItemType |
ItemDeltaType |
ItemDeltaUtil |
ItemDeltaValidator<V extends PrismValue> |
ItemDiagramSpecification |
ItemFactory |
Factory for items (property, reference, container, object) and item values.
ItemFilter |
ItemMergeConfigurationType |
ItemName |
ItemNameQualificationStrategy |
ItemPath |
General interface to ItemPath objects.
ItemPath.CompareResult |
ItemPathCollectionsUtil |
Methods that operate on path collections.
ItemPathComparatorUtil |
ItemPathImpl |
ItemPathParser |
ItemPathSegment |
ItemPathType |
Defines a type for XPath-like item pointer.
ItemPathTypeUtil |
ItemPersistenceType |
Java class for ItemPersistenceType.
ItemProcessing |
ItemProcessing |
Maintains information on processing of a given item: a resource object (for tasks like import or reconciliation),
a repository object (e.g.
ItemProcessingOutcomeType |
Java class for ItemProcessingOutcomeType.
ItemProcessingRecordType |
Information about item processing to be recorded in items report.
ItemProcessingType |
Java class for ItemProcessingType.
ItemRefinedDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ItemRefMergeConfigurationType |
ItemRelatedRecordType |
Columns common to all specific item-related reports (like ConnId operations, internal operations, etc).
ItemReportingConditionType |
Condition controlling item report creation or collection that is evaluated before or after item is processed.
ItemsProcessingReportDefinitionType |
Defines report on items processing.
ItemsProgressInformation |
Task progress counted in items.
ItemsProgressOverviewType |
Information on items processing (for activity state overview).
ItemType |
ItemUtil |
IterationItemInformation |
TODO better name
IterationMethodType |
Java class for IterationMethodType.
IterationSpecificationType |
Definition of iteration properties for a resource account or other resource objects.
IterativeChangeExecutionWorkDefinitionType |
Executes specified changes on specified objects.
IterativeOperationStartInfo |
Represents data about iterative operation that starts.
IterativeScriptingWorkDefinitionType |
Executes a script (a.k.a.
JavaTypeConverter |
Generic universal type converter.
JaxbDomHack |
JAXBUtil |
JaxbVisitable |
Represents visitable JAXB bean.
JaxbVisitor |
Represents visitor of generated JAXB beans.
JmsMessageType |
Representation of JMS message.
JmsProvisioningTargetType |
JMS asynchronous provisioning target.
JmsSourceType |
JMS client configuration
JmsTextMessageType |
Representation of JMS text message.
JsonAsyncProvisioningRequest |
A simplified representation of a requested asynchronous provisioning operation.
JsonAsyncProvisioningRequest.DeltaValues |
Simple representation of an ItemDelta: contains collections of real values being
KeyInfoType |
Loosely based on XML digital signature standard.
KeyStoreBasedProtector |
TODO add other relevant methods here
KeyStoreBasedProtectorBuilder |
Builder for KeyStoreBasedProtector implementation.
KeyValueTreeNode<K,V> |
LabeledString |
A free-form string value with a label.
LayerRefinedAttributeDefinition<T> |
LayerRefinedAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
LayerRefinedObjectClassDefinition |
LayerRefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
LayerRefinedResourceSchema |
LayerRefinedResourceSchemaImpl |
LayerType |
Java class for LayerType.
LdapAuthenticationModuleType |
LDAP authentication module supports authentication via LDAP server.
LdapSearchAuthenticationModuleType |
Search configuration which uses an Ldap filter to locate the user
LegacyApproversSpecificationUsageType |
Java class for LegacyApproversSpecificationUsageType.
LegacyTaskInformation |
LegacyValidationMessage |
LEGACY: This is all very old code.
LegacyValidationMessage.Type |
LegacyValidator<T extends Containerable> |
Class to validate (and possible transform) large sets of objects.
LegacyWorkDefinitionSource |
LensContextSequencesType |
Values of sequences used in the computation.
LensContextSequenceValueType |
Value of a sequence used in the computation.
LensContextStatsType |
Java class for LensContextStatsType complex type.
LensContextType |
A serialization of model context, i.e.
LensElementContextType |
LensFocusContextType |
LensObjectDeltaOperationType |
LensProjectionContextType |
LessFilter<T> |
LevelEvaluationStrategyType |
Java class for LevelEvaluationStrategyType.
LevelOverrideTurboFilter |
Overrides logging level for given loggers, based on thread-specific configuration.
LifecycleStateActionDataReductionType |
Action that reduces (purges) object data.
LifecycleStateActionType |
LifecycleStateModelType |
Specification of lifecycle states and state transitions.
LifecycleStateTransitionType |
Specification of lifecycle state transition.
LifecycleStateType |
Specification of lifecycle state.
LifecycleUtil |
LimitationsType |
Definition of complexity and string policy
LinearBackoffComputer |
LinkChangeSituationType |
Java class for LinkChangeSituationType.
LinkedObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among linked ones (for this object).
LinkSourceObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among linked sources (for this object).
LinkTargetObjectSelectorType |
Selects objects among link targets (for this object).
LinkTypeDefinitionsType |
Definitions of link types for objects having this archetype.
LinkTypeDefinitionType |
Definitions of a link type.
LinkUnlinkShadowOpNode |
ListKeysOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ListKeysRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ListXNode |
LiveSyncCapabilityType |
Describes capability to detect changes in almost real time (live synchronization).
LiveSyncWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for a live sync activity.
LiveSyncWorkStateType |
State of the live sync activity.
LocalDefinitionStore |
Used to retrieve definition from 'local definition store' - i.e.
LocalizableMessage |
LocalizableMessageArgumentType |
Argument that is to be used for localized message parameter.
LocalizableMessageBuilder |
LocalizableMessageList |
This class is final and must remain so, as it's not cloneable.
LocalizableMessageListBuilder |
LocalizableMessageListType |
List of localizable messages, to be presented as a single message.
LocalizableMessageTemplateType |
A template that produces a localizable message after argument expressions are evaluated into specific arguments.
LocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
LocalizationMessageSource |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LocalizationService |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LocalizationServiceImpl |
LocalizationTestUtil |
For use in tests ONLY.
LocalizationUtil |
LockoutStatusType |
Java class for LockoutStatusType.
Log |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LogActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "log" action.
LogbackPropertyDefiner |
It was simply not possible to provide an empty default value for logback property.
LogbackPropertyDefinerForTimezone |
LogFileContentType |
Java class for LogFileContentType complex type.
LoggedEvent |
LoggingAuditingConfigurationType |
Auditing configuration for auditing by using the logging subsystem.
LoggingComponentType |
Java class for LoggingComponentType.
LoggingConfigurationManager |
LoggingConfigurationType |
Configuration of logging levels, categories, log
files, etc.
LoggingEventSink |
LoggingInterceptor |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LoggingLevelOverrideConfiguration |
LoggingLevelOverrideConfiguration.Entry |
LoggingLevelType |
Java class for LoggingLevelType.
LoggingOverrideType |
Information how to override logging configuration.
LoggingSchemaUtil |
LoggingUtils |
LogicalFilter |
LogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for LogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
LogicalSymbol |
LoginEventType |
Java class for LoginEventType complex type.
LogInfo |
LoginFormAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of "login form" module.
LogSegmentType |
Segment of the logfile.
LogTarget |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
LookupTableRowType |
Data structure that represents entire content of the lookup table, organized into table rows.
LookupTableType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
An object that represents lookup table.
MailAuthenticationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
MailConfigurationType |
Where and how to send mail notifications (or any other mail messages).
MailNonceAuthenticationModuleType |
Mail nonce authentication module.
MailResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
MailServerConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular mail server host.
MailTransportSecurityType |
Java class for MailTransportSecurityType.
Main |
MaintenanceException |
May happen in case that resource is administratively set to maintenance mode.
ManagerSearchType |
ManualProvisioningContextType |
Describes the context of the manual provisioning request that is represented by a case.
Mapping<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
MappingEvaluationOpNode |
MappingEvaluationOptionsType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationOptionsType complex type.
MappingEvaluationRequestType |
TODO ...
MappingEvaluationResponseType |
TODO ...
MappingEvaluationSourceContextType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationSourceContextType complex type.
MappingEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for mapping evaluation operation.
MappingEvaluationVariableType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationVariableType complex type.
MappingEvaluationVisualizer |
MappingKindType |
Java class for MappingKindType.
MappingSourceEvaluationTraceType |
Information about mapping source during evaluation.
MappingSourceType |
Java class for MappingSourceType complex type.
MappingSpecificationType |
See Axiom.
MappingsStatisticsEntryType |
MappingsStatisticsKey |
MappingsStatisticsType |
MappingStatePropertiesType |
Mapping state properties after evaluation.
MappingStatePropertyType |
Mapping state property.
MappingStatisticsCollector |
MappingStrengthType |
Java class for MappingStrengthType.
MappingsType |
Generic set of mappings.
MappingTimeDeclarationType |
Specification of time-based mapping constraints.
