Class MetadataComputationInput.InputDataValue

    • Method Detail

      • getPrismValue

        public PrismValue getPrismValue()
        Data value, e.g. "Jack" (prism value with metadata).
      • getRealValue

        public Object getRealValue()
        Real data value, e.g. "Jack" (String or PolyString with no metadata).
      • getMetadataSourceMap

        public Map<String,​Collection<?>> getMetadataSourceMap()
        Real values of metadata sources for this mapping. E.g. for LoA mapping (loa -> loa) here is only single entry: - key = "loa" - values = list of all LoA values for individual yields of prismValue metadata.
      • getMetadataValues

        public Collection<?> getMetadataValues()
        Values of metadata source, assuming that there is a single metadata source. A convenience method.