class |
AbstractAccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Definition of an access certification - a template for
a set of access certification campaigns.
class |
AbstractFormItemType |
Abstract supertype for all form items.
class |
AbstractRoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract class that contains the "essence" of a role.
class |
AbstractWorkBucketContentType |
Abstract supertype for description of bucket contents.
class |
AccessCertificationCampaignType |
Definition of an access certification campaign.
class |
AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType |
Java class for AccessCertificationCaseReviewStrategyType complex type.
class |
AccessCertificationDefinitionForReportType |
Access certification definition augmented with report-related information
class |
AccessCertificationDefinitionType |
Access certification definition.
class |
AccountActivationNotifierType |
class |
AccountPasswordNotifierType |
class |
ActivityActionsExecutedType |
Shows what actions were executed.
class |
ActivityBucketManagementStatisticsType |
Information about bucket management operations performance within an activity.
class |
ActivityPathType |
Path from the root of the activity tree to the specified activity.
class |
ActivityStateOverviewType |
Describes an overview of the state of an activity.
class |
ActivityTaskStateOverviewType |
State of the local activity run in an individual task.
class |
Amqp091MessageAttributesType |
Representation of AMQP 0-9-1 message attributes.
class |
Amqp091MessageType |
Representation AMQP 0-9-1 message.
class |
Amqp091SourceType |
AMQP client configuration
class |
AnyDataAsyncUpdateMessageType |
Async update carrying any data.
class |
AnyValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container).
class |
ArchetypeType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Archetype definition.
class |
ArtemisProvisioningTargetType |
ActiveMQ Artemis target.
class |
AsIsExpressionEvaluatorType |
Copy value as is, without any modification.
class |
AssignmentConstraintsType |
Specifies constraints on assignments that are placed in the same focus.
class |
AssignmentHolderType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can have assignments.
class |
AssignmentPathSegmentType |
Java class for AssignmentPathSegmentType complex type.
class |
AssignmentPathType |
Java class for AssignmentPathType complex type.
class |
AssignmentTargetSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression that provides an assignment based on search results.
class |
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorType |
Definition of an expression that creates association from links (linkRefs)
class |
AsyncProvisioningTargetsType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning targets.
class |
AsyncProvisioningTargetType |
Connection to asynchronous provisioning target.
class |
AsyncUpdateListeningActivityInformationType |
Information on async update listening activity.
class |
AsyncUpdateMessageType |
Representation of an async update message.
class |
AsyncUpdateSourcesType |
Sources of asynchronous updates.
class |
AsyncUpdateSourceType |
Source of asynchronous updates.
class |
BucketManagementOperationStatisticsType |
Information about specific kind of work bucket management operation performance.
class |
BucketProgressOverviewType |
Information on buckets processing (for activity state overview).
class |
CacheSettingsType |
Settings for a given cache.
class |
CachesPerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of various caches present in midPoint.
class |
CachingMetadataType |
Metadata that record when a cache copy was retrieved, the identifiers (etags) of that
copy and possibly also other data.
class |
CaseType |
class |
CharacterClassType |
Definition of valid characters in class.
class |
CheckExpressionType |
Expression used to check the data and report a user-friendly message in case
that the check fails.
class |
CommandLineScriptType |
Specifies a command to be executed on an operating system command-line.
class |
ConditionalSearchFilterType |
A filter with an expression that denotes a necessary condition for the filter to be applied.
class |
ConfirmationNotifierType |
class |
ConnectorHostType |
Host definition for remote connector, remote
connector framework or a remote "gateway".
class |
ConnectorType |
Description of a generic connector.
class |
ConstExpressionEvaluatorType |
class |
CustomAsyncUpdateSourceType |
Custom message source provided by a Java class.
class |
CustomNotifierType |
Java class for CustomNotifierType complex type.
class |
CustomTransportConfigurationType |
class |
DashboardType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Configuration Dasboard dashboard showing in GUI.
class |
DiagnosticInformationType |
A diagnostic information attached to an object.
class |
DummyNotifierType |
class |
EmptyType |
Type that contains nothing.