MappingTimeValidityEvaluationOpNode |
MappingTransformationType |
Informs that the value was provided by a mapping (and how exactly).
MappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for regular data mappings.
MappingUtil |
MapXNode |
Note we cannot use "extends Map" here, because in that case we would have to declare XNodeImpl as map value parameter.
Matchable<T extends Matchable<T>> |
MatchingRule<T> |
Interface for generic matching rules.
MatchingRuleRegistry |
MDCLevelTurboFilter |
This class allow output for given MDC value and given level
implments logback turbofilter feature
MemoryDiagnosticsConfigurationType |
Configuration of memory diagnostics features.
MergeConfigurationType |
Configuration that specifies automatic merging of two objects.
MergeDeltas<O extends ObjectType> |
MergeStrategyType |
Java class for MergeStrategyType.
MessageDeliveryMode |
Java class for MessageDeliveryMode.
MessagePropertyType |
Message property (key-value pair).
MessageWrapper |
Provides basic message-manipulation methods to be used in scripts (typically, async update transformation scripts).
MetadataAware |
Some XNodes can hold value metadata.
MetadataHandlingType |
Defines handling of a metadata items.
MetadataItemDefinitionType |
Description of the metadata item handling details, such as (TODO)
MetadataItemProcessingSpec |
Provides information about processing of given metadata item (e.g.
MetadataMappingScopeType |
Java class for MetadataMappingScopeType.
MetadataMappingType |
Specialization of abstract mapping for metadata mappings.
MetadataProcessingApplicabilitySpecificationType |
In what situations should be this mapping template applied?
MetadataProcessingItemApplicabilitySpecificationType |
Selection of items to include/exclude when applying given metadata processing.
MetadataRecordingStrategyType |
How object metadata should be recorded or updated.
MetadataType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Meta-data about data creation, modification, etc.
MethodUsageStatistics |
This class provides functionality as a holder for method performance statistics.
MidpointAbstractProvider<T> |
MidpointAuthentication |
MidpointConfiguration |
MidPointConstants |
MidpointDirContextAdapter |
MidpointFunctions |
MidpointFunctions.TriggerCustomizer |
MidpointInterceptor |
In this class, we define some Pointcuts in AOP meaning that will provide join points for most common
methods used in main midPoint subsystems.
MidpointJsonProvider<T> |
MidpointOriginMetadata |
MidpointParsingMigrator |
MidpointPointcut |
MidPointPrismContextFactory |
MidpointProvenanceEquivalenceStrategy |
Used to compare metadata from the provenance point of view.
MidPointSchemaDefinitionFactory |
MidpointValueMetadataFactory |
MidpointXmlProvider<T> |
MidpointYamlProvider<T> |
MiscSchemaUtil |
MiscUtil |
MiscUtil.ExceptionSupplier<E> |
MisfireActionType |
Java class for MisfireActionType.
ModelAuditRecorder |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ModelAuditService |
ModelAuthorizationAction |
ModelCompareOptions |
Options to be used for compareObject calls.
ModelCompareOptionsType |
ModelContext<F extends ObjectType> |
ModelContextUtil |
ModelDiagnosticService |
A service provided by the IDM Model focused on system diagnostic.
ModelElementContext<O extends ObjectType> |
ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType |
Trace for model's delta execution.
ModelExecuteOptions |
Options for execution of Model operations.
ModelExecuteOptionsType |
Options for execution of Model operations.
ModelHooksType |
ModelInteractionService |
A service provided by the IDM Model that allows to improve the (user) interaction with the model.
ModelInteractionService.SearchSpec<C extends Containerable> |
ModelPortImpl |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.4
Generated source version: 3.4.4
ModelPortType |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.4
Generated source version: 3.4.4
ModelProjectionContext |
ModelPublicConstants |
Model constants referenced from the outside.
ModelService |
IDM Model Interface
ModelService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.4.4
Generated source version: 3.4.4
ModelState |
ModelStateType |
Java class for ModelStateType.
ModificationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule on object modification, addition or deletion.
ModificationType |
ModificationTypeType |
Java class for ModificationTypeType.
ModifyActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "modify" action.
ModuleAuthentication |
ModuleSaml2KeyStoreKeyType |
SAML2 simple key.
ModuleSaml2KeyTypeType |
Java class for ModuleSaml2KeyTypeType.
ModuleSaml2SimpleKeyType |
SAML2 key from key store.
ModuleType |
ModuleWebSecurityConfiguration |
MonitoredOperationsStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operations.
MonitoredOperationStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operation.
MonitoredOperationType |
Java class for MonitoredOperationType.
MultiplicityPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint on multiplicity of assigned objects.
MultiPropagationWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the multi-propagation activity.
MutableComplexTypeDefinition |
MutableDefinition |
MutableItemDefinition<I extends Item> |
MutableObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition |
MutablePrismContainerDefinition<C extends Containerable> |
MutablePrismObjectDefinition<O extends Objectable> |
MutablePrismPropertyDefinition<T> |
MutablePrismReferenceDefinition |
MutablePrismSchema |
MutableResourceAttributeDefinition<T> |
MutableResourceSchema |
MutableTypeDefinition |
Name |
Name of a scene or a scene item.
NamedValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container) along with its name.
NameItemPathSegment |
NaryLogicalFilter |
NAryLogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for NAryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
NetworkUtil |
NinjaContext |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NinjaException |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NinjaUtils |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
NodeAuthenticationEvaluator |
NodeErrorStateType |
Java class for NodeErrorStateType.
NodeExecutionStateType |
Java class for NodeExecutionStateType.
NodeOperationalStateType |
Java class for NodeOperationalStateType.
NodeType |
Node describes a single installation of midPoint.
NoFocusNameSchemaException |
Specific kind of SchemaException.
NonceAuthenticationContext |
NonceCredentialsPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for nonce management.
NonceType |
Java class for NonceType complex type.
NoneFilter |
NonIterativeChangeExecutionWorkDefinitionType |
Executes specified changes.
NonIterativeScriptingWorkDefinitionType |
Executes a script (a.k.a.
NoOpActivityStepInterruptibilityType |
Java class for NoOpActivityStepInterruptibilityType.
NoOpWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for a no-op activity.
NotFilter |
NotificationConfigurationType |
A configuration for user notifications.
NotificationMessageAttachmentType |
Message attachment for notifications.
NotificationMessageType |
XML version of Message (in notifications module).
NotificationPolicyActionType |
NotificationsStatisticsEntryType |
NotificationsStatisticsKey |
NotificationsStatisticsType |
NotificationStatisticsCollector |
NotificationTransportConfigurationType |
Configuration that is common to all notification transports.
NotifyActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "notify" action.
NotifyChangeResponseType |
A response from notifyChange operation.
NotifyChangeType |
A request for notifyChange operation.
NullWorkBucketContentType |
"Null" work bucket content: does not restrict the query in any way.
NumericIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as a interval of numeric values of discriminator item.
NumericWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space (represented by an interval of numeric
values) into a number of work buckets.
Objectable |
ObjectAccessFaultType |
ObjectActionsExecutedEntryType |
Actions executed on a given object type, with given operation (change type) and via given channel.
ObjectAlreadyExistsException |
Object already exists.
ObjectAlreadyExistsFaultType |
Object with specified criteria (OID) already exists in the
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition |
Describes a resource object class.
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinitionImpl |
ObjectClassTypeDefinitionDelegator |
ObjectCollectionReportEngineConfigurationType |
Configuration of object collection-based reports.
ObjectCollectionsUseType |
Specifies a set of object collections ("views") to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
ObjectCollectionType |
Object collection specification.
ObjectCollectionUseType |
Specifies how a specific collection ("view") is to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
ObjectDefinitionDelegator<O extends Objectable> |
ObjectDelta<O extends Objectable> |
Relative difference (delta) of the object.
ObjectDelta.FactorOutResultMulti<T extends Objectable> |
ObjectDelta.FactorOutResultSingle<T extends Objectable> |
ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil |
ObjectDeltaListType |
List of object deltas.
ObjectDeltaObject<O extends Objectable> |
A class defining old object state (before change), delta (change) and new object state (after change).
ObjectDeltaObjectType |
ObjectDeltaOperation<O extends ObjectType> |
ObjectDeltaOperationListType |
List of object delta operations (deltas + operation results).
ObjectDeltaOperationType |
ObjectDeltaSchemaLevelUtil |
The name is a bit ridiculous but we need to distinguish it from ObjectDeltaUtil in prism module.
ObjectDeltaSchemaLevelUtil.NameResolver |
ObjectDeltaType |
Describes a change of a specific object.
ObjectDeltaType.ObjectToAdd |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectDeltaUtil |
ObjectDeltaWavesType |
Java class for ObjectDeltaWavesType complex type.
ObjectDeltaWaveType |
ObjectFactory |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.api_types_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.audit_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.fault_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.connector.icf_1.connector_schema_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.connector.icf_1.resource_schema_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.model_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.scripting_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.resource.capabilities_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.annotation_2 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.query_3 package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3 package.