class |
EntryType |
Java class for EntryType complex type.
class |
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformationType |
Statistics related to performance and state of external environment, namely provisioning via connectors,
mappings (as these might contain code that invokes external systems), and notifications.
class |
EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedCollectionStatsTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedEmbeddingTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedExclusionTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedHasAssignmentTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedLogicalTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedModificationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedModificationTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedMultiplicityTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedPolicyRuleType |
Java class for EvaluatedPolicyRuleType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedSituationTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedSituationTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedStateTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedStateTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTimeValidityTriggerType complex type.
class |
EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType |
Java class for EvaluatedTransitionTriggerType complex type.
class |
EventHandlerType |
An event handler.
class |
ExpressionEvaluatorWrapperType |
Wrapper for expression evaluator.
class |
ExpressionType |
class |
ExpressionVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a variable.
class |
FileConfigurationType |
Where and how to store "file" notifications.
class |
FilterWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined explicitly by a filter.
class |
FocusType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of full midPoint computation.
class |
FormAuthorizationType |
Setting that influence how authorizations are used to display
and evaluate the form.
class |
FormDefinitionType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This part defines the actual form presentation and layout.
class |
FormFieldGroupType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A group of fields.
class |
FormFieldType |
A single form field.
class |
FormItemClientValidationType |
javascript stuff, we replace ${this} with proper input id, probably
some jQuery black magic
TODO: add event type attribute to client element for this validator
class |
FormItemServerValidationType |
Server-side validation rules.
class |
FormItemsType |
Java class for FormItemsType complex type.
class |
FormItemValidationType |
Validation rules for the item.
class |
FormType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Form definition.
class |
FunctionExpressionEvaluatorType |
Evaluates custom defined functions from Function Library
class |
FunctionLibraryType |
Define reusable functions
class |
GeneralChangeProcessorScenarioType |
A scenario for GeneralChangeProcessor.
class |
GeneralNotifierType |
Java class for GeneralNotifierType complex type.
class |
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generate value according to a policy that is associated with the property/attribute.
class |
GenericObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Generic object for storing unknown (unexpected) object types.
class |
HookListType |
class |
HookType |
class |
ImportOptionsType |
The options for import tasks.
class |
InformationPartType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually.
class |
InformationType |
TODO Replace by forms eventually
class |
ItemsProgressOverviewType |
Information on items processing (for activity state overview).
class |
JmsMessageType |
Representation of JMS message.
class |
JmsProvisioningTargetType |
JMS asynchronous provisioning target.
class |
JmsSourceType |
JMS client configuration
class |
JmsTextMessageType |
Representation of JMS text message.
class |
LensContextStatsType |
Java class for LensContextStatsType complex type.
class |
LensObjectDeltaOperationType |
class |
LimitationsType |
Definition of complexity and string policy
class |
LocalizableMessageArgumentType |
Argument that is to be used for localized message parameter.
class |
LocalizableMessageListType |
List of localizable messages, to be presented as a single message.
class |
LocalizableMessageTemplateType |
A template that produces a localizable message after argument expressions are evaluated into specific arguments.
class |
LocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
class |
LogFileContentType |
Java class for LogFileContentType complex type.
class |
LoginEventType |
Java class for LoginEventType complex type.
class |
LogSegmentType |
Segment of the logfile.
class |
LookupTableType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
An object that represents lookup table.
class |
MailConfigurationType |
Where and how to send mail notifications (or any other mail messages).
class |
MailServerConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular mail server host.
class |
ManagerSearchType |
class |
MappingEvaluationOptionsType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationOptionsType complex type.
class |
MappingEvaluationRequestType |
TODO ...
class |
MappingEvaluationResponseType |
TODO ...
class |
MappingEvaluationSourceContextType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationSourceContextType complex type.
class |
MappingEvaluationVariableType |
Java class for MappingEvaluationVariableType complex type.
class |
MappingsStatisticsEntryType |
class |
MappingsStatisticsType |
class |
MappingTimeDeclarationType |
Specification of time-based mapping constraints.