ObjectFilter |
ObjectFormatter |
ObjectFormsType |
Specifies the set of forms that are used for displaying and
editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, ...
ObjectFormType |
Specifies form that are used for displaying and
editing of specific object type
ObjectGrouping |
ObjectHandler<T> |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle arbitrary objects (not always PrismObject instances),
typically - but not necessarily - coming from iterative search operation.
ObjectIntegrityCheckWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for object integrity check activity.
ObjectListType |
Java class for ObjectListType complex type.
ObjectModificationType |
Describes a change of attributes of a specific object.
ObjectNotFoundException |
Object with specified criteria (OID) has not been found in the repository.
ObjectNotFoundFaultType |
Object with specified criteria (OID) has not been found in the
ObjectOperationOption |
ObjectOrdering |
ObjectPaging |
ObjectPolicyConfigurationType |
Definition of policy for a specific object type.
ObjectQuery |
ObjectQueryUtil |
ObjectReferencePathSegment |
Denotes referenced object, like "assignment/targetRef/@/name" (name of assignment's target object)
ObjectReferenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Reference to an object.
ObjectReferenceType |
TODO update this class by adding missing features (targetName, oid, type, relation).
ObjectReferenceType.Filter |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectResultHandler |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle iterative results.
Objects |
Object list, to be used in import files and
ObjectSearchStrategyType |
Java class for ObjectSearchStrategyType.
ObjectSelector |
ObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
ObjectSetBasedWorkDefinitionType |
A definition that applies to a set of repository objects.
ObjectSetType |
Specifies a set of repository objects to be processed.
ObjectSetUtil |
ObjectSynchronizationDiscriminatorType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
ObjectSynchronizationSorterType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
ObjectSynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
specific type of object, e.g.
ObjectTemplateItemDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ObjectTemplateMappingEvaluationPhaseType |
Java class for ObjectTemplateMappingEvaluationPhaseType.
ObjectTemplateMappingType |
Java class for ObjectTemplateMappingType complex type.
ObjectTemplateType |
TODO: update
The user template used to create new users.
ObjectTreeDeltas<T extends ObjectType> |
Structure that contains all primary changes requested: from focus as well as from projections.
ObjectTreeDeltasType |
Container for ChangesRequested (focus primary delta and/or projection primary deltas).
ObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Common supertype for all identity objects.
ObjectType |
ObjectTypes |
ObjectTypes.ObjectManager |
ObjectTypesConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ObjectTypeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for default object type.
ObjectTypeUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ObjectType class but cannot go there because
of JAXB.
ObjectValidator |
Validator that can process objects, validate them, check for errors and warning
and possibly even transform object during upgrades.
ObjectVariableModeType |
Java class for ObjectVariableModeType.
OidcAuthenticationModuleType |
OpenId Connect authentication module.
OidUtil |
OidWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space into a number of buckets based on OID values.
Operation |
Operation being recorded: represents an object to which the client reports the end of the operation.
OperationalStateType |
Structure containing metadata about operational state of the resource.
OperationBusinessContextType |
The business context of an operation.
OperationConstants |
OperationExecutionLogger |
OperationExecutionRecordingStrategyType |
How operationExecution records should be updated.
OperationExecutionRecordRealOwnerType |
Information about operation execution record real owner.
OperationExecutionRecordTypeType |
Java class for OperationExecutionRecordTypeType.
OperationExecutionType |
Information about an operation executed on an object.
OperationInvocationRecord |
This class provides basically the functionality of MidpointInterceptor.
OperationKindType |
Java class for OperationKindType.
OperationMonitoringConfiguration |
OperationMonitoringLevelType |
Java class for OperationMonitoringLevelType.
OperationMonitoringType |
What monitored operations to trace.
OperationProvisioningScriptsType |
Collection of scripts to be executed for various provisioning operations.
OperationProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies how and when a script is executed during provisioning.
OperationResult |
Nested Operation Result.
OperationResult.PreviewResult |
OperationResultBuilder |
Used to postpone initialization of OperationResult until parameters and context items are set - in order to log
operation entry correctly.
OperationResultDetailLevel |
Java class for OperationResultDetailLevel.
OperationResultFactory |
OperationResultHandlingStrategyType |
Strategy for operation result aggregation.
OperationResultImportanceType |
Java class for OperationResultImportanceType.
OperationResultRunner |
OperationResultStatus |
OperationResultStatusType |
Java class for OperationResultStatusType.
OperationResultType |
OperationResultUtil |
OperationsPerformanceInformation |
OperationsPerformanceInformationImpl |
OperationsPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints operations performance information.
OperationsPerformanceInformationType |
Information about methods performance.
OperationsPerformanceInformationUtil |
OperationsPerformanceMonitor |
OperationsPerformanceMonitorImpl |
OperationStatsType |
Operation execution statistics/state.
OperationStatus |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
OperationStatus.State |
OperationTypeType |
Java class for OperationTypeType.
OpNode |
OpNodeFactory |
OpNodePresentation |
OpNodeTreeBuilder |
OpNodeTreeBuilder.NameResolver |
OpResultInfo |
OptimizingTriggerCreator |
Adds recompute triggers to objects in an optimized way:
- The triggers are set to a given time in future (e.g.
OptionObjectSelectorType |
Options |
OpType |
OrderConstraintsType |
OrderDirection |
OrderDirectionType |
Java class for OrderDirectionType.
OrFilter |
OrgFilter |
OrgFilter.Scope |
OrgRelationObjectSpecificationType |
Definition of object with respect to subject membership in organizational hierarchy.
OrgScopeType |
Java class for OrgScopeType.
OrgStructFunctions |
OrgType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Organizational unit, division, section, object group, team, project or any other form of
organizing things and/or people.
OriginType |
This enum defines source from where a change in property value occurred.
OrphanedPolicyConstraintType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
The object (currently supported are tasks) is orphaned i.e.
OtherAuthenticationModuleParameterType |
Java class for OtherAuthenticationModuleParameterType complex type.
OtherAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for OtherAuthenticationModuleType complex type.
OtherPrivilegesLimitationType |
Limitations related to other privileges, like the ability to complete work items.
OutcomeKeyedCounterType |
Counter keyed by a qualified outcome.
OutcomeKeyedCounterTypeUtil |
OutputFormatType |
Java class for OutputFormatType.
OwnedObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
PagedSearchCapabilityType |
How to handle paged searches.
PagingType |
Parameters limiting the number of returned
entries, offset, etc.
ParameterizedEquivalenceStrategy |
Implementation of EquivalenceStrategy that uses a parametrization of built-in equals/hashCode/diff methods.
ParameterType |
Describes input parameters.
ParamsType |
Java class for ParamsType complex type.
ParamsTypeUtil |
ParentPathSegment |
Denotes parent object or container.
ParentVisitable |
Allows a visitor to follow the path along the "parent" relationship.
ParserFileSource |
ParserInputStreamSource |
ParserSource |
Source for prism parser (file, input stream, string, DOM tree, ...).
ParserStringSource |
ParserXNodeSource |
ParsingContext |
ParsingMigrator |
Migrator that comes into play when content is parsed.
PartiallyResolvedDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
PartiallyResolvedItem<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
TODO description
PartialProcessingOptionsType |
Options that allows to select only some of the projector/clockwork parts to process.
PartialProcessingTypeType |
Java class for PartialProcessingTypeType.
PassingHolder<T> |
Accepts (maybe repeatedly) a value and - on request - passes it to specified Consumer .
PasswordAuthenticationContext |
PasswordCapabilityType |
Describes capability to present password in a structured way.
PasswordChangeSecurityType |
Java class for PasswordChangeSecurityType.
PasswordCompareStrategyType |
Java class for PasswordCompareStrategyType.
PasswordCredentialsPolicyType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
PasswordHistoryEntryType |
Contains a single entry of the password history.
PasswordLifeTimeType |
Java class for PasswordLifeTimeType complex type.
PasswordResetNotifierType |
PasswordResetOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
PasswordResetRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
PasswordType |
Java class for PasswordType complex type.
PathKeyedMap<T> |
Special case of a map that has ItemPath as a key.
PathSet |
PathVisitable |
Visits only objects that are on the specified path or below.
PatternMatcher |
Matches a string against a set of patterns that can be either in "naive" format, using "*" as a wildcard,
or in regex format.
PcpAspectConfigurationType |
Configuration for a primary change processor aspect.
PendingOperationExecutionStatusType |
Java class for PendingOperationExecutionStatusType.
PendingOperationType |
Description of an operation that is pending (in progress) or that was
recently completed.
PendingOperationTypeType |
Java class for PendingOperationTypeType.
PerformanceCategory |
PerformanceCategoryInfo |
PerformanceStatistics |
This class simply collects basic information about midPoint performance, specifically basic
CPU, memory usage and current thread state.
PerformerCommentsFormattingType |
Instructions how to format approvers/reviewers comments before storing them into metadata.
PersonaConstructionType |
Persona construction.
PipelineDataType |
Java class for PipelineDataType complex type.
PipelineItem |
PipelineItemType |
Java class for PipelineItemType complex type.