class |
MessagePropertyType |
Message property (key-value pair).
class |
ModelCompareOptionsType |
class |
ModelHooksType |
class |
MonitoredOperationsStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operations.
class |
MonitoredOperationStatisticsType |
Information about selected monitored operation.
class |
NamedValueType |
Any value (property, reference, container) along with its name.
class |
NodeType |
Node describes a single installation of midPoint.
class |
NotificationMessageAttachmentType |
Message attachment for notifications.
class |
NotificationMessageType |
XML version of Message (in notifications module).
class |
NotificationsStatisticsEntryType |
class |
NotificationsStatisticsType |
class |
NotificationTransportConfigurationType |
Configuration that is common to all notification transports.
class |
NullWorkBucketContentType |
"Null" work bucket content: does not restrict the query in any way.
class |
NumericIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as a interval of numeric values of discriminator item.
class |
ObjectActionsExecutedEntryType |
Actions executed on a given object type, with given operation (change type) and via given channel.
class |
ObjectCollectionsUseType |
Specifies a set of object collections ("views") to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
class |
ObjectCollectionType |
Object collection specification.
class |
ObjectCollectionUseType |
Specifies how a specific collection ("view") is to be displayed (used) at
a specific location in the system.
class |
ObjectDeltaOperationType |
class |
ObjectDeltaWavesType |
Java class for ObjectDeltaWavesType complex type.
class |
ObjectDeltaWaveType |
class |
ObjectReferenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Reference to an object.
class |
Objects |
Object list, to be used in import files and
class |
ObjectSynchronizationDiscriminatorType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
class |
ObjectSynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
specific type of object, e.g.
class |
ObjectTemplateType |
TODO: update
The user template used to create new users.
class |
ObjectTreeDeltasType |
Container for ChangesRequested (focus primary delta and/or projection primary deltas).
class |
ObjectType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Common supertype for all identity objects.
class |
OperationBusinessContextType |
The business context of an operation.
class |
OperationProvisioningScriptsType |
Collection of scripts to be executed for various provisioning operations.
class |
OperationProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies how and when a script is executed during provisioning.
class |
OperationResultType |
class |
OperationsPerformanceInformationType |
Information about methods performance.
class |
OrgType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Organizational unit, division, section, object group, team, project or any other form of
organizing things and/or people.
class |
ParamsType |
Java class for ParamsType complex type.
class |
PasswordLifeTimeType |
Java class for PasswordLifeTimeType complex type.
class |
PasswordResetNotifierType |
class |
PerformerCommentsFormattingType |
Instructions how to format approvers/reviewers comments before storing them into metadata.
class |
PopulateItemType |
class |
PopulateType |
class |
ProjectionObjectDeltaType |
class |
PropertyAccessType |
Java class for PropertyAccessType complex type.
class |
PropertyLimitationsType |
class |
ProportionalExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression gets IntegerStatType as an input, IntegerStatType is derived from collection.
class |
ProvisioningScriptArgumentType |
Script argument.
class |
ProvisioningScriptType |
Specifies a script to be executed during provisioning.
class |
ProvisioningStatisticsEntryType |
Statistical information on operations executed on a specified resource, dealing with given object class.
class |
ProvisioningStatisticsOperationEntryType |
Information on operations of given type and result status.
class |
ProvisioningStatisticsType |
Statistical information on operations executed on resources.
class |
ReferenceSearchExpressionEvaluatorType |
Create an expression that provides a reference based on search results.
class |
RegistrationConfirmationNotifierType |
class |
ReportDataType |
Reports outputs.
class |
ReportType |
Specification of midPoint report.
class |
RepositoryOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single repository operation kind (e.g.
class |
RepositoryPerformanceInformationType |
Information about repository performance.
class |
ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType |
Java class for ResourceCredentialsDefinitionType complex type.
class |
ResourceObjectPatternType |
Resource object pattern.
class |
ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescriptionType |
Description of the change in the external resource.
class |
ResourceType |
Resource represents a system or component external to the IDM
system which we manage.
class |
RoleType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
A role in the extended Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) sense.
class |
SchedulerInformationType |
Describes the state of the (local) scheduler.
class |
SchemaAttachedPolicyRulesType |
Why was this process started? For processes based on policy rules we define it via relevant policy rules.
class |
SchemaAttachedPolicyRuleType |
Note that the rule should be triggered.
class |
SchemaFilesType |
Java class for SchemaFilesType complex type.
class |
SchemaFileType |
Java class for SchemaFileType complex type.
class |
SchemaGenerationConstraintsType |
class |
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorConfigurationType |
Data structure that contains all the configuration details for script execution,
except for code itself.
class |
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType |
Generic script expression.
class |
SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Create an expression based on search results.
class |
SecurityPolicyType |
Object that contains definitions of overall security policy.
class |
SequenceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values.
class |
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluatorType |
Get a sequential value from a named sequence.
class |
ServiceType |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p xmlns:a="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:icfs="" xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:q="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsd="">
This object type represents any kind of abstract or concrete services or devices such as servers, virtual machines,
printers, mobile devices, network nodes, application servers, applications or anything similar.
class |
ShadowDiscriminatorExpressionEvaluatorType |
Expression based on selecting a specific projection.
class |
ShadowType |
Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning.
class |
SimpleCampaignNotifierType |
class |
SimpleCampaignStageNotifierType |
class |
SimpleCaseManagementNotifierType |
class |
SimpleFocalObjectNotifierType |
class |
SimplePolicyRuleNotifierType |
class |
SimpleReportNotifierType |
class |
SimpleResourceObjectNotifierType |
class |
SimpleReviewerNotifierType |
class |
SimpleTaskNotifierType |
class |
SimpleUserNotifierType |
class |
SimpleWorkflowNotifierType |
class |
SingleCachePerformanceInformationType |
Information about performance of a given (single) cache.
class |
SingleLocalizableMessageType |
A message that is to be localized into specified language.
class |
SingleOperationPerformanceInformationType |
Information about single method performance.
class |
SmsConfigurationType |
Where and how to send SMS notifications (or any other SMS).
class |
SmsGatewayConfigurationType |
Configuration of a particular SMS gateway.
class |
StringFilterType |
class |
StringIntervalWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined as interval of string values.
class |
StringLimitType |
Definition of valid single string limitation
class |
StringPrefixWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value prefix.
class |
StringValueWorkBucketContentType |
Work bucket content defined using string value.
class |
SynchronizationActionType |
Defines an action to take when a synchronization situation is encountered.
static class |
SynchronizationActionType.Parameters |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
class |
SynchronizationReactionType |
Reaction to a synchronization situation.
class |
SynchronizationSituationDescriptionType |
Complex description of a synchronization situation.
class |
SynchronizationType |
Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a
class |
SystemConfigurationType |
System configuration object.
class |
TaskExecutionLimitationsType |
Limitations for execution of tasks on a given node.
class |
TaskGroupExecutionLimitationType |
Limitations for execution of a task group on a given node.
class |
TaskType |
TaskType contains information about a task (either transient or persistent).
class |
TimedActionTimeSpecificationType |
By default (when the base is not specified), positive time intervals are meant "after work item start".
class |
TimeValidityNotifierType |
class |
TransformExpressionEvaluatorType |
class |
UcfChangeType |
Description of the change in the external resource at the UCF level i.e.
class |
UnknownJavaObjectType |
Type used to represent Java objects that are otherwise unknown to the system and cannot be
represented in "canonical" XML form.
class |
UserPasswordNotifierType |
class |
UserType |
User object represents a physical user of the system.
class |
ValuePolicyType |
Java class for ValuePolicyType complex type.
class |
ValueSetDefinitionType |
Definition of value set.
class |
VariableBindingDefinitionType |
Definition of variable which is bound to the property.
class |
WorkItemEscalationLevelType |
Description of an escalation level the processing is at.
class |
WorkItemEventCauseInformationType |
Java class for WorkItemEventCauseInformationType complex type.