PlannedOperationAttemptType |
Describes an attempt that is to be made.
PlusMinusZero |
Simple enumeration that refers to the plus, minus or zero concepts
used in delta set triples.
PlusMinusZeroType |
PointInTimeType |
Specifies the point in time for the returned data.
PointInTimeTypeType |
Java class for PointInTimeTypeType.
PolicyActionsType |
Actions that are executed as reactions to triggered policy rules.
PolicyActionType |
Common supertype for policy actions.
PolicyConstraintEvaluationOpNode |
PolicyConstraintEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for policy constraint evaluation operation.
PolicyConstraintKindType |
Java class for PolicyConstraintKindType.
PolicyConstraintPresentationType |
How should be triggering of this constraint presented, e.g.
PolicyConstraintReferenceType |
References another policy constraint.
PolicyConstraintsType |
Set of governance, risk management, compliance (GRC) and similar policy constraints
that influence the identity model.
PolicyExceptionType |
Recorded exception from a policy rule.
PolicyItemDefinitionType |
Java class for PolicyItemDefinitionType complex type.
PolicyItemsDefinitionType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values
PolicyItemTargetType |
Defined items and rules for generating/validating values
PolicyRuleEnforcerPreviewOutputType |
PolicyRuleEvaluationOpNode |
PolicyRuleEvaluationTargetType |
Java class for PolicyRuleEvaluationTargetType.
PolicyRuleEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for policy rule evaluation operation.
PolicyRuleExternalizationOptions |
PolicyRuleType |
These rules specify compliance and governance constraints.
PolicyRuleTypeUtil |
PolicyRuleTypeUtil.LazyMapConstraintsResolver |
PolicySituationPolicyConstraintType |
Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is in a given policy situation(s).
PolicyThresholdType |
Specifies limits when is the action executed.
PolicyViolationException |
PolicyViolationFaultType |
Provided object does not conform to the policies (such as password policy).
PolyString |
Polymorphic string.
PolyStringLangType |
This is NOT a generated class.
PolyStringNormalizer |
Normalizer for PolyStrings.
PolyStringNormalizerConfigurationType |
PolyStringNormalizerOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
PolyStringNormalizerRegistry |
PolyStringTranslationArgumentType |
WARNING: this is NOT a generated code.
PolyStringTranslationType |
WARNING: this is NOT a generated code.
PolyStringType |
Polymorphic string.
PolyStringUtils |
PopulateItemType |
PopulateType |
PreAuthenticationContext |
PredefinedOperationRequestTransformationType |
Java class for PredefinedOperationRequestTransformationType.
PredefinedPolicySituation |
PrettyPrinter |
PrimaryChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for PrimaryChangeProcessor.
PrimitiveType |
PrimitiveXNode<T> |
PrismAsserts |
Set of prism-related asserts.
PrismConfigurationType |
Prism specific configuration, mainly for performance optimizations and tunning
PrismConstants |
PrismContainer<C extends Containerable> |
Prism container groups items into logical blocks.
PrismContainerable<T extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerDefinition<C extends Containerable> |
PrismContainerValue<C extends Containerable> |
PrismContext |
PrismContextFactory |
PrismContextSensitive |
PrismItemAccessDefinition |
PrismItemAccessDefinition.Mutable |
PrismList |
Marker interface to distinguish property/reference/container/any lists in prism containers.
PrismMonitor |
Interface to plug in a monitoring code to prism.
PrismNamespaceContext |
PrismNamespaceContext.Builder |
PrismNamespaceContext.PrefixPreference |
PrismObject<O extends Objectable> |
Common supertype for all identity objects.
PrismObjectDefinition<O extends Objectable> |
PrismObjectValue<O extends Objectable> |
Extension of PrismContainerValue that holds object-specific data (OID and version).
PrismParser |
Parses a given input into prism or POJO objects.
PrismParser.ObjectHandler |
PrismParserNoIO |
The same as PrismParser but has no IOException on parseXYZ methods.
PrismPrettyPrinter |
PrismProperty<T> |
Property is a specific characteristic of an object.
PrismPropertyDefinition<T> |
PrismPropertyValue<T> |
PrismQueryLanguageParser |
PrismQuerySerialization |
PrismQuerySerialization.NotSupportedException |
PrismQuerySerializer |
PrismReference |
Object Reference is a property that describes reference to an object.
PrismReferenceDefinition |
PrismReferenceValue |
PrismSchema |
Schema as a collection of definitions.
PrismSerializer<T> |
Takes care of serializing prism objects and other beans, i.e.
PrismService |
Statically holds an instance of PrismContext (and maybe other beans later).
PrismStaticConfiguration |
PrismTestUtil |
Class that statically instantiates the prism contexts and provides convenient static version of the PrismContext
and processor classes.
PrismUtil |
TODO clean this up as it is part of prism-api!
PrismValue |
PrismValueCollectionsUtil |
PrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V extends PrismValue> |
DeltaSetTriple that is limited to hold prism values.
PrismValueUtil |
ProcessedItemSetType |
Describes set of items that are or have been processed.
ProcessedItemType |
Describes an item (typically an object) that is or has been processed.
ProcessMetadataType |
Java class for ProcessMetadataType complex type.
Processor<T> |
Producer<T> |
Almost the same as java.util.function.Supplier, but this one is Serializable.
ProfilingConfigurationManager |
ProfilingConfigurationType |
A configuration for profiling features of midPoint.
ProfilingDataLog |
This is a blueprint for single method call, or ProfilingEvent as we call it.
ProfilingDataManager |
ProfilingDataManager.Subsystem |
ProfilingLogbackFilter |
This filter provides functionality to profiling loggers to act as they don't inherit
rootAppender, thus forwarding profiling and performance logs only into MIDPOINT_PROFILE_LOG.
ProfilingMode |
ProgressCollector |
Object capable of receiving updates on progress.
ProgressInformation |
Describes a state of the operation.
ProgressInformation.ActivityType |
There are some basic kinds of activities relevant for progress reporting.
ProgressInformation.StateType |
We usually report on entering and exiting a particular activity.
ProgressListener |
An interface that model uses to report operation progress to any interested party (e.g.
ProgressReporterWorker<T> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ProhibitedValueItemType |
Java class for ProhibitedValueItemType complex type.
ProhibitedValuesType |
Java class for ProhibitedValuesType complex type.
ProjectionActivationOpNode |
ProjectionChangeExecutionOpNode |
ProjectionMergeConfigurationType |
ProjectionMergeSituationType |
Java class for ProjectionMergeSituationType.
ProjectionObjectDeltaType |
ProjectionPolicyType |
Specification of the way how projections are handled on the resource.
ProjectorComponentOpNode |
ProjectorComponentTraceType |
Trace for Projector component operation.
ProjectorProjectionOpNode |
ProjectorRunTraceType |
Trace for Projector.project operation.
PropagationWorkDefinitionType |
Work definition for the propagation activity.
PropertyAccessType |
Java class for PropertyAccessType complex type.
PropertyComplexValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertyComplexValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyDefinitionDelegator<T> |
PropertyDelta<T> |
Relative difference (delta) of a property values.
PropertyDeltaCollectionsUtil |
PropertyLimitations |
PropertyLimitationsType |
PropertyModificationOperationType |
JAXB version of PropertyModificationOperation class.
PropertyNoValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertyNoValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyReferenceListType |
PropertySimpleValueFilterType |
Java class for PropertySimpleValueFilterType complex type.
PropertyValueFilter<T> |
ProportionalExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression gets IntegerStatType as an input, IntegerStatType is derived from collection.
ProportionalStyleType |
Java class for ProportionalStyleType.
ProtectedByteArrayType |
Specific subtype for protected binary byte array data.
ProtectedData<T> |
ProtectedDataType<T> |
This class was originally generated.
ProtectedStringType |
This class was originally generated.
Protector |
ProtectorCreator |
Creates protectors based on corresponding builder objects.
ProvenanceAcquisitionType |
Ultimate origin of the data.
ProvenanceFeedDefinitionType |
Specifies data provenance properties for a particular data feed (source), such as resource.
ProvenanceMetadataType |
Provenance metadata provide high-level information about origin of the value.
ProvenanceMetadataUtil |
ProvidedServiceConfigurationType |
Configuration of a service provided by midPoint.
ProvisioningDiag |
DTO that contains provisioning run-time configuration and diagnostic information.
ProvisioningMetadataType |
Java class for ProvisioningMetadataType complex type.
ProvisioningOperation |
TODO reconsider usefulness of this class
ProvisioningOperationTraceType |
Trace for provisioning operation.
ProvisioningOperationTypeType |
Java class for ProvisioningOperationTypeType.
ProvisioningScriptArgumentType |
Script argument.
ProvisioningScriptHostType |
Java class for ProvisioningScriptHostType.
ProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies a script to be executed during provisioning.
ProvisioningStatistics |
This is "live" provisioning statistics.
ProvisioningStatisticsEntryType |
Statistical information on operations executed on a specified resource, dealing with given object class.
ProvisioningStatisticsOperationEntryType |
Information on operations of given type and result status.
ProvisioningStatisticsPrinter |
Prints provisioning statistics.
ProvisioningStatisticsType |
Statistical information on operations executed on resources.
ProvisioningStatisticsTypeUtil |
ProvisioningStatusType |
ProxyCreator |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
PrunePolicyActionType |
PureCompositeWorkStateType |
Work state for a pure composite activity.
PurgeSchemaActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "purge-schema" action.
QNameUtil |
QName <-> URI conversion.
QNameUtil.PrefixedName |
QNameUtil.QNameInfo |
QualifiedItemProcessingOutcomeType |
Item processing outcome plus optional qualification.
QueryConverter |
TODO cleanup this interface
QueryFactory |
TODO it is still unclear if this interface will be officially supported.
QueryInterpretationOfNoValueType |
Java class for QueryInterpretationOfNoValueType.
QueryType |
QuoteModeType |
Java class for QuoteModeType.
RandomBucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Sampling using random distribution of samples.
RandomString |
Raw |
RawFormatting |
Formatting that - in fact - does nothing.
RawObjectType |
RawType |
A class used to hold raw XNodes until the definition for such an object is known.
ReadCapabilityType |
Describes read capability.
ReadHook |
This applies to all read operations, therefore it will add "hook" into:
ModelService.getObject(Class, String, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
ModelService.searchObjects(Class, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
ModelService.searchObjectsIterative(Class, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery, ResultHandler, java.util.Collection, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task, com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)
TODO: this is just super simple, not stable, not finished yet.
Recomputable |
RecomputationWorkDefinitionType |
Recomputes specified objects.
RecomputeActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "recompute" action.
ReconciliationWorkDefinitionType |
Executes the reconciliation.
ReconciliationWorkStateType |
State of the reconciliation activity.
RecordPendingOperationsType |
Java class for RecordPendingOperationsType.
RecordPolicyActionType |
Referencable |
ReferenceDefinitionDelegator |
ReferenceDelta |
ReferencePathSegment |
Denotes reference path segment: either ".." meaning owner, or "@" meaning referenced object.
ReferenceResolver |
Resolves references in intelligent way: taking filters (and embedded expressions) into account.
ReferenceResolver.FilterEvaluator |
ReferenceResolver.Source |
ReferenceSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
Create an expression that provides a reference based on search results.
ReferentialIntegrityFaultType |
Operation on an object would cause inconsistencies in referential
ReferentialIntegrityType |
RefFilter |
RefinedAssociationDefinition |
RefinedAttributeDefinition<T> |
RefinedAttributeDefinitionDelegator<T> |
RefinedAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
RefinedConnectorSchema |
RefinedConnectorSchemaImpl |
TODO Think about the purpose and future of this class.
RefinedDefinitionUtil |
RefinedObjectClassDefinition |
RefinedObjectClassDefinitionImpl |
RefinedResourceSchema |
RefinedResourceSchemaImpl |
TODO: this whole class would benefit from more refactoring.
RefineryObjectFactory |
ReflectionUtil |
RefreshShadowOperation |
RegistrationConfirmationMethodType |
Java class for RegistrationConfirmationMethodType.
RegistrationConfirmationNotifierType |
RegistrationsPolicyType |
RegularBucketsSamplingDefinitionType |
Sampling using regular distribution of samples.
ReindexingWorkDefinitionType |
Re-indexes specified repository objects.
RelationalValueSearchQuery |
RelationalValueSearchType |
RelationDefinitionType |
Definition of a single (custom) relation.
RelationKindType |
Java class for RelationKindType.
RelationRegistry |
A component that holds current definition of object relations.
RelationRegistryImpl |
RelationsDefinitionType |
Definition of (custom) relations.
RelationSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for relation search item.
RelationTypes |
Built-in (hardcoded) relations.
RemediationPolicyActionType |
ReportBehaviorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Behavior for report.
ReportConfigurationType |
Report configuration based on report configuration schema.
ReportDataType |
Reports outputs.
ReportEngineSelectionType |
Java class for ReportEngineSelectionType.
ReportExportWorkStateType |
State of the report export activity.
ReportParameterType |
Java class for ReportParameterType complex type.
ReportType |
Specification of midPoint report.
RepositoryAction<O> |
Base implementation class for action (Ninja command) running against the repository.
RepositoryAddTraceType |
Trace for repository ADD operation.
RepositoryCacheOpNode |
RepositoryConfigurationType |
Configuring various aspects of the repository - in addition to those that are configured statically
using config.xml file.
RepositoryDeleteTraceType |
Trace for repository DELETE operation.
RepositoryDiag |
DTO that contains repository run-time configuration and diagnostic information.
RepositoryGetObjectTraceType |
Trace for repository getObject operation.
RepositoryGetTraceType |
RepositoryGetVersionTraceType |
Trace for repository getVersion operation.
RepositoryModifyTraceType |
Trace for repository MODIFY operation.
RepositoryOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single repository operation kind (e.g.
RepositoryOperationTraceType |
Trace for repository operation.
RepositoryOpNode |
General repository op (raw/cached, read/update, ...).
RepositoryPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Formats sql (repo/audit) performance information.
RepositoryPerformanceInformationType |
Information about repository performance.
RepositoryPerformanceInformationUtil |
RepositoryQueryDiagRequest |
Query diagnostics request: contains query to be executed (or at least translated) and some options.
RepositoryQueryDiagResponse |
Response from the "diagnose query" operation.
RepositoryQueryDiagResponse.ParameterValue |
RepositorySearchObjectsTraceType |
Trace for repository searchObjects/searchObjectsIterative operation.
RepositorySearchTraceType |
RepositoryStatisticsClassificationType |
Java class for RepositoryStatisticsClassificationType.
RepositoryStatisticsCollectionStyleType |
Java class for RepositoryStatisticsCollectionStyleType.
RepositoryStatisticsReportingConfigurationType |
How repository statistics are collected and reported.
ResolutionUtil |
ResolveReferenceActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "resolve" action.
ResourceActivationDefinitionType |
Defines how the mapping of the activation section is handled for the resource.
ResourceAdministrativeStateType |
Java class for ResourceAdministrativeStateType.
ResourceAttribute<T> |
ResourceAttributeContainer |
ResourceAttributeContainerDefinition |
ResourceAttributeContainerDefinitionImpl |
Resource Object Definition (Object Class).
ResourceAttributeContainerImpl |
Resource Object.
ResourceAttributeDefinition<T> |
ResourceAttributeDefinitionImpl<T> |
Resource Object Attribute Definition.
ResourceAttributeDefinitionType |
Description of the attribute handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ResourceAttributeImpl<T> |
Resource Object Attribute is a Property of Resource Object.
ResourceBidirectionalMappingAndDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourceBidirectionalMappingAndDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceBidirectionalMappingType |
Java class for ResourceBidirectionalMappingType complex type.
ResourceBusinessConfigurationType |
Configuration of resource "business" aspects such as workflow parameters, notifications,
approvers, owners, etc.
ResourceConsistencyType |
Configuration of consistency mechanisms.
ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceItemDefinitionType |
Description of the common item handling details, such as display name,
read/write access and value and synchronization expressions.
ResourceObjectAssociationDirectionType |
Java class for ResourceObjectAssociationDirectionType.
ResourceObjectAssociationType |
Describes how entitlement is associated to the subject (e.g.
ResourceObjectConstructionEvaluationOpNode |
ResourceObjectConstructionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for evaluation resource object construction.
ResourceObjectIdentification |
ResourceObjectIdentificationType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentificationType complex type.
ResourceObjectIdentifiersType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentifiersType complex type.
ResourceObjectIdentityType |
Java class for ResourceObjectIdentityType complex type.
ResourceObjectLifecycleDefinitionType |
Definition of resource object lifecycle handling.
ResourceObjectMultiplicityType |
ResourceObjectPattern |
ResourceObjectPatternType |
Resource object pattern.
ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionFrequencyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionFrequencyType.
ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionStrategyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectReferenceResolutionStrategyType.
ResourceObjectReferenceType |
Reference to a resource object.
ResourceObjectSetQueryApplicationModeType |
Java class for ResourceObjectSetQueryApplicationModeType.
ResourceObjectSetType |
Specifies a set of resource objects to be processed.
ResourceObjectSetUtil |
ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescriptionType |
Description of the change in the external resource.
ResourceObjectShadowListType |
Java class for ResourceObjectShadowListType complex type.
ResourceObjectType |
Java class for ResourceObjectType complex type.
ResourceObjectTypeDefinitionType |
Defines a type from the resource schema (object class)
that can be used for creating accounts, entitlements and possible other concepts.
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType |
Java class for ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType |
Java class for ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType complex type.
ResourceObjectVolatilityType |
Java class for ResourceObjectVolatilityType.
ResourcePasswordDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourcePasswordDefinitionType complex type.
ResourceSchema |
ResourceSchemaImpl |
ResourceShadowDiscriminator |
Aggregate bean containing resource OID, intent and tombstone flag.
ResourceType |
Resource represents a system or component external to the IDM
system which we manage.
ResourceTypeUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ResourceType class but cannot go there
because of JAXB.
ResourceUtils |
TODO find appropriate place for this class
ResourceValidator |
TODO make interface generic and integrate it into model API
RestAction<T> |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
RestService |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
RestServiceException |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ResultHandler<T extends ObjectType> |
Classes implementing this interface are used to handle iterative results.
ResultsHandlerConfigurationType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF results handlers.
ResumeTaskActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "resume" action.
RetrieveOption |
RetrieveOptionType |
Java class for RetrieveOptionType.
RetryLaterReactionType |
Processing of the specified account should be retried later.
RetryLimitedBackoffComputer |
Revivable |
RichHyperlinkType |
Hyperlink with a label, menu and other data that control a rich presentation of the link.
RoleManagementConfigurationType |
A configuration for role management: role catalog, role assignments, etc.
RoleRelationObjectSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of object with respect to subject relation to a role.
RoleSelectionSpecification |
RoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A role in the extended Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) sense.
RootXNode |
RunAsCapabilityType |
Describes capability to execute operations with specified identity.
RuntimeConfiguration |
S_AtomicFilterEntry |
S_AtomicFilterExit |
S_BlockContentEntry |
S_ConditionEntry |
S_FilterEntry |
S_FilterEntryOrEmpty |
S_FilterExit |
S_ItemEntry |
S_MatchingRuleEntry |
S_MaybeAdd |
S_MaybeDelete |
Using DELETE after ADD in fluent builder goes against the actual semantics that first
executes DELETE and then ADD - use the correct order to avoid deprecated methods.
S_QueryExit |
S_RightHandItemEntry |
S_ValuesEntry |
Note: When dealing with PolyStrings, the real values should be of PolyString, not of PolyStringType type.
Saml2AuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module support authentication via Identity provider with SAML2.
Saml2DigestAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2DigestAuthenticationModuleType.
Saml2KeyAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 key.
Saml2NameIdAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2NameIdAuthenticationModuleType.
Saml2NetworkAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module, network configuration.
Saml2ProviderAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 provider.
Saml2ProviderMetadataAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 provider metadata.
Saml2ServiceProviderAuthenticationModuleType |
SAML2 authentication module, service provider configuration.
Saml2SigningAlgorithmAuthenticationModuleType |
Java class for Saml2SigningAlgorithmAuthenticationModuleType.
ScanWorkStateType |
Work state for scanning activities (validity scanner, trigger scanner, shadow refresher).
Scene |
SceneDeltaItem |
SceneItem |
SceneItemValue |
SchedulerInformationType |
Describes the state of the (local) scheduler.
ScheduleType |
Task schedule.
SchemaAttachedPolicyRulesType |
Why was this process started? For processes based on policy rules we define it via relevant policy rules.
SchemaAttachedPolicyRuleType |
Note that the rule should be triggered.
SchemaCapabilityType |
Describes capability to discover resource schema.
SchemaConstants |
SchemaConstantsGenerated |
SchemaDebugUtil |
SchemaDefinitionType |
Type for prism schema definition.
SchemaDeputyUtil |
SchemaDescription |
Schema (prism or non-prism) with additional information.
SchemaException |
Error regarding schema.
SchemaFactory |
SchemaFailableProcessor<T> |
SchemaFilesType |
Java class for SchemaFilesType complex type.
SchemaFileType |
Java class for SchemaFileType complex type.
SchemaGenerationConstraintsType |
SchemaHandlingType |
Specification of handling details for resource
SchemaMigration |
SchemaMigrationOperation |
SchemaOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
SchemaRegistry |
Maintains system-wide schemas.
SchemaRegistry.ComparisonResult |
SchemaRegistry.InvalidationListener |
SchemaRegistry.IsList |
SchemaRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
SchemaService |
Aggregation of various schema and prism managed components for convenience.
SchemaTestConstants |
Constants for use in tests.
SchemaViolationFaultType |
Provided object does not conform to the internal schema.
SchemaXNode |
Scope |
ScopeSearchItemConfigurationType |
Configuration for scope search item.
ScriptCapabilityType |
Describes capability to execute scripts (short pieces of program) on the connector or resource.
ScriptCapabilityType.Host |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ScriptEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for script evaluation operation.
ScriptExecutionException |
Wraps any exceptions that occur during execution of expressions.
ScriptExecutionObjectType |
Object(s) on which the script should be executed.
ScriptExecutionPolicyActionType |
ScriptExecutionResult |
Result of a script execution.
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorConfigurationType |
Data structure that contains all the configuration details for script execution,
except for code itself.
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generic script expression.
ScriptExpressionProfile |
ScriptExpressionProfileType |
Specifies restrictions for execution of script expressions.
ScriptExpressionReturnTypeType |
Java class for ScriptExpressionReturnTypeType.
ScriptingBeansUtil |
Utility methods related to ScriptingExpressionType beans.
ScriptingExpressionEvaluationOptionsType |
Options related to evaluation of scripting expression.
ScriptingExpressionType |
Root of the expression type inheritance hierarchy.
ScriptingService |
Interface of the Model subsystem that provides scripting (bulk actions) operations.
ScriptingVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a scripting variable.
ScriptingVariablesDefinitionType |
Definition of scripting variables.
ScriptOutputsType |
Java class for ScriptOutputsType complex type.
ScriptRunner |
Tool to run database scripts.
ScriptVariableEvaluationTraceType |
Information about script variable during evaluation.
SearchBoxConfigurationType |
Configuration of the search box (the set of input fields that control definition of search query).
SearchBoxModeType |
Java class for SearchBoxModeType.
SearchBoxScopeType |
Java class for SearchBoxScopeType.
SearchExpressionType |
Queries the model for objects of a given type, optionally fulfilling given condition.
SearchFilterParameterType |
Describes input parameters for the search filter.
SearchFilterType |
SearchHierarchyConstraints |
SearchHierarchyScope |
SearchHierarchyScopeType |
Java class for SearchHierarchyScopeType.
SearchItemsType |
The list of the search properties to be configured for the search panel.
SearchItemType |
Search item
SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression based on search results.
SearchObjectsResponseType |
A response from searchObjects operation.
SearchObjectsType |
A request for searchObjects operation.
SearchProducerWorker |
Producer worker for all search-based operations, such as export and verify.
SearchResultList<T> |
SearchResultMetadata |
Objects of this type are considered READ ONLY.
SecurityPolicyType |
Object that contains definitions of overall security policy.
SecurityPolicyUtil |
SecurityQuestionAnswerType |
Answer to the security question.
SecurityQuestionDefinitionType |
Definition of a single security question.
SecurityQuestionsAuthenticationContext |
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for security questions.
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsType |
Java class for SecurityQuestionsCredentialsType complex type.
SecurityQuestionsFormAuthenticationModuleType |
Definition of "security questions form" module.
SecurityQuestionsResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SecurityViolationException |
Exception indicating violation of security policies.
SelectExpressionType |
Select given item.
SelectorOptions<T> |
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType |
Selector-qualified options for a get-like operation.
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsUtil |
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionType |
SelfRegistrationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SequenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values.
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluatorType |
Get a sequential value from a named sequence.
SerializationContext |
Everything we want to maintain during the serialization process.
SerializationOptions |
SerializationUtil |
Collection of serialization utilities.
ServiceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This object type represents any kind of abstract or concrete services or devices such as servers, virtual machines,
printers, mobile devices, network nodes, application servers, applications or anything similar.
ShadowAssociationType |
ShadowAttributesType |
Attribute values from the resource.
ShadowCheckType |
Java class for ShadowCheckType.
ShadowCleanupWorkDefinitionType |
Deletes all shadows that have not been updated for given time.
ShadowDiscriminatorExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression based on selecting a specific projection.
ShadowDiscriminatorObjectDelta<T extends Objectable> |
ShadowDiscriminatorObjectDeltaImpl<T extends Objectable> |
ShadowDiscriminatorType |
Shadow discriminator uniquely identifies a projection among other projections linked to the
same focus.
ShadowIdentifiersType |
ShadowIntegrityAspectType |
Java class for ShadowIntegrityAspectType.
ShadowIntegrityCheckWorkDefinitionType |
Definition for shadow integrity check activity.
ShadowKindType |
Java class for ShadowKindType.
ShadowLifecycleStateType |
Java class for ShadowLifecycleStateType.
ShadowRefreshWorkDefinitionType |
Looks for pending operations in shadows and updates their status.
ShadowTagSpecificationType |
ShadowType |
Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning.
ShadowUtil |
Methods that would belong to the ResourceObjectShadowType class but cannot go there
because of JAXB.
ShortDumpable |
SimpleCampaignNotifierType |
SimpleCampaignStageNotifierType |
SimpleCaseManagementNotifierType |
SimpleExpressionUtil |
Very simple expression utils.
SimpleFocalObjectNotifierType |
SimpleObjectResolver |
Object resolver for simple cases.
SimplePolicyRuleNotifierType |
SimpleReportNotifierType |
SimpleResourceObjectNotifierType |
SimpleReviewerNotifierType |
SimpleTaskNotifierType |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
Primarily for enums.
SimpleTypeDefinition.DerivationMethod |
SimpleUserNotifierType |
SimpleVisitable<T> |
SimpleVisitor<T> |
SimpleWorkflowNotifierType |
SingleCachePerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of a given (single) cache.
SingleCacheStateInformationType |
Report on the cache state.
SingleLocalizableMessage |
This class is final and must remain so, as it's not cloneable.
SingleLocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
SingleOperationPerformanceInformation |
SingleOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single method performance.
SingleScriptOutputType |
Java class for SingleScriptOutputType complex type.
SmartVisitable<T extends SmartVisitable<T>> |
Visitable element that is smart enough to avoid being visited twice during one visitation.
SmartVisitation<T extends SmartVisitable<T>> |
Keeps the state of the visitation in order to avoid visiting one object multiple times.
SmsAuthenticationPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SmsConfigurationType |
Where and how to send SMS notifications (or any other SMS).
SmsGatewayConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular SMS gateway.
SmsNonceAuthenticationModuleType |
SMS (mobile text message) nonce authentication module.
SmsResetPolicyType |
Structure that specifies policy for password management.
SpecialObjectSpecificationType |
Java class for SpecialObjectSpecificationType.
SpecificAttributesDefinition<RAD extends ResourceAttributeDefinition<?>> |
SpecificWorkDefinitionUtil |
Utils for managing work definition for specific activities.
StageCompletionEventType |
Event describing the completion of a workflow process instance stage.
StateOfModule |
StatePolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when a object or assignment is in a given state.
StaticExpressionUtil |
Utility class for manipulation of static values in expressions.
StatisticsCollector |
An object that receives various statistics and state information, processes them and provides
them back to appropriate clients.
StatusMessage |
StopProcessingReactionType |
The processing should be stopped.
StorageMetadataType |
Java class for StorageMetadataType complex type.
StoreExportedWidgetDataType |
Java class for StoreExportedWidgetDataType.
StringFilterType |
StringIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as interval of string values.
StringLimitationResult |
StringLimitType |
Definition of valid single string limitation
StringPolicyType |
Java class for StringPolicyType complex type.
StringPrefixWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value prefix.
StringSubstitutorUtil |
Utility methods for string substitution needs in midPoint.
StringValueWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value.
StringWorkBucketsBoundaryMarkingType |
Java class for StringWorkBucketsBoundaryMarkingType.
StringWorkSegmentationType |
Segmentation strategy that divides the processing space (represented by a set of string
values) into a number of work buckets; either based on intervals, prefixes or exact value matching.
Structured |
Interface for properties that have inner structur, such as PolyString.
SubjectedObjectSelectorType |
Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint.
SubreportParameterType |
Subreport with expression.
SubstringFilter<T> |
SubSystemLoggerConfigurationType |
Configuration of the logger: the facility that
collects log messages from subsystem code.
SummaryPanelSpecificationType |
Specifies the look and feel of the summary panel.
SuspendTaskPolicyActionType |
Stop action.
SynchronizationActionType |
Defines an action to take when a synchronization situation is encountered.
SynchronizationActionType.Parameters |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SynchronizationExclusionReasonType |
Java class for SynchronizationExclusionReasonType.
SynchronizationInformationPrinter |
Prints synchronization information (new, i.e.
SynchronizationIntent |
SynchronizationIntentType |
Java class for SynchronizationIntentType.
SynchronizationPolicyDecision |
Describes what the policy "decides" about a specific account.
SynchronizationPolicyDecisionType |
Java class for SynchronizationPolicyDecisionType.
SynchronizationReactionType |
Reaction to a synchronization situation.
SynchronizationSituationDescriptionType |
Complex description of a synchronization situation.
SynchronizationSituationTransitionType |
Describes how many times given synchronization situation transition has occurred.
SynchronizationSituationType |
Java class for SynchronizationSituationType.
SynchronizationSituationUpdatingStrategyType |
How synchronization situation in shadows should be updated.
SynchronizationStatisticsCollector |
SynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
SynchronizationUtils |
SyncSituationUtil |
SyslogAppenderConfigurationType |
Java class for SyslogAppenderConfigurationType complex type.
SystemConfigurationAuditEventRecordingPropertyType |
Specifies details how an audit event record property is created.
SystemConfigurationAuditEventRecordingType |
Details about creation and recording of audit events.
SystemConfigurationAuditType |
Specifies details regarding creation and recording of audit events.
SystemConfigurationAuditUtil |
Utility methods for audit-related system configuration options.
SystemConfigurationExpressionsType |
Specifies profile for expression evaluations, execution, restrictions, etc.
SystemConfigurationSection |
This is an attempt to provide more typed access to config.xml file content.
SystemConfigurationType |
System configuration object.
SystemConfigurationTypeUtil |
SystemException |
SystemFaultType |
All system (non-business) error condition should be derived
from this type.
SystemObjectsType |
Java class for SystemObjectsType.
TailoringModeType |
Java class for TailoringModeType.
TaskActionsExecutedCollector |
TaskActivityStateType |
Describes the state of the activity or activities embedded in the task (and its subtasks - in the
case of a root task).
TaskAutoScalingModeType |
Java class for TaskAutoScalingModeType.
TaskAutoScalingType |
Auto-scaling configuration for the task.
TaskBindingType |
Java class for TaskBindingType.
TaskExecutionConstraintsType |
Constraints on task execution, e.g.
TaskExecutionEnvironmentType |
Specification of the environment in which the task should execute.
TaskExecutionGroupConstraintType |
TaskExecutionLimitationsType |
Limitations for execution of tasks on a given node.
TaskExecutionStateType |
Java class for TaskExecutionStateType.
TaskGroupExecutionLimitationType |
Limitations for execution of a task group on a given node.
TaskInformation |
Contains all non-trivial task information (progress, workers, overall status, and so on) needed for the use
of GUI and reporting.
TaskIterativeOperationCollector |
Support for recording iterative operations directly on tasks - where activities are not available.
TaskOperationStatsUtil |
Utility methods related to task operation statistics.
TaskRecurrenceType |
Java class for TaskRecurrenceType.
TaskResolver |
Used to resolve tasks (mainly subtasks) in various utility methods in this package.
TaskRoleType |
Java class for TaskRoleType.
TaskSchedulingStateType |
Java class for TaskSchedulingStateType.
TaskService |
Interface of the Model subsystem that provides task-specific operations.
TaskSynchronizationStatisticsCollector |
Collects synchronization statistics related to processing of an activity within a task.
TaskTreeUtil |
Utilities related to task trees.
TaskType |
TaskType contains information about a task (either transient or persistent).
TaskTypeUtil |
TaskUnpauseActionType |
Java class for TaskUnpauseActionType.
TaskWaitingReasonType |
Java class for TaskWaitingReasonType.
TaskWorkBucketManagementPerformanceInformationPrinter |
Prints work buckets management performance information.
TemplateExpander |
TempUtil |
TenantSelectorType |
Selects an object by comparing tenant information.
TerminateSessionEventType |
Describe terminate session event cluster-wide.
TestConnectionCapabilityType |
Describes capability to test connection to the resource once the connector is configured.
TestingPaths |
TestResourceActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "test-resource" action.
TestResourceOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
TestResourceResponseType |
A response from testResource operation.
TestResourceRestAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
TestResourceType |
A request for testResource operation.
ThreadLocalOperationsMonitor |
Monitors operations for the current thread.
ThreadLocalOperationsMonitor.ExecutedOperations |
ThreadStopActionType |
Java class for ThreadStopActionType.
ThresholdPolicyViolationException |
TimedActionTimeSpecificationType |
By default (when the base is not specified), positive time intervals are meant "after work item start".
TimeIntervalStatusType |
Java class for TimeIntervalStatusType.
TimeIntervalType |
Water mark (bound).
TimeoutsType |
Type that contains configuration of ICF operation timeouts.
TimeValidityNotifierType |
TimeValidityPolicyConstraintType |
A constraint that triggers when validity of an object, assignment, or basically any time-sensitive
item (e.g.
Trace |
Just am empty extension of SLF4J logger.
TraceDataFlowVisualizationInstructionType |
Specification of the data flow(s) to be visualized.
TraceDataSelectionType |
Java class for TraceDataSelectionType.
TraceDictionaryEntryType |
One object.
TraceDictionaryType |
Object dictionary.
TraceImpl |
Wrapper for logging library.
TraceInfo |
TraceManager |
Factory for trace instances.
TraceParser |
TraceSelectorType |
Selects an operation trace.
TraceStatistics |
TraceStatistics.SortBy |
TraceTreeVisualizer |
TraceType |
Root type for tracing information that is embedded in OperationResult objects.
TraceUtil |
TraceUtil |
Utility methods related to tracing.
TraceVisualizationColumnsType |
What columns to visualize?
Volatile - will be changed soon.
TraceVisualizationInstructionsType |
How to visualize trace file.
TraceVisualizationInstructionType |
How to visualize trace file.
TraceVisualizationType |
How a traced operation is to be visualized.
TraceVisualizerRegistry |
TODO rework
TraceWriter |
TracingAppender<E> |
Collects log entries e.g.
TracingConfigurationType |
Tracing configuration, including profiles to be selected from.
TracingEnvironmentType |
Description of the environment where the trace was captured.
TracingLevelType |
Java class for TracingLevelType.
TracingOutputMetadataType |
Metadata e.g.
TracingOutputType |
Output of the tracing.
TracingProfileType |
Describes how the tracing is to be done.
TracingRootType |
Java class for TracingRootType.
TracingTypeProfileType |
Describes how the tracing of specific type is to be done.
TransformationExpressionEvaluationOpNode |
TransformationMetadataType |
Java class for TransformationMetadataType complex type.
Transformer<T,X> |
TransformExpressionEvaluatorType |
TransformExpressionRelativityModeType |
Java class for TransformExpressionRelativityModeType.
TransformOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
TransformRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
TransientCache<K,V> |
Cache that is transient but can be declared final in serializable objects.
TransitionPolicyConstraintType |
Specifies how the inner constraints are to be evaluated with regards to operation start and end state.
TreeNode<T> |
TreeNodeVisitor<T> |
TriggerCreationType |
Deals with creation of recompute triggers for selected objects.
TriggeredPolicyRulesStorageStrategyType |
Java class for TriggeredPolicyRulesStorageStrategyType.
TriggerScanWorkDefinitionType |
Executes trigger scan on repository objects.
TriggerType |
Defines triggers for an object.
TunnelException |
Exception used for tunneling checked exceptions through places where checked exceptipons are not allowed (e.g.
TypeDefinition |
TypeDefinitionDelegator |
TypedObjectQuery<T extends ObjectType> |
TypedValue<T> |
Value and definition pair.
TypeFilter |
UcfChangeType |
Description of the change in the external resource at the UCF level i.e.
UcfChangeUtil |
UnaryLogicalFilter |
UnaryLogicalOperatorFilterType |
Java class for UnaryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.
UnassignActionExpressionType |
Statically-typed "unassign" action.
UndefinedFilter |
UniformItemPath |
UnknownJavaObjectType |
Type used to represent Java objects that are otherwise unknown to the system and cannot be
represented in "canonical" XML form.
UnlockOptions |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
UnlockRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
UnsupportedObjectTypeFaultType |
Object type passed to the operation is not supported by the
UnsupportedOperationFaultType |
The invoked operation is not supported.
UpdateCapabilityType |
Describes update capability.
UpdateShadowSituationOpNode |
URIConverter |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
UriFilterType |
Java class for UriFilterType complex type.
UserEntryCredentialSourceType |
Specifies the details of a new credential entered manually by a user.
UserInterfaceElementVisibilityType |
Java class for UserInterfaceElementVisibilityType.
UserInterfaceFeatureType |
Defines properties of a specific user interface feature (e.g.
UserListType |
Java class for UserListType complex type.
UserPasswordNotifierType |
UserSessionManagementListType |
Describe list of sessions.
UserSessionManagementType |
Describe session - user, active sessions, nodes where the user is active
UserType |
User object represents a physical user of the system.
Utils |
ValidationIssueSeverityType |
Java class for ValidationIssueSeverityType.
ValidationIssueType |
ValidationItem |
ValidationResult |
ValidationResult |
ValidationResultType |
Validator<T> |
Interface for object validation (mostly to be used in tests).
ValidityScanQueryStyleType |
Java class for ValidityScanQueryStyleType.
ValueDisplayUtil |
TODO unify with PrettyPrinter somehow
ValueFilter<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition> |
ValueListType |
Java class for ValueListType complex type.
ValueMetadata |
ValueMetadataFactory |
Provides empty value metadata.
ValueMetadataType |
The value metadata.
ValueParser<T> |
Objects of type ValueParser should be immutable.
ValuePolicyOriginType |
Java class for ValuePolicyOriginType.
ValuePolicyType |
Java class for ValuePolicyType complex type.
ValueSelector<V extends PrismValue> |
Selects a value from multivalued item (property, container, reference).
ValueSetDefinitionPredefinedType |
Java class for ValueSetDefinitionPredefinedType.
ValueSetDefinitionType |
Definition of value set.
ValueTransformationEvaluationModeType |
Java class for ValueTransformationEvaluationModeType.
ValueTransformationExpressionEvaluationTraceType |
Trace for expression evaluation operation in AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator.
ValueTransformationTraceType |
Trace for transformation of a tuple of values.
ValueTupleTransformationOpNode |
ValueType |
Java class for ValueType complex type.
ValueVariableModeType |
Java class for ValueVariableModeType.
VariableBindingDefinitionType |
Definition of variable which is bound to the property.
VariableItemPathSegment |
VariablesMap |
VerifyConsumerWorker |
VerifyOptions |
VerifyRepositoryAction |
Created by Viliam Repan (lazyman).
ViewedObject |
ViewOptions |
VirtualAssignmenetSpecification<R extends AbstractRoleType> |
VirtualAssignmentSpecificationType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
There are cases when you need to force midpoint thinks that user has assigned some
VirtualContainerItemSpecificationType |
Item specification to display in container
VirtualContainersSpecificationType |
Used to specify "virtual" containers for displaying details page in GUI.
Visitable<T extends Visitable<T>> |
Visitor |
Visitor<T extends Visitable<T>> |
Visualizer |
WallClockTimeComputer |
Computes real wall clock time from a set of execution records ("from - to").
WaterMarkType |
Water mark (bound).
WfChangeProcessorConfigurationType |
Configuration for workflow change processor.
WfConfigurationType |
Configuration for workflows - for those parts not stored in the system config file.
WfExecutionTasksConfigurationType |
Configuration related to tasks in which model operations are executed.
WfExecutionTasksSerializationScopeType |
Java class for WfExecutionTasksSerializationScopeType.
WfExecutionTasksSerializationType |
Whether and how to serialize execution tasks (if "execute after all approvals" is set to false).
WfGeneralChangeProcessorStateType |
We need to decide what to do with this.
WfProcessSpecificationType |
Specification of a process that is to be started.
WfTimeBaseType |
Java class for WfTimeBaseType.
WorkAllocationDefinitionType |
Parameters related to buckets allocation process.
WorkBucketStateType |
Java class for WorkBucketStateType.
WorkBucketType |
Description of a state and content of a work bucket.
WorkDefinitionSource |
WorkDefinitionsType |
Definition of the work that has to be done within an activity.
WorkDefinitionUtil |
WorkDefinitionWrapper |
Wraps work definition information.
WorkDefinitionWrapper.TypedWorkDefinitionWrapper |
WorkDefinitionWrapper.UntypedWorkDefinitionWrapper |
WorkersDefinitionType |
How to create and manage worker tasks.
WorkersPerNodeDefinitionType |
How to create worker tasks per node.
WorkersReconciliationResultType |
Result of the workers reconciliation process.
WorkflowService |
WorkItemActionsType |
Actions to execute.
WorkItemCompletionEventType |
Event describing the work item completion.
WorkItemDelegationEventType |
Event describing the fact of delegation.
WorkItemDelegationMethodType |
Java class for WorkItemDelegationMethodType.
WorkItemDelegationRequestType |
A request to delegate work item - analogous to AbstractWorkItemOutputType.
WorkItemEscalationEventType |
Event describing the fact of escalation.
WorkItemEscalationLevelType |
Description of an escalation level the processing is at.
WorkItemEventCauseInformationType |
Java class for WorkItemEventCauseInformationType complex type.
WorkItemEventCauseTypeType |
Java class for WorkItemEventCauseTypeType.
WorkItemEventType |
Process event related to a specific work item.
WorkItemId |
Uniquely identifies a work item.
WorkItemNotificationActionType |
WorkItemOperationKindType |
Java class for WorkItemOperationKindType.
WorkItemOutcomeType |
Java class for WorkItemOutcomeType.
WorkItemResultType |
Overall output from a work item: outcome (approve/reject/...), comment, additional delta,
and probably other things in the future.
WorkItemSelectorType |
Selects some work items from all the items (perhaps of a given type, like approval work items).
WorkItemTimedActionsType |
Actions that should be applied to a work item in given moments (relative to work item creation
or work item deadline).
WorkItemTypeUtil |
XmlAsStringType |
A class used to hold string represented either as plain string or as XML markup.
XmlSchemaType |
This element contains the XSD-formatted definition of schema.
XmlScriptsType |
Java class for XmlScriptsType complex type.
XmlTypeConverter |
Simple implementation that converts XSD primitive types to Java (and vice
XNode |
XNodeFactory |
Temporary, experimental API.
XNodeMutator |
Temporary interface to allow modifying XNode representation.
XNodeProcessorEvaluationMode |
XsdTypeMapper |
Maintains mapping of XSD types (qnames) and Java types (classes)
ZoneOfControlType |
Java class for ZoneOfControlType